20 septembrie 2011

Directivele ONU către ONG-uri (şi nu numai)

La Bonn a avut loc între 3 şi 5 septembrie 2011 cea de-a 64-a Conferinţă anuală a Departamentului ONU de Informare Publică, cu participarea ONG-urilor afiliate (DPI/ONG Conference). Tema conferinţei: "Societăți durabile: Cetățeni responsabili", iar ONG-urile au prezentat efectele produse prin voluntarii lor asupra societăţii. 

Se pot observa unele dintre liniile de atac ale socialismului global (doctrina ONU, chiar dacă unii încă nu cred că ea are această formă): comerțul echitabil și producția eco-friendly, guvernarea transparentă, activismul la nivel local şi reducerea amprentei personale de carbon.

Dar nu numai ONG-urile sunt angrenate în acţiunile de propagandă, se doreşte extinderea influenţei ONU şi asupra mediului de afaceri, a cultelor, şcolilor şi universităţilor, după cum reiese chiar din declaraţia conferinţei.

Din Proiectul de Declaraţie:

Draft Declaration of the 64th Annual UN DPI/NGO Conference 
Chair’s Text 
Bonn, Germany, 3-5 September 2011 

Sustainable Societies: Responsive Citizens

24-26 Noting the need to reaffirm and renew Agenda 21, which, in section 3.7, stresses that sustainable development must be achieved at every level of society […] Governments, in cooperation with appropriate international and  non-governmental organizations, should support a community-driven approach to sustainability; Adică, guvernele vor impune, la indicaţiile ONG-urilor şi altor organizaţii internaţionale, implementarea Agendei 21 la nivel de comunitate locală (sat, oraş...).

63-65 Noting that solutions based on de-regulated markets without social and environmental safeguards have accentuated the problems and have brought adverse consequences; and that commitments on financing for development have not been fulfilled; "Cât mai multe reglementări, capitalismul ăsta, lăsat de capul lui, face numai dezastre; da' să ne dea bani pentru proiectele propuse de noi".

66-67 Also recognizing that the current economic system and unequal power relations are the main drivers for the active process of environmental and moral impoverishment; "Nu-i bun capitalismul; Lumea a Treia trebuie să dirijeze, Occidentul să stea în banca lui şi să dea banii la timp".

78-79 Recognizing that sustainable development should become the only form of development and that the business-as-usual practices and policies should not be accepted; "My way !"

82-83 Acknowledging the important role of formal, non-formal, informal and vocational learning and education for sustainable development; "Propagandă puternică privind Dezvoltarea Durabilă. De la grădiniţă, dacă se poate".

84-87 Acknowledging synergies and inter-relationships between gender equality and sustainable development, the importance of girls’ and women’s participation in decision-making in sustainable development processes and governance at all levels, and their role as ―agents of change; and the need to ensure their full contribution to building green economies and sustainable societies; "Deci, cum v-au mai spus Polvoş şi Sulfina: paritate femei-bărbaţi în conducerea instituţiilor, fie ele şi private".

90-92 Aware of the important role the media and modern means of communication play for raising awareness and facilitating collaboration, promoting sustainable behavior and developing south-south news distribution mechanisms; "Mass-media, desigur, trebuie să aibă o contribuţie importantă la răspândirea propagandei noastre globalist-socialist-ecologiste".

135-139 We call for replacement of the current inefficient, unsustainable and inequitable economic model with economic policies that advance rather than detract from sustainable development goals and that build rather than deplete the stocks of natural, human, built and social capital on which human well-being ultimately depends. We propose that where the current economy aids inequity, destruction and greed, it should be replaced by an economy that cares for the people and the planet. "Socialism, nu capitalism; dirijism, nu piaţă liberă".

145-148 We call upon the UN General Assembly to proclaim 21 December each year as International Low-Carbon Lifestyle Day, to be a day of reflection to live more simply and to create a lighter environmental footprint, and that the Secretary-General invite UN Member States, international institutions, civil society and individuals to mark the day with appropriate low-carbon events worldwide. Mai bine staţi voi "la opaiţ" pe 21 decembrie, în fiecare an; sau permanent.

