15 aprilie 2010

O analiză privind prăbuşirea avionului polonez

Analistul politic Cristopher Story, specializat în probleme financiare, servicii secrete şi zona URSS-Europa de Est a publicat pe siteul său următoarea analiză privind cauzele prăbuşirii avionului prezidenţial polonez lângă Smolensk, pe care o redau mai jos, în original.
Pe scurt:
-zona prăbuşirii avionului este mai jos cu câteva zeci de metri decât aeroportul care se găseşte pe un fel de platou; surse poloneze susţin că pilotul a avut probleme cu altimetrul şi cu indicatorul de viteză a vântului;
-trei băieţi ruşi susţin că au auzit şi văzut o explozie înaintea prăbuşirii;
-un parlamentar polonez care a ajuns la Katyn cu trenul susţine că "cerul era albastru deasupra Katyn-ului" la ora 11:00, când s-a prăbuşit avionul (la o distanţă de cca 15 km faţă de Katyn, cam întinderea Bucureştiului);
-premierul polonez Tusk luase decizia devalorizării zlotului, aparent fără consultare cu "eurozona" (Polonia a suferit cel mai puţin în urma crizei dintre statele UE non-euro, mai ales datorită stabilităţii zlotului);
-cel puţin cinci miniştri aflaţi în avion (din partidul liberal al lui Tusk) erau investigaţi pe probleme de corupţie;
-în 1943, generalul polonez Sikorski (reprezentantul guvernului polonez în exil) moare "oportun" într-o prăbuşire de avion în Gibraltar, nemaiparticipând la foarte importantul summit aliat de la Teheran;
-un avion ticsit cu ziarişti a aterizat făra probleme pe aeroport după 40 de minute;
-într-un clip video (mai jos, la sfârşitul postării), se aud patru focuri de armă în zona epavei avionului, în pădure, când filmau cameramanii; pe siteul The Jawa Report se susţine că ar fi focuri de avertisment ale Miliţiei, trase în aer ca să nu se apropie curioşii;
-Vladimir Jirinovski, vicepreşedintele Dumei de Stat a Rusiei, cere ca Rusia să îşi asume responsabilitatea prăbuşirii avionului;
-Conspiraţionistul Henry Makow susţine ipoteza unei lovituri de stat poloneză, efectuată cu sprijin internaţional; ipoteza lui Makow are elemente de senzaţionalism (cadavrele ar fi fost aduse ulterior, etc...);
-reconstituirea (prin animaţie) a prăbuşirii, de catre polonezi - link
-blogul italian  Informazione Scorretta face referire la caz (paragraful Lo strano caso polacco) - link



Sunday 11 April 2010 00:30

Since we posted this report, we have learned as follows:

(1): President Mikheil Saakashvili of Georgia has stated on a CNN interview that quote 'something incredibly evil was involved here' without elaborating or explaining what he was implying. The interview can be seen at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycj2CCkDx3s

(2): A close examination of the precise terrain WEST of the Smolensk-Severnyi military airport reveals that for an extended area, the terrain is DISTINCTLY LOWER than the airport itself, which is situated on a sort of plateau. The area to the WEST of the military airport is between 100 and 150 feet BELOW the plateau. In THAT case, the plane COULD NOT HAVE SCRAPED THE TOPS OF TREES, unless the trees were about 400 feet high.

(3): The investigation is being carried out under the supervision of Prime Minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, a senior GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) Officer. Since any preplanned sabotage would precisely have been organised by the GRU, the investigation has of course been placed in the hands of the perpetrators, which is standard practice in these cover-up operations, in both the covert Soviet Union and the United States: in case you didn't know.

(4): An article in The Guardian cites a Polish MP who attended the memorial gathering in the Katyn forests, having travelled there by train, who claims that at the time of the alleged 'accident', which occurred just before 11:00 a.m., there were blue skies* over Katyn, which is located about ten miles from the crash site. The Polish MP's remark is found at the end of the article: here's the link:

See also the following article in the Daily Mail:

(5): We have had one violently indignant reaction from a Pole who protests too much. Without attaching overmuch importance to this, we suggest that it may imply NERVOUSNESS THAT THE COVER-UP 'LINE' IS FULL OF HOLES. It's news to us that trees grow 400 feet tall in that region.

