"Falimentul energetic" din Cuba, adică blackout-ul total (căderea totală a sistemului energetic, în mod repetat şi pe durate lungi) este inadmisibil în contextul parteneriatului ruso-chinez cu Cuba. Cum ar veni, "trebuia ceva făcut în toţi aceşti ani".
Dar poate că este doar aparent inadmisibil şi Cuba post-castristă care a legiferat căsatoriile gay NU este în mod real parteneră cu Rusia şi China. Regimul "pe nou" din Cuba, mai precis. Care încă îşi ascunde natura sa reală faţă de cubanezi.
Că doar n-or fi proşti ruşii şi chinezii să pompeze resurse într-un "teritoriu nesigur". Deja au fost mult prea proşti când (aproape) l-au scăpat din mână şi l-au lăsat să devină nesigur.
Iar ceilalţi "parteneri" (vesticii) sunt parteneri doar cu o parte din regimul de la Havana şi merg pe burtă ca să nu-şi pericliteze implanturile.
("Nu pupi/apuci tu preluarea mandatului, drăgălaşule" - mesaj-ameninţare pe Twitter al baronesei Rothschild, referitor la Trump; mai "anunţă" anularea BREXIT-ului şi al treilea război mondial; iar despre votanţii lui Trump - şi despre conservatori, în general - vorbeşte în termeni vulgari, peiorativi, gen "viermii ăia", expresie atribuită Elenei Ceauşescu) Euro-med: Baroness de Rothschild Reveals Their Plans – and Splashes Sulphur from Hell on “Morons, Idiots, Fools, Deplorables, Bitches, Robots, Christians” Electing Trump, Pledging He Will not Be Inaugurated – Praising Soros and Promising WW3
The following is a Twitter “discussion” totally dominated by one Baroness de Rothschild. But exactly who is she?
The header of her blog shows the Waddensdon Manor, bequeathed to a National Fund administered by a Rothschild charitable trust, that is overseen by Lord Jacob de Rothschild, and the coats-of-arms of the Rothschilds.
Thus, one might believe the baroness is Jacob's wife, his daughter Hanna who is chairwoman of the National Gallery – or another of his 3 daughters. However, I do not see them being called CEOs, which Lynn Forrester de Rothschild is – and which Hanna might be.
A British baroness would not use the vulgar language in the Twitter below.
She has written passionately supporting e-mails to Hillary Clinton and dreamed of her as the first female US president. Her passion shown in this video would fit into the following tweets. She is an American, who knows the Americans, and she says she is on Twitter. She is probably the only Rothschild for Clinton. The other Rothschilds need Trump, their antithesis, at this time.
And maybe Lynn's passionate Clinton support serves the same purpose as that of Rothschild agent George Soros, whom Lynn praises to the skies: to create hate and clashes/civil war in the US as everywhere.
My guess is that this is written by Lynn de Rothschild of the corrupt Rothschild Clan – but the term “my uncle's discussion with Tony Blair” (who is establishing an institution to keep the UK in the EU) points in the direction of one of Jacob Rothschild's daughters, probably Hanna. It's interesting that George Soros and Jill Stein, i.a. are commenting on the blog.
“Rothschild agent George Soros funds, instructs, and influences every layer of US government, right down to the tax code.”Soros’ ideology is basically Nazism, but with Jews instead of Aryans”.
Dear readers, I must apologize to you: Out of fear of being held an unserious “conspiracy theorist” by you I have described the Rothschilds, their supremacist plans for the world, their henchmen and their contempt for us in civilized, documented terms. I have been too polite. All I have written is being emphasized in the most vulgar and passionate way in the tweets below: 1. We are being called fools, morons, buffoons, deplorables, (Hillary's name for Trump voters!), bitches, robots
2. They bear contempt for democracy – working hard to have Trump's election abolished on totally unfounded claims. Hillary must be enthroned.
3. She confirms that Soros is their man
4. Indirectly, she admits to Rothschild Satanism, by mocking Texans who want to have aborted fetuses buried instead of delivering them tho Satanis feasts!
5. Despicable nationalist populists will lose and be forced to return to Rothschild's ideal globalism/one-world governance.
The Rothschilds have “positive” experiences in this respect: They were the masterminds behind the 1. world war and here, as well as behind the 2. world war and here and here leading to Germany´s total submission.
7. She is mocking Christians.
8. She sees Wikileaks as a Rothschild tool
9. This ignorant/deceptive Rothschild preaches Climate doom lacking any foundation.
Rothschild Family Indicted Mainstream Media Silent
In 2015 the French Government indicted Baron David De Rothschild for embezzling large sums of money from British pensioners from 2005 to 2008 and a violation of inheritance tax laws. In June of 2015, Paris based Judge Javier Bermudez ruled that Baron Rothschild of the Rothschild Services Group must face a trial for his crimes. That is if they can find him in one of his many mansions scattered around France. Now the French government has opened an investigation into the Swiss Rothschild unit. Bloomberg reports “ The Swiss unit of Edmond de Rothschild said it’s the subject of a French probe regarding a former business relationship managed by a former employee.
“Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the criminal investigation under way,” the Geneva-based bank said in an e-mailed statement on Friday. “The bank denies all the allegations that have been made against it.”
Edmond de Rothschild, a private banking and asset management firm established in Paris in 1953, oversees about 150 billion euros ($164 billion) and is led today by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife Ariane. The Swiss unit traces its roots to the acquisition of Banque Privee in Geneva in 1965. From a Haaretz interview 6 years ago, Baron Benjamin de Rothschild was quoted as saying "The United States is finished, at least for the moment. and" I do not believe in God - I do not report to him."
The Rothschild story is precariously embedded in the footnotes of world history. Nathan Rothschild became the largest debtor to the Bank of England, until the bank was privatized in 1946. However, although the Bank of England is State owned, 97% of the UK’s money supply is still privately controlled in the form of interest bearing loans created by the Rothschild dominated commercial banks. The Rothschild’s modern manipulation of the British economy is clearly evident in this clip demonstrating Queen Elizabeth’s inquiry into the downturn of the British economy. A question that was answered by Rothschild lackeys four years later after the Queen personally had to visit the Bank of England to get an answer.
The indictment of a Rothschild is not simply another dirty banker being brought to justice. The imprisonment of the controlling interest of life on Earth would mean a stop to endless wars, illegal mass surveillance, debt slavery, and a Luciferian cultural agenda. Basically, peace on Earth. A bit much you say?
Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."
At 6:57 PM EDT, reports began coming in of several explosions in the Iran capital city of Tehran.
Initial, unconfirmed information says that at least one building belonging to the Iran Ministry of Defense, has exploded.
More as I get it. . .
7:07 PM EDT
Israeli war planes are now crossing the Syria-Jordan Border heading in the direction of Iraq.
7:11 PM EDT --
Residents in Northwestern Iran report hearing Aircraft in the Sky over the Iran-Iraq Border.
-- Imam Khomenei International Airport Hit by explosions
-- Iran CLOSES all air space.
-- Military correspondent for Israel's channel 13: "Report of explosions west of Tehran. We are going on air on channel 13"
-- 6 explosions in Karaj and 4-5 explosions in Tehran so far. Still unconfirmed.
7:20 PM EDT --
Air Control Towers throughout the Middle East are broadcasting EMERGENCY MESSAGES TO CLEAR AIR SPACE immediately
7:25 PM EDT --
Reports are now confirming there have already been NINETEEN (19) Explosions in Tehran.
7:31 PM EDT --
Air Raid Sirens sounding throughout Iran.
7:34 PM EDT --
Civilian power plant in Karaj, Iran, reportedly "destroyed."
7:57 PM EDT --
Both U.S. and Israeli Officials are now openly stating they expect that the Strikes will warrant a Military Response from Iran.
-- Initial reports that the IDF launched a number of airstrikes in Syria against radar installations prior to striking Iran.
********** F L A S H **********
Unconfirmed reports CLAIM United States B-2 Stealth Bombers have been seen crossing into Iranian Air Space. If this is correct, and it is as yet UNCONFIRMED, then the U.S. appears to be going after the Iran Nuclear Program.
The Israeli Defense Force has issued an official statement CONFIRMING Israel is attacking Iran.
***** BULLETIN *****
8:06 PM EDT --
Just literally moments ago, live from inside the West Bank "very large
number of Fighter Jets and refueling planes in the skies of Palestine,
on their way to Iran. The strikes heard in Iran seem to be initial, it seems that the IDF was testing Iran's Air-Defenses before launching its main attack,
8:27 PM EDT --
over Tehran are now quiet. No further explosions in past 15 minutes.
LIVE UPDATES ARE CONTINUING . . . . New developments as I get them, will
appear below.
Un comentariu :
Insight from Hillary Clinton fundraiser Lady Lynn de Rothschild - LoneWolf Sager(◑_◑)
Rothschild Family Indicted Mainstream Media Silent
In 2015 the French Government indicted Baron David De Rothschild for embezzling large sums of money from British pensioners from 2005 to 2008 and a violation of inheritance tax laws. In June of 2015, Paris based Judge Javier Bermudez ruled that Baron Rothschild of the Rothschild Services Group must face a trial for his crimes. That is if they can find him in one of his many mansions scattered around France. Now the French government has opened an investigation into the Swiss Rothschild unit. Bloomberg reports “ The Swiss unit of Edmond de Rothschild said it’s the subject of a French probe regarding a former business relationship managed by a former employee.
“Edmond de Rothschild (Suisse) SA is actively participating in the criminal investigation under way,” the Geneva-based bank said in an e-mailed statement on Friday. “The bank denies all the allegations that have been made against it.”
Edmond de Rothschild, a private banking and asset management firm established in Paris in 1953, oversees about 150 billion euros ($164 billion) and is led today by Baron Benjamin de Rothschild and his wife Ariane. The Swiss unit traces its roots to the acquisition of Banque Privee in Geneva in 1965. From a Haaretz interview 6 years ago, Baron Benjamin de Rothschild was quoted as saying "The United States is finished, at least for the moment. and" I do not believe in God - I do not report to him."
The Rothschild story is precariously embedded in the footnotes of world history. Nathan Rothschild became the largest debtor to the Bank of England, until the bank was privatized in 1946. However, although the Bank of England is State owned, 97% of the UK’s money supply is still privately controlled in the form of interest bearing loans created by the Rothschild dominated commercial banks. The Rothschild’s modern manipulation of the British economy is clearly evident in this clip demonstrating Queen Elizabeth’s inquiry into the downturn of the British economy. A question that was answered by Rothschild lackeys four years later after the Queen personally had to visit the Bank of England to get an answer.
The indictment of a Rothschild is not simply another dirty banker being brought to justice. The imprisonment of the controlling interest of life on Earth would mean a stop to endless wars, illegal mass surveillance, debt slavery, and a Luciferian cultural agenda. Basically, peace on Earth. A bit much you say?
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