12 mai 2021

A revenit dom' profesor (Stan-"Laptop"). De văzut cât va mai dura, ştiind stăpânii de la Alifie News.


Valentin Stan a avut treabă vreo câteva luni, aşa s-ar explica "dispariţia temporară". Putea totuşi să omită "evocarea zilei de 10 mai".
Cât despre Tucă-Vaccin(atu'), rămâne cum am stabilit: un propagandist de-al Sistemului, varianta soft. Se dedublează încă destul de convingător.

Altfel de profesor (Bivolaru), imitat de un fost elev (Cioloş). "Cu sonor" - aici.

  • Iohannis si presedintele Poloniei, mesaje in forta adresate Rusiei: „Avem teritorii ucrainene ocupate si nu ne putem intoarce privirea de la aceasta parte a continentului” / Iohannis a afirmat ca Romania si Polonia vor continua sa se implice in securitatea regiunii, la nivel aliat. „Vom continua sa intarim NATO ca si alianta. Vom garanta securitatea natiunilor noastre pe flancul estic si vom fi in situatia sa jucam impreuna un rol foarte important in aceasta regiune”, a subliniat el. La randul sau, presedintele Poloniei a vorbit de necesitatea ca politica de construire de capabilitati pe flancul estic al NATO „sa fie continuata si realizata”.
  • Da, bă... Chiar avem, numai că încă de prin '44-'45, nu abia "din 2014" (RO: Cernăuţi/Чернівці́; PL: Lwów/Львів, Drohobycz/Дрого́бич;  / HU: Ungvár/У́жгород). Numai că voi vorbiţi despre "ale ălora", dar nici alea n-au fost obţinute tocmai "natural".
  • Abolirea prezumției de sănătate la oameni / Când statul a abolit prezumția de sănătate, toate aberațiile descrise mai sus nu doar că au devenit realitate, dar, iată că au devenit și obișnuință. Cât a durat până ce coșmarul a devenit viața noastră obișnuită, de zi de zi? Un an. Doar un an. Atât a durat ca să obișnuim cu anormalitatea, cu răul. Cam puțin.
  • Igor Dodon: Rizea a fost scos la rampă pentru a distrage atenția de la cazul Ceaus / ”De ce au lansat acum acest mesaj mediatic? Cu scopul ca să distragă atenția de la cazul, pentru că săptămâna viitoare, înțeleg, comisia parlamentară va fi gata să prezinte raportul și acolo se vede foarte clar implicarea serviciilor secrete din Republica Moldova și se vede clar că instituția prezidențială sub conducerea Maiei Sandu era la curent”, a spus Dodon. Președintele Comisiei parlamentare de anchetă, Vasile Năstase, a declarat, săptămâna aceasta, că răpirea ex-judecătorului ucrainean Nicolae Ceaus este un atentat direct la securitatea națională a Republicii Moldova, prin faptul că anumite servicii străine au pătruns pe teritoriul țării și au participat la acest act.
  • Ministrul de interne MD a prezentat date concrete privind implicarea ucraineană, dar premierul interimar Ciocoi le minimalizează. Despre Rizea se spune că ar fi o conservă ("operative") al serviciilor RO, implantat în MD.
  • Fusei și la “drapel” / Azi, la trei săptămâni după ce mă vaccinai, fusei și la „drapel”, că așa mi-au zis. Dom’le, câtă lume era la poartă, inclusiv din ăia care veniseră tot la “drapel”, ca mine! Mă rog, ăilalți care erau pentru primul vaccin, erau de vreo zece ori mai mulți decât „drapeliștii”. Mi-adusei aminte că atunci când dansa ăia în stradă după gemparaua HAI SĂ NU NE VACCINĂM!, o grămadă de lume dansa pe geamparaua aia, chiuind că, prin vaccinare, li se ia dreptul la geampara.
