22 august 2009


După apariţia celor două submarine ruseşti foarte aproape de coasta estică a SUA, şi după "capturarea de către piraţi" a cargoului rusesc cu încărcătură dubioasă Arctic Sea, apare pe site-ul lui Steve Quayle un mesaj de la sursa Hawk, unde subiectul este dezvoltat. Mărimea textului mă face să-l postez ca atare, în engleză:

Moonlight Dance with Russian Subs Last Night?
Deep Atlantic Threat off East Coast under Cover of Hurricane Bill

August 21, 2009

Early this am 8/21/09 the Q-Files klaxon horn sounded general quarters in several locales. Reports from radio experts began to flood in regarding an extremely long 200+ characters Emergency Action Message likely sent from a Spaceborne Command vehicle via Offut Air base to space, air, and naval vessels in the Atlantic region. Apparently, an interdiction operation involving high probable multiples of Russian submarines operating in the deep Atlantic ocean was ongoing which probably involved a TR3-B spacecraft, multiple P-3 Orion subchasers, and other Naval assets most likely including U.S. Navy submarines.

The area of coverage based upon multiple check-ins from the P-3 Orions to Lajes island in the Azores due to poor propagation indicated that a wide area search from probably the Cape Verde Islands north to the Canary Islands (home of the Cumbre Vieja Shelf) and further northwest to the Azores on one side of the Atlantic to include the ocean also bound on the East Coast CONUS side from Florida to Newfoundland Canada. The TR-3B space craft with its incredible speed was likely using its powerful sensors from space to cover this area and also the Straits of Gibraltar and Med Sea areas in conjunction with the P-3 's, and no doubt multiple U.S. submarines below the water. Major note here is that this was not some some drill or a simple assistance of weather center Hurricane Bill tracking. This was an interdiction operation most likely to find Russian subs that were getting aggressive in their maneuvering, had turned on missile systems, or which had disappeared under the massive interference of Hurricane Bill, the third Tropical storm most likely generated by Russian Weather War electromagnetic assets, just off the coast of Africa and not far from where the Russian Mystery Ship was found off the Cape Verde Islands and some of the Russian subs and surface vessels have been operating. The powerful Hurricane Bill would provide excellent cover for Russian subs to move closer into the East Coast of the U.S. or even to the Canary Islands where the Cumbre Vieja shelf lies.

The exact actions taken at this time, beyond the ongoing search for the interdiction operation, is not known. However, with the current threat situations ongoing in the Mideast with Israel, Iran, Syria, and the Russians and tangential military jousting in Georgia, its breakaway Republic of Abkhasia, as well as the Russian held Ossetia looming as large potential flash points for World War III, these activities of " Dancin With the Bear Under the Deep Blue Sea" are not some trivial cat and mouse games that TV propaganda channels would have you believe, but are in fact an escalation of a longer series of events which have ratcheted up between the U.S. and the Russians that portend WW III more than some normal neo cold war ho hum.


We all have followed the very vague and highly unusual news coverage of the Russian cargo ship filled allegedly with Finnish timber which had disappeared and that was finally found somewhere off Cape Verde by the Russian Navy. Mysterious pirates or hijackers who took over the ship and the odd subsequent "cover story" arrests and then now veiled hints of mysterious cargo such as nuclear devices or nuclear cruise missiles actually being on board and perhaps taken off by the hijacking gang, which in this writer's analysis sounded more like U.S. ultra black counter terror operators, Navy Seals, or perhaps even British Special Boat Squad shooters. After all, the initial boarding via ruse and subsequent hijacking of the ship took place somewhere near the English Channel on or about July 28th 2009.

Interestingly enough that time frame also featured wild fires burning on La Palma, the main Island of the Canary Islands, which would provide marvelous cover for infil of Russian frogmen to take delivery of and place a series of nuclear devices calculated to blow the Cumbre Vieja shelf, which under current Swiss modeling would create a giant 1200 feet tall tidal wave, that from the U.S. perspective would strike the U.S. east coast from Florida to Maine within hours and rush inland perhaps as far as 100 miles into the area of the most dense population centers of America....the Megalopolis from Boston down to D.C. and on further south to Miami. That this could be an actual Strategic Plan of Russian asymmetrical warfare tied perhaps to a retaliation for any Israeli or joint U.S. attack upon their Defense Treaty allies of Iran and Syria is not only realistic, but doable, and would carry quite a bit of the good old Weather/Tectonic "acts of God" plausible deniability as well. Under the cover of a "natural" wild fire insertion of nukes that would create a "natural" earthquake blow of the Cumbre Vieja shelf which would kill most of the population of East Coast U.S., Canada, England, and Coastal Europe with tidal wave destruction and flooding, is it any wonder that Putin's brighter planners also tying this to his version of the New World Order would love such a plan? Several years ago another alert given to you described a "thunderball-like" underwater fight between U.S. Seals vs. Russian and perhaps proxy frogmen over this very Cumbre prize.

Now, however let us look at the Georgian conflict of the near past where the U.S. and Israeli proxy Georgia were deep in a one sided conflict with the Russians that had Grave Worldwide implications. Well that conflict has really just been smoldering and when not long ago U.S. ships were in the Black Sea for drills and the Russians deployed considerable naval assets to do counter drills the fire got turned up........and even now with Israelis perhaps still training troops in Georgia and the Georgians seizing 2 cargo vessels trading with their breakaway Republic of Abkhasia the fire is getting hotter and hotter as the main event of Israel vs. Iran, Syria, and Lebanese Hezbollah and the Russian Defenders ported in Tartus and Latakia all are warming up in their respective dressing rooms.

