25 septembrie 2010
"AGENDA: Grinding America Down"
Trailerul filmului AGENDĂ: măcinaţi complet America.
“America is like a healthy body and its
resistance is
three-fold: its
patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life.
If we can undermine these three areas,
America will collapse
within.” – Joseph Stalin
goal of socialism is Communism.” – Vladimir
“All that
is necessary for the triumph of evil is that
good men do nothing.” – Edmund Burke
“You never want a serious crisis to go
to waste.” –
Rahm Emanuel
America is in extreme danger on numerous
these days – economic,
financial, and political. But underlying
all of these dangers is a far greater menace casting a
shadow over all of them, and
threatening to undermine the
essence and integrity of the nation we inherited from
our founding fathers.
America has been gradually sliding away
from its
foundation of liberty
and spiritual core for decades. However,
the so-called Great Recession has provided a oncein-
a-lifetime opportunity (i.e., crisis)
for those in power to
their dangerous agenda at warp speed. They’re
using fear to contrive a need for massive new
in every area of
society. If unchecked, their agenda will
extinguish the light of free markets and capitalism, and
you will soon no longer recognize your
Many of us have seen the moral,
spiritual, cultural,
political decline of America since the 1960s, and assumed
it was just the natural (spontaneous)
decline of a
once-great nation
– like the decline and fall of the Roman
Empire. But a new film documentary by Curtis Bowers
shows that this decline in America was
anything but natural
spontaneous. For the past 50 years, the political left
I. AGENDA: GRINDING AMERICA DOWN··························································PG.
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Donald S. McAlvany
October 2010 — P.2
America (think Communists, socialists, progressives)
has had a systematic plan or strategy
for grinding America
down, and
they have been working this plan nonstop
for over half a century. Today, they are very close to
achieving their goal of a socialist
America. Bowers’
“Agenda: Grinding America Down” explores this
strategy from Antonio Gramsci through Saul Alinsky to
Barack Obama and the White House, and
how the Communists
in America
are nearing victory if there is not a
great awakening in America – and very soon.
Curtis Bowers is among those who have
grasped the
massive deception
underway and dared to cry, “the emperor
has no clothes!” The masses believed the 1991 fall
of the Soviet Union signaled the end of
Communism as a
threat, but
Bowers shows how incredibly wrong they
were. America today is under direct siege by the forces of
socialism, Marxism and Communism – all
varying degrees
of the same
lethal ideology. You will be shocked to
learn as you watch this film that the methods being employed
are straight out of Nazi, Marxist, and
radical playbooks.
are in a political slumber and most
haven’t the faintest idea what President Obama really has
in mind with his “hope and change,” and
what he is deceptively
right in plain sight.
has produced an alarming and revealing
DVD, with many eminent people telling the frightening
story of America’s accelerating demise.
These political
deliver crucial warnings of America’s impending
collapse if the nation’s leadership and direction are
promptly changed. This
article will summarize the strategy
of the political left and key points from the “Agenda”
film. You will want to purchase it for
yourself, your
loved ones, and
fellow citizens who actually care what is
happening to America, our Constitution, and our freedom.
Your future may depend on it.
Karl Marx cleverly incorporated the
philosophies of
Nietzsche (who said God was dead) and
Charles Darwin (who said humans were just part of the
animal kingdom) to legitimize his own
Communist philosophy.
He knew
their ideas would justify the brutality
and slaughter that would be necessary to implement
Communism worldwide. Stalin put Marx’s
into action, never
deviating from his brutal march toward
world Communism.
the 20th century, more people were killed –
135 million people according to the Congressional
– than all other
centuries combined. Of these, it’s estimated
that over 90 million people died under Communist
purges vs. 20+ million under Hitler.
The whole history of
is one of mass murder. Communists were
guilty of the slaughter of more people in times of peace
than all the wars of history combined.
Communism, the
ultimate form
of socialism, is an evil, totally tyrannical system,
and it is the greatest killing machine
in all of human
Joseph Stalin understood America’s real
strength and
told America’s
enemies exactly how they must strike
America to destroy it: “America is like a healthy body and
its resistance is three-fold: its
patriotism, its morality, and
spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas,
America will collapse from within.”
History shows that Stalin’s advice was
followed, especially
when you
look at America today. The entire purpose
is to detach our culture from any moral anchors whatsoever.
Look at the changes in America since
1960 … the
whole culture has
been transformed. They have deliberately
destroyed the American family, the foundation block that
builds a society. They believe it takes
a village to raise a
(remember Hillary Clinton’s book It Takes a Village).
The village means the government.
They (socialists-Marxists-Communists)
understand the
mortar that
holds society together – and they want to destroy
it. They want change and they have
sought to subvert
and rot
every good and decent thing we believe in, because
they have a vision for a new society,
and that means the
of the old society. They basically try to say that
the state itself is ultimate, that
there’s no law higher than
state; and if there’s no law higher than the state, there’s
no appeal against it.
Bowers describes how, in the early 1990s
(at a meeting
of the
Communist Party, which he managed to get in to),
the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was
split over differences
of how
to take America down. Some wanted to continue
working toward a violent revolution, while others
wanted to focus their efforts on using
public policy to subvert
from the inside. To destroy our families, they
wanted to promote cohabitation instead of marriage;
wanted to try to get
children into government programs at
the earliest age possible; and they also said they’d like to
get behind the feminist movement
because they felt it
would be
very successful – making women discontent with
marriage and motherhood.
Betty Friedan is credited with starting the feminist
movement in this country, to make women
feel they were
victims. While
Friedan was pushing her book, Feminine
Mystique, she implied she was coming from the point of
being a frustrated housewife herself
who just wanted to be
a help
to other women. But later, in the 1990s, it came out
October 2010 — P.3
that she was, in fact, a radical
propagandist for the Communist
and a staunch supporter of Stalin. So, when
she described the American family as a “comfortable
camp,” it wasn’t
because of her experience at
it was because she was just doing her part to dismantle
our families.