  • Na că te scosei eu din blogroll pe chestia asta (cum am mai făcut şi cu Cristoiu-Vaccin). Fiindcă şi tu, martalogule, nu te rezumi la a-ţi aborda în privat propria strategie de sănătate aşa cum consideri a fi strict în interesul personal: ci faci militantism de sens opus punctelor pe care pretinzi că le susţii. Hai c-am început să vă depistez, disimulaţilor.
  • Une menace nucléaire “très intelligente” / La vieille crapule qu’est par nature et forfaits divers Henry Kissinger, incroyablement vieilli (97 ans) mais pas encore gâteux, continue à avoir une parole qui compte. Cela se passait cette semaine lors d’un “webinaire” (séminaire virtuel, traduit-on, via les outils des réseaux) organisé dans le cadre du Sedona Forum de l'Institut McCain. Kissinger a évoqué une très grave menace de guerre nucléaire, notamment entre la Chine et les USA, une menace de guerre nucléaire potentiellement plus grave que celles qui existèrent durant la Guerre Froide.
  • Why did Hezbollah announce a general mobilisation in Lebanon? / Israel begins Sunday 9th May with a massive military drill “Chariots of Fire” involving all branches of the military and tens of thousands of soldiers and officers, on the border with Lebanon. This massive manoeuvre has led to a general mobilisation within the ranks of Hezbollah for any scenario in which the military manoeuvre could eventually turn into war. There are essential points behind Hezbollah’s general mobilisation that the leadership considers in light of the current situation: First, the absence of a government in Israel gives Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu absolute freedom to decide whatever he wants, to increase his electoral chances. Israeli politicians failed to form a government following four consecutive domestic elections. It seems there are strong possibilities that a fifth election may be on the agenda. Netanyahu is facing corruption accusations, and only by remaining in power can he escape jail.
  • EU ready to ignore Hungary veto on Hong Kong / The EU will shortly issue a statement of support for pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong with or without Hungary, EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell said Monday, after Budapest vetoed a draft communiqué. "If unanimity is not reached ... we will have to take a position which does not reflect unanimity," he said, adding: "We will continue working [on Hungary's objections] for one more week ... just one more week".
  • Vedem cât de gravă este (şi) portiţa prin care în numele UE-i se pot pronunţa... o serie de state-membre (căci exact asta rămâne, chiar şi în situaţia de doar "- 1"). Pâi şi... "restul de trei vişegrazi?!" Nimic în plus de comentat asupra opţiunii, evident motivată globalist-regime change - decât că "hârtia" n-ar trebui să poarte antet UE. Ungaria joacă bine aici, deşi pe alte subiecte este "pe linie" (vaccinare, măşti, paşapoarte "verzi" de vaccinare, Flancul Estic...).
  • Le Jour de la Victoire arrive / Il suffit de jeter un coup d’œil à l’Ukraine et à l’activité américaine dans ce pays pour avoir toutes les réponses. La haine envers les Soviétiques (et surtout les Russes) pour avoir brisé le cou de l’invasion européenne menée par le Troisième Reich s’explique facilement et chaque célébration du Jour de la Victoire en Russie, chaque marche du Régiment Immortel ont le même effet sur les mondialistes que de l’eau bénite pulvérisée sur le diable.
