24 aprilie 2020

R.I.P. Eugène Terre'Blanche - zece ani

Pe 3 aprilie 2010 a fost ucis în Africa de Sud Eugène Ney Terre'Blancheliderul naţionalist al minorităţii albe boerde doi angajaţi negri "nemulţumiţi" de la ferma sa.

Clipul (Tribute to Eugene Terre'Blanche + Delarey) din 2011 a fost şters de pe YouTube odată cu contul 1488AryanPower, la fel ca alte "tribute" similare (mai sunt lăsate doar câteva - cele mai soft, mai nereuşite). Îl ştiam de pe atunci, l-am regăsit abia la altcensored.com.

O perspectivă inedită asupra istoriei recente mai puţin cunoscute a Republicii Africa de Sud şi a "personalităţii" Nelson Mandela. Articol lung, dar merită citit, vedem multe similarităţi cu evenimentele din România de după "revoluţie".

April 14, 2020

Let me begin by telling you a little about myself. I was born of English ancestry in
Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe). I grew up there, across the border in Northern Rhodesia
(now Zambia) and in South West Africa (now Namibia). I attended the University of Cape
Town, where I qualified as a high school teacher of English, Geography and Economics. My
working life was split, more or less evenly, between teaching and managing human resources in
the mining industry in southern Africa. I am now retired in South Africa. I witnessed the end of
colonialism in this part of the world, as well as the end of white rule in South Africa.

Forgive me if you are familiar with South Africa and its history but, if not, you need to know a
few things to appreciate the Mandela story. The “few things” are admittedly selective and
subjective. South Africa is a very nice piece of real estate. It has a moderate climate, for Africa,
and is for the most part spared tropical diseases such as malaria, due to the trade winds. Although
the western part is dry it has a well-developed agricultural sector which enables it to feed the
population and to export products like maize, fruit and wine. Add to that the vast mineral
resources which include iron, diamonds, coal, platinum, gold, natural gas, uranium and cobalt, to
mention but some. The country commands the sea route around the Cape of Good Hope (or Cape
of Storms) and there are rich pickings to be had along both coasts, with a warm current on the
east side and a cold current on the west. The people are well educated, and skilled, by African
standards. Tourism is a major industry, which tells you it is a good place to visit. It is a place to
view the legendary wildlife of Africa at your leisure, and in comfort, swim in the sea, sunbathe,
surf, dive with sharks, hike in forests and mountains, enjoy good food and wine – the list is
endless. The infrastructure (much of it built during the Apartheid era) is good, although in need
of repair in places.

Over time an economic model developed which made the country the richest and most powerful
in Africa and internationally competitive. I’ve heard that, at its height, it was in the top ten of
world economies. The economic model, simply described, was a combination of white money
and management and black labour. The black people are mainly Bantu, related to the rest of the
Sub-Saharan people with dark skins. They are made up of many different tribes, the Zulu and the
Xhosa (Nelson’s people) being the most powerful. The bulk of the whites (less than 10% of the
total population) are either of Dutch or English ancestry, given that present day South Africa was
colonised in parts by the Dutch and then by the English. By the middle of the 20th Century the
country was ruled by the whites of Dutch decent, called Afrikaners.

Their forefathers had wrestled much of the country from the blacks, having had some epic
battles. They were always outnumbered but had guns, even though these were slow loading
muzzle loaders. The outcomes of some battles were such that they encouraged the Afrikaners’
belief that there had been divine intervention, which reinforced their religion and belief in their
right to subjugate blacks. They had defeated the British Empire in the First Boer War and had
given it a hell of a fright in the Second Boer War. (These wars are now called “South African
Wars” by politically correct historians.) The Afrikaners were tough, religious, independent,
determined and had developed their own culture and language, Afrikaans, which I speak fluently.
They believed, steadfastly, in their racial superiority and their right to rule over black people. To
an outsider the strength of this belief could be frightening. Anyone wanting this real estate would
have to prise open their grasp. Significantly, they maintained strict fiscal and monetary
discipline, having little appetite for making deals with international money lenders. They
controlled the flow of capital in and out of the country. English-speaking whites sometimes
provided a little political opposition but largely they were happy to go along, making money and
enjoying a lifestyle second to none. Sprinkled among the white population were and are Jews,
well represented in business and the professions. Mostly they speak English, although a few
speak Afrikaans and try to pass themselves off as Afrikaners.

Of course, to divide a population into black and white is a vast over-simplification. The
Apartheid system managed to do it, however, by simply categorising people as “White” or “NonWhite”. If you were White you sat on the White park bench or rode in the White coach on the
train. If you weren’t then you used the Non-White facilities. Jews are considered White. Two
large Non-White minority groups were the Coloureds and the Indians. The Coloureds are found
mainly in the area around Cape Town, and are sometimes called Cape Coloureds. They are a
mixture of Malay (ex-slaves), Hottentots, Dutch, English, Bantu and who knows what else. Most
speak Afrikaans, have a dialect of their own and a special sense of humour. The Indians are
found mainly on the east coast around Durban. Their ancestors were brought across to work in
the sugar cane plantations in that part of the world. By and large both groups threw their lot in
with the blacks during The Struggle. Ironically, in the post-Apartheid affirmative action laws,
both groups are classified as “Black”, making them able to benefit from these laws that
discriminate against Whites, especially male Whites. From being Non-White they are now
Black. One has to feel for them.

Overthrow of the regime militarily was out of the question. Over time the country developed an
effective police force and a small, but very effective defence force. I can vouch for that,
personally. Since I was in South West Africa (under South African rule) when I finished school, aged seventeen, I was conscripted immediately into the army. There I received some of the best
infantry training available on the planet. I’ve looked at the training of other “tough guys”, like
the US Marines, and I’d say the South African infantryman was as good. We were exceptionally
fit, well-disciplined, well-equipped, motivated and well-trained in our weapons and tactics. To
illustrate: to be considered battle-ready every infantryman had to be able to drop an enemy at
300m, consistently, with his FN 7.62mm assault rifle (without a scope). Most of us could
confidently hit a hubcap at that range. We were equally at home in the bush and desert. The navy
and the air force were small but effective. In every war in which they fought South African pilots
stood out among the best.

A thriving armaments industry developed, making weapons suited to local conditions - from
rifles to armoured cars and helicopters. Some products like the G4/G5 self-propelled gun and
Rooivalk attack helicopter were world class. The core of the defence force was made up of
permanents/regulars, the rest were conscripts. After an initial training of 1-2 years, every fit
white male had to do several additional bouts in uniform before being placed on reserve. At any
time every fit white male from age 18 to 40 was ready and able to fight. No liberation army in
Africa stood a chance. And, as the British had found out in the Boer Wars, invading South Africa
was anything but a walk in the park, even with far superior forces.

So, if the military option was not a realistic one, what others existed? As I said earlier, the
economy depended on black muscle so that offered a lever to pull, and it was pulled. While the
armed wing of the African National Congress (ANC) made a minor nuisance of itself and the
defence force was kept in practice in several bush wars (as in Angola), South Africa was under
little military threat. The main threat came internally from a black labour force that was
becoming increasingly militant and unwilling to work, encouraged by the “usual suspects” and
other liberal forces. Production (money) lost due to strikes, economic sanctions and sporting
isolation began to hurt. Whites began to be more willing to “share power” and later give it away.
They were led by some Judas-goat politicians and were influenced by a predominantly Jewishowned press. Once everyone had the vote the end result was inevitable – black rule. Someone
was needed to oversee the transition. Enter Saint Nelson, the embodiment of forgiveness, peace
and reconciliation.

Why you might ask would the overthrow of the Afrikaner regime make the wealth of the country
easier to steal? In my view, and in the view of those who coveted the country, blacks are easier
to fool or bypass than Afrikaners. Not all blacks and not all Afrikaners, but generally speaking. I
know both well, having lived in close proximity to both. Current ideology, correctly, will say my
view is racist, but recent history has shown it to be true, as I shall illustrate later. The history of
the Afrikaners revolved around this piece of real estate and they planned to hang on to it. I’ve
met some crooked Afrikaners but most were simple, conservative, genuinely decent and Godfearing. The Ten Commandments were there to be obeyed. Pornography and gambling (apart
from horse racing) were prohibited. Sunday was strictly observed – no sport allowed and no
shops open. In time, however, relaxations came about. When I was in the Army the Sunday idea
suited me down to the ground. Having been subjected to hard labour throughout the week we
were given off on Sunday to go to church. The Afrikaner boys were formed up and marched off
to the Dutch Reformed Church, to which the majority belonged. Us English boys, who gave their
faiths variously as Methodist, or Baptist, or Church of England were expected to make their own way to worship. Since no-one ever checked on us we never went, and so enjoyed the whole day

Mandela’s public duties were probably aimed at two outcomes. Firstly, black emotions had to be
managed. Given the inflammatory run-up to democracy and the fact that they now had the
police, military and all the other organs of state at their disposal, blacks might begin pay-back
time. Bitterness against whites in general ran deep. Segregation, and being given the short straw
in the process, made many black people understandably resentful. Then, white fears needed to be
calmed. Whites ran the country and only they knew how to do it. White flight, or mass murder of
these whites, wouldn’t be in the interests of the plan. Mandela succeeded in achieving both
outcomes. For most blacks he was their first ever president and couldn’t put a foot wrong. Then,
can anyone forget his lifting the 1995 Rugby World Cup wearing a Springbok Rugby jersey, for
years previously a symbol of white pride and sporting excellence? How could any white person,
however bigoted, not love him?

At this time I was a white person who supported “the transition”. I had left South Africa years
earlier, mainly to avoid further military service. If the truth be told, I have always disliked being
told what to do, especially when I have little respect for the person telling me what to do. Once I
started thinking for myself I became less tolerant of bigots with rank. Also, I had no particular
attachment to South Africa and its problems, having grown up further north. I probably would
not have returned to this part of the world had my girlfriend (now my wife) not done so. She was
overseas with me and returned when her South African father became critically ill. I followed her
and we stayed. I couldn’t see the Apartheid model having a future and I figured we could make
multiculturalism work. I had spent time teaching in black schools and figured education, a
positive attitude and a commitment to “making things work” would probably work out fine. I
was happy to have Nelson as my president and was enchanted, like everyone, by the “Madiba

In my late 40s and early 50s I began to see some aspects of the world differently. I guess no
longer being responsible for a career and a family had something to do with it. I became 9/11
aware, and 7/7 aware, and aware of many other things (like fluoride!), including the Jewish part
played in things that happen. The red flag for me regarding Saint Nelson was when I saw he was
hanging out with his buddy Bill Clinton. As I’m sure you’ll agree, the company a man keeps tells
you a lot about that man. I wondered why this man of moral rectitude would be friends with a
proven scumbag like Clinton. Then I thought of some other things related to Nelson that I’d
previously not thought about. I won’t go into the details of his life as these are freely available
elsewhere. Instead I’ll concentrate on things about it that strike me as “interesting”.

I suppose when he was offered the presidency and black majority rule he had little left against
which to fight, so his commitment to peace and reconciliation was understandable, particularly
since he was now old and had spent a long time in prison. I wonder, though. Political power,
ostensibly, passed into black hands but the wealth remained where it was before: in white and
particularly Jewish hands. Names like Anton Rupert, Harry Oppenheimer and Raymond
Ackerman come to mind. Although Nelson’s books were banned in South Africa in the 80s, I
read them at the time in Lesotho, where I worked as a teacher for nearly 3 years. They were lent
to me by ANC dissidents sheltering in Lesotho. Some attended my classes and some became my friends. The man who wrote those books seemed pretty uncompromising - uncompromising
enough to murder about a hundred people during his time as a terrorist.

Exactly when Nelson decided to adopt sainthood is also of interest. When he was still in prison,
but getting on in life, the Apartheid government was receiving increasingly bad press for locking
up the old man. The government publicly offered to release him if he’d renounce his
commitment to violence as a means to bring about change. Not unreasonable, I’d say, given the
circumstances and the fact that they were dealing with a convicted terrorist, albeit an elderly one.
He gave the offer the middle finger. Was capitulation at that point not in line with the plan?

After coming out of prison Nelson became “good friends” (Wikipedia) with several of the
captains of industry, like Anton Rupert. He met with Harry Oppenheimer regularly, ostensibly
“to get the view of big business”. I guess he liked the view. After one such meeting with Harry
he announced that the ANC didn’t think nationalising the country’s mines was such a good idea,
after all. I wonder if the irony was lost on him. His good friends now were the very ones that had
exploited his black brothers and sisters in order to become rich and famous. Now, with him in
charge their band played on. So much for the liberation for which he’d said he was willing to

There is an adage which says that where there is smoke there is fire. I’d like to offer another:
where there is a rich Jew there is skulduggery. Now let us have a look at some rich Jews in Saint
Nelson’s life, and in the transition of South Africa into “The Rainbow Nation”. In doing some
searching on the internet I came across this excerpt from South African Jews and Apartheid in
Macalester International, Volume 12, Article 9. The author is one Franklin Hugh Adler,
obviously Jewish himself. I have no idea who he is or what his credentials are/were, but no-one
has put it better: “In literally every aspect of the Apartheid struggle – political, military, legal,
cultural – Jews in substantial numbers were conspicuously present.” The better known names are
Ruth First, Albie Sachs (below), Ronnie Kasrils, Braam Fisher and Joe Slovo.

In a well-known photo, taken at one of the early public appearances after Nelson’s release, he
can be seen with Joe Slovo, both smiling triumphantly with raised fists. It has been said that
without Jewish organisation the ANC would have amounted to nothing as a liberation
organisation. Having seen blacks organise at close quarters, over a considerable period of time, I think this is generally accurate. At the Rivonia Trial that resulted in Nelson’s permanent
detention Jews were conspicuously present in the defence team. Given that they were
conspicuously present among the defendants too, that was to be expected.

Anyone who is Jew-wise to any degree knows that they know that to control any narrative they
need to control all sides. So, Jews were in the underground ANC and above the ground in the
“Official Opposition”. This is what the Apartheid government called the largest other political
party in the white parliament. A certain Harry Schwartz, for example, was the leader of the
Official Opposition for quite a while. It just so happened he had also been a member of the
Rivonia defendants’ legal team. Then we had some conspicuously present Jewish social justice
warriors, like Helen Suzman and her group called The Black Sash. During my time at Cape
Town University we had a bunch of students with rich daddies paying for them to be political
agitators rather than genuine students. They were also Jews. Sitting on the side, making money
and probably funding the show were Nelson’s “good friends” of later years. A small additional
point is that, after finishing his legal studies, Nelson’s first job was working as a legal clerk for a
Jew, Lazar Sidelsky. Maybe much of the above amounts to no more than guilt by association, but
might it not also be smoke? Miles: no, it's fire.

It seems that during his time in prison he not only became less feisty, but also changed his voice.
I’m basing this on flimsy evidence I agree, but I stand by it. Nelson’s voice became
internationally recognisable after he was released from prison. Recordings made before are,
understandably, scarce and few people have heard them. I heard one of these over the radio years
ago and my reaction was immediate “No, that’s not Nelson”. I have a good ear for the spoken
word and how it is spoken. It was a moment like when watching the towers come down during
9/11. I was watching the drama unfold live on TV and I said immediately to my wife “That’s
controlled demolition”. Concerning Mandela, maybe the radio presenter played the wrong sound
clip, but it wasn’t the same voice. If you do some work on some photos, before and after his time
in prison, look particularly at the eyes. It is claimed that they were damaged by the glare in the
limestone quarry he worked in on Robben Island. Maybe so, but maybe it is a clue that we’re
looking at a different person. Also comparison of his signature before and after, if you can find

Finally, I come to his love life. He was married to Winnie Mandela when he went to prison, she
being his second wife after a divorce. She remained married to him throughout his prison days
and was with still with him after his release. While he was in prison she kept herself busy
terrorising people who she believed to be less committed to The Struggle than she was. She
infamously said she’d liberate the country with a box of matches, referring to the necklacing of
“sell-outs”. People would be sentenced to be necklaced by a kangaroo court. They’d then be tied
up and a car tyre filled with petrol would be placed about their necks, then set alight. Not a
pleasant death, to be sure, although the victim was given a good lungful of marijuana, called
dagga here, beforehand to dull the pain. It is uplifting to see that the killers had some heart.
Anyway, she was Madiba’s wife and earned the title “Mother of the Nation”. Then they got
divorced and he married Samora Machel’s widow, Graca.

Now, why a man of his age would need a new wife, I don’t know. Twenty-seven years of
celibacy in prison should have taken the juice out of him. My guess is Winnie didn’t fit the image and Graca did. Or, perhaps, they had simply grown apart. Or, perhaps, Winnie knew that
Saint Nelson wasn’t the same man that she had married. Samora died under strange
circumstances. He was the first black president of Mozambique after its liberation from the
Portuguese. His plane was flying close to the border with South Africa when it went down,
killing him and a few others. Speculation was rife, particularly that South African forces were
responsible. I don’t know what happened. But I do know that the first black president of South
Africa then married the widow of the first black president of Mozambique. Again, it makes me
think. His dress sense also makes me think. He became known for his African style “Madiba
shirts”. Was this to sell the brand, maybe?

To conclude, reading your hoaxes made me think about one that might have happened here,
closer to home. Did Mandela ever go to prison? If he did, did he die there? To avoid making a
martyr of him was he “kept alive” and a double trundled out later to play his part in ushering in
the Rainbow Nation? Was he re-programmed in prison in anticipation of the day he would be
needed? Did he see the potential to live out his life in fame and luxury, posing as a modern icon
and decide to do so? If there was a hoax, who was behind it? Was it the “usual suspects”? Was
he genuine and did what he honestly believed to be right? I don’t know, but I’d be interested to
see if your expertise in these things can shine more light on it.

After Nelson ushered in The New South Africa it wasn’t long before endemic corruption set in.
Despite the fact that South Africa was at peace for the first time in decades, the international
arms dealers decided that the country needed new military hardware, mainly ships and combat
planes. That they were expensive and not needed was immaterial. Also immaterial was the fact
that the money could have been better put to uplifting the recently liberated masses. The
politicians took the bribes and the armed forces took the toys. The scandal went public and an
official commission to investigate it was held. Predictably, it all came to nought. Mbeki, in
charge at the time, having taken over from Nelson, was recalled by the ANC a while later. My
guess is that he was tardy when it came to handing out AIDS drugs like candy and big pharma
was unhappy with him. Anyway, he handed over to Zuma and by that time the gravy train had
built up a head of steam and was racing along at express speed. The country was being well and
properly looted.

The government-owned enterprises are now bankrupt and in debt. The electrical power utility,
Eskom, once kept South Africa comprehensively supplied and had the spare capacity to export.
We now regularly have what is euphemistically called “load shedding”. It means we have the
power switched off for up to six hours a day. New power stations planned to come on line to
replace old ones are several years behind schedule, and still under construction. South African
Airways, once a top international carrier, can now hardly get off the ground. The once excellent
rail network is partly derailed. We have new imported locomotives that are parked because they
don’t fit the configuration of our railways, their wheels probably greased with bribes. Trucking
has boomed as a result but the roads are paying the price. Rather than repair them, signs warning
of potholes are proliferating. Where there is carrion vultures gather. We’ve attracted some fine
ones, like the Gupta Indians of Sahara Computers. A commission of enquiry into corruption (the
State Capture Commission) has been convened and has been going for well over a year.
Testimony is given, day after day, of corruption, incompetence and malfeasance. Those involved are mainly government officials, sometimes in cahoots with local and foreign-owned business.
Even the chair, Justice Zondo, says he can’t believe his ears.

Unemployment is at over 40% and growing. Those receiving government grants outnumber
taxpayers. Population growth among blacks is unchecked, or even in fact encouraged. One of the
government grants is for maternity and some young women get pregnant just to receive it. Now
that we’ve fallen in step with the covid19 lunacy our “growth” rate is predicted to be in the
region of -7%. The Rand, which was once as strong as the US Dollar, is now worth a fraction
thereof. Soon we’ll need twenty, or more, to buy a Dollar. We need about that now to buy a
British Pound. The budget deficit grows. Our current president, Ramaphosa, says he’ll root out
the rot and turn things around. Since he has been an ANC insider from the beginning and was
close to Saint Nelson, I doubt it. This is another country heading into the black hole controlled
by the international financiers. We know who they are, what they do and why they do it.
Blessings like debt that cannot be repaid, austerity, economic restructuring, selling off of state
assets and social unrest are what we can anticipate. This is Saint Nelson’s legacy.


Miles: I made only small edits to the text above, preferring to let my readers see this paper as I
received it. In places the attitude drifts a little far right for my taste, but the overall conclusions
are mostly correct, so I let everything stand. My guest writer here is on the right track, and that
is what concerns us here. However, his last line is not correct. It is not Mandela's legacy we
have been left with, as his paper otherwise pretty much proves. Mandela was just a front for the
bankers who wished to loot the country, as he shows. So blaming Mandela for anything is
pointless. Mandela was just an actor chosen for his looks and voice, like Morgan Freeman. If a
film he is in fails, do you blame Freeman? No, you blame the producers, directors, or writers.
Freeman isn't responsible for the content of a Hollywood film, he is just memorizing lines. Same
thing here.

As for the conspiracy theories surrounding Mandela, you already know what I think of most of
those. These theories are just bad ones to keep you off the good ones. And the good ones are?
Well, let's start by just looking closely at Mandela. And I mean his face. His head. He is
obviously part white, so why don't they admit it? As he got older, he also betrayed some Asian
blood. In some pictures he looks part Chinese. His eyes are the giveaway there, because he is
far more squinty than you would expect of an African.

So what, you will say. Well, when we combine that with the fact he was Thembu royalty from
birth and lived at the Great Place in Mqhekezweni, we begin to see the familiar story. Both
parents were supposed to be illiterate, but for some reason not given young Nelson was sent by
his devout Christian mother to a Methodist school at age seven. They get Mandela's father out of
the story very early as usual, having him die under mysterious and ungiven causes when Nelson
was nine. That prevents us from researching him, likely finding he was an Intelligence asset as
well. They also want us to believe Nelson was no longer in the line of kings because his greatgrandmother was Ixhaba clan, but that may or may not be true. I would say it is probably NOT
true, and that Mandela was always cloaked royalty, with a near ancestor who was non-black—Jewish with some part Asian. This is why he was chosen for the project. You can be sure that
he didn't just accidentally find himself in his later positions, and that this was all planned out
long in advance, with a full script.

It helps to also look at someone like Walter Sisulu, as support for what I just said. He was
Deputy President of the ANC and also allegedly spent 25 years at Robben Island prison. He was
related to Mandela through Mandela's first wife Evelyn Mase. Sisulu was also Thembu nobility,
though not—as far as we know—from the royal line. But they do admit Sisulu was half white,
since his father was Albert Victor Dickinson.

Well, what do you know, another crypto-Jew from Leicester! He is not listed in the peerage, but
he is probably related to the Barons of Painswick, including the son of the first baron, Hon.
Richard Sebastian Willoughby Dickinson, Assistant Chief Secretary of North Rhodesia in the
1920s. Albert's mother was an Ormerod, also of the peerage, and they were closely related there
to the Mayers, Lathams, Bailey baronets and Parnell barons. Through the Parnells, we link
immediately to the Stuarts, Earls of Bute, explaining what is going on here. Through them we
quickly hit the Pierreponts, Montagus, Campbells, MacKenzies, and everyone else. So Sisulu is
obviously a front for his father. In the same way, we may assume Mandela is a front for the
same folks. But they used Mandela rather than Sisulu for several reasons. One, Mandela was
more likable on a first look. He always had a great smile. Two, if they had used Sisulu as the
top man, he would be too easy to connect to these fellows like Dickinson. They needed to hide a
bit better than that.

Another thing that most people miss is that the Thembu are part of the amaXhosa tribe that just
happens to practice circumcision. Let's see, who else famously practices circumcision? We are
told it is an ancient practice among these tribal people, but we are told a lot of things. Very little
was documented about the amaXhosa until the Dutch arrived in the mid-1600s, so the
Phoenicians could have very well brought circumcision to these people at any time before that.
Which is just to say that we should consider the possibility that the royal house of the Thembu
may have been connected to the Phoenician Navy for many centuries. Besides which, the
“Dutch” and the Phoenician Navy are not two entities, but mainly one entity. Our guest author is
mainly acquainted with Afrikaners of the mid-levels, but we know the highest level was
composed of what he calls “the usual suspects”. So among the Dutch, the Jews weren't a
separate sub-class, they were just the top of the Dutch (and British) pyramid. All of Africa, like
the rest of the world, was conquered for their benefit and enrichment, and they are the ones that
owned all the mines, land, and other resources. They still do. In fact, after the revolution, they owned even more. As for the Guptas, mentioned in his conclusion, they are also only part
Indian. They are simply the Phoenician Navy's Indian branch.

So, did they replace Mandela at some point? I doubt it. The mole on the side of his nose and the
pattern of his brow wrinkles indicates to me it is the same actor all along. He was just fatter
when he was young. And voices change over time. I will show that Mandela probably spent
about three decades in England, and the colder climate there wasn't suited to his southern
constitution. It may have affected his voice. But even if they did replace him, it doesn't much
matter. He was just an actor all along, so if there was a switch, he was no faker after the switch
than before. The important thing—the thing they are trying desperately to keep your eyes off of
with Mandela Effects and body doubles and different voices—is that Mandela was always just a
puppet of these Jewish billionaires behind him. They required a black frontman for this long
con, and they needed someone slick and plausible. They also needed him to be a bit of a rebel,
to make him appeal to the black population, so they manufactured a list of murders and a long
jail term. But you can be sure he was never in jail. Actors don't agree to spend time in jail.
They give us the clue themselves: he was prisoner #46664, which they still advertise prominently on t-shirts and coffeemugs. It is so in-your-face it passes belief.

One of the best bits of information my guest writer gives us is that Mandela’s first job in the
legal profession was working as a clerk for Lazar Sidelsky's big Jewish firm. But that needs
expansion, since it is important to note that Mandela became a Communist at that time.
Meaning, he became a Jewish agent. I have shown that Communism is a fake front and always
has been, back to the 1840s. It has always been composed only of Jewish agents and a few
dupes, and no one else. So my readers should see all this as the biggest red flag possible. It
proves beyond any doubt that Mandela was being groomed as the premier front for these rich
Jews. More proof is that it is Sisulu who got Mandela the job with Sidelsky.

Was Mandela pressured to do this in some way, or did he do it completely of his own volition?
We may never know, but we do have a quote: "I simply found myself doing so, and could not do
otherwise." To me that indicates considerable pressure, which is not hard to believe. Most of us
feel the same pressure, though some of us find a way to do otherwise.

If we follow the story at Wikipedia, we find he next found himself at university, where he “was
increasingly influenced by Sisulu”. We already hit that. It means he was increasingly influenced
by Sisulu's father Dickinson of the British peerage. This was basically a Third Boer War, but
fought covertly this time, using all the tricks of the Phoenician Navy. It was one family of
Phoenicians squabbling across more than a century with another family, for a major piece of the
worldwide pie.

Remember this was just a continuation of the long battle for supremacy of the Dutch East India
Company and the British East India Company. They had battled earlier for America. New York
used to be called New Amsterdam, you know. A lot of the battles in the early history and prehistory of the US, up to 1812, were actually between BEIC and DEIC, though they don't tell you
that. So keep that in mind as we proceed. Also keep in mind that the Boer Wars never really
ended. They just became covert and were waged by proxy.

Next, we are told Mandela married Evelyn Mase, but there is a big problem there, since the main
photo is a really poor fake:

Look how Mandela is outlined to your left. That would only happen if he was backlit, so he was
probably outside there. They then pasted him into this photo with Mase indoors. Also notice the
people in the background, who are larger than the forward figures despite being much further
away. Impossible, due to a little thing called the law of perspective.

Plus, that is tagged as the Mandelas at Sisulu's wedding. If the Mandelas married, we should
have pictures of them from their own wedding. So why are we looking at someone else's
wedding pictures?

Finally, remind yourself that Mase was a close relation of Sisulu, meaning that Sisulu (read
Dickinson) not only set Mandela up with his job at Sidelsky, but set Mandela up with a wife.
Most straight guys can find their own wives, and want to. But not Mandela. Look at him in that
photo. Yes, it is fake, but even so they have pasted him standing well to the side of Mase, not
even touching her. I would say it is another clue.

We are seeing the usual misdirection on this question, which indicates the usual conclusion:
Mandela was a gay Jewish actor. Remember, they admit Mandela and his buddy Justice fled to
Johannesburg to avoid arranged marriages. Mandela and Justice had been hanging out all along,
going to school together and so on. As Thembu royalty, Nelson and Justice should have been
able to have as many wives as they wanted, but they apparently didn't want even one. They
preferred to be actors.

I have to think there must have been rumours of this in Africa, because when Mandela later
married Graca, it looks the directors told them to ham it up: there are hardly any pictures of them
not holding hands or hugging. It goes too far in the other direction, and they did everything but
film them in bed, like John and Yoko.

Anyway, let's return to the story at Wikipedia. It was at this time that Mandela became a top
officer of the ANC youth league. Which leads us to insert this question no one ever asks. When
Malan took power in 1948, his National Party was allegedly as far right as it was possible to be,
openly hostile to any black rights. So why did they put up with the ANC and its calls for direct
action against Apartheid? ANC allegedly got more militant in this period. If what we are told is
true, Malan should have shut that down with maximum force. But he didn't. Why not? I am
telling you why: the ANC was always controlled opposition. It appears to have been infiltrated
by the British later, but even before they took over, the Dutch had manned ANC with these oreo
cookies like Mandela and Sisulu, who were agents of the ruling class. This is the way it is
always done and we have seen it a million times. We saw it in my papers on the Black Panthers
and Nation of Islam*, which were and still are headed by puppets of the billionaire Jews.

Also interesting is that after being kicked out of the University of Fort Hare, Mandela later failed
his final year at Witwatersrand three times, leaving without a degree in 1949 at age 31. I find it
surprising this is admitted, and I put it down to it being 1949. If this had been 1989, they would
simply have faked all his degrees. See Barack Obama.

You will tell me Malan did use the general strike of 1950 to pass more fascist legislation and put
more police on the street—which was of course its purpose—but the question is why didn't
Malan forcibly shut down the ANC and deport its leadership? Now you know.

In 1952 they planted Mandela at the Basner law firm, although he still didn't have a degree.
Basner was another Communist Jew, of course. Hyman Meir Basner was from Russia, had
gotten his law degree at UCLA, and was a Communist Party member, telling us he was a ranking
spook. He founded the African Democratic Party in 1943 and was also involved with India.
Basner died in England, telling us which side to put him on. Also note the name Meir, which
links us to. . . Golda Meir. This is why the Israelis appear in these stories, sometimes cloaked,
but always working for the Brits.

If you still aren't following me, read closely this quote from Wiki:

At a Durban rally on 22 June, Mandela addressed an assembled crowd of 10,000,
initiating the campaign protests, for which he was arrested and briefy interned in
Marshall Square prison.[81] These events established Mandela as one of the bestknown black political figures in South Africa.

So the police let that go on and only arrested him after he addressed the crowd? That was nice of
them. And he was briefly interned. Briefly. Let me guess? Eight days? Ask yourself why they
didn't deport him, banish him, or beat him senseless? I'll tell you why: they wanted to establish
him as one of the best-known political figures in the country. Better him—who they were in
control of—than a real revolutionary. The best way to squelch a real revolution is to create a
fake one.

Finally, in 1952 Mandela was arrested and stood trial under the Suppression of Communism Act,
but again skated. He was given a suspended sentence. Mandela was banned from attending
ANC meetings, but then we are told Kunene read Mandela's speech at a meeting in September of 1953. What? How does that makes any sense? Why didn't the government shut down the

Next we are told Mandela became an attorney. How does that work? He failed coursework at
Witwatersrand three times, and he was studying law there. How can you fail out of law school
and still become a lawyer? Are we supposed to believe that in South Africa in the 1950s there
were no requirements for taking the law exam?

They admit Mandela wasn't close to his wife Evelyn, spending no time with her, but it doesn't
matter because she was busy with her own spook life as a Jehovah's Witness. Like Prince, she
used her notoriety to spread disinformation as widely as possible.

Now we are up to 1955, and Mandela is allegedly pushing for an armed uprising. Right. In
support of that, a Freedom Charter was drawn up by Lionel Bernstein. What? These collegeeducated blacks from royal families can't write their own manifestoes? As usual, the
scriptwriters of history don't bother to tell a believable story. Lionel Bernstein was Jewish of
course, orphaned at eight years old of course—so they don't have to tell us who his parents were.
We are told they were emigres from Europe, but no names or places are given. However, there
is an Oscar Lionel Bernstein of the right age to be his father listed at Geni, from Los Angeles.
He is probably related to Leonard Bernstein. There are also Bernsteins in the peerage, the
Barons of Craigweil. They are connected to Nicolas Serota, current head of the Tate Modern in
London, through Angela Beveridge. They are also related to the Berkeleys, Earls of Berkeley;
the Drummonds, Earls of Melfort; the MacKenzies, Earls of Seaforth; the Stuarts, Dukes of
Lennox; the Campbells, Dukes of Argyll; the Gordons, Earls of Huntly; the Hamiltons, Earls of
Arran; the Douglases, Earls of Morton; and the Keiths, Earls Marischal. Does that list look
familiar? We just saw three of those prominent families linked to Albert Dickinson above, and
thereby to Sisulu and Mandela.

Like Mandela, Bernstein had a bye with the courts. He was charged with sedition in 1946 and
convicted, but received a suspended sentence. Really? A suspended sentence for sedition? In
1956 he was arrested for treason in the famous Treason Trial. The trial lasted four years, after
which everyone was acquitted and released. That's convenient. In 1963 he was arrested again,
this time with Mandela, and became part of the famous Rivonia Trial. He was the only one
found not guilty and released. Bernstein then went to London, and later Oxford, where he lived
for decades, telling us who he really was and what side he was on. Notice that he did not retire
to Amsterdam or Eindhoven.

After the Treason Trial, Mandela allegedly worked as a chauffeur, traveling around the country
incognito. Right. I guess he traveled in whiteface? As you are already seeing, the story at this
point goes completely off the rails, and the desperate scriptwriters are forced to borrow from
Orczy's novel, calling Mandela the Black Pimpernel. Really pathetic. They also claim he was
inspired by Castro's uprising in Cuba, Che Guevara, etc. The problem there is I have already
exposed those guys as fakes and Jewish fronts as well. They admit Mandela went to England in
1962 to meet with anti-Apartheid activists, but we now know who he was really meeting: various
earls and dukes. There he was prepped on the next phase of the play:

When he got back they immediately arrested him for inciting strikes. The court proceedings are
the usual farce, since although Mandela was allegedly a lawyer, he acted more like Anders
Breivik or Charles Manson, wearing a hairy animal hide (kaross) in court, refusing to call
witnesses, and grandstanding loudly and obnoxiously on political topics outside the matter at
hand. Despite being known to be the head of a militant group, he was sentenced to only five
years. We are told they moved him from Johannesburg to a Pretoria jail so that Winnie could
visit him. What? Is that the way it usually works? They move black prisoners for the benefit of
their wives?

Apparently that fake trial didn't really impress anyone, so they decided to up the ante. They
started another trial—the Rivonia Trial—the very next year, accusing Mandela of plotting to
overthrow the government. Most of that evidence was taken from the Liliesleaf Farm of Arthur
Goldreich, who just happened to be an elite Israeli soldier of the Palmach, which is sort of like
the Green Berets or Seals. At age 33 he was sent to South Africa, where his cover was being an
artist. Oivay caramba. When not painting (haha), he was busy having secret ANC meetings on
his farm, and also apparently storing lots of incriminating documents and tapes in easy-to-find
boxes, for the convenience of the police. Goldreich was also arrested, but he escaped from jail
on August 11, Chai, disguised as a priest. Can you believe they expect us to believe this shit?

Anyway, since according to mainstream history, Mandela was plotting the overthrow of the
government, the evidence piled to the Moon. So why wasn't he hanged? We aren't told. He
wasn't given a life sentence because South Africa was too shy to give the death penalty. We
know from many other (also fake) stories that South Africa liked to kill blacks for major crimes,
as a warning. Same story we got in the US in those decades and before. In fact, they admit the
penalty for high treason at the time was death. We are supposed to believe that defense attorney
Hanson convinced judge de Wet in private chambers to “commute” the sentence to life. This
means someone doesn't know the meaning of the word “commute”. The presiding judge cannot
commute a sentence, by definition, since the judge is the one doing the original sentencing. The
judge has to follow the law, and if the law says the penalty for high treason is death, he has to
apply that law. It then takes a second party to commute the sentence, and that party is not a
judicial party, but an executive party, like the President or Governor. No president, governor, or
other official or group commuted Mandela's sentence, so it is not clear how he was sentenced to

Also, why was Mandela allowed to give a three-hour speech (“I am prepared to die”) at the
beginning of the trial? That isn't normal court proceeding. In a real trial, someone in the stand
must respond to questioning. They don't get to blab without end. Do you think the State
arrested these people so that they could make three-hour speeches in court which could be
immediately printed in the newspapers and quoted on TV? This is all the evidence you need that
the trial was manufactured.

But why would they end the Mandela project like that in 1963, putting their actor on ice for 27
years? Probably because their cover was blown. These British/Jewish peers got caught by their
Dutch cousins and were forced to back off for a few years and regroup. The script they wrote
from London in 1962 blew up in their faces. My guess is that once their cover was blown, the
British spooks whisked Mandela out of South Africa, and he was really in England after 1963, perhaps camped out in the countryside, maybe near Oxford? This means that although the
Afrikaners thought Mandela was their own asset in those previous years, controlling the
opposition, he was actually a British asset for most of that time. But I don't think the Afrikaners
understood that until sometime after 1962-3.

Because we have to remember that things really got nasty after that. These covert projects of the
50s and early 60s had failed, so the various factions of the Phoenician Navy had to resort to
semi-open warfare. Also, the American faction got more heavily involved at that time, backing
up their British cousins. That is what the whole Cuban thing was about. Remember, in the
1970s this skirmish spread to neighboring countries, including Angola, where Cuba sent in
18,000 troops to prop up the MPLA. Cuba sent even more troops in the 80s. Didn't that ever
seem strange to you? Cuba? Cuba was fighting South Africa in Angola? How does that make
any sense. For those few who ever asked that question, the answer given by the fake mainstream
historians was of course that the Soviets were behind it. But that is the usual cover story. Who
had a giant base on Cuba at the time? Not the Soviets. The US ran Guantanamo Base then and
still runs it. So of course it was the US funneling troops into Angola, not Cuba or the Soviets. I
will be told that the US and UK were allies of South Africa during those decades, but that was all
a feint. The CIA wanted South Africa to think the US was its ally, but the US and UK have
always wanted the Dutch out of South Africa. Even now that is the plan, and that is why the
country is being allowed to crumble—something my guest writer couldn't understand. It is being
made inhospitable to whites on purpose, to drive the rich Dutch out for good. Once the last of
them have packed up and vacated, the country can be re-purposed for its rich English/American
owners. I would assume the Indians like the Guptas are just being used for this purpose as well.
They are interim hooligans, allowed to prosper temporarily as part of Operation Chaos, so that
they can take the blame. But once the Dutch are driven out, the Indians will be given the boot as

If I am right, then de Klerk—despite appearing to be Dutch—must have been a British asset.
You will say his family had been running South Africa for years, but these things happen. So we
look first to his mother, where we find my guess confirmed: she was a Coetzer, so it possible the
de Klerk lines were attacked through her. Coetzer is a more obviously Jewish name than de
Klerk, and comes from different lines than the de Klerks were used to. Coetzer comes from
Germany and Austria. Always follow the ladies, as I have told you before. My guess is
confirmed by the amount of misdirection around this question. At Wiki, de Klerk is sold as
mainly French Huguenot, though he “notes” he is also of Dutch descent. Absurd, as usual, since
he is Jewish on both sides, the only question being what lines. He wouldn't be running a country
if he weren't mainly Jewish. Although the de Klerks had previously been of mainly Dutch lines,
Coetzer introduced a different line.

I would assume his wife Marike was involved in this switch as well, and that too is confirmed by
major misdirection on his Wiki page, where she is neither listed in the sidebar nor given a last
name in the text. Very strange. A search on her takes us to more mystery, since she was
supposedly murdered in 2001. See this report from The Guardian, which again conspicuously
fails to tell us her birth name. Strange, since she was long divorced and was therefore no longer
Mrs. de Klerk. The article is obvious agitprop in many other ways as well, since—instead of
reporting facts as a newspaper should—it instead is crammed with emotionalism and spin.

Unspinning it leads me to believe her death was faked for some reason, and given what I am
showing you, we should assume it was faked to get her off the page. They didn't want you
asking the questions I am asking. Which makes me ask them even louder. What was her maiden
name? Geni tells us it was Willemse, and if we continue back we find Heyns, Eksteen, Smal,
Human, Rademayer, Muller, Adams, and Kemp. This last confirms my guess, since the Kemps
were from Suffolk. This probably links us to the Kemps of the peerage, who were baronets
related to the Bacon baronets, and through them to the Berkeleys, Wodehouses, Hamiltons,
Egertons, and Phipps. We saw the Berkeleys and Hamiltons above, didn't we? The Kemps were
Barons Rochdale in the 20th century, and they were directors of Barclays Bank. The 1st Viscount
Kemp was governor of the BBC in the 1950s. Marike was also descended from a John Adams,
which may link us to President Adams.** The names Rademayer and Muller are German. On
the paternal side, Marike's grandmother is given as a Weyers, but my guess is that is a fudge of
Meyers. She is immediately scrubbed, giving more weight to that guess. Her great-grandmother
is also scrubbed. The paternal lines are almost empty. So best guess is the de Klerks were
infiltrated through F. W. de Klerk's mother and wife, explaining why he is the one that released
Mandela from jail—i.e. brought him back from England.

In support of that, we can check Marike's father, W. A. Willemse, who has his own Wiki page,
though it is in Afrikaans. He was from a family of bankers and worked in a bank for a while.
After obtaining an MA in psychology from the University of Pretoria, he continued his studies in
Leipzig, Bonn, and Berlin, and came home with two doctorates. He specialized in criminology
and prisons. That is enough red flags already, but we find more. His second wife after Heyns
was Flora Strachan, who was close friends with the famous poet Elisabeth Eybers. Her mother
was English, being a le Roux. They are related to the Nugent baronets and the Bailey barons—
who link us to the Russells and Lathams. We saw the Lathams above. Willemse was allegedly
killed in a freak car accident at age 40, run over by one of his own students. But I would assume
his death was faked and that he went deeper into Intel. He looks like a spook from the first word.
Marike's brothers are scrubbed, so they may have also been in British Intelligence. That would
explain many things, including the bad script of her death, which reads like it is right out of MI6.
Remember, she was allegedly choked to death on her knees, but also had a knife sticking out of
her back. The only thing they forgot was the cobra chewing on her ankle.

On the way out, let's take a quick look at Winnie Mandela. Her parents were named Columbus
and Gertrude—not African names, obviously. It is admitted she is at least one-quarter white, and
we may assume the white is mostly Jewish. She graduated from the Hofmeyr School, and
Hofmeyr is of course Jewish. I assume Winnie was chosen as a new beard for Mandela, since by
1958 Evelyn was sick of that job. The job was easier for Winnie, since after 1962 Mandela was
always in jail—meaning, he was in England. But of course Winnie didn't have to go with him.
She was free to run her own projects. It looks to me like she became an agent of the Dutch rather
than the British, and that is understandable given that otherwise her position in South Africa
during the 70s and 80s would have become untenable. But picking that side cost her dearly after
1990, when the rulers flipped. The Brits of course had no use for her, so she was dumped as the
wife/beard. And no longer having the protection of the government, she was open for a series of
neverending attacks, in court and everywhere else. She may have been a nasty character, and as
an agent no doubt she was, but to me the various events looks manufactured, including all the
murders by her bodyguards. As the country began transitioning from Dutch to English rule, no doubt she needed bodyguards. But for the rest, it all looks like the usual blackwashing. That is
confirmed by the court proceedings, where she was actually tried for the Seipei case in 1991, and
ended up with only a fine. If she had actually done any of the things she was accused of, the new
government would have crucified her. As it is, all they had were stories.

Even as late as 2003 the new government had the chance to throw the book at her, on the charges
of theft. But once again all her convictions were overturned or suspended. You will say it is
because she still had powerful friends, but if she had had powerful friends in government, they
would have buried the claims to start with. They would have never made it to the papers or the
courts. This indicates the government only wanted to ruin her reputation. They had no desire to
actually send her to jail, since that would have been to create a martyr.

As just one example of the stupidity of these stories, we are told this:

During the 1990s, she associated with Israeli organised crime figures operating in South
Africa, who were involved in extorting the local Jewish community, and other criminal

That's completely upside down to all sense, as usual. As an agent, Winnie would have been
involved in lots of covert projects over the decades, but not in an Israeli extortion from the local
Jewish community! Maybe in extorting from everyone else to benefit the local Jewish
community, but not otherwise.

I suspect this semi-rehabilitation of Winnie will piss off more people even than my outing of
Mandela as an agent, but I just tell it like I see it. I am not here to pick sides, I am here to flip all
the lies over, no matter what they may be.

*Farrakhan admitted his father was Jewish on Finding Your Roots.
**Curiously, Marike's son Willem had a famous relationship with a half-black woman named Erica
Adams, so she was probably a cousin.

13 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...

Also, why was Mandela allowed to give a three-hour speech (“I am prepared to die”) at the beginning of the trial? That isn't normal court proceeding. In a real trial, someone in the stand must respond to questioning. They don't get to blab without end. Do you think the State arrested these people so that they could make three-hour speeches in court which could be immediately printed in the newspapers and quoted on TV? This is all the evidence you need that he trial was manufactured.

But why would they end the Mandela project like that in 1963, putting their actor on ice for 27 years? Probably because their cover was blown. These British/Jewish peers got caught by their Dutch cousins and were forced to back off for a few years and regroup. The script they wrote from London in 1962 blew up in their faces. My guess is that once their cover was blown, the British spooks whisked Mandela out of South Africa, and he was really in England after 1963, perhaps camped out in the countryside, maybe near Oxford? This means that although the Afrikaners thought Mandela was their own asset in those previous years, controlling the opposition, he was actually a British asset for most of that time. But I don't think the Afrikaners understood that until sometime after 1962-3.

Because we have to remember that things really got nasty after that. These covert projects of the 50s and early 60s had failed, so the various factions of the Phoenician Navy had to resort to semi-open warfare.

Anonim spunea...

Da-i in mortii ma-sii de ciori ca , de peste cincizeci de ani le-am plans d e mile iar acum am ajuns sa stam noi cu capul lecat inaintea lor si-n plus , nu Bill Gates sau Reckefeller sant cei mai pricopsiti oameni ai planetei ci ciorile ale a libidinoase din Africa lui Mandela ! Dar regimul de tiranie personala impus de madam Mandela , asta a fost uitat ? Mai bine spune-mi si mie , ce se-ntampla cu aia de la Justitiarul { ai gasesti in stanga blogului dumitale } caci , d e vreo doua zile nu-i mai pot citi !

Riddick spunea...

Africa de Sud a fost subminată de "occidentul democratic" până s-a ales praful. Tot aşa şi mişcarea de eliberare UNITA din Angola, anticomunistă dar şi anticolonială (União Nacional para a Independência Total de Angola), subminată de "statele democratice" iar liderul său Jonas Savimbi pândit într-o ambuscadă şi ciuruit. Preţul se pare c-a fost concesiunea petrolului din enclava (teritoriul) Cabinda, care ţinea de Angola, către firme mari de petrol. Mai apoi, şi zăcămintele celelalte.

https://web.archive.org/web/20140601043043/http://benoitcurinier.blogspot.com/ (primul articol)

"Justiţiarul" a fost "oprit" de ANCOM, la cererea guvernului. Nu ştiu dacă "doar" pe durata stării de urgenţă.

Anonim spunea...

Riddick , UNITA o fi fost ANTICOLONIALA dar ANTICOMUNISTA ? Chiar nu poti fi serios macar odata ? 1] Despre ce fel de anticomunism putem vorbi cand URSS si alte state din Lagarul Comunist ai ajutau p'aia din UNITA la greu indiferent pe unde se itzea vreo " miscare anticoloniala " ? Nu ma refer la Mozambic sau Congo unde cubanezii lui Castro... faceau " instructie si schimb de experienta " . Ma mira ca nu ti-ai amintit dePatrice Lumumba ! Iti multumesc din toata inima caci , mi-ai infrumusetat acest final de Sambata noaptea ! 2] Bine bine dar cum este posibil asa ceva intr-o tara ce se pretinde democrata din UE ? Dar ce le-a cashunat alora de la Guvern de-a pus ANCOM-ul pe ei ? Au scris prea multe despre...Area 51 de la Victoria sau Cotroceni ? Ai aflat ceva in acest sens ? Chiar ti-asi fi recunoscator daca mi-ai da oarece informatii care sa ma ajute sa inteleg acest abuz caci altfel , chiar nu-l pot numi , fireste daca dumneata nu vei fi in acelasi pericol si-atunci iti voi intelege nevoia de a te proteja . Respect si multumiri !

Anonim spunea...