To destroy business, the CPUSA wanted to get behind
the environmental movement, but in 1992
the environmental
was very modest. Even so, they thought
environmentalism was the only vehicle capable of creating
enough regulation and red tape to
discourage business
And finally, to destroy our culture of religion and
morality, they said if we can get
Americans to accept homosexuality,
they thought it would begin to extinguish
our traditional moral values. Henry Hay,
a leading member
of the
Communist Party, set up the Mattachine Society
to infiltrate the culture of the U.S. to make
normal and
Bowers remembers
thinking at the time that those
plans were not very realistic – not something he would
need to worry about in his lifetime.
But today (18 years
later), it
is unbelievable how successful they have been.
Our families are totally disintegrating; the
movement has
become the most powerful force for destroying
our free markets; and hate crimes legislation
makes it a crime to even say anything
against the homosexual
We failed to notice the incremental,
relentless march
of socialism
from day to day (or even year to year). But
when viewed from a historical perspective, the changes
are shocking. Such perspective is
provided by the book
The Naked
Communist, written in 1958 by Cleon
Skousen, a former FBI agent. The book lists 45 specific
Communist goals. Here are just a few of
them to show
how successful
the Communist agenda has been since
1958: #28: Eliminate prayer in the schools on the grounds
that it violates the principle of
“separation of church and
#40: Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage
promiscuity and easy divorce. #17: Get
control of the
schools. Use
them as transmission belts for socialism.…
#24: Eliminate all laws governing
obscenity by calling
“censorship” and a violation of free speech and
free press. #25: Break down cultural standards of
by promoting
pornography in books, magazines, motion
pictures, and TV. #26: Present homosexuality, degeneracy,
and promiscuity as “normal, natural,
healthy.” #20 &
Infiltrate the press, gain control of key positions in
radio, TV, and motion pictures. #27:
Infiltrate the
churches and
replace revealed religion with “social” religion.
Discredit the Bible. Bowers points out
that by the
1990s, the
Communists had achieved almost every single
one of their 45 goals, with virtually no one even
(i.e., like boiling
the frog slowly). For at least the last 50
years, they have been working actively behind the scenes,
in the shadows, trying to move our
people and our culture
in a
direction designed to destroy us.
After the alleged fall of Communism in the Soviet
Union in 1991, the world was led to
believe that Communism
dead. However, this was a cleverly devised strategic
deception (or disinformation) designed
to make the
West fall asleep
and lower its guard. (See Anatoliy Golitsyn’s
book New Lies for Old for a detailed explanation of
their strategy.) But what is really
There are more
Communist Party members in the
today than ever before. Right now, six countries in
Latin America are Communist. One of the
things the
Communists are
doing worldwide is not using the name
“Communist,” so what we have is people with Communist
ideas masquerading in the U.S. under a
variety of
names. They’re also
trying to get away from the word
“liberal” and call themselves “progressives.” If you go to
the CPUSA website, all of the programs
and policies they
support are
“progressive.” Leftists from hardcore liberals
to Communists to socialists all call themselves
“progressives,” and they all broadly
have the same values
and work
Whitaker Chambers
said: “Communism succeeds because
most people that promote Communist causes are
not Communists – the ‘useful idiots’
that Lenin called
them. It
gives them an air of legitimacy that they would
never have if identified with Communists and
Most people on the
left aren’t Communists – just
idiots” being used to promote a socialist agenda,
which is the first and necessary step
toward Communism.
All the
groups on the left now have the same goal – a socialist
America – and it is now within their
Karl Marx, the father of modern day
Communism, died in 1883. The assumption that Communism
would die with him was logical since
only nine people
attended his
funeral. But that same year the Fabian
Socialist Society was formed in London. The Fabian Socialists
decided they would socialize the world
They called it
“socialism by evolution” instead of
“socialism by revolution.” They worked in tandem with
the Communists – some Fabians were also
and there was
some interchange in leadership.
October 2010 — P.4
Fabians’ ominous symbol was a not-very-subtle
key to their nature: a wolf in sheep’s clothing. And
one of
the deceptive wolves
was the Irish playwright George
Bernard Shaw, who was a Fabian leader for almost 50
years. He said (in 1948): “I am a
Communist, but not a
member of
the Communist Party. Stalin is a first-rate Fabian.
I am one of the founders of Fabianism,
and as such
very friendly to
2. SDS and
Fabian seed produced U.S. offspring: Students for a Democratic
Society (SDS) and its radical left
faction, the
Underground (WU). The WU’s stated goal was
to create a clandestine revolutionary
party for the violent
of the U.S. government and the establishment
of a dictatorship of the proletariat. A leader in SDS
founder of the WU was
William Ayers, a longtime friend
and neighbor of President Obama. (Ayers directly participated
in the bombing of public buildings in
the 1960s and
’70s, and is now
a distinguished professor in the College
of Education at the University of Chicago.) Obama’s
book, Dreams from My Father, was
written by Ayers.
The Rev. Jim
Wallis, who was president of SDS when
a student at Michigan State University, is today the spiritual
advisor to the President of the U.S.
They have been
friends for
many years, going back to Chicago and the
Chicago political crowd. During the Vietnam War, Wallis
was rooting for the Viet Cong to beat
the U.S. Army –
when they did,
he was elated. He said it was one of the
happiest days of his life (move over Hanoi Jane). So,
socialist influence
reaches directly into the White
House today.
3. THE
was founded by Bolsheviks and became an outpost of
European socialism in America. Two
leading members
were Herbert
Marcuse and Franz Norton, who was a Soviet
agent. The purpose was to stand the entire educational
system of the West, and the U.S. in
particular, on its head.
the help of John Dewey (a noted progressivepopulist
educator of the early 20th century),
School intellectuals
were brought to America in 1933 and
placed in Princeton, Berkeley, and Brandeis. Their goals
were the teaching of homosexuality and
sexuality to children;
promotion of excessive drinking; and the destruction
of religion in the U.S.
The Frankfurt School developed the
concept of cultural
Marxism –
penetrate the culture. Take over the culture
and everything else will follow. They did that, and
today we have a complete cultural
revolution. Many are
with the phrase ‘make love, not war,’ which was
coined by Herbert Marcuse. They went after education
and the media, and they’ve been
successful in changing
entire worldview of Americans through what they call
“political correctness,” which is really
cultural Marxism.