  • Ne pas se tromper d’ennemi / Vincent Reynouard a donc passé ces dernières années à réfléchir: pourquoi, depuis plus de deux siècles, le camp national a-t-il perdu toutes les batailles importantes? À cette question, il a voulu apporter une réponse lucide, même si cela l’obligeait à réviser ses opinions. Il a donc lu dans toutes les directions, observé sans parti pris et médité à tête reposée. Plan de l’exposé: 1. Les Juifs, la Franc-Maçonnerie… ennemis principaux ? - 2. Existe-t-il un « pays réel » qui s’opposerait au « pays légal » ? Réponse à un maurrassien - 3. Hitler a tout fait pour préserver la paix et l’amitié avec la France. Réponse à un pétainiste antinazi - 4. 1940-1944 : pourquoi le peuple français a-t-il rejeté le national-socialisme ? Réponse à un patriote catholique - 5. Les peuples sont guidés par des principes profonds. Réponse à un observateur superficiel - Pour sauver la civilisation européenne
  • Why Are Gates and Pentagon Releasing GMO Mosquitoes in Florida Keys? / Despite strong resident protests, the US Environmental Protection Agency and Florida agencies have approved controversial release of millions of genetically-modified or “gene edited” killer mosquitoes into the Florida Keyes. At the same time the controversial Presidential Science Adviser nominee of Biden is involved in development of the CRISPR technology being used to genetically modify everything from the mosquitoes to the Pfizer and Moderna coronavirus mRNA “vaccines” to gene-edited salmon. How Bill Gates, the Pentagon and the eugenics lobby come together now is alarming to put it mildly. The project, which sounds positive in the press statements, is alarming in many respects. First, the refusal to allow a citizen vote on the controversial GMO release. Second, there exists no cost-benefit analysis of the risks versus benefits of releasing millions of mosquitoes whose genetic traits are mutating in often unpredictable ways. Is it worth the risk that an ever more robust variety of mosquito will mutate from the project? No one can say. Traditional mosquito control techniques have worked well until now.
  • Deci "guvernatorul republican" de Florida n-are niciun cuvânt de spus? Acelaşi, care a interzis măştile şi a anulat interdicţiile COVID. "Şi de ce în Florida, stat majoritar Republican?" De ce nu în Louisiana, cu guvernator democrat şi cu mlaştinile Mississippiului?
  • Ten Things We Have Learned During the Covid Coup / One potential positive from the whole Covid-19 debacle is that we have learned an incredible amount about the society in which we live. This will be crucial if we manage to stave off a descent into a nightmare future of techno-fascist slavery. We will have a new understanding of what our world has become and what we would like it to be in the decades and centuries to come. And “we” means we. While the majority have apparently learnt nothing at all from what has happened, they will eventually catch up. There is no way that knowledge gained by a wide-awake 15% or 20% of the population will not end up being shared by almost everyone. Once the truth is out, it tends to stay out. As H.R. Haldeman so wisely put it, “you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube”.
  • anyone who can’t see WW3 has started is a moron / On the afternoon of May 9, two explosions rocked a tanker anchored off the coast of Syria’s Banias, where the country’s main oil terminal is located. The explosions were heard all over Banias. Locals shared footage showing two dark clouds of smoke rising from the tanker. No fire was seen, and the issue was blamed on an engine malfunction. The tanker was identified by observers as the Panama-flagged WISDOM, which has been anchored off the coast for a while now. Previously, on Apr 24, the WISDOM was rocked by another explosion. Initially, the incident was blamed on a drone attack. The official version was then reported as an accident, with three Syrian sailors losing their lives in it. It is possible that both the fire at the oil refinery, as well as the explosion rocking an oil tanker at Syria’s main oil terminal could all be accident. However, it is incredibly suspicious that they happened on the same day, just hours from each other. These incidents may both be related to Iran, as it is one of the premier oil suppliers to Damascus, while the US and others have occupied most of Syria’s oil fields.
  • Second Stage Terror Wars / If you wistfully think the corona crisis will soon come to an end, I suggest you alter your perspective. Zelikow’s involvement, among other things, suggests we are in the second phase of a long war of terror waged with two weapons – military and medical – whose propaganda messaging is carried out by the corporate mainstream media in the pursuit of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset. Part one has so far lasted twenty years; part two may last longer. You can be certain it won’t end soon and that the new terrorists are domestic dissidents. Did anyone think the freedoms lost with The Patriot Act were coming back some day? Does anyone think the freedoms lost with the corona virus propaganda are coming back? Many people probably have no idea what freedoms they lost with the Patriot Act, and many don’t even care. And today? Lockdowns, mandatory mask wearing, travel restrictions, requirements to be guinea pigs for vaccines that are not vaccines, etc.? Who remembers the Nuremberg Codes? And they thought they were free, as Milton Mayer wrote about the Germans under Hitler. Like frogs in a pot of cold water, we need to feel the temperature rising before it’s too late. The dial is turned to high heat now.