(6): An Italian source, informazionescorretta.blogspot.com, reported on 14th April as follows:
Three Russian boys heard and saw an explosion before the crash.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk had already decided to devalue to zloty, contrary to the unwritten and arrogant rule that currencies adjacent to the Eurozone and in competition with the Euro cannot be devalued without the kind permission of Berlin, Paris and Frankfurt.

At least five of the Polish Ministers who were killed were being investigated for corruption.

The Military chiefs on the aircraft were mainly overt Communist-era holdovers. They were resisting international pressures and were about to be compelled to resign.

An aircraft crammed with Polish journalists landed just 40 minutes after the crash, and went straight to Katyn, as though nothing had happened.

(7): The pilot is reported by Polish sources to have been struggling with defective altimeter and airspeed indicators. There are reports that radar revealed that the plane was only 10 metres off the ground, which is inconsistent with the treetop story. It should be noted that a favourite DVD crash stratagem is to fiddle PRECISELY with the altimeter and speed indicators. This is in fact a known hallmark of a DVD OPERATION, raising suspicions of collaboration by foreign intelligence or even of a METABRIDGE OP. (Mossad-CIA-MI-6-DVD), as the Poles had snubbed the IMF over Greece.

* We had blue skies for days here in Buckinghamshire, so this of course makes sense.






NOTE: Because of the Second Katyn massacre, we initially had to 'interrupt' display of the report entitled 'ALL UK LEGISLATION PASSED SINCE 2000 IS NULL AND VOID', posted on 10th April 2010. We have now restored that report as the main display, with a very important UPDATE.

'Seeing what's at the end of one's nose requires constant effort'. George Orwell.


It is most unlikely that the fatal crash shortly before 11:00 a.m. on 10th April of a Polish Government Tupolev Tu-154 aircraft near the Smolensk-Severnyi military airport, was an accident. It looked just like an accident, given that the airplane sliced treetops on its fourth attempt to land in heavy fog, disintegrating about one mile from the airport. There had been ‘suggestions’ that the plane should divert to Minsk. There were no survivors.

The 60-year-old President of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, was leading a delegation of highest-level Polish officials to attend memorial ceremonies at Katyn, the site of the massacre of 22,000 Poles by Soviet terrorist operatives 70 years ago.

As a consequence of that massacre in 1940 et seq., all possible sources of subsequent resistance to Soviet control in Poland were liquidated in one operation.

The casualty list of those who perished in the Tupolev Tu-154 crash on Saturday implies that Polish sources of problems considered to be intractable by Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Shalomov), of Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU), and Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachëv (KGB-FSB-covert Party) from his administrative wing inside the Kremlin complex, have likewise been liquidated in what can be considered to be ‘the second Katyn Massacre’.

Among the dead were the following:

