"Cum de tot involuăm, deşi au apărut unelte şi tehnologii noi, iar populaţia (şi deci, forţa de muncă) a crescut?"
Cine trage sforile?
Pe la începutul anilor '90 (în România), un agarici ricana, într-un interviu: "Proletari din toate ţările, uşchiţi-vă!". Nu-i mai reţin numele, deşi era cineva bine-cunoscut. Hmmm, Dinescu? Nu sunt sigur - el îmi vine acum ca prim-suspect - da'-n orice caz unul de prin "zona culturală", cooptat de noul sistem. Dinescu însuşi spunea despre taică-su' că "era ciocănar" (M.D., într-adevăr, a pornit de jos). Dar să nu uităm de ieniceri şi originile lor reale, aşa că sare-n ochi neconcordanţa - dac-o fi fost el. Expresia a făcut vâlvă la momentul respectiv: chicoteli aprobatoare la haştagii avant la lettre, şi indignări false, de formă, la feseniştii care tocmai primiseră de la Factorul Extern (şi) ordinul de iniţiere a dezindustrializării (să le recunoaştem, în mod onest, acest pionierat). Gata, venise Victoria Finală. "Se găsiseră vinovaţii": cei productivi, care mai creau şi altceva în afară de lozinci. Ca şi cum toţi urmam să devenim un fel de middle class sau chiar mai sus - castele prin nori, ce ştii matale... Ia uite, majoritatea le-am şi contractat deja. Da', ce să-i faci? Ne mutăm treptat, pe măsură ce ajung la gata (să tragă ăia gletul, ţevile, firele, ehe). Pâi "şi cine ne mai trage ciubotele?" (v-ba lu' Creangă). Mult mai târziu am realizat că nu era atât vorba despre "diluarea" de rigueur a unei clase devenită indezirabilă cuiva,
cât despre dezindustrializare. Clasă "creată" de socialism prin
prelucrarea şi orăşenizarea ţărănimii supranumerare (o rămânere în urmă
ca realitate istorică, "rezolvată ad-hoc"). Noţiunea atacată este totuşi ceva mai largă, aş extinde-o: "salariaţi industriali (din sectorul de stat), sindicalizaţi".
Că dezindustrializarea n-a pornit numai împotriva industrializării socialiste, de prin 1990. Ea s-a declanşat mai înainte în Vest, şi de atunci ea continuă, chit că la viteză mică. Că nu poţi să nu te-ntrebi: oare Schema este astfel ajustată, pe un număr mai mic de scheleţi? Marele Reset, eliminarea "mâncătorilor nefolositori" - ziceţi-i oricum, că se cam înţelege despre ce-i vorba ("bau?").
The weird thing is they akin it to being all built around 1870s to
1900s, man. So all of the world just shit out of nowhere at the same
time there was nothing before it. [râsete în audienţă] Does it make any
In many ancient books, all over the world, they speak of giants that existed and alongside what we would call regular size people. But now people that were larger might have had a easier time hauling, huning, placing, arranging, stones of this size that we see in the megaliths of the Americas. That we see in the megaliths of the whole world, may have been the result... of giants! .
"Ce rost au unele uşi uriaşe, la mânerele cărora uneori nu poţi ajunge?"
"Aflăm despre/vedem cărţi uriaşe, coifuri uriaşe, cuţite uriaşe, săbii uriaşe (şi nu-i vorba despre zweihänder/espadon), etc."
"Clădiri ridicate la o scară mai mare decât este - în mod normal - necesar, cu costuri suplimentare".
"Ce-i cu atâtea oase mari "umane" găsite? Uneori, schelete complete. Mutanţi? Altă specie?"
"Ce dracu' se-ntâmplă, totuşi?!"
Ca un făcut, înaintea operelor, apare câte un incendiu urban devastator: Focul cel mare din Bucureşti din 1847, sau Great Chicago Fire (1871), de exemplu. În SUA, sunt documentate zeci de asemenea incendii în oraşe mai mari sau mai mici, în intervalul de circa 1/2 de secol de la războiul de secesiune şi până la primul război mondial. "The same pattern: the Fire Chief wasn't in the town at that time, he was at a some kind of conference". Şi totuşi ("din poze de epocă"): clădiri din piatră şi cărămidă, în ruine, "prin foc". Cum? Fiindcă nu-i vorba despre Tokio, cu case din bambus şi bombardat cu bombe incendiare (şi asta, ani la rând, 1942-1945). "Suntem în secolul XIX şi astea nu s-au descoperit încă". Ce-a fost de fapt acolo? "Pentru a topi piatra, ai nevoie de 2000 de grade Fahrenheit. Un incendiu într-o gospodărie nu poate atinge mai mult de 1000°F - adică jumătate. Deci?!" Arme cu energie dirijată - back then!