  • It's confirmed: Human DNA found in a meat grinder VIDEO / PHOTO  / In the meat grinder found in Veljko Belivuk's country house, DNA remains of several victims were determined by expertise and DNA analysis. "No crime of the Belivuk-Miljković clan will remain unsolved. After we found a secret room in the house of horrors in Ritopek, in which, in addition to weapons and explosives, there was an industrial meat grinder, members of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime definitely confirmed that there were several DNAs of different victims of this clan in that machine", Minister Vulin pointed out.  According to him, this "murderous group" tortured people, killed them and in the end, in the most horrible way, ground their remains in order to further destroy and scatter them.
  • Nu este "un clan oarecare", dimpotrivă: These days, Veljko Belivuk attracted the attention of the public not only by being detained in Kotor, but also on Friday, when he was briefly detained at the Belgrade airport after returning from Montenegro, and immediately released after being questioned by the police. Belivuk is associated with the Montenegrin Kavac clan. He is considered a security interesting person and is mentioned as a man trusted by the former state secretary of the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia, Dijana Hrkalović, whose protection he allegedly enjoyed while she was in a high position in the police, and he was questioned about the planned assassination of him. 
  • Gone with the Wind / But that still doesn't tell the whole story about the popularity of those movies, since it doesn't include a major factor they always leave out, even when adjusting for inflation or looking at tickets sold. It leaves out the number of people in the country at the time. At the time of Avatar, it was about 308 million. But in 1940 it was 132 million, an increase of 2.33 times. So to judge the popularity of a movie, we have to include that factor in our math, because we need to know the number of tickets sold relative to the number that could have been sold. Only by running that math can we see how many people are staying home from the movies these days. It shows that these people aren't even trying to give the audience what it wants. Instead, they are doing their best to corrupt us, spending more money each decade to do so.  But it isn't working. You can see from that chart that the percentage of people going to theaters is dropping every decade, and has been since the 1940s. Real people simply aren't interested in the garbage Hollywood is putting out, and they are less interested every year. 

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Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Cornea, 2011: "Dacă statele rămân suverane, ele vor continua să facă ceea ce cred şi ceea ce consideră că le este de folos, în pofida intereselor comune. Rezultă că trebuie mers înainte – mai repede sau mai încet – spre un sistem federal sau măcar confederal, cu un guvern central dotat cu puteri mari în domeniul economiei, apărării şi externelor, cu un parlament bicameral după modelul american şi cu guverne ale statelor responsabile numai pentru afacerile interne, justiţie, educaţie, cultură, eventual sănătate şi muncă. Căci atunci când vorbim despre pierderea suveranităţii naţionale, despre cine anume vorbim în fapt ca fiind „perdanţii“? Despre plătitorii obişnuiţi de impozite, cu rate la bănci, cu salarii ameninţate ba de tăieri, ba de inflaţie? Despre pensionarii cu pensiile în pericol? Despre beneficiarii sistemelor de asigurări ce acumulează datorii peste datorii? Despre şomeri? Nu, ci vorbim despre elitele politice europene din cele 27 de state. Ele sunt acelea care şi-ar pierde suveranitatea – mai ales aceea de a cheltui nestăvilit şi de a face promisiuni imposibil de ţinut. Vor trebui să se consoleze mulţi parlamentari naţionali cu un rol mai modest (dar deloc neglijabil). Dintre miniştrii şi funcţionarii guvernamentali, unii, precum cei de la externe sau de la armată, vor trebui să dispară pur şi simplu."


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