Blasik, Andrzej, Chief of the Polish Air Force.
Bochenek, Krystyna, Deputy Speaker of the Polish Senate.
Chodakowski, Archbishop Miron, Orthodox Ordinary of the Polish Army.
Deptula, Leszek, Member of the Sejm (Lower House of Parliament).
Dolniak, Grzegorz, Member of the Sejm.
Fetlinska, Janina, Member of the Polish Senate.
Gagor, General Franciszek, Chief of the Polish Army General Staff.
Gesicka, Grazyna, Member of the Sejm.
Gosiewski, Przemyslaw, Member of the Sejm.
Handzlik, Mariusz, Undersecretary of State in President's Office.
Jaruga-Nowacka, Izabela, Member of the Sejm.
Karpiniuk, Sebastian, Member of the Sejm.
Karweta, Vice Admiral Andrzej, Commander-in-Chief of the Polish Navy.
Kaczynski, Lech, President of the Republic of Poland.
Kaczynski, Mrs, wife of the President of the Republic.
Kochanowski, Janusz, Polish Ombudsman for Citizen Rights.
Kremer, Andrzej, Polish Deputy Foreign Minister.
Kurtyka, Janusz, Historian and President of the Institute of National Remembrance.
Natalli-Swiat, Aleksandra, Member of the Sejm.
Nurowski, Piotr, President of the Polish Olympic Committee.
Plazynski, Maciej, President of the Polish Community Association.
Ploski, Tadeusz, Bishop of the Military Ordinariate of the Polish Army.
Przewoznik, Andrzej, Secretary-General, Council for Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites.
Putra, Krzysztof, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm.
Rumianek, Ryszard, Rector of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University.
Rybicki, Arkadiusz, Member of the Sejm.
Skrzypek, Slawomir, President of the National Bank of Poland.
Stasiak, Wladyslaw, Chief of the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland.
Szczyglo, Aleksander, Head of the National Security Bureau.
Szmajdzinski, Jerzy, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm.
Szymanek-Deresz, Jolanta, Member of the Sejm.
Walentynowicz, Anna, free trade union activist, member of Solidarity (Solidarity heroine).
Wassermann, Zbigniew, Member of the Sejm.
Woda, Wieslaw, Member of the Sejm.
Wojtas, Edward, Member of the Sejm.
Wypych, Pawel, Secretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland.
Zajac, Stanislaw, Member of the Senate
… and several other Members of the Sejm.

To recapitulate, Poland lost, in addition to the President of the Polish Republic and his wife:

The Chief of the Polish Air Force.
The Chief of the Polish Army General Staff.
The Commander-in-chief of the Polish Navy.

The head of Polish Intelligence (National Security Bureau).

The three top officials inside the Office of the President of the Republic.

The Governor of the National Bank of Poland.

The Deputy Foreign Minister of Poland.

Moreover the timing of this ‘planned accident’ is highly suspicious. For starters, the 25-year-old aircraft had undergone a complete overhaul at a factory in southern Russia late last year, being delivered to the Polish authorities in December 2009.

This makes a planned malfunction likely, especially given that the Katyn massacre ceremony, to be held 70 years after the atrocity, was of course ‘known in advance’.

Issues contemporaneous with this catastrophe include:

Most conspicuously, the peak level of intergovernmental tensions surrounding the disposition and settlement of diverted and stolen funds, given not least that Poland was exploited during the Bush II Administration, when the US Ambassador to Poland was a known George W. Bush crony (to go into no further details here) and Polish institutions were flooded with the proceeds of illicit off-balance sheet trades leveraged off diverted and stolen funds.

The projected use of the Polish Army’s Ustka-Wicko base as a possible site for US missile interceptors. Russia objected strongly and suspended participation in the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.

Contracts for Western aircraft.

Historically, when Poland tries to align itself with the West, Russia has deployed the long arm of its clenched fist – starting with the Katyn massacre of thousands of Polish officers and key political leaders, so that come the Russian occupation, there was minimal opposition from Poles trying to defend their freedom.

In 1943, Polish General Sikorski’s plane crashed, and the General was killed, off Gibraltar, around the time of the Tehran Conference that set the scene for the catastrophic Yalta Conference, which consigned Poland to Soviet control after the war.

And exiled Polish leaders who returned home after the war were ‘tried’ and executed in the late 1940s and early 1950s by the Soviets and by their Polish puppet Communist governments.

Similar peculiarities were noted elsewhere in Eastern Europe: for instance, the Czech President suddenly ‘committed suicide’ in 1948 by jumping off a balcony immediately ahead of free elections which never happened.

Now we have the instant liquidation, in one operation, of the Polish President and his wife, the chiefs of the three Polish military services, the Polish Intelligence Chief, the three top officials from the late Polish President’s Office (who knew everything), and the Governor of the National Bank of Poland – killed in an old Soviet aircraft which had undergone a ‘complete overhaul’ in a southern Russian factory only four months earlier.

