"Ştim cine sunteţi. Ştim unde locuiţi. Ştim unde
Şi vom fi mulţi, dar
voi veţi fi puţini".
Aşa se încheie o postare halucinantă de pe siteul Greenpeace. Linkul aici
(cât o mai fi...).
Partea semnificativă a postării, aici:
The [r]evolution won’t be televised.
What do you do when patient petitioning, protest marches and court
orders fail? What do you do when all the protocols and cheat codes of
democracy fail? This is what you do: you reclaim the language of
democracy from the twisted bunch that have hijacked, cannibalized and
subverted it.

Pressuring politicians on climate change is not working. We saw that
in Copenhagen. Three months later, we also know why. Which is why the
global climate movement now must do course-correction. We need to shift
targets and go after the real termites that hollowed out and imploded
Not Barosso, Obama or Wen Jiabao, but the real obstacles to the
climate deal this planet deserves and demands. The oil and gas mafia
running loose in New Delhi. The coal magnates that have Canberra by the
short and curlies. The petrochemical giants that have placed a firm
jackboot on the EU's throat. The fossil fools and nuclear lobbyists that
have Washington DC on speed-dial.
We need to hit them where it hurts most, by any means necessary:
through the power of our votes, our taxes, our wallets, and more.
We need to be inclusive. We need to join forces with those within the
climate movement that are
direct action to disrupt the CO2 supply chain. We need to embrace
the conservatives too, the ones that choose scientific rigour and court
injunctions as their weapons.
Finally, we need to prove repeatedly, consistently, doggedly, that
our alternative vision of
world that runs on clean energy isn’t just a prototype, it’s
already in production.
Emerging battle-bruised from the disaster zone of Copenhagen, but
ever-hopeful, a
on horseback brought news of darkness and light:
"The politicians
have failed. Now it's up to us. We must break the law to make the laws
we need: laws that are supposed to protect society, and protect our
future. Until our laws do that, screw being climate lobbyists. Screw
being climate activists. It's not working. We need an army of climate
The proper channels have failed. It's time for mass civil
disobedience to cut off the financial oxygen from denial and skepticism.
If you're one of those who believe that this is not just necessary
but also possible, speak to us. Let's talk about what that mass civil
disobedience is going to look like.
If you're one of those who have spent their lives undermining
progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling
spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding
democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this:
We know who you are. We know where you
live. We know where you work.
And we be many, but you be few.
De ce să ne mirăm, când
şi în România propaganda ecologistă prin şcoli merge înainte ? Detalii
şi aici.
UPDATE (8 aprilie 2010) - jigodiile au şters postarea, au venit cu "explicaţii":
Statement from Ananth, International Programme Director:
You’ve probably come here to read a blog post written by our
colleague Gene, in which he addresses climate sceptics by saying:
“Let's talk about what that mass civil disobedience is going
to look like.
"If you're one of those who have spent their lives undermining
progressive climate legislation, bankrolling junk science, fueling
spurious debates around false solutions, and cattle-prodding
democratically-elected governments into submission, then hear this:
We know who you are. We know where you live. We know where you work. And
we be many, but you be few.”
Well, we’ve taken down that post from our website. It’s very easy to
misconstrue that line, take it out of context and suggest it means
something wholly different from the practice of peaceful civil
disobedience, which is what the post was about. Anyone who knows Gene
knows he’s an entirely peaceful guy.
In the interest of transparency we
have moved it off site to this location, where you can
read the offending quotes in context and judge for yourself:
We got this one wrong, no doubt about it. I’m holding up my hands on
behalf of the organisation and saying sorry for that. Peaceful action is
at the very core of what we do, so any language that even comes close
to suggesting that’s not the case is something we cannot support.
15 comentarii :
Exact la asta ma gandeam si eu chiar azi .Pe aici pe la mine se observa usor activitatea retelei.
Sunt convinsa ca banditii cunosc toate detaliile despre noi,cei care indraznim sa comentam.Stau ascunsi ,acoperiti ,tac si sapa pana la urmatoarea oportunitate
Avem acum noroc ca iesit Basescu presedinte, sustinut de PDL .Sa vedem ce va fi dupa...
Echilibrul nu va dura la infinit, mai trebuie şi acţionat - noi, ceilalţi, adică.
Vad ca la ei exista un plan, sunt organizati, stiu care le sunt urmatorii pasi.
Noi actionam din instinct, simtim individual ca lucrurile nu sunt in regula
Ei sunt in ofesiva noi in defensiva.
Ce-i cu partidul ala de la unguri care cica sunt extremisti si este acum pe locul doi ?
Poate că au planul cunoscut la nivel de activişti, nu de simpatizanţi.
Cu partidul Jobbik, una din două - ori este aliatul lui Orban şi intră la guvernare, ori este clonă moscovită, cum s-a auzit, şi face opoziţie ori face ca PSD în 2009.
Se aude că Orban va avea majoritate absolută doar cu partidul său - Fidesz, iar liberalii, aliaţii socialiştilor, vor fi spulberaţi.
Jobbik, Rózsa-Flores, Al-Qaeda according to a Croatian source
Jobbik: Are the Hungarian media after the party?
Trebuie să plec cam o oră.
Exact acelasi tipar.
Cand e ceva confuz,e clar ca este mana Moscovei
Ai vazut asta?
Chavez trebuia lichidat încă de la tentativa de lovitură de stat din 1992, nu graţiat şi scos din puşcărie.
Reagan i-a scos pe comunişti din Grenada în 1983, Obama n-a recunoscut (o vreme) guvernul şi preşedintele din honduras care au prevenit o lovitură de stat.
Cheia e la americani, presimt evenimente deosebite anul ăsta.
Situatia este nasoala.Se intampla lucruri care ni se pareau de neimaginat pana acum.
Ai vazut si asta :
Nu le merge cu Bibi, degeaba se agită "Ciocolată".
E dat dracu' Bibi !
Has Obama Joined Hands With Livni’s Kadima To Topple Netanyahu?
Obama Seeks to Impose a Solution on Israel
Daca nu scapam de Obama asta nici la urmatoarele alegeri lucrurile vor merge din rau in mai rau
Mama ,ce-i face tipul asta lui Obama.
Chiar asa o fi?
Inteleg ca Universitatea Columbia a fost doar o "acoperire" pentru Obama csre a fost trimis de CIA in Afganistan si Pakistan ?
Cam ciudat
Sunt multe chestii neelucidate, să vedem procesul din 14 mai (nu mai este mult), mă întreb care sunt bazele juridice, totuşi.
Că nu pare... tribunal.
Trimiteți un comentariu