06 aprilie 2021

Se-ncinge treaba

[...] for Russia and the Russian People, war “now” is preferable to war later

 World War is likely to break out in four weeks.


Ukraine Officially Opens its Air Space to NATO Aircraft

The Kiev entity has officially opened its airspace for NATO surveillance planes and other activities hostile to the Russian Federation and the Donbass republics


BREAKING NEWS: Iran announces NATO-KILLER Missile

The Islamic Republic of Iran today announced its support for Russia in the event the Donbas (Ukraine) is attacked.  It also announced a new Iranian Missile with capabilities hit strike NATO Capitals in Europe, should war erupt between NATO and Russia.

The Iranian announcement was simple and brief.

No big speeches.  No big displays.  Just a new missile which, from their announcement, can reach ALL of Ukraine . . .  and most NATO nations.

The sides are forming-up fast.

World War is likely to break out in four weeks.


BBC "Broadcast" SIMULATES Nuclear War Between NATO & Russia from January 2018 -- Mentions Syria and Ukraine as Basis for Start of the war

Back in January of 2018, I came across what some people might think of as "Predictive Programming;" A BBC (SIMULATED) broadcast about troubles between NATO and Russia and how, within an HOUR, it became full scale nuclear war.  The video appears below.

I recall at the time being utterly stunned that the BBC would even take time to produce something like this, never mind let it get out to the public.  I talked about it on my radio show at the time.

With all the troubles presently brewing in Ukraine, this came to my mind again, and I watched it (in full) today.  The similarities to what is taking place IN REAL LIFE RIGHT NOW are eerie.  Maybe a bit too eerie.   I find myself wondering (again) if this isn't "predictive programming?"

Some people are of the view that "evil" must tell you what it's going to do before it does it.  I'm not sure if that's true.

Yet with developments in Ukraine, the massing of over 100,000 Ukraine troops, the counter-massing of over 100,000 Russian troops, the massing of 450 Ukraine tanks, the counter-massing of more than 1,000 Russian tanks, the massing of over 800 artillery guns by Ukraine and the counter-massing of ten times that by Russia, it seems clear to me the pieces are now actually in-place for this BBC "simulation" to become reality.


Within a couple very short minutes, the "CODE RED" alert gets triggered, indicating the detonation of nuclear bombs within 90 SECONDS.

Then the broadcast goes suddenly off-air as London is presumably destroyed by a nuke blast. Everyone is on their own.  No help. No food, no water, no medicines . . . just destruction.

If you get a chance, watch this.  Compare it to what is ACTUALLY TAKING PLACE in the world right now!



War Between Russia And Ukraine Is Inevitable: Opinion

The situation in Eastern Ukraine is critical. Russia and Ukraine are on the brink of an open armed conflict. In this context, many military experts suggest their opinions and forecasts on the military developments in the region. The position of famous warlord Igor Strelkov is definitely one that deserves special attention.

His analysis is very valuable for predicting the situation and simulation of possible developments.

    “At the end of the day:

    1. The war between Russia and Ukraine is inevitable, but at the moment (in April), it is very likely;
    2. For Russia and the Russian People, war “now” is preferable to war later;
    3. The USA now will not fight for Ukraine with 99% probability;
    4. Comments were disabled, I will not answer clarifying questions in private messages.” – Strelkov wrote in Telegram and Vkontakte.

On April 4, he published a post on his Telegram channel reflecting his opinion on the current situation in Eastern Ukraine. There were 3 main ideas:

The first one was that the war between Russia and Ukraine is inevitable, but at the moment (in April), it is very likely.

Many military experts agree with his opinion about state of affairs in the region.

The development of the current political situation in Russia, whatever directions it would move in, sooner or later will lead to an armed conflict with Ukraine. No matter which side would instigate the conflict. If the power remains in the hands of the so-called “Putin’s team”, the conflict will develop according to the current scenario and, as a result, most likely it will dissolve into armed one in short or mid terms. Even in case of radical changes in Russia and the coming to power of pro-Western opposition, the escalation would not be avoided. The Ukrainian military thought is based on the core ideas of deoccupation of the Eastern regions and taking control, in its further advance, over a good part of Russian territory. For example, it is referring to the Rostov, Krasnodar and even Volgograd regions. Thus, the weakening of Russia as a result of internal political turmoils may lead to the decision of the current Ukrainian leadership to start a major military operation in the regions with strategic goal to give checkmate to the Russian Federation.