The German DVD 'Black agency' is known for its expertise in fiddling with aircraft controls to procure delayed crashes. It is a 'talent' shared with its secret allies, the covert Soviet GRU-KGB.

Key signatories required for crucial contemporaneous financial undertakings would of course have been those of the President and the Governor of the National Bank of Poland.

No wonder the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev (Menakhem Aaronovich Mendel’) appointed GRU-Prime Minister Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (Shalomov) to head a commission to ‘investigate’ the crash – despatching the Russian Minister for Emergency Situations, the well-known ‘former’ Communist apparatchik Sergei Shoigu, to the crash site.

Any evidence of pre-planned delayed sabotage will need to have been identified and removed from the scene smartish.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Într-un clip realizat de cameramani la locul prăbuşirii se aud patru împuşcături:

28 de comentarii :

Mihai (C.T.) spunea...

Avionul prezidenţial polonez a efectuat o singură încercare de aterizare

Încet-încet ne lămurim că e aşa cum bănuiam.

Riddick spunea...

Era evident, dar maşinăria media lătra ca sunt...patru încercări în total, si-l scoteau "nebun" pe Kaczynski !

Mihai (C.T.) spunea...

Şi marmota înveleşte ciocolata, cunoaştem.

Riddick spunea...

Nu ştiu la acest moment de nicio poziţie oficiala a guvernului polonez.

Să vedem ce numiri va face preşedintele interimar Komorowski, din partidul lui Tusk (mareşalul Seim-ului a murit în "accident", el urma la conducere ca interimar - era din partidul SiS al lui Kaczynski).

Despina spunea...

Atmosfera din clipul de la sfarsit este cumplita.E filmat la cateva minute de la catastrofa, cred

Riddick spunea...


Mihai (C.T.) spunea...

Guvernul polonez şi-a manifestat poziţia oficială în momentul în care NU a solicitat o comisie independentă de anchetă.

Riddick spunea...

Da... vorba lui C. Story (şi a lui G. Orwell):

'Seeing what's at the end of one's nose requires constant effort'.

Mihai (C.T.) spunea...

"Împuşcăturile" alea 4 pot fi orice altceva, un recipient care conţine gaz (brichetă etc.) poate exploda foarte uşor atunci când este expus unor temperaturi înalte.

Riddick spunea...

...sau muniţie din armele personalului de securitate din avion (care s-au gasit prin zona epavei), din cauza temperaturii ?!

Despina spunea...

Sesizasem si eu tampenia asta cu scandarea polonezilor


Mihai (C.T.) spunea...

Prea puţine, personalul de securitate nu poartă armamentul asupra sa în timpul zborului, toate armele de la bord sunt păstrate într-un rastel securizat.

Riddick spunea...

Are perfectă dreptate autorul articolului, le stau unora în gât conservatorii.

Mihai (C.T.) spunea...

S-au găsit în zona epavei?
Ciudat tare, încalcă toate normele privind securitatea demnitarilor.

Riddick spunea...

S-au găsit. Chiar daca rastelul ar fi fost metalic, cine ştie... Sau poate păstrau "back-up guns"...

Mihai (C.T.) spunea...

SOP la Secret Service (care a "modernizat" instruirea şi pentru polonezi dar şi pentru ai noştri spune clar: Rastel securizat)

Riddick spunea...


Despina spunea...

TRU-pe Blog de europarlamentar


Riddick spunea...

Tocmai intrasem (via niku_elektriku, la el apare separat în blogroll, la mine doar REL). :)

Fug la "non-stop", 30 minute.

Satirikon spunea...

Of...cat oi fi eu de "conspiratofil"...ceva imi zice sa nu cred toate ipotezele astea. Unele sunt trase de par, altele par plauzibile, dar, totusi...pana nu apare ceva concret nu putem decat sa mergem pe presupozitii.
Ceva e putred in...Moscova si Varsovia. Si chestia cu aducerea cadavrelor mi se pare ca o buba-n cap.
Chiar mi-ai atras atentia...o sa incerc si eu maine sa mai caut prin presa straina sa vad daca pot sa scriu ceva pe blog.

