Short Armenia vs Azerbaijan war update
As was predicted by many, in spite of the agreement signed in Moscow, thing on the ground in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan have escalated: the Armenians have claimed that Azeri drones have attacked Armenian tactical ballistic missiles on Armenian soil and the Azeris have confirmed this, saying that this was both a warning and a preemptive attack to protect Azeri civilians.
Bottom line is this: Azerbaijan has now officially attacked Armenian soil (as opposed to Karabakh soil) and Armenia now has the right to appeal to the CSTO. So far, the Armenians have not done so, but now they can and, I believe, probably will do so.
Another interesting development is that the USA has accused Turkey of being involved in this war. This means that by now all three countries Russia, France and the USA are now declaring that the Turks (and or their “good terrorist” proxies from Syria) are involved. Aliev is outraged and accused everybody of lying.
Finally, Azeri and Turkish outlets have claimed the Kurds are now fighting on the Armenian side. However, there have been no verifiable sources for this probably false rumor.
As for the Armenian leader Pashinian, he has accused Aliev of being “Hitler”.
What does all this mean?
Well, for one thing, it was inevitable that the very first ceasefire agreement would be broken. In such situations, they typically are.
The real risk now is that Russia will have to intervene. There are three most likely scenarios for such an intervention:
Peacekeeping operation: that would only be possible if all sides to the conflict agree to such an operation. At this point in time, this is still unlikely, but that could change fairly quickly. However, Russia will only send peacekeepers if the parties agree on a long term political solution to this conflict. Right now, they prefer fighting down to the last bullet, but this will soon change for both parties.
Peacemaking operation: for this to happen, the UNSC should agree to give a mandate to Russia under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. While it appears that Turkey currently has no backer in the UNSC, the US and UK hate for everything and anything Russian will probably secure a double veto (with a possible French veto to boot!) just to avoid Russia succeeding at anything, including bringing peace to the region.
CSTO military intervention: in other words, Russia would strike at Azeri forces and assets to stop the Azeri aggression on Armenia. This is something Russia absolutely will avoid, if at all possible since Russia has absolutely no desire to destroy her excellent partnership with Azerbaijan and her very tenuous and unstable partnership with Turkey (say, in Syria).
It is obvious what Russia will do next: using overt and covert means, she will try to affect the situation on the ground in such a way as to basically force both sides to agree to a Russia-led peacekeeping operation.
The main problem right now is Erdogan who is spending most of his time making inflammatory statements and who is demanding that Turkey be included in any negotiations. The way the Turks want this is to have Turkey negotiate on behalf of Azerbaijan and Russia negotiate on behalf of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. So far, Russia has categorically refused this option.
So where do we go from here?
Well, things are probably going to get worse before they get better. Either that, or they will get worse before they get MUCH worse. I hope for the first option, but if Turkey and/or Azerbaijan continue to strike at Armenia or if Armenia recognizes “Artsakh” then all bets are off. We better pray that cool heads prevail on both sides and that Russia can make Erdogan and offer he won’t be able to refuse. For example, the Russians might declare that the Russian contingent in Armenia will now protect the Armenian airspace with Russian air defense systems (ground or air based). If, for no apparent reason, Azeri and/or Turkish start falling out of the skies, Erdogan might reconsider.
We shall soon find out.
The Saker
9 comentarii :
War In Karabakh: Turkish Proxies Are Allegedly Too Scared To Fight Armenians
About 1,000 members of Syrian militant groups deployed by Turkey to support the Azerbaijani advance in the Nagorno-Karabakh region have laid down their arms and refused to participate in hostilities, Armenian media outlets and military-affiliated sources claimed. They insist that Syrian militants were just used as cannon fodder and did not receive their promised money. According to sources loyal to the Syrian opposition, the number of Turkish proxies that died in the war with Armenia has exceeded 110.
Earlier, reports appeared from Syrian sources, claiming that about 400 members of Turkish-backed militant groups deployed in Syria’s northwest had refused to go to Azerbaijan. At least 16 of them were arrested by the so-called Hamza Division for complaining too much and for leaking information to the public.
Meanwhile, the Armenian Defense Ministry released an updated claim on alleged Azerbaijani casualties since the start of the war on September 27. According to this, Azerbaijani forces have lost 5,489 personnel, 541 armoured vehicles, 4 TOS multiple rocket launchers, 19 military planes, 16 helicopters and 176 UAVs. During the last few days, the Armenian military specified, Azerbaijan has lost 3 UAVs, 20 armored vehicles, a plane and has suffered 350 casualties.
Nonetheless, the aforementioned claims did not allow the Armenian military to regain the initiative from the advancing Azerbaijani forces and even the country’s Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, in his recent national address, admitted that the situation on the frontline is complicated and that the Armenians had retreated from positions in the south and north.
O completare pentru DUDA ZILEI { aia cu Azerbaijanul...chiar nu-i de interes pentru aia multi } :
Coldea revine… lângă Premierul propus de Ciolacu și Ponta!
Daca se mai indoia cineva de blaturile politichiei romanesti si-n special de cele dintre PSD si PNL , dintre Johannis si Ciolacu...Daca asta va insemna o distrugere a partidului n-ar fi rau insa , ce ne facem daca vor ramane doar PNL si USR ca aia de la AUR , aia-s bididii in materie d e politica ?!
Revine lângă cine? Ce ştiam, era că va fi "lector universitar".
Încă o tiribombă Ciolacu-Iohannis. Aşa-zisul "demers PSD" de amânare "motivată" a alegerilor este făcut în aşa fel încât să nu reuşească . Şi ca alegerile la termenul "stabilit" (6 decembrie) să prindă un PSD cu o imagine de partid panicat, care încearcă diverse subterfugii spre a amâna inevