Most see the European Union of today as an inefficient conglomeration of states run by self-serving career politicians anxious to guarantee their survival by safely nesting in the EU’s cocoon of endless bureaucracies. Many don’t really see a threat at the moment. They believe that an integrated Europe makes sense; that it would prevent any chance of a third European war; that it is the modern, forward-thinking way to go. Nothing could be further from the truth. The European Economic Community (EEC) began as a free-trade agreement in 1972. Today’s European Union is well on its way to becoming a federal superstate, complete with one currency, one legal system, one military, one police force – even its own national anthem. In this shocking new documentary featuring EU insiders and commentators, independent author Phillip Day covers the history and goals of the European Union, as well as the disturbing, irrevocable implications this new government has for every citizen. Whether the viewer is for or against participation, this film asks the troubling questions the mainstream media has refused to confront.
Campaign For Truth In Europe
7 comentarii :
Excelent film !
Lucrurile stau mult mai rau acum decat in 2004 cand a apartu filmul
Si cand vad propaganda de la noi ca singura noastra salvare este UE ( cum l-am auzit ieri si pe Baconschi) chiar nu stiu de viitor ne asteapta !
A început şi Farage să albească... :)
Aaaa, să vezi ce-o să-l mai iau azi în primire cu o postare pe B.A. Konski.
Ieri B A Konsky zicea ca am cazut atat de rau in criza pentru ca nu aveam plasa eurozonei.
Parca juca un rol : calm, implicat doar atat cat sa nu para neimplicat.
N-am auzit nimic serios-doar palavrageala
Pur si simplu "moleseste" ,"adoarme " electoratul cu IQ ridicat care poate intra in categoria ELITE
Spunea că este aşteptat la Ateneu, în seara asta, TB, la lansarea Fundaţiei.
Pe site la presedinţie nu apare planificat nimic pentru seară, doar doua primiri, ultima la 12:30.
Hope so.
M-am uitat nitel:
TB este inconjurat de flancat de cei doi europeisti : B.A Konsky si Orban
Leonard Orban nu avea ce să caute de partea cealaltă a zidului de la Cotroceni.
Ce naiba, este elementar...
Accept o eroare cu Baconschi, nu cu Orban.
Absolut logic si CORECT
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