Ce "scandalul poneiului roz", avem aici un exemplu despre cum "trebuie" să arate arta modernă, "angajată politic":
Probabil că pentru "imparţialitate" autorul (brazilian) i-a introdus în seria Inimigos (Duşmani/Inamici) pe Ahmadinejad şi pe Lula da Silva.
2 comentarii :
Idiotii utili:
"Communists are doing worldwide is not using the name
“Communist,” so what we have is people with Communist
ideas masquerading in the U.S. under a variety of
names. They’re also trying to get away from the word
“liberal” and call themselves “progressives.” If you go to
the CPUSA website, all of the programs and policies they
support are “progressive.” Leftists from hardcore liberals
to Communists to socialists all call themselves
“progressives,” and they all broadly have the same values
and work together.
Whitaker Chambers said: “Communism succeeds because
most people that promote Communist causes are
not Communists – the ‘useful idiots’ that Lenin called
them. "
Fragmentul citat este chiar din postarea de mai jos, care este EXCEPTIONALA-si reprezinta esenta chinurilor prin care trece lumea de azi !
Trebuie neaparata sa fie tradusa !
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