... but not for long |
Iată-i coparticipanţi la un demers care cere respingerea noului ambasador american la UE (desemnat de Donald Trump), pe care îl descriu drept "un personaj ostil (UE)". Să vedem rezultatul, şi ce va face Trump în cazul respingerii. În locul lui aş lăsa locul vacant pe toată durata mandatului prezidenţial, după ce l-aş re-desemna pe Malloch după o eventuală respingere care apoi ar fi repetată. "Conservatorii" care au acceptat în ECR pseudopartidul Macoveicii (M10)...
The Guardian:
European parliament leaders call on EU to reject Trump's likely ambassador pick
Exclusive: Heads of parliament’s main political parties issue unprecedented call opposing Ted Malloch, who likened his goal to ‘bringing down the Soviet Union’
The European parliament’s main political parties are making an unprecedented attempt to block Donald Trump’s likely choice as ambassador to the European Union from EU buildings, describing him as hostile and malevolent.
In a startling move that threatens a major diplomatic row, the leaders of the conservative, socialist and liberal groups in Brussels have written to the European commission and the European council, whose members represent the 28 EU states, to reject the appointment of Ted Malloch.
Malloch, a businessman who stridently supported Brexit ahead of the vote in June, is said to have been interviewed for the post by Trump. [...]
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