157-160 We are concerned that the current economic model, which promotes unsustainable consumption and production patterns, facilitates a grossly inequitable trading system, fails to eradicate poverty, assists exploitation of natural resources towards the verge of extinction, and has induced multiple crises on Earth, needs to be replaced by sustainable economies in community, local, national, regional and international spheres. "Jos esploatarea !" 

161-164 We are concerned that the prevailing economic development model built on policies such as privatization, export-led development, structural adjustment, deregulation, substitution of technology for nature, and driven by the goal of GDP growth suffers from a series of market and institutional failures that render it inefficient, unsustainable, inequitable, and a poor vehicle for advancing sustainable development goals. "Capitalismul e duşmanul nostru" (Da, al vostru !).

176-178 We are convinced that green economies should be economic systems that ensure social justice and equity, protect the ecological balance and create economic sufficiency, stressing again that green economy does not replace  sustainable development. "Nu-i nimic ecologismul fără socialism !" 

215 Regulate the economy to put an end to speculation on food and global commons; "Mai bine băgaţi cartele, la alimente, şi nu numai".

216-217 Promote local alternative economies, such as time banks, complementary monetary systems, etc. and to rethink the monetary system to be based on carbon standard. Asta cu sistemul monetar bazat pe "credite de ccarbon" este o ameninţare serioasă.

235-238 We call for the establishment of Ombudspersons for Future Generations at global, national and local level, who will advocate for sustainable development as envisaged and defined by the Brundtland Commission: ―to enhance the well-being and prospects of present and future generations to meet their needs, serve as an auditor at the heart of governments and deal with citizens complaints. Cum, aveţi în vedere numai generaţiile viitoare (de pamânteni) ? Nimic în legătură cu interesul celor de pe celelalte planete, şi doar resursele Pamântului sunt bunuri comune, ale Universului ! Nesimţiţilor ! 

243-245 We move for the adoption of an intergovernmental mechanism or instrument to assess the environmental, health and socio-economic impacts of new and emerging technologies, in line with the precautionary principle. We call for the outright ban on technologies that put the planet at grave risk. "Fără energie nucleară ! La soba cu lemne şi cărbuni !"

Acum, directivele (284-312):

We call upon: 
Governments to recognize the power, economic and social value of volunteerism to achieve national development goals and well-being, and to provide a supportive environment for sustaining volunteerism with resources and support for infrastructure, as well as recognition of the values of civic participation; 
The Private Sector to actively engage in employee volunteering and partnerships in enhancing capacities of volunteer involving organizations for achieving sustainable peace and development; 

The Media to communicate to the public the value of volunteerism and join as a stakeholder in promoting a supportive environment for community engagement and volunteerism; 

Civil Society to mainstream volunteerism and civic engagement strategies into sustainable peace and development programming;

Educational Institutions and Academia to integrate volunteerism and an understanding of civil society into curricula and similar structures to promote a deeper and more universal understanding of civic service and volunteering;

The Research Community to carry out more research and studies on (but not limited to) the value and impact of volunteerism on development and the role of volunteering in crisis prevention and response and to develop new indicators of progress that incorporate citizen engagement, voluntary action and human well-being; 

Religious Bodies to affirm volunteering for peace and development as an appropriate response to the spiritual call to service and human well-being; Cum, nu trebuie ca şi bisericile să adopte teoria progresistă a evoluţionismului ?

Volunteer Involving Organizations to ensure the effectiveness and accountability of volunteerism through sound governance, development of capacity to manage volunteers, and monitoring and evaluation of impact; All stakeholders to call for a World Volunteer Coalition to provide a platform for promotion, knowledge sharing, capacity development, and collective actions on volunteerism; 

Governments, the United Nations system and other stakeholders to renew efforts to implementing resolution 56/38 and subsequent resolutions of the United Nations General Assembly on measures to support volunteerism and look forward to further actions by the UNGA to commemorate IYV+10 and to continue to call for global recognition, support, and advocacy for volunteerism for sustainable peace and development. 
328-330 We note that unsustainable consumption and production patterns have been major contributors to climate change and poverty, and that sustainability can only be ensured if humanity, directed and led by government policies, embraces humane sustainable, low-carbon lifestyles and adopts sustainable livelihoods. "În epoca de piatră nu erau atâtea probleme ca acum !"