Their goal
is to destroy Christianity, create chaos, and
then move from cultural Marxism to traditional Marxism.
was a neo-
Marxist philosopher
and founder of the Italian Communist
Party. He said that “we’re going to destroy the West by
destroying its culture. We’re going to
infiltrate and we’re
going to
turn their music, their art and their literature
against them.” They planned to penetrate
the universities
and write
the textbooks, the novels, the poetry, the music,
the book reviews. Once they control the
culture, then they
can shape
the thought of rising generations. He differed
with Marx. Instead of destroying the church or other
institutions, he said
infiltrate them and use them to change
the culture. Gramsci didn’t want a revolution on the
streets that could be overturned the
next day by police. He
to change society over the long term so that we’d
have a revolution without us even
realizing it.
One of Gramsci’s all-star
disciples was Saul Alinsky, one of the most influential
radicals of the 1930s to ’60s (and a
community organizer
Chicago). He worked closely with the CPUSA.
Alinsky’s book, Rules for Radicals, was the field manual
for leftist activists and
organizations. The book’s dedication
reads as follows: “Lest we forget at least an over-theshoulder
acknowledgement to the very first
radical … the
first radical
known to man who rebelled against the establishment
and did it so effectively that he at
least won his
own kingdom –
Lucifer.” Obama studied and taught Rules
for Radicals at a workshop for four years in Chicago as
the community organizer for ACORN. You
ask what
Alinsky’s impact is
on the leftist movement today – it basically
defines it. Alinsky took the best of Gramsci and
Fabian socialist ideas, combined,
repackaged, and sold
them to
’60s radicals – many of whom are now running
CLOWARD-PIVEN – After studying Alinsky,
Richard Cloward and his wife Frances Fox
Piven, came
up with what is
known today known as the Cloward-Piven
strategy. The idea is basically that to destroy society or
destroy capitalism per se, they needed
to overload the system.
everybody you possibly could on welfare, basically
milking the system in some way or
another, and increase
the tax
burden on the middle class and bring capitalism
one step closer to destruction. The Cloward-Piven
strategy says, “let’s collapse the
American economy by
so many entitlements, so much of a welfare
state that it will collapse.”
7. ACORN – Wade Rathke (draft resistance organizer
for SDS) studied the
Cloward-Piven strategy and
2010 — P.5
formed ACORN
(Association of Community Organizations
for Reform Now), the incubator for Obama. So, you
can follow the pedigree of modern day
socialism in America
in 1883, when it was nearly extinguished
following Marx’s death, to the Fabians, the Frankfurt
School, Gramsci, Alinsky,
Cloward-Piven, and ACORN,
gave us Obama. From this lineage, you will find a
connection to almost every leftwing
person and organization
Atheist Karl Marx said, “My object in
life is to dethrone
God and
destroy capitalism.” Marxist philosophy is
that people exist for the benefit of the state. God was
Marxism’s competition, so He had to be
discredited and
man deified.
Marx had the insight to see that dethroning
God and destroying capitalism went hand-in-hand. As you
attempt to dethrone God by erasing
morality in society, and
His institutions – the family and the church –
you are destroying capitalism. As families fall apart
the church loses its
influence, society starts to crumble.
Then government has to expand to pick up the pieces.
Almost all the ideas that have made
America such a
unique and
great country, our founding fathers got straight
out of the Bible. The political left
understands this. It is
that the Left has a problem with only one religion
– Biblical Christianity. They never
complain about
separation of
church and state when it comes to Islam,
Buddhism, Hinduism, or any of the other religions.
for the left, the
choice that they see very clearly is
that people are going to depend upon God or they are going
to depend upon government. They want
people to depend
government so they have to destroy faith in God.
Dictators of the Left – Hitler, Stalin,
Mao, Castro, and
all the
others – have always come to power by acting like
they’re going to “change things” to make
it better for the
people. Yet
history has shown us the devastating results
that have happened each time. There’s no example in
of big government that
didn’t abuse its power over the
people. The people who have believed in the God of the
Bible, and that their rights are a gift
from Him, have always
up for the preciousness of every human life.
Whether the Left knows it or not, their plans and goals
all be summed up very
simply: they are at war with God.
1. THE MEDIA – If you’re trying to attack,
to subvert a country,
you want to control the news, you
want to control public opinion. Generations of journalists
have been trained to interpret events,
interpret the news –
report the facts. They’ve turned from political bias to
activism. As a result we have a news
media in the U.S. that
extremely liberal – controlling not only the print, but the
television media and Hollywood. Stalin
himself said, “If I
control Hollywood, I could rule the world.”
2. EDUCATION – Children are always the first target
of anybody trying to bring down a
system. Lenin said,
“Give me
four years to teach the children, and the seed I
have sown will never be uprooted.” John
Dewey is believed
to be the
most influential man in the whole area of
public education. An atheist, socialist, and humanist,
Dewey went to Russia in 1928 to study
the hallmarks of
education and
bring them back to America. He believed
that education should socialize the child to make him a
willing tool of the state. Dewey, who
is still idolized as the
of public education in America, is the very man who
did everything in his power to dumb down
our children so
that they
would accept his vision of a socialist America.
Since the 1960s, Leftists have gotten control of the
teachers unions and universities. If
you’ve got those two
you can pretty much dictate all educational
policy. The people who were demonstrating against our
country and against our government in
the 1960s have now
tenured professors in the universities. They’re the
ones who are writing the textbooks,
teaching the teachers,
the teachers colleges. They discovered that they
could do more to remake our country by
going into the
schools than
they could by throwing bombs. And it’s selfperpetuating.
Once you have the universities, then you
train more cadres from generation to
In William
Fosters’ book, Toward Soviet America, he
has a whole chapter on how the Communists have to supplant
the education of this country and
ultimately force
every student
to attend public school. They’re training
them for the collective and dependency mindset. Thankfully,
they’re being given plenty of
competition from the
school movement – which has more than 3½ million
children in it and is growing rapidly.
