23 octombrie 2020

William Guy Carr - The Pawns in the Game Speech

"Jocul de pioni" (Pawns In The Game), autor William Guy Carr (1895-1959). Tratează "mişcarea revoluţionară mondială", de la Revoluţia Engleză din secolul XVII, când "burghezia" - adică bancherimea transnaţională (adică... da: ăia!) - s-a emancipat politic, şi până la declanşarea celui de-al doilea război mondial (Pike, Mazzini, Franklin, Bonaparte, Stalin, Troţki, Churchill, Franco...). A murit la patru ani după ce a scos cartea. Care se poate citi şi descărca în format PDF aici.

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Riddick spunea...

Political Intrigue — 1914 – 1919

In 1917 the International Bankers were supporting both the Bolshevik and Zionist movements. It would seem incredible that the British Cabinet didn’t know what was going on, particularly when the British Government had had to intervene to get Trotsky and his revolutionary leaders released after they had been detained in Halifax while on their way from New York to Russia.

The overthrow of the Russian Empire was bound to cause the withdrawal of the mighty Russian Armies from the war on the side of the Allied Powers. The German Armies, which had been engaged on the Eastern Front, would be free to re-inforce the Armies fighting against the allied forces on the Western Front.

Despite this knowledge, nothing was done to prevent the plans of the International Financiers reaching maturity.

The British Government was aware of the serious conditions brewing in regard to Russia. This is proved by the fact that the matter was discussed by the cabinet and a decision was reached to send Lord Kitchener to Russia for the purpose of re-organizing the Russian military forces. Lord Kitchener sailed from Scapa Flow aboard the H.M.S. Hampshire. She was mysteriously sunk during the night of June 5th, 1916. Lord Kitchener was lost with all but a dozen of the crew. The survivors drifted ashore on a life-raft. The British Government announced H.M.S. Hampshire was sunk by a German U-boat or a German mine. This has been proved to be a lie.

I investigated this incident very thoroughly. In a previous book Hell’s Angels of the Deep published in 1932, I PROVED H.M.S. Hampshire had not been sunk by an enemy torpedo or mine. H.M.S. Hampshire was sunk by either sabotage or due to an error of judgment on the part of her navigating officer. Judging all evidence available, I was convinced that H.M.S. Hampshire sank after striking the submerged North Shoals Rocks. It is hard to believe that a skilled and experienced naval navigator committed such an error of judgment. I still believe that a saboteur probably tampered with the magnets in the steering compass. Gyro compasses were not then standard equipment and even ships that had them found the Sperry models very unreliable as I know from personal experience.


Riddick spunea...

Death [edit]

Carr died in Ontario in circumstances that are still mysterious.[to whom?]


Riddick spunea...

Carr pawns in_the_game - SlideShare


Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Cornea, 2011: "Dacă statele rămân suverane, ele vor continua să facă ceea ce cred şi ceea ce consideră că le este de folos, în pofida intereselor comune. Rezultă că trebuie mers înainte – mai repede sau mai încet – spre un sistem federal sau măcar confederal, cu un guvern central dotat cu puteri mari în domeniul economiei, apărării şi externelor, cu un parlament bicameral după modelul american şi cu guverne ale statelor responsabile numai pentru afacerile interne, justiţie, educaţie, cultură, eventual sănătate şi muncă. Căci atunci când vorbim despre pierderea suveranităţii naţionale, despre cine anume vorbim în fapt ca fiind „perdanţii“? Despre plătitorii obişnuiţi de impozite, cu rate la bănci, cu salarii ameninţate ba de tăieri, ba de inflaţie? Despre pensionarii cu pensiile în pericol? Despre beneficiarii sistemelor de asigurări ce acumulează datorii peste datorii? Despre şomeri? Nu, ci vorbim despre elitele politice europene din cele 27 de state. Ele sunt acelea care şi-ar pierde suveranitatea – mai ales aceea de a cheltui nestăvilit şi de a face promisiuni imposibil de ţinut. Vor trebui să se consoleze mulţi parlamentari naţionali cu un rol mai modest (dar deloc neglijabil). Dintre miniştrii şi funcţionarii guvernamentali, unii, precum cei de la externe sau de la armată, vor trebui să dispară pur şi simplu."


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