Dziennik Gazeta Prawna reports that having initially embraced the treaty, the Polish government is having second thoughts about signing up after none of the draft versions allowed for the participation of non-euro member states in key eurozone economic summits. The treaty has also divided the Czech government, with Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg threatening to pull his TOP09 party out of the coalition unless the government, led by the conservative ODS party, signs up to the treaty. ODS Prime Minister Petr Necas has yet to determine his final position, while Czech President Vaclav Klaus has said he will not sign the pact “under any circumstances”.
Open Europe
Deci polșevicii nu sunt (cică) de acord cu faptul că statele non-euro nu vor participa la dezbateri. Ăsta era punctul forte cu care EuroBăse "ne vindea" nouă tărășenia, "participarea României la luarea deciziilor", și nu apare în ultima formă a proiectului de document !
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