Bine ca-mi adusei aminte la vreme : daca in urma cu vreo patruzeci de ani presa romaneasca ar fi scris ca un BOER ALB { adica un exploatator caci nu toata lume a stia ce-i acela un... BOER in Africa de Sud } a fost ucis de catre doi angajati NEGRI , CARE MUNCEAU LA FERMA ALUIA SI NEMULTUMITI DE CONDITIILE DE MUNCA ... ar fi fost organizat un miting de sustinere { a negrilor fireste } pentru " poporul african exploatat de catre BOERII ALBI , miting care-ar fi depasit ca numar d e participanti { adusi de catre... } ce-ar fi depasit cu mult , acel miting din '68 si chiar ce-a fost in 21 Decembrie 1989 .

Riddick spunea...

Cred că-i o confuzie, Estul ajuta MPLA (condusă de Eduardo Dos Santos). O vreme doar şi UNITA (mai mult chinezii), până a intrat în conflict cu MPLA după plecarea portughezilor. Chinezii au continuat totuşi sprijinul pentru UNITA, şi din ce în ce mai mult s-a implicat Africa de Sud (ante 1994).

Cu cenzura vor să ne panicheze, "teroare", dar arată de fapt că le e frică de circulaţia liberă a informaţiei.

Doi "băieţi", unul de 21 altul minor (17?). S-a insinuat atunci de propagandă că Terre'Blanche le-ar fi făcut avansuri homo, dar nu-i nici credibil nici confirmat. Cei doi au fost condamnaţi la închisoare.

Riddick spunea...

Locuia aproape sărăcăcios (la fermă), pat de placaj, rudimentar (a fost omorât în pat, surprins în somn). Avea familie, soţie şi cel puţin o fiică, dar nu locuiau la fermă, probabil avea o reşedinţă altundeva.



Grisly details emerge of Terre'Blanche killing

Johannesburg - A grisly picture of the killing of right-wing leader Eugene Terre'Blanche was painted in court at a bail hearing on Monday.

The Ventersdorp Magistrate's Court heard he was hacked and beaten with a panga and iron rod 28 times while sleeping - and nearly dismembered.

Chris Mahlangu, 27, a slender man, listened impassively as investigating officer Tsietsi Mano testified how the brutality of the Easter Weekend murder had disturbed him.

"He (Terre'Blanche) was sleeping, so he never saw it coming," said Mano, to murmurs of agreement from the late AWB leader's elderly brother, Andries, who sat with hunched shoulders in the front row of the public gallery.

"The brutality was a bitter pill to swallow - he was totally unrecognisable."


Eugene Terre'Blanche murder: farmworker found guilty

Chris Mahlangu, 29, was convicted at a court in the small rural town of Ventersdorp. His co-accused, Patrick Ndlovu, 18, was acquitted of murder, but found guilty of housebreaking.

Terre'Blanche, co-founder of the far-right Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB), who wanted to overthrow South Africa's black majority government, was killed at his farmhouse in Ventersdorp on 3 April, 2010.

Prosecutors had accused Mahlangu and Ndlovu of breaking into the 69-year-old's home, where they found him asleep, and bludgeoning him to death with a steel pipe. A post-mortem report revealed he sustained 28 injuries.


Anonim spunea...

1] Asi fi de a cord cu dumneata stimate prieten daca si numai daca , n-ar exista acel : " Estul ajuta MPLA (condusă de Eduardo Dos Santos). O vreme doar şi UNITA (mai mult chinezii), până a intrat în conflict cu MPLA după plecarea portughezilor. Chinezii au continuat totuşi sprijinul pentru UNITA, şi din ce în ce mai mult s-a implicat Africa de Sud (ante 1994)." Ce-mi era Estul , ce-mi erau si sant inca , chinezii !?! Deci " confuzia " mea nu este atat de mare .2] INTORDEAUNA SI DINTOTDEAUNA , TUTUROR GUVENELOR DIN ORICE STAT AL LUMII LE ESTE TEAMA/FRICA DE LIBERA CIRCULATIE A INFORMATIILOR . Sau n-ai auzit de Wathergate ?

Riddick spunea...

Watergate, Nixon. Da.

Anonim spunea...

ANCOM , Riddick acu' m-am prins d e figura !! ANCOM condus cu deosebita pricepere de catre Sorin Grindeanu care , DUPA PAREREA SI VOINTA LUI LIVIU DRAGNEA , era ce-a mai inteligenta fiintza din PSDragnea { fireste nu mai inteligent decat Mihai Tudose sau Viorica Dancila } , omul care ne-a fost PM, aproape... trei luni intregi sau mai putin de-atat ? Da ce mortii ma-sii l-a recomandat pentru " fonctia " asta frate , " vocea si talentul " sau ... " FAMILIA " ? Si cand ma gandesc ca-n Romania gurile rele spun ca , atunci cand un partid vine la putere toti aia pusi in functie d epredecesori sant inlocuiti instantaneu ... O fi facut si asta niscai "servicii " cuiva din....SERVICII ?

Anonim spunea...

Am dat cautare si , uite ce-am gasit nu mai departe de stanga blogului dumitale :
Autobuzul România sau amatorism la vreme de pandemie
Mai mult decat interesant si nu c-asi fi eu vreun mare adversar al lui Grindeanu dar , chiar este interesant .P.S. Nu stiu Hoanda dar , pe Denise Rifai am vazut-o la Ion Cristoiu facand parte dintre " invitatii lui Cristoiu " si , trebuie sa recunosc asta : SCRIE MAI BINE DECAT MODERA !

Riddick spunea...

Ehe, a fost inşurubat acolo (prin vot în parlament) la propunerea lui Dragnea, pe vremea "PSDragnea", ceea ce spune multe. Nu ştiu dacă organizatoric, juridic, ANCOM s-ar fi putut opune unor propuneri de cenzură contestându-le în instanţă în contencios administrativ ori în alt mod (văd că toate siteurile sunt cu domenii .ro).

Dn 2017 m-am cam prins de blatul PSD-Sistem, după o mică perioadă de speranţă că ar încerca să se opună.

Riddick spunea...

Bun, articolul cu autobuzul:


Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Cornea, 2011: "Dacă statele rămân suverane, ele vor continua să facă ceea ce cred şi ceea ce consideră că le este de folos, în pofida intereselor comune. Rezultă că trebuie mers înainte – mai repede sau mai încet – spre un sistem federal sau măcar confederal, cu un guvern central dotat cu puteri mari în domeniul economiei, apărării şi externelor, cu un parlament bicameral după modelul american şi cu guverne ale statelor responsabile numai pentru afacerile interne, justiţie, educaţie, cultură, eventual sănătate şi muncă. Căci atunci când vorbim despre pierderea suveranităţii naţionale, despre cine anume vorbim în fapt ca fiind „perdanţii“? Despre plătitorii obişnuiţi de impozite, cu rate la bănci, cu salarii ameninţate ba de tăieri, ba de inflaţie? Despre pensionarii cu pensiile în pericol? Despre beneficiarii sistemelor de asigurări ce acumulează datorii peste datorii? Despre şomeri? Nu, ci vorbim despre elitele politice europene din cele 27 de state. Ele sunt acelea care şi-ar pierde suveranitatea – mai ales aceea de a cheltui nestăvilit şi de a face promisiuni imposibil de ţinut. Vor trebui să se consoleze mulţi parlamentari naţionali cu un rol mai modest (dar deloc neglijabil). Dintre miniştrii şi funcţionarii guvernamentali, unii, precum cei de la externe sau de la armată, vor trebui să dispară pur şi simplu."


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