08 noiembrie 2016

Treaba-i cotoioasă

Benjamin Fulford Translations:

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The cabal will be defeated no matter who wins the US presidential farce

The intense struggle at the top of the world’s power structure will not end on November 8th no matter who wins the so-called US Presidential election, US agency sources say. However, there is strong likelihood the issue will be settled by January 20th, 2017 when the new President is supposed to formally assume the reins of power, they say.

At the highest level, the battle is between the 13 bloodline families who have ruled the West for centuries, if not millennia and their age old opponents, the gnostic illuminati who are opposed to bloodline rule.

The people behind Hillary Clinton are the bloodlines, who report ultimately to Baron Evelyn de Rothschild as well as to the old Italian aristocracy behind the P2 Freemason lodge. This can be confirmed by endorsements from bloodline controlled media such as the Economist Magazine owned by the Rothschilds and the P2 Agnelli brothers. It can also be confirmed by wikileaks e-mails showing Hillary Clinton is intimately subservient to Lynn Forest de Rothschild, who is the wife of Baron Rothschild.

The main source of the bloodlines’ power is their control of the process for creating and distributing money, ie their ownership of most of the world’s central banks. They have used this money power to bribe, blackmail and assassinate people at the top levels of power in order to ensure their control. They also control the corporate media and have been using every propaganda tool in their hands to create the appearance that Hillary Clinton will win a close race against Donald Trump. You can also confirm this by holding your nose and watching election coverage on CNN also known as the Clinton News Network.

The people behind Donald Trump include the gnostic illuminati, who recruit geniuses of each age who are not part of the ruling bloodlines, sources in the illuminati say. The illuminati favour meritocracy and, since the world’s government agencies and military are meritocratic, it means they control most of the people with guns with the exception of a few mercenaries on the bloodline payrolls.

Direct reporting from a White Dragon Society member in the US also reveals overwhelming support for Donald Trump at the street level. Here is his report:

“I went to a Hillary ‘rally’ two weeks ago… there might have been 1500 people tops. On Friday night I went to a Trump rally in Hershey PA. It filled up a hockey arena, at least 15,000, plus 7000 outside… Trump is turning rednecks into peaceniks. Hillary is turning dovish liberals into warmongering self-loathing retards.”

This is what Pentagon sources had to say about the US Presidential election: “The election will be allowed to proceed to not spook the public so vote fraud and other crimes will be exposed. Immediately thereafter the Republic will be announced, Hillary and cabal arrested, and corrupt agencies like FRB, DOJ, FBI, IRS, DHS and CIA abolished or reformed.”

The agencies have being doing their bit by using the internet to pump out a flood of information about pedophilia, corruption, human sacrifice and other outrages perpetrated by the bloodlines. Click on the links below to see examples of this.

The bloodline families are now in a state of absolute terror, literally fighting for their lives, fleeing to Antarctic bases and trying to pull off something horrific. This writer was accused by many trolls of “smoking something,” when he started writing recently that many members of the elite were fleeing to Antarctic Bases. Well now you can confirm on the official US State Department website that US Secretary of State John “Skull & Bones,” Kerry will be flying to Antarctica on November 8th election day.


The corporate media whores at the press briefing were told Kerry was going there to study “climate change,” however sources in the CIA say the real reason Kerry is flying to the South Pole is to attend a secret meeting of top bloodline power brokers to plot civil war. Here is a direct quote about the matter from a senior CIA source in Washington DC: 

“These assholes WANT civil war. Why else would JK be out of the country. Climate change my ass – He is meeting the elite boys in Antarctica for instructions.”

Here is what a CIA source in Asia had to say about this:

“I was called last night on a secure line. My contact in… wanted to let me know that his team was leaving to Antarctica for a very important meeting with several heads of State and senior diplomats from various countries and would be out of touch for about week. He is going as an observer on behalf of… This is all kept on a need to know basis. No media on this one. He told me that they were going to ‘The Special Off the Grid Base.’ Several countries have their permanently stationed representatives at this Above Top Secret Installation.”

The main topic of discussion is likely to be the imminent ratification of the Paris accords which would mean a transition of the world’s financial system away from bloodline control. The negotiations that begin on November 7th (as this newsletter goes online) in Morocco are supposed to ratify these agreements.

Pentagon sources, for their part, are saying “The counter-coup against Hillary has gone kinetic with spacecraft flying cabal members seeking to escape justice shot down, underground bases in Italy destroyed by quakes, while a skirmish in Antarctica caused Kerry to visit.” 

