A psychological shift has begun in Russia, where the visible catalyst has been the war in Donbass, explains Evgeny Fedorov, a Deputy in the Russian Parliament.
Within the ruling political and business elite a split has appeared, where some, by their basic survival instinct, have chosen to support Putin's path of national sovereignty, while the others are expected to either join them or be purged (13:54). The mass media, on the other hand, is working against the nation (11:13), he claims.
In detail:
The real reason why Igor Strelkov resigned from his position as Defense Minister of the Donetsk People's Republic (04:05) and why national structures have not formed in Donbass, despite their declarations of sovereignty in May 2014 (01:21).
Legislation is being prepared for ‘mandatory de-offshoring’ of supposedly Russian corporations, 3/4 of which have a complex foreign ownership structure (23:13). Non-compliance will mean asset seizure.
Other essential and inevitable measures include nationalization of the Central Bank (28:34), breaking the tributary link with foreign central banks, and lowering interest rates to facilitate industrialization and job-creation.
The liberation movement is publishing a kind of “5th column assessment card”, a formula by which anyone's actions and position can be assessed objectively (18:27 & 43:57).
While the technology of Orange Revolution against Russia is stuttering, Fedorov warns of the consequences of visible NATO troops in Ukraine (39:32), even if ostensibly only for ‘exercises’: the point of no return is passed and increasingly visible pressure upon Russia to surrender and be subordinated is now having the opposite effect – strengthening support for sovereignty.
The spiritual reason why a series of attempts by the West to conquer Russia have failed, including 200 and 400 years ago (35:45).
English subtitles. Edited version (44:56).
Russian original (1:31:35) : Евгений Фёдоров 3 сентября 2014 Познавательное ТВ.
Evgeny Fedorov is a Deputy of the State Duma and the coordinator of the National Liberation Movement for restoring sovereignty of Russia. http://eafedorov.ru/
Daily news & analysis on Ukraine-Russia:
EU-Ukraine Association Agreement:
(en) http://www.glazev.ru/upload/iblock/EU...
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8 comentarii :
Exact ce spusese Strelkov (http://riddickro.blogspot.ro/2014/09/strelkov-nu-vom-permite-ca-rusia-sa-fie.html).
The Purge is coming. Evgeny Fedorov
Strelkov: În opinia mea, doi factori principali sunt prezenți aici, și primul dintre ei este că pentru Coloana a Cincea nu există o altă cale, decât revolta (încă ascunsă, dar numai pentru moment). "Revoluția de sus" care a fost începută de către Vladimir Vladimirovici Putin nu le lasă nicio șansă de supraviețuire politică, în timp ce stăpânii lor străini pur și simplu nu le permit să plece din țară pentru a beneficia de posesiunile lor de peste mări, "agonisite cu trudă".
Se utilizează termenul de Coloana a Cincea în mod impropriu. Termenul de "coloana a 5-a" este preluat de la propaganda comunistă, ca negativ - termenul desemna forţele patriotice (franchiste) din Madridul controlat de comunişti şi care era asediat de trupele lui Franco (care avansau cu patru coloane), apare prima dată într-o declaraţie radiofonică a generalului naţionalist Emilio Mola. Deci, reprezintă elementul anti-establishment, nu "reacţiunea" sau agentul extern.
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