There is a battle in
country for the hearts and minds of our children.
comes from a
French word for “surroundings.”
What surrounds us? Everything. Communism seeks to
impact and control everything, and it
found in the environmental
a perfect vehicle to do so. There is no
way to implement what Al Gore wants (and explained in
the last chapter of his book Earth in
the Balance) except by
of totalitarian world government.
Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace and dedicated
environmentalist, found this out too
late. To his
credit, though,
he quit Greenpeace when he realized that it
had been captured by radical leftists intent on using the
October 2010 — P.6
environmental movement as a vehicle to
destroy capitalism.
Few of his
fellow travelers have been so insightful,
and green activists of all stripes today promote the
agenda with
religious fervor, despite its often
unscientific basis, the clear evidence of fraud in such efforts
as so-called “global warming science,”
and the gross
conflict of
interest apparent in Al Gore’s profiting from
the cap-and-trade legislation he promotes in the name
the environment.
The radical left has been so successful
they have persuaded
American people to put one of their own in the
White House. Twenty percent of the U.S. Congress are
members of the Congressional
Progressive Caucus, they
chairmanships of most of the major House Committees,
and are easily the single most powerful
bloc in Congress.
virtually all of them are tied to the Democratic
Socialists or the CPUSA or other related
The Left has
started multitudes of foundations and nonprofit
organizations, many of which are using our tax dollars
to grind America down. The political
left now dominates
the U.S.
entertainment industry, the media, the educational
system, the courts, both houses of
Congress, and
the White House.
Yes, they have been very successful.
Is it too late? That depends on all of us, as we ponder
where the nation is headed. Lenin said,
“The goal of socialism
Communism.” It’s the final destination on the
road we’re traveling, and Obama and his fellow
travelers are
leading America, pied-piper-like, towards the
precipice. We need to speak up, call things what they
and make our views known.
Consider sending Curtis
DVD “Agenda: Grinding American Down” to
everyone you think will benefit from it and work to remove
our socialist leaders from office.
The foregoing review is merely a
summary and abbreviated
of the DVD – you must view, study, and
consider the implications of this very timely film! Also,
vote for true freedom and liberty
loving candidates in the
elections. Lastly, pray harder than you ever
have for America in this time of extreme socialist
In 1964, the insightful book None Dare
Call It Treason,
by this
writer’s friend John Stormer, was published.
This book pulled together what the globalists,
and Communists had
been doing for decades to bring
down America. It connected the dots and helped millions
of people with a limited understanding
of the political
of that day to really understand the times –
to see the strategy of the political left to destroy
Eight million copies
were sold, making it the best selling
political book in history. This book opened the eyes of
millions of Americans as to the attack
that our country
was under.
Many thousands of people bought the Treason
books by the dozens, hundreds, and even thousands and
gave them to friends. This writer
personally bought and
over a thousand copies of the book.
This was all occurring during the Goldwater/Johnson
presidential campaign – which the
conservatives lost and
political left won. But it was the beginning of a grass
roots awakening in America that
culminated in the sweeping
Ronald Reagan into the White House 16 years later
in 1980.
Curtis Bowers’ new film documentary “Agenda:
Grinding America Down” could have the
same impact as
John Stormer’s
book None Dare Call It Treason did 46
years earlier. It shows the long-term strategy of the
globalists, and
Communists for tearing America
(a strategy that is working). It connects the dots.
And it challenges us at this very late
hour to get involved,
to stop
the leftist juggernaut before it destroys the last
remnants of our God-given freedom.
Please view (study) this film and then
buy multiple
copies (as many
as you can) and distribute them to
friends, neighbors, business associates, and people of
you know or have
contact with. Many people are
“But what can I do?” This is something you can
do! To order, go to (where you
will see an excellent six-minute
preview of the film); call
877-527-2111; or send $21 (which includes
S&H) to Copybook Heading Productions, PO Box 231,
Huston, ID 83630. Quantity discounts
are available.
Remember, as
Edmund Burke said, “All that is necessary
for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
What are you going to do for your
country, your children,
and the future of a free America? One
thing you can do is to buy and distribute as many copies
of this DVD as possible!
DIP ...
“Based on all available evidence, it seems the American
public wants to be misled. They have
chosen ignorance
knowledge and understanding. They want to
October 2010 — P.7
believe their corrupt leaders. They want to believe that
things always work out in the long run.
They want to believe
that the
economy is about to get better. They don’t
want to think about unsustainable debt, unfunded
saving for
retirement, or Simon Cowell leaving
American Idol. Americans desperately want to be deluded
into another bubble, but there are no
evident bubbles left
to blow.
The existing American delusion is that the current
fiscal path will not lead to the utter
destruction of our
once great
“All I can say is a
big wake up call is coming. Being
down to spit and bubble gum to hold things together will
result in a big fall.” Mass Delusion –
American Style –
from the
Burning Platform
following article was written by Egon von
there will be no double dip. It will be a lot worse.
The world economy will soon go into an
accelerated and
decline, which will make the 2007 to early
2009 downturn seem like a walk in the park. The world
financial system has temporarily been
on life support by
of printed dollars that governments call money.
But the effect of this massive money printing is
since it is not
possible to save a world economy built on
worthless paper by creating more of the same. Nevertheless,
governments will continue to print
since this is the
only remedy
they know. Therefore, we are soon likely to
enter a phase of money printing of a magnitude that the
world has never experienced. But this
will not save the
World which is likely to go in to a decline lasting
at least 20 years but most probably a
lot longer.
hyperinflationary depression that many western
countries, including the US and the UK, will experience
likely to mark the end of
an era that has lasted over 200
years since the industrial revolution. A major part of the
growth in the last 100 years and
especially in the last 40
has been built on an unsustainable build-up of debt
levels. These debt levels will continue
to swell for another
few years
until the coming hyperinflation in the West
leads to a destruction of real asset values and a debt
In the last 100
years the Western world has experienced
a historically unprecedented growth in production,
in inventions and technical developments
leading to a major
in the standard of living. During the same period
government debt, as well as private
debt, have grown
leading to a major increase in inflation compared
to previous centuries.