The illuminati are saying the bloodlines have a submarine in Guam that is going to be used to fire a nuclear missile at Tokyo in an attempt to blame the attack on the illuminati. The bloodlines may also try to stage a fake alien invasion or else use an EMP attack on the US power grid to stave off a change in government, CIA sources say. 

The bloodlines are also trying to buy their way out of trouble. That is why Evelyn de Rothschild has been trying to create $41 trillion based on forged gold backed certificates, as reported previously by this writer and by Neil Keenan. In fact, last week a Rothschild agent approached the White Dragon Foundation and offered them whatever amount of money they wanted to start up their proposed meritocratically staffed future planning agency. 

However, if the WDF (Part of the WDS) accepted this funding, it would mean acknowledging the Rothschilds and the bloodlines would retain their god-like power to create money out of nothing and thus their control over this planet and its inhabitants. The WDS believes any new financial system needs to be based on reality (and thus the creator) and not on fraud. It further believes the process of creating and distributing money should be a transparently run public service and not a private monopoly. 

Pentagon sources agree saying “The Paris agreement entered into force globally on November 4th which means the cabal must be terminated right after election so the Global Currency Reset can proceed to benefit all of humanity.” 

They add that although the “FBI punted on the e-mails Hillary is still on the hook for pedophilia, Clinton Foundation pay for play, obstruction of justice, racketeering and IRS violations.” Not to mention mass murder in Fukushima, Iraq, Haiti and elsewhere.

NSA and CIA sources say Bill Clinton now has full blown AIDS and may not live long enough to face justice. 

In Japan, meanwhile, the ruling Liberal Democratic Party and the Shinzo Abe slave regime are “waving the white flag of surrender,” royal family sources say. Michael Greenberg, the head Rothschild agent in Japan, is now in custody at the Yokota airbase in Japan, the sources say. 

In South Korea, cabal stooge President Park Gyeun-hye’s government is being rocked by exposure it was de facto run by a religious cult. This information has caused Park’s support rate to fall to 5% and sent hundreds of thousands of protesters on to the streets to demand her resignation. 

Meanwhile, NSA sources reveal Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is a drug dealer who works for the Ayala and Tan crime syndicates and that his so-called war on drugs is just an excuse to murder the competition so that his gang can monopolize the drug trade in the Philippines. 

In China, for its part, sources in the military and intelligence community say while President Xi Jinping has secured support at the very top of the ruling communist party, a weak economy means he has little rank and file backing. His crackdown on corruption too, although popular at first, is now seen as an attack on rivals, they add. 

There are also signs that increasing numbers of people in the Russian government are beginning to realize President Vladimir Putin is not real. This can be seen in the fact that Russian diplomats use an ET emoji in their communications to describe Putin. 

“[US President Barack] Obama, Xi Jinping and Putin are all freaking out because their entire power structure is crumbling around them,” was how a senior illuminati member described the situation.

In these circumstances, it is worth noting there will be a “once in 70- year super moon,” November 14th. It should be an interesting week.

Source: Antimatrix.org

8 comentarii :

Crystal Clear spunea...

Ce uşor a ajuns cabala să ne jupoaie şi la noi :


Riddick spunea...

Chemarea rotschildei e pornită de pe vremea lui Ponta, dacă nu mă înșel. A propus de "patriotismul" pesedeului. E adusă ostentativ, cum urinează animalele în natură că să își marcheze teritoriul.

Crystal Clear spunea...

De vină sunt trădătorii care au adus-o. Nu "românii " , să fie clar..

Riddick spunea...

Era "în aşteptare" prin nuştiuce consiliu de administraţie, FPP (o mai exista ?) sau Fondul Proprietatea (privat), acum e împinsă mai în faţă.

Lumea habar n-are ce se întâmplă în realitate. Acum vreo doua luni m-am contrazis cu unu' care nu-i prost dar nu se informează, zicea ca "dacă iese Trump preşedinte va fi război". I-am explicat că este exact pe dos, ar fi cu Clintoana, şi m-a privit contrariat. Aşa ştia el de la mass-media...

Crystal Clear spunea...

Suntem trădaţi într-un hal de nedescris !
Ce se întâmplă cu Black Cube -despre care se discută numai la RTV este incredibil..
La Tg Mureş urmează circul cel mare.
Stai să vezi ce va fi la 1 Decembrie....

Crystal Clear spunea...


Riddick spunea...

Afacerea Black Cube e cu cântec, ar fi mai multe piste dintre care cea mai plauzibilă este"americano-israelieni vs eurogermani".

Mă aştept la un false flag înainte de alegeri. Gen #Colectiv dar mai spectaculos.

Crystal Clear spunea...

Da, aşa o să fie..

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."


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