Secondly, for Russia and the Russian People, war “now” is preferable to war later.

Igor Strelkov adheres to this position throughout the entire conflict in Ukraine. The longer the conflict drags on, the more the nationalist regime that came to power in Ukraine strengthens. At the same time in Russia, the so-called “Crimean effect”, i.e. social excitement, build-up caused by Russian geopolitical successes in 2014-2016, is weakening. In previous years, this phenomenon contributed to increase the level of support for the Putin’s government.

Today, when the conflict in Eastern Ukraine has been persisting for 7 years, any attempts to settle it peacefully are ineffective. Considering the complicated political situation in Russia, there are no signs that the current government has found a recipe to prevent further internal deterioration. Thus, the longer the hot phase of the conflict would be postponed, the worse the conditions of the Russian side would be.

In its turn, the hot phase of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine may become a kind of medicine necessary for Moscow that would be used as an internal unifying factor.

Thirdly, the USA now will not fight for Ukraine with 99% probability.

Firstly, one should take into account the current domestic political situation in the United States, where a transitional period with the new government is taking place. A participation in a military conflict is possible only if there are threats to a key ally of the Americans, which Ukraine is not.

Secondly, the global foreign policy situation is not favorable for the deployment of US forces far beyond the country’s borders. The Biden administration must first of all confront the growing global influence of China, which is also likely to be indirectly involved in the military conflict in Ukraine, for example, through financial support. On April 2, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov received Zhang Hanhui, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to the Russian Federation. The exact topics that were discussed during the negotiations were not unveiled, but it is not difficult to assume that the military escalation in the Donbass region became part of the talks.

At the same time, the position of the United States in the Middle East is not stable. The Biden administration is actively working to regulate the relations with key partners in the region, developing its position on the main issues, including the Iranian nuclear deal, the Syrian crisis, the situation in Iraq, etc.

At the moment, Washington has a number of problems of paramount importance for maintaining its global influence, which does not allow it to openly intervene in the approaching war in Ukraine. However, in the near future, in a year or more, the Biden administration will strengthen US positions in key regions. Nothing will be able to contain it.


6 comentarii :

Anonim spunea...

Chiar nu-i pot intelege pe rusi sau pe ukrainieni ! In WWII rusii ai numeau pe ucrainieni banditi , kulaci si tradatori ai cauzei marxist -leniniste iar Stalin...a injumatatzit pur si simplu poporul ukrainian prin foametea declansata acolo dupa ce tipii de la NKVD le-au luat alora si ultimele boabe de grau sau porumb din hambare , inclusiv din cele de stat . Pe la mijlocul WWII erau fratii ucrainieni { Nikita Sergheevici Hrusciov fiind Comandantul unei Mari Divizii de Partizani ce-a dat destul de furca Wermachtului } iar azi...sant numiti simplu : NATIONALISTI UKRAINIENI .Despre frictiunile dintre rusi si ucrainieni iti vei da instantaneu seama vizionand un film : NOI CEI DIN VIITOR 1 si 2 .Eu personal am considerat INTOTDEAUNA ca , rusii sant mult prea aproape de noi { in sensul rau al cuvantului } pentru a indraznii sa-i calcam pe coada . " Ajutorul " pe care , PROBABIL ni-l va da NATO...sa fim seriosi , cine dracu pompeaza banii in ceva ce nu-i sigur !?

Anonim spunea...

Mi-a placut chestia de la My Angry Rants , aia cu " rapirea " de la Chisinau ! O chestie din care , inclusiv astia de pe la institutiile alea de inteligence romanesti , ar putea trage oarece invataminte daca ne amintim cati nemernici ce-au facut nefacute p'aci si plini de banii furati in Romania in afara granitelor tarii au ajuns VIP-uri si deci oameni onorabili si de toata isprava si nimeni vreodata { ma refer la ...astia din CSAT }, nu s-a gandit sa-i aduca inapoi legati burduf { asta , lasand la o parte faptul ca...cu multe tari avem tratate de extradare sau macar colaborare in domeniul Justitiei } si sa-i prezinte judecatorilor cu propunerea de arestare pentru minim 100 de ani plus lasarea alora doar cu izmenele de pe ei . Intrebarea mea este : cum mortii ma-sii s-a gandit Ciaus , om cu oarece pregatire scolara adica , avand minim patru clase ca , taman in Rep. Moldova se va afla la adapost de bratul lung al legii alora de la Kiev ?

