The Brussels Journal: Looks Like the Fix Is In: Russia's Polish Crash Investigation
Meanwhile, writing in the Polish newspaper Nasz Dziennik, some Polish pilots have challenged the authenticity of the recordings. Among other aeronautical reasons, they cited the length of the transcript, which appears to exceed the 30-minute capacity of a black box tape. The pilots also noted the transcript is missing the signature of the sole Polish expert involved. Further, Polish Radio RMF has reported that one of the Russian-made black-box recordings contains a 16-second gap.
Good thing no non-partisan, international team of investigators is examining this international mystery, right? Much better that the United Nations, for example, is currently squeezing Israel for defending its lawful naval blockade on Gaza (and concurrent offers to shuttle seaborne humanitarian aid to Gaza via land). With former KGB officer Vladimir Putin having personally taken charge of the crash investigation, why worry?
Point two. The Polish newspaper Fakt reported that three days after the crash, the air traffic controller on duty during the fatal crash disappeared. The Russians say he retired -- and no, they don't know where he is.
At the website of the Institute of World Politics where he teaches, ex-CIA officer Eugene Poteat writes that Russians "stripped the 97 dead passengers of personal effects, luggage, laptop computers, flash drives, cell phones, sensitive papers, names, telephone numbers, correspondence, documents, and top secret military and diplomatic codes -- a coup for Russia's intelligence service. ... The Russians delayed for weeks before returning the less sensitive items, but kept items of intelligence value. The bodies were shipped to Moscow for `autopsies.' No Polish medical people were permitted as witnesses. ... The bodies were returned to Poland in sealed coffins for burial and families of the victims were not permitted to open the coffins."
And why was that? Some survivors are exploring the autopsy process to find out, with one parliamentarian's widow planning to exhume her late husband's corpse to learn more about the crash circumstances. [...]
11 comentarii :
sunt inca multe "mistere" in legatura cu acest auzit ca al megrahi traieste bine merci in libia la un an de la eliberare desi medicii scotieni nu ii dadeau mai mult de 3 luni? tratamentul asta cu petrol face minuni!!!
Da, ştiu. Fiul lui Gaddafi chiar a organizat o petrecere pentru aniversarea unui an de la eliberare. Doctorul care a avizat "eliberarea pe motive medicale/umanitare" o dă cotită:
Megrahi's doctor: 'I just provided an opinion. Someone else let him go free'
Ce lung este drumul intre a "simti", a banui, a avea "feeling-ul" ca s-a intamplat o crima si a gasi probe pentru a o dovedi...
E clar că guvernul polonez este complice la atentat. Nu ţii în uz oficial o aeronavă ale cărei cutii negre pot fi citite doar în Rusia.
Tusk a refuzat o cerere a lui Kaczynski pt achiziţionarea unei aeronave noi. La fel şi Tăriceanu, la noi.
Să vedem ce fac polonezii la anul, vin alegerile parlamentare.
In ce luna?
Am gasit -octombrie 2011
Scrisesem la fel, dar a disparut comentariul. De fapt, nici n-a apărut.
Am trait cateva zile o situatie scarboasa .
Am avut abonament la Zapp vreo 10 ani-a fost extrem de folositor mai ales cand era singura solutie de wireless.Avea tehnologie CDMA folosita cum vreo 20 de ani de armata americana.
In ultimii ani insa serviviile oferite au fost foarte slabe calitativ si am incercat sa anulez abonamentul
A fost imposibil anul trecut-au trimis un telefon nou, prin posta -
ca sa prelungeasca abonamentul cu cu inca un an(telefon care era stricat si nu s-a putut repara)
Anul asta am incercat de 8 ori sa-l anulez.Inventeaza tot felul de motive : faceti cererea pe site ( aiurea ,nu poti), nu ne merge aplicatia, veniti maine,s-a terminat programul,veniti alta data.
Daca refuzi sa mai platesti abonamentul iti trimit "recuperatori" si-ti confisca ce pot ei ( masina din fata casei)-i-am auzit amenintand un tigan care-si facea abonament)
Vor ajunge sa ne ia lucrurile de prin case.
Zapp este acum la Cosmote care tine de Romtelecom unde patron e statul grec...
In ce hal am ajuns !
Privatizarea lui Peşte Prăjit (Sârbu, Ciorbea, Pantiş şi Radu Vasile).
Ca şi alte privatizări. Ceauşescu a vrut să fie condamnat la moarte un şef de fermă care a dat foc la o cultură de porumb culeasă parţial (judeţul raportase deja culesul la porumb încheiat, şi începerea arăturilor de toamnă).
Nici aşa, dar nici aşa.
M-a epuizat pshihic povestea cu anularea abonamentului.
Nu voia nimeni sa anuleze contractul pentru ca aplicatia era foarte foarte greu accesibila si programul greoi
Ca la nebuni.
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