TRU - corespondenţă pentru Radio Europa Liberă:
O statistică foarte proaspătă spune că elevii englezi de până la 14 ani sunt în mare parte semi-analfabeţi.
Învăţământul nu trebuie să obosească elevii, iar temele pentru acasă
trebuie să dispară. Mai multe, despre urmările acestor concepte ale
tinerilor profesori englezi, în jurnalul de corespondent al lui
Traian Ungureanu.
Ascultaţi comentariul (clip audio) -
Ceea ce la noi pare a avea o "rezolvare" simplă - abandonul şcolar, în Marea Britanie şi în alte state "capitaliste", organizarea declinului se face metodic, progresist, multicultural:
In a reversal of the tide, parents who fled Third
World nations to live in Britain are returning home to seek the one
blessing they find is increasingly unavailable for their children in the
mother country: a well-disciplined education.
Since 1997 something startling has happened in the
venerable and ancient nation of Britain. The result, at the turn of the
20th century, is a British people that has lost contact with its roots
and now faces complete divorce from its national heritage.
A recent report says the next generation of British children will grow up without married parents.
Parents are afraid of children. Police are afraid of lawyers. The only ones not afraid are kids.
Britain has been branded the sickliest nation in Europe. But the nation has far worse problems than mere physical ailments.
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