Well with the Mystery Cargo Timber hauler missing and Georgian tensions increasing we were granted the visage of what one could call the "Scythian Centaur" icon.......Vladimir Putin bare-chested and yet seemingly part of the 'Red Horse" was sending a message for all to see that he was very serious and ready to go to war with the U.S. He has done this before with his vacation to Sambo Training Camp picture where he posed in BDU's in a Sambo or Judo stance and was flexing his bare chest, and again with his famous picture with the Tiger and how he wasn't afraid and could control the metaphorical now "paper tiger" of the U.S. Putin has sent his message loud and clear.

About that time Russian Akula class subs appeared of the coast of the U.S state of Georgia and off New York in another strong message of a trading tit for tat of the Georgias via nuclear missile launches. Akula class attack subs usually protect larger ICBM boomers, but they also can carry a quite destructive punch with nuclear tipped cruise missiles that on the U.S. coast might only have a 5 minute or less flight time before warheads were dropped on major U.S. coastal cities and Military bases. This is a serious threat and although the U.S. anti missile defense technologies could handle quite a few inbound missiles, they cannot handle them all regardless what fluff you might believe from Pentagram propaganda wags.

So, getting back to the story here, an analysis that some Timing cues in the big luciferian inspired, Illuminati ordered, and State actor executed Grand Plan for World War III aka. The Gog Magog War may have been interrupted by some seaborne commandos would be not far from the truth. Consequently though Putin ordered all available Russian naval vessels to search for the Mystery Ship.......well now it is sans cargo of the nukes and the game was blown and the Scythian Centaur is ready to take some heads and so his subs have been maneuvering aggressively not only off Tartus in the med very close to Israel but now also with many subs of various classes including the Boomers the U.S. lucies will deny are also in the mix right off the east coast of CONUS, off Canada, and not far from Britain, France, and Spain. However, the "Pirate Gambit" I believe bought some time or slowed the clock just a little on the impending Mideast war which will involve the use of nuclear weapons on all sides and will necessitate God himself to save Israel fro Gog Magog and all his Arab and Muslim allies in that region.

The Eagle is perhaps destined to be embroiled in Martial Law over Banking Collapses, Currency devaluations, and horribly deadly Killer Viral Pandemics...with viruses even more deadly as their mutagenic tendencies will no doubt get enhanced from the already ongoing electromagnetic effects of Weather War that perhaps dropped a neat little micro burst onto NYC and environs.......and then as Henry Gruver, Dimitrou Duduman, and others great men of God have predicted a sneak attack by Russian nuclear missiles comes and lays waste to much of the U.S.. Probably as retaliation, the very minute Israeli fighter bombers, missiles carrying payloads of nuclear bunker busters fly toward Iran, Syria, and Lebanon.

Well now perhaps the "Cumbre Vieja Wave" won't be part of this American Football Season but, I would not wager against snap shots from Russian subs of death from above supersonic cruise missiles that could get past at least in part to sufficiently decapitate D.C., Oceana, New York City (perhaps the 100 trees is prophetic?) and other targets inside CONUS. MAAD is no longer the U.S. doctrine...and also when one hears rumors of KGB groomed usurpers and the Illuminati deals they make under Golden Capstones with the Eye of Lucifer engraved in them, one wonders who would order retaliation anyway........perhaps the backdoor and front door have been left open......something only real Mighty Men of Valor who love Lord Jesus could shut.

So, I thought I should warn you as I have done before of what happened early this AM and of what might becoming very soon.

Please Repent America and seek the Lord.

There is Power in the Blood of Jesus.


7 comentarii :

Anonim spunea...

de la rusi sa te astepti la orice...in mai putin de 20 de ani, romania trebuie sa se pregateasca pt un conflict armat cu rusia...e inevitabil...rusii mereu si-au dorit expansiune teritoriala...vor gurile dunarii si jumate din dardanele...visul lor ...

Riddick spunea...

Eu zic că mai repede, 4-5 ani maxim, daca nu chiar mai puţin.

Sheila, Canary Islands spunea...

La Palma is the fifth smallest of the Canary Islands. During the fire, the island was crawling with extra policemen and planes, so it would have been harder than usual to smuggle something in. And the geology of the Cumbre Vieja is nothing like the disaster predictions anyway. The whle thing seems to have been dreamed up to sell insurance.

See http://lapalmaisland.sheilacrosby.com/2008/02/tsunami-risk.html

Riddick spunea...

Hi, Sheila!
It seems that you are right about the tsunami, to have a 25+ meter tide wawe needs enormous energy delivered by earthquake.

However, the alert at stevequayle.com is not so public to serve for selling insurance. With all the police on the island, the depths of the sea can be accessed, though.
The key facts in the alert are the Arctic Sea cargo ship and the subs close to USA coast.

Anonim spunea...


Riddick spunea...

Well, Hawk has many essays, here:


Some of them can be real, some not.

Anonim spunea...

Rather useful topic

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Cătălin Predoiu, 2013: "Cunoscuta 'axă' Washington - Londra - Bucureşti trebuie să includă şi Berlinul. 

Cătălin Predoiu, 2013: "Fundaţia Konrad Adenauer este un partener al României. A ajutat mult România, de exemplu, a furnizat experţi pentru elaborarea unor acte normative ale Ministerului Justiţiei. În prezent, derulează un program important de cursuri de guvernare publică, în care sunt implicaţi 120 de experţi în varii domenii. Vom coopta aceşti experţi în aparatul tehnic al Guvernului Alternativă PDL, ca staff de suport al miniştrilor noştri. Suntem un partid de centru dreapta care crede în proiectul european şi valorile europene."


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