România, structuri din beton armat apar abia după 1900 (silozurile
Saligny din Portul Constanţa, de exemplu). Dar chiar şi atunci, şi nu
numai în România, era problema grinzilor metalice, asamblabile numai
prin găurire-nituire (încă nu se perfecţionase sudura, şi totuşi: să
găureşti cu precizie în lipsa electricităţii, atunci...).
4 comentarii :
Will Neuro Implants change us until finally humans are obsolete?
Will a post human society be the Days of Noah and of history a repeat?
RANDY CONWAY: As it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the end / When portals were opened and all species the fallen ones did blend.
Do you know how large their offspring will become?
Their’s will be a violent rule when the world becomes as one.
Atlantis may not be what the Baconians have imagined.
Can we stand against the hybrids who were made the former legends?
What will transpire when the Ley Lines once again cover all the earth?
Could there be a nefarious Ley Line link behind the touted 5G Network?
What will be awakened which for centuries has been lying silently in stasis?
Could this be the plan by those who seek control and believe they have superior gnosis?
Once the portals are opened can they again be closed?
Once germline technologies are employed it is too late to say no.
You cannot put a genie back in its bottle once it has been released
And the agenda of the watchers will bring to us Revelation’s Beast.
[...] The ancient portal doors long closed, men now long to open
Using technology mixed with Spiritism as druidic chants are spoken
Watchmen warn this could bring an unimaginable giant holocaust
As hungry cannibal cyclopeans are released when this line is crossed.
From ancient Mayan to the Hopi the stories differ little
In Europe and China ancient people received the same transmittal
And so it is as the accounts of giants span the globe
In every age in every land the giants found abode. [...]
Coloanele uriaşe de bronz de la Vatican, turnate de Bernini în secolul XVII. "Pen' ce?"
"Dune" - solul de taină: un uriaş, chiar dacă degenerat în urma consumării Mirodeniei.
Acelaşi clip/film, pe YouTube:
Potsdam Giants
The Potsdam Giants was the name given to Prussian infantry regiment No 6. The regiment was composed of taller-than-average soldiers, and was founded in 1675. It was eventually dissolved in 1806, after the Prussians were defeated by Napoleon. Throughout the reign of the Prussian king Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia (1688–1740), the unit was known as the "Potsdamer Riesengarde" ("giant guard of Potsdam") in German, but the Prussian population quickly nicknamed them the Lange Kerls ("long fellows").
As the number of tall soldiers increased, the regiment earned its nickname "Potsdam Giants". The original required height was 6 Prussian feet (about 6 ft 2 in or 1.88 m), well above average then and now. The king was about 1.60 m (5 ft 3 in) tall himself. He tried to obtain them by any means, including recruiting them from the armies of other countries. The Emperor of Austria, Russian Tsar Peter the Great and even the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire sent him tall soldiers in order to encourage friendly relations.
5ft 3in D-Day hero who captured German army's 7ft 6in giant in World War Two dies aged 97
A D-Day hero who captured the tallest soldier in the German army during the Second World War has died at 97.
Corporal Bob Roberts, who stood at 5ft 3in, took the surrender of 7ft 6in [2,28 m] Jakob Nacken in September 1944.
Before that he had been the second man to set foot on Juno Beach and was nearly killed several times during the Battle of Normandy.
Corporal Roberts and a colleague located a cliff-side enemy machine gun attacking the beaches and took it out with a gun and flame-thrower.
He survived a sniper’s bullet grazing his head and killed a German who pulled a pistol on him as he was being captured.
Tragically, his younger brother Ernie was killed in action in July 1944 at the very spot where he had been relieved just 24 hours before.
He died in his sleep at Bournemouth Hospital in Dorset on August 1 after a short illness.
Jakob Nacken
Jakob Hudson Nacken or Jacob Nacken (15 February 1906 – 29 March 1987) was a German circus performer active in Europe and the United States. He began his career as an exceptionally tall person while a teenager, performing in a traveling circus, and appeared in the 1939 New York World's Fair. Nacken was the tallest soldier in the German Army during World War II at a height of seven feet three inches (2.21 m). He was employed as a giant Santa Claus and appeared on American television as a figure of high stature and in freak shows as the World's Tallest Man.
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