Riddick spunea...

Nu stă în picioare varianta cu aducerea ulterioară a cadavrelor (adică, au fost omorâţi în altă parte, şi pe urmă...), am dat link ca să arăt ce versiuni se mai vehiculează. Ba unele siteuri islamiste pretind că mujahedinii au doborât avionul.

Despina spunea...

Azi dimineata am auzit la stiri ca polonezii vor sa faca propria ancheta.
Dupa o saptamana?

Riddick spunea...

Depinde ce tip de anchetă. Nu ar fi târziu pentru unele chestiuni.

Tot sunt curios de două chestii: -ce imagini au surprins sateliţii din zona (dacă erau) şi
-ce numiri va face preşedintele interimar Komorowski (guvernatorul Băncii Naţionale publicase cu câteva zile mai înainte un articol în Financial Times în care îndemna să nu se grăbeasca trecerea la euro - Polonia a avut creştere economica netă anul trecut, cca 3%).

Despina spunea...

Vad ca si la noi ieri si azi am auzit c-o lasam mai moale cu trecerea la euro.
Pentru speculatiile care se fac la dobanzi si preturi -trecerea ar fi benefica ( dobanda in Occident este de 3-4% iar la noi de 20%-iti dai seama cat se castiga nemuncit numai din aceasta diferenta).
Pentru nazbatia cu Statele Unite Europene -trecerea ar fi un dezastru

Riddick spunea...

Am auzit că "grupul Bilderberg a decis" să se prelungească criza mondială cu un an.

Despina spunea...

Pai a aparut si Soros ieri-azi ca o mafalda ca vine o noua criza.
Circul dracului..
Mi s-a acrit .Parca suntem toti intr-o cusca si suntem luati de prosti

Anonim spunea...

erau totusi si alte metode mai accesibile, de a discredita guvernul polonez decat a inscena un "accident"...opiniunea mea...

te astept la mine pe blog unde discutam cum Eruptia vulcanului Eyjafjallajokull din Islanda a blocat traficul aerian al multor tzari din Europa de Nord si Vestica

Riddick spunea...

Păi tocmai, se pare că "încurcătura" ar ajuta guvernul polonez. Pe termen scurt, ce-i drept.

Să urmărim evoluţia scandalului.

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Cornea, 2011: "Dacă statele rămân suverane, ele vor continua să facă ceea ce cred şi ceea ce consideră că le este de folos, în pofida intereselor comune. Rezultă că trebuie mers înainte – mai repede sau mai încet – spre un sistem federal sau măcar confederal, cu un guvern central dotat cu puteri mari în domeniul economiei, apărării şi externelor, cu un parlament bicameral după modelul american şi cu guverne ale statelor responsabile numai pentru afacerile interne, justiţie, educaţie, cultură, eventual sănătate şi muncă. Căci atunci când vorbim despre pierderea suveranităţii naţionale, despre cine anume vorbim în fapt ca fiind „perdanţii“? Despre plătitorii obişnuiţi de impozite, cu rate la bănci, cu salarii ameninţate ba de tăieri, ba de inflaţie? Despre pensionarii cu pensiile în pericol? Despre beneficiarii sistemelor de asigurări ce acumulează datorii peste datorii? Despre şomeri? Nu, ci vorbim despre elitele politice europene din cele 27 de state. Ele sunt acelea care şi-ar pierde suveranitatea – mai ales aceea de a cheltui nestăvilit şi de a face promisiuni imposibil de ţinut. Vor trebui să se consoleze mulţi parlamentari naţionali cu un rol mai modest (dar deloc neglijabil). Dintre miniştrii şi funcţionarii guvernamentali, unii, precum cei de la externe sau de la armată, vor trebui să dispară pur şi simplu."


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