Until the early 1970s, the growth in
credit to GDP had
been going
up gradually since the creation of the Fed in
1913. But from 1971, when Nixon abolished gold backing
of the dollar, virtually all of the
growth in the Western
has come from the massive increase in credit rather
than from real growth of the economy.
The US consumer
price index
was stable for 200 years until the early 1900s.
From 1971 to 2010, CPI went up by almost 500%. The
reason for this is uncontrolled credit
creation and money
Total US debt went from $9 trillion in 1971 to
$59 trillion today and this excludes unfunded
liabilities of
anywhere from
$70 to $110 trillion. US nominal GDP
went from $1.1 trillion to $14.5 trillion between 1971 and
2010. So it has taken an increase in
borrowings of $50
trillion to
produce an increase in annual GDP of $13 trillion
over a 40 year period. Without this
massive increase
in debt, the
US would probably have had negative
growth for most of the last 39 years.
Total US debt-to-GDP is now 380% and is likely to
escalate substantially.
The coming hyperinflationary depression
and the
credit and asset
implosion that is likely to follow will
most probably lead to the end of a 200 year era of growth
for the Western world. If only the
excesses from the 1970s
corrected, we might have a circa 20-year decline.
But more likely we will correct the era
all the way back
from the
industrial revolution in the 18th century and this
could take 100 years or more.
So, after the tumultuous and very
painful times that
we are
likely to experience in the next few years, the West
will have a sustained period of decline.
All the excesses
in the
economy and in society must be unwound. These
abnormal and unreal excesses are not just corporate
bankers, hedge
fund managers or sportsmen
$10s to $100s of millions but also a total collapse
of ethical and moral values as well as a
breakdown of the
family as
the kernel of society.
people believe and hope that this major trend
change could not happen today with all the measures
governments have at their
disposal. But very few people
that it is precisely the government interference,
controls, and regulations, as well as
money printing,
that have
created the problems in the first place. Power
corrupts, and the more pressure a government is under,
more they intervene –
because they believe that their interference
in the economy will save the country – read
Obama, or the world – read Gordon Brown.
Little do
they understand
that each interference, each regulation,
or each dollar or pound or Euro printed will exacerbate
the problems of the economy manifold
October 2010 — P.8
Governments now have two options:
continue to
spend and print
money like the US, or introduce austerity
programs like Europe. Whichever way they choose will
not matter since they have reached the
point of no return.
economy of the West cannot be saved by any
means. But governments both in the US and in Europe
will still apply the only method they
know, which is to
print money.
Very few people understand that money
printing is a
form of robbing
the citizens of their money and their
work. Money is supposed to be a medium of exchange for
goods and services equaling the value
of the good or the
produced. For example, an individual works extremely
hard to earn an annual wage of say
which he receives in
the form of paper money. The government,
due to its mismanagement and incompetence,
simultaneously prints $40,000 in order
to cover its deficits.
So the
government has by pressing a button produced
the same amount of money that a man had to work a year
for. This is what is currently taking
place all over the
world and
what will accelerate in coming months and
years, leading to a total destruction of paper money. Paper
money has completely lost its function
as a medium
of exchange or a
store of value. This is why gold
is gaining and will continue to gain value against perishable
paper that is called money.
The only reason that the US could build
up such a
major debt is that
the US dollar has been the reserve currency
of the world, and therefore the US has been able to
finance its debts and deficits
internationally. The US has
reached a point when debts have to increase dramatically
for the country just to standstill. Like
all Ponzi
schemes, this one
will also come to an end – and very
soon. The US dollar will decline dramatically and lose its
reserve status, and the US government
will be unable to
finance its
deficit in any market. This process will lead to
endless money printing, collapsing
treasury bonds
higher interest rates) and the dollar becoming
worthless in a hyperinflationary black hole.
Let us just reiterate that
hyperinflation arises as a
of money printing, leading to a currency collapse,
and not from demand pull. The slight
that we are
experiencing currently is a prerequisite for
hyperinflation. The fear of a deflationary implosion
induces governments to print money,
leading to a collapsing
which historically has always been
the cause of hyperinflation.
Real M3 (source: Shadow Government Statistics) is
falling at an unprecedented rate. This
is the precursor to
decline, quantitative easing, and inflation.
Many “experts” make the analogy between the
period in Japan
since the 1990s and the US today.
In our view, the US is in a totally different situation for
the following reasons:
In the early 1990s, Japan could still
export their production
to the
rest of the world.
In the
current downturn, all countries (even China and
India) will suffer, and there will be no one to export
the problems to.
The ability to export made Japan a
creditor nation
with major
payment surpluses. The US is a major
debtor, and has been for 25 years.
Japan had a very high personal savings ratio at the
time (which has now disappeared). The
US has had a
declining savings
rate for years (the US savings rate is
now going up, which it always does in a downturn).
The balance of payments and the
personal savings
made it possible for Japan to finance their
budget deficit without resorting to QE. Very soon, the
US will only be able to finance its
deficits with QE,
and so will
most of the rest of the Western world.
Japanese unemployment was 2% in 1992, and it went
slowly up to 5% by 2000, where it is
now. Real US
unemployment is
22% and increasing.
Many major
sovereign states are now virtually bankrupt,
and the financial system is on life support. This was
not the case in the 1990s.
The above are some of the reasons why
the current
US situation is
totally different from that of Japan. QE
will accelerate in the US and worldwide.
What will make this process so much more
than the world has
ever experienced is that the same development
is likely to take place in many countries around
the world simultaneously. It will most
probably happen in
the UK, the
rest of the EU, and most other European nations.
Due to the total interdependence of the
world financial
system, it
will be difficult to forecast which countries
can withstand the coming worldwide tsunami of money
printing, but many Asian countries
probably stand a good
October 2010 — P.9
Can we be wrong in our forecast of a
Yes, of course we can. But the alternative
can only be a deflationary collapse, which would be
to helicopter Ben
Bernanke and deficit demagogue
Obama, as well as most other governments.