Anonim spunea...

La DUDA ZILEI ... ma-ntreb cum dracu de le-a dat astora asemenea gogomanie prin mintea capului ? 1] Romania este STAT LAIC...conform acelei hartii numita pompos CONSTITUTIE . 2 ] BOR este { indiferent de sondaje } incepand de anul trecut la cel mai scazut nivel de incredere din partea romanilor si chiar nu este facuta vreo diferentza intre institutia ca atare si slujbasii ei .3 ] Cum sa-ndraznesti sa faci asa ceva , mai ales dupa scandalurile cu...alde Teodosie si in ciuda faptului ca , si BOR in interiorul ei ca institutie si credinciosii intre ei , sant divizati cum n-au fost niciodata ...nici macar pe vremea comunistilor ??? Pai nu zicea bine ala cand spunea : FIR-ATI AI DRACULUI CU BISERICA VOSTRA CU TOT !? Intrebare Riddick : TE-AI VACCINAT TU SI NEAMUL TAU ? IN CAZ CA...NU INCA , TE-AI VACCINA DACA AI AVEA OCAZIA ???

Riddick spunea...

Aia cu foametea e controversată, se pare că a fost iniţiativa unor factori ucraineni locali. Sau nu tocmai ucraineni dar... nici tocmai ruşi (ci... hmhm... "înţelegi mata, ce"). Că mai apoi nu s-a raportat şi nu s-au luat măsuri decât când s-au ivit cazuri de canibalism (mai ales copii tranşaţi şi mâncaţi, mai mult sau mai puţin "gătiţi"), e partea a doua. Nu chiar "înjumatăţire", dar pierderi semnificative, printre care şi ruşi.

Ciaus miza pe ceva, se pare ca preşedinţia... Dodon i-a refuzat azilul, acum cerut în instanţă, care urma sa se pronunţe. Am impresia că Ciaus are legături cu clica Plahotniuc, şi de-aia venise în MD.

Nu, nu m-aş vaccina, şi nu m-am vaccinat. Nici prin neam, din câte ştiu (doar vreo doi-trei ziceau că "poate ar face-o").

Riddick spunea...

"iniţiativa unor factori ucraineni locali"

De la nivelul Sovietului RSS Ucrainene, nu "etnic/i ucraineni". E clar şi cunoscut că abia apoi Centrul a aprobat "prelevarea forţata a cotelor (agricole)".

Riddick spunea...

Foametea din 1946-1947 din Moldova ("partea românească") a fost stimulată de sovietici peste consecinţele secetei din 1945 şi crizei recoltării parţiale din 1944 (era război "la câmpie"). Frontul Plugarilor şi PCR, ca partide guvernamentale, organizau "distribuirea de ajutoare" ca propaganda electorală. Se foloseau şi conserve tip raţie militară, de la Ajutorul American.

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Marga, 1995 ("Filosofia Unificării Europene"): "Identificările etnice ale românilor sunt în mare parte tradiţionale. Acestea caută să abată atenţia de la problemele concrete ale prezentului şi de la nevoia modernizării instituţionale spre abstracţiunile trecutului. Pentru mulţi intelectuali este limpede că naţionalismul, prin demagogia sa, generează stagnarea şi degradarea ce favorizează doar grupuri sociale incapabile să se adapteze lumii moderne. Intrarea în noua Europă, nu doar geografic, ci şi instituţional şi cultural presupune mai mult decât o alegere, presupune o schimbare a modului de gândire, de asumare, pe lângă devizele paneuropene, a unei abordări europene, o abordare disponibilă la compararea performanţelor, orientată spre modernizare şi având ca perspectivă unitatea europeană". 


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