342-344 We denounce the growing scarcity of resources to civil society organizations, oppressive action against social movements and the increasing criminalization of environmental and indigenous movements in many countries by governments and large multi-national corporations. "Nu ne dau bani, ba ne mai şi aleargă când perturbăm activitatea companiilor !"

375-378 We call upon educational institutions to increase their participation in the transformation process for a sustainable society, in order to enhance capacity building of their communities, to create an environment in which meaningful and sustained education can take place and thereby mainstreaming education for sustainable development and lifelong learning;

423-424 By 2030, national governments reorient all national aims and objectives towards achieving sustainable societies and will mainstream sustainable development into national educational policies and curricula. Adică, spălarea creierelor, după cum spunea şi Iuri Bezmenov.

433-437 Developed countries, as the main cause of climate change, in assuming their historical responsibility, must recognize and honor their climate debt in all of its dimensions as the basis for a just, effective, and scientific solution to climate change. The above goal shall include the equitable sharing of remaining atmospheric space, considering past use and consumption and mid and long-term emission reduction targets that are in line with what the science requires. Cum de pot vota "reprezentanţii" ţărilor dezvoltate, deci - "vinovate", aşa ceva ? Pot, că încă nu au aflat alegătorii ce fac guvernele, ce mandate de negociere au dat "reprezentanţilor" la aceste conferinţe.

501-508 SDG - SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE: By 2030, global agricultural production is transformed from industrial to sustainable. Chemical inputs, herbicides, and pesticides are largely replaced with organic and biological alternatives. Interspersed natural areas are protected and restored as source of pollination, pest control and soil fertility. Food for export is secondary to food for local consumption. Cultivated crop strains are diversified, as are production techniques and the mix of agricultural producers. Best management practices reduce erosion by 90% and nitrogen runoff by 50% or more. Local ecological knowledge of indigenous, traditional, and local communities is utilized to identify resilient crops and cultivation practices that provide maximum protection against climate change. "Şi fără irigaţii, că nu sunt bune (şi mai consumă şi curent !). Chemăm vracii ca să aducă ploaia".

539-545 SDG - NEW INDICATORS OF PROGRESS: By 2020 nations supplement or replace GDP with a new measure of sustainable economic welfare based on best available information at that time. Economic  performance and the forecasted effects of policy changes will be measured by this new metric. We encourage a process of continuous improvement and refinement of the new measure over time and an international process to set standards and make available common methods and data sources. We also encourage the adoption of several other headline indicators of environmental, economic and social sustainability to provide a measure of progress towards the green economy transition, improved well-being and achievement of sustainable development goals. "Indicatori progresişti, nu capitalişti !" (Nu ţine, Ceauşescu însuşi a cerut înlocuirea indicatorului "producţie fizică" cu indicatorul "producţie-marfă vândută şi încasată").

569-573 We endorse the finalization of a global mercury treaty by February 2013 that will aggressively limit the global use and trade in mercury and reduce global mercury emissions. We recommend a ban the export of mercury and the mining of mercury for export and secure the agreement by chlor-alkali and mining companies not to place mercury into commerce and take responsibility for ensuring its safe management. "Sssst! Nimic despre mercurul din "becurile economice/ecologice" !"

>> ONU cere o "revoluţie tehnologică verde" pentru realizarea socialismului planetar 
>> "Educaţia globală" - noua formă de învăţământ politic  
>> Nebunia "energiei verzi" se apropie de România 
>> Soros, Obama şi globaliştii creează o criză artificială de petrol şi de cărbune 

Niciun comentariu :

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."


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