Conventional wisdom and most experts say
that we
will not have
inflation, but deflation. The problem with
most conventional wisdom is that it is only conventional
– without an ounce of wisdom. When have
world’s so-called
experts, politicians, etc. ever been
right on the current crisis? They will be wrong again
this time.
The “conventional wisdom experts” also say that it
will be years before we can see
inflation or hyperinflation.
our view it can happen a lot faster. The world economy
is resting on a foundation of
matchsticks. All that is
is a change in confidence or psychology for this
fragile foundation to crumble. Falling
currencies, rising
yields, and falling stock markets could very
quickly result in a vicious and fast-spinning
circle. The
frailties of the financial system
could make this happen like a flash fire.
Banks and the financial industry have
throughout history
existed in
order to finance production and trading of
goods. But in the last 100 years, and especially in the
20-30 years, it has
become a major industry in its own
right – and an important but unproductive part of the
economy in many countries. Today, the
financial industry
is, to a
great extent, involved in trading for its own and its
clients’ accounts, creating a raft of
obscure instruments
benefit only the banks, and finance consumption
rather than investment. All of these areas are totally
and the only
beneficiaries are the participants
in the financial industry.
The rewards have been absolutely astronomical. In
investment banking, hedge funds, and
private equity in
the most massive wealth has been created.
Many players have become billionaires or created fortunes
of tens to hundreds of millions of
dollars in the last 10-15
just by shuffling money around. In the past, fortunes
were created by building factories and
But today, any
normal employee working in Wall Street
or the city in London will, by just showing up to work,
make hundreds of thousands to millions
of dollars.
This is the proof
of a world totally out of balance,
when people dealing in money become the richest segment
of society. Since this activity
contributes very
little to the
prosperity of a nation (but very much to its
participants), it is not sustainable. The biggest
why it exists is the
massive amount of money that governments
have created or printed, and the fact that the financial
industry has developed into a fractal
wealth creation
machine for
the benefit of its participants.
For the last 40 years in particular, the rich are getting
richer and the average person has seen
very little increase
in real
income. In the US, the real annual income of the
bottom 90% of US families has increased
by only 10%
since 1970. And in
the expansion between 2002 and 2007,
median US household income dropped $2,000. The perceived
increase in wealth for the majority of
derives from an
increase in their debt level, not
from an increase in real earnings. So the improvement
in living standards that the average
American and
many other
Western countries have enjoyed in the last
40 odd years is primarily based on debt – debt that can
never be and will never be repaid with
normal money.
On the other
hand, management has achieved a major
increase in income and wealth. In 1973, chief executives
in the US earned 26 times the median
income. Today,
they earn 300
times. This enormous widening of the gap
between the top few percent in society and the masses is
morally and socially unacceptable. When
the bad times
start in
earnest, this is likely to lead to major social unrest
and violence directed against the
For a
major part of 2010, the focus has been on the
problems within the EU, starting with Greece, then
Portugal, Italy, etc.
The problems in Europe and the European
financial system are major, and will lead to massive
money printing. Although the problems
in Europe are
very serious,
the US economy is in a much worse state.
The diversion of the focus away from the problems in the
US economy onto Europe has suited the
US Administration
It can hardly be a coincidence, for example,
that US rating agencies downgraded the sovereign debt
Greece and Spain on the
same days Treasury auctions
held. But the problems in the US economy are deteriorating
at a rapid rate; factory orders,
consumer confidence,
home sales, retail sales, and the Economic
Cycle Research Institute (ECRI) index are all falling more
than expected, and real unemployment,
personal bankruptcies
will exceed 1.6 million in 2010), the trade
deficit, and state and federal deficits are all
The ECRI index is
an important leading indicator. It
has now fallen for 10 straight weeks.
There are three insurmountable problems in the US
economy that are of a magnitude and
gravity which can
only be
remedied by money printing:
2010 — P.10
1. Federal and
state deficits will soon escalate at an
exponential rate. The US Federal debt has increased
from $8 trillion in 2006 when Bernanke
took office to
soon $14
trillion. Many forecasts expect this debt to
go up to nearer $20 trillion in the next 5 years. In
view it will be
substantially higher. Add to that interest
rates of 15% or higher, and the American people
will work just to pay taxes that don’t
even cover the
payments on the federal debt. This is why the
US will either default or, more likely, print unlimited
amounts of money.
2. The real unemployment rate is now
22%. Since
2007, over eight
million Americans have lost their
jobs, and it will get a lot worse. Non-farm unemployment
in the 1930s reached 35% and we would
this level to be
reached in the next few years.
The financial system is bankrupt. Banks are failing
at a much faster rate than last year. In
the first seven
months of
2010, circa 110 banks have failed. More
seriously, the assets of the failed banks are worth only
an estimated 30-50% of their balance
sheet value.
Banks are valuing
their toxic debt at phony values
with the blessing of the government. But even debt
that today is considered safe will soon
turn toxic, with
the consumer
coming under enormous financial pressure.
Add to that the OTC derivatives held by US
banks of at least $400 trillion. A big
percentage of
these are
worthless, and there are virtually no reserves
to cover potential losses.
Within the next few years, the three areas above are
likely to result in the biggest money
printing program in
history, and simultaneously lead the US (and many
other countries) into the abyss.
There has probably never been a period
in world history
that has
caused the amount of wealth destruction that
we are likely to see in the next few years. If we are
in our assumption that
the West will see a correction of
the excesses of the last circa 40 years, but more probably
of the last 200 years since the start
of the industrial revolution,
could see a total annihilation of the assets that
have been fueled by the credit bubbles.
The spike in asset
values in
the last 100 years, which is unprecedented in
history, is likely to be corrected by a waterfall that
start at any time. [End
of Egon von Greyerz article.]
America (and most of the globe) is
descending into an
firestorm, the likes of which we have
never experienced – not even in the depths of the Great
Depression. And accompanying this
gargantuan financial
crisis is
the biggest socialist expansion and seizure of
power since the rise of the Bolshevik revolution in
or the National
Socialist (Nazi) juggernaut of the 1930s.
This issue of MIA has attempted to articulate the
extent and severity
of the political and financial danger
facing America today. The approaching storm is no
ordinary storm – it is a perfect storm
of three converging
waves: an economic collapse, a financial meltdown,
and a socialist seizure of political
power in the midst of
In the extraordinary
convulsions that are approaching,
ordinary defensive strategies may be for the most part
This writer now
strongly believes that maverick
Americans (or foreign readers) should have at least 50%
of their portfolio in physical gold and
silver (preferably
bullion coins or semi-numismatic coins) – with a
portion of those metals held outside the
country of your
residence. We
have written often over the years of how
these metals can be acquired and stored either domestically
or abroad. Call International
Collectors Associates
for more
information on same (800-525-9556).
The present price of gold and silver (over $1,270 and
near $21 at this writing) is
inconsequential. MIA believes
economic/financial/political perfect storm which is
approaching will propel gold and silver
to multiples of
prices. But more importantly, they will protect
your net worth (as they have been doing for the past
If you have followed
our counsel, you are already
By way of contrast,
have stocks, bonds or real estate
been protecting Americans’ net worth over the past decade?
You know the answer! And that trend
will also continue
accelerate over the next 3-5 years. Please, dear
readers, do not be complacent about your
freedom or your
finances. The
danger is real and growing! Please think and
pray about what you should be doing to protect yourself
and your family. The storm is
CARE?” – I was overwhelmed by
the many responses we
from readers encouraging me that MIA has really
helped them a lot to navigate through
the minefield and
understand the times. I was very encouraged! I wasn’t
planning to quit – I just wanted to know
if anyone was
October 2010 —
listening? I have my
answer! Thank you very much! I
“stay the course”!
on Curtis Bowers’ DVD, “Agenda: Grinding America
Down,” in this issue, don’t miss the
enclosed flyer
with ordering
details. This is truly one of the most important
works on this subject in many decades.
Be sure to
share it with your
family and friends.
watchmen are blind – they are all ignorant, they
are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark.”
Isaiah 56:10
During the
American Revolution, Christians, and especially
pastors, were in the forefront of the fight for
freedom, and
liberation from tyranny. These pastors
were not afraid to risk their lives, their reputations, and
everything they had to take a stand for
God and country –
and against
the evils of their day. Some were imprisoned,
impoverished and even hanged for “treason” against the
This is a far cry from our pastors and Christian leaders
of today, who have zero understanding
of the times in
which we live
or discernment regarding the rising tide of
evil in our country; are indifferent and complacent toward
this evil; or do understand it but do
not have the courage
or guts
to speak out against it.
we are considering the murder (via abortion)
of over one and a half million babies per year;
marriage; the
declaration by Barack Obama of June,
2010 as National Gay/Lesbian Month; restrictions on the
free speech of Christians – some of
which is now being
labeled as
“hate speech” or “hate thought”; school sex
education, which teaches that gay lifestyles are viable
(even desirable) alternatives to
heterosexuality; and so
more – the response from 99% of American pastors
is resounding silence! Are they so
stupid as to not discern
is happening in America; have they bought into the
left’s “separation of church and state”
propaganda; are
they afraid to
offend church members by being “political”
and possibly see church attendance or financial support
decline; or are they afraid of losing
their tax exempt status
intimidated by the government)? This writer would
guess some or all of the above. It’s
called “Christian pacifism.”
writer recently spent several hours in the Holocaust
Museum at the Imperial War Museum in
London. A
very sobering
experience and a sad illustration of the religious
leaders of Germany in the 1930s and ’40s
Catholic and
Protestant) either turning a blind eye to the
great evil of the Third Reich, or actually supporting
regime from its rise to
power in 1933, until 1942 – when
its great evil was no longer possible to deny or condone.
As Curtis Bowers (a strong Christian
and conservative)
in a very sobering new film documentary,
“Agenda: Grinding America Down,” the political left
(which now dominates the U.S.
government, courts, educational
system, the media, entertainment industry, etc.) is
at war with Christianity – is indeed, at
war with God. If
you want to
see the practical outcome of this Communist/
Socialist war against Christianity, consider the
Communist regime in
China and its war against Christianity.
In that country, serious Bible believing Christians are
persecuted, imprisoned, tortured, and
sometimes executed.
But the
Chinese Communists are as shortsighted as the
rulers of the Russian Empire – not understanding that
Christ-centered Christianity flourishes under
persecution. Hence, the real Chinese Christian Church,
with over 100 million participants, has
been driven underground
where it functions in low profile, home churches
and is growing rapidly. The Communists
cannot stop it.
(And yes,
Christians are violating “the law of the land” in
favor of a “higher law.”)
But, in China, there is also the
“official,” politically
state sanctioned and controlled, “Three Self
Church” – which preaches the Communist government
line and is devoid of any real, life
changing spiritual content.
that where the American Christian Church is
headed in our new Socialist dispensation, with most
toeing the government
party line – politically correct,
never speaking out against the evils of our day, and giving
only a watered down message approved by
the regime in
power? It
happened in Nazi Germany, it’s happened in
China. Will it also happen in America?
This writer recently read an interesting
article entitled
Sheep” by Coach Dave Daubenmire (in, Sept. 2, 2010) which discussed the
500,000 Christians and patriots who
recently gathered in
at Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally.
Discussing how weak, effeminate, and irrelevant the
Christian gospel (and most pastors) in
America have become
Daubenmire raised the question as to how
many of America’s pastors were at Beck’s rally? His
was probably few to
As the coach wrote,
“Christianity teaches Jesus
‘I am the way, the truth, the life, no one comes to
the Father but by me.’ And is the only
answer to our probOctober
— P.12
lems. But this
commentary is about America’s pastors and
how watered down and irrelevant their message of
has become in our
day. America is filled with hungry,
wandering sheep today – led by clueless shepherds
who neither understand the evils of our
day, nor are willing
to speak
out or take a stand against these evils. [ED.
NOTE: Shades of Nazi Germany in the 1930s and ’40s.]
“I have had the opportunity to speak at
many local
Tea Parties. I
have been telling anyone who will listen that
the answers to America’s problems are spiritual and
– and that the Tea
Parties are composed of wandering
sheep who are looking for a shepherd. Unfortunately, the
shepherds are all hiding inside their
stained glass fortresses,
protected from the battle – cooing that religion
and politics don’t mix. All the while,
the sheep they
should be
leading are wandering in search of a leader.
“At Tea Party meetings, I listen to the applause and
the cheers as I talk about moral issues
and a return to our
culture. The values that Christianity professes
are what the Tea Party folks want taught
to their children.
They sense
that somehow they have lost their country, and
they want to reclaim it so that they can pass America,
her values, on to their
“But the
cowardly pastors are nowhere to be found.
Go to any local Tea Party and ask for a show of hands.
Rarely will you find a pastor in
attendance.... Meanwhile,
sheep are wandering, cheering on the ‘political gospel,’
trusting in Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck
to deliver
them from the
shackles of the Obama Administration.
Glenn Beck and his ‘gospel of the Constitution’ gives
them more hope for the problems that
face America than
they hear coming from their cowardly pastors in
their pulpits.”
The Coach goes on to say that many of the millions of
Tea Party folks have stopped going to
church, or only go
out of
duty. “Sick of being dumbed down, or told that
they must not bring their politics (views) into the
they seek nourishment
for their troubled souls elsewhere.
And after a while, the food they are receiving from Beck
and his TV guests satisfies their
hunger and provides an
in which to engage in the battle. America is in the
condition she is in, not because of the
politicians, but because
the pastors, who are inadvertently helping to
dumb down tens of millions of American Christians.
“Pastors don’t want to lead the sheep
and they aren’t
interested in
following them. It seems to me that they only
want to tame them. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad
news pastors, but the sheep are out of
the pen. You have
not done
your job. Glenn Beck is rounding them up for
you.” [ED. NOTE: This entire article is worth reading
and pondering.]
In the Bible’s Old Testament, there are
dozens of references
to the
shepherds (priests, pastors, prophets) leading
the people astray, dumbing them down, telling them
what they want to hear – that there was
peace, when in
reality there
was no peace, and that the “good times”
would continue when, in reality, destruction was approaching.
Jeremiah 50:6 says “My people have been
sheep; their Shepherds
have led them astray....” And
8:10-11 says: “... prophets and priests alike, all
practice deceit. They dress the wound of
my people as
though it were
not serious. Peace, peace they say when
there is no peace.” Isaiah 56:11 says, “They are Shepherds
who lack understanding....”
These passages also describe Germany’s
leaders as the great
evil of Nazism engulfed Europe in the
1930s and ’40s, and many of American religious leaders
in our day, as anti-God Socialism
engulfs America.
Here is a
test for your pastor: after watching a copy of
Curtis Bowers’ DVD documentary, “Agenda: Grinding
America Down,” if you like it and agree
with it, buy a
copy for your
pastor, encourage your pastor to view it, to
give you his reaction, and, if it strikes a nerve, to
speak on
it from the pulpit.
His response will tell you a lot!
And finally, as we observe the accelerating pace at
which the foundations are crumbling in
America, all of us
(not just
pastors) should remember that (as Edmund Burke
warned): “All that is necessary for evil to triumph, is
good men (and women) do
And that is the
bottom line!
Information, Mail Problems
McAlvany Intelligence Advisor
Box 84904
Phoenix, AZ 85071
Editor Offices
The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor
P.O. Box 84904
Phoenix, AZ 85071
The McAlvany Intelligence Advisor (reflecting its editor, Don
McAlvany) is pro-U.S. Constitution;
pro-Biblical, traditional,
family values; diametrically opposed to all forms of racism,
violence, hate, or violation of any U.S.
laws (local, state, or
and in no way involved in the tax resistance, militia, or
sovereign citizens movement in the U.S.
Selling of this newsletter is
violation of all copyright laws and is strictly forbidden.
Gold, Silver, and Rare Coin Brokerage
& Consultation – International Collectors Associates – 800-525-9556
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Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO
Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."
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" - Hai, ţaţo, la Union ! " Am aşteptat cu postarea ca sa fiu sigur că Traian Băsescu nu va veni la şuşa de lansare a ...
Teatrul Est-Vest I: Scheletul NOM - crize care îndreaptă regiunile spre Guvernul Unic Mondial Exemplele care urmează arată cum actorii N...
Am găsit un text semnat de Aurelian Pavelescu, în revista Europa , nr.8/1990, editată de PnL. Aurelian Pavelescu era directorul public...
Legea care permite achiziţionarea de terenuri agricole în România de către străini a fost returnată la parlament de Băsescu, pentru reexam...
5 comentarii :
Oare vin si pe la noi globalistii?
La conferinta de mai jos :
care are un titlu frumos,va tine un speech si un mare globalist de prin anul 2002!-1.pdf
Foarte ciudata alaturare.
Mai degrabă pune accentul pe liberul schimb, care a aparut de pe vremea Drumului Mătăsii.
Dacă statul sau organizaţii suprastatale nu s-ar amesteca şi în chestiunile culturale, nu ar fi probleme.
Oricum, atenţie, este un libertarian, nu un conservator. Niciodată să nu pierdem din vedere diferenţa.
Libertarienii sunt dispuşi la experimente economico-sociale (nu că n-ar fi bune, unele dintre ele), pe când conservatorii caută să adapteze procesele la societate, nu societatea la dogmele unora şi altora.
Are şi site:
Comentariul tau de sus are foarte mult bun simt si exprima esenta:
globalizarea vine singura datorita dezvoltarii comertului,culturii, comunicatiilor,transporturilor etc si reprezinta vointa si gandirea societatii ,a oamenilor.
Conservatorii adapteaza procesele la societate,pas cu pas si controlat ca sa nu produca leziuni, pe cand libertarienii intai fac experimentul si apoi trag concluzii chiar daca au rezultat distrugeri
Multumesc pentru clarificari !
Despre site : deocamdata ma abtin sa comentez.Observ doar ca domnul poarta ghiul
Nu este un site esanţial. Ghiulul poate fi un însemn (blazon, apartenenţa la o "frăţie", etc).
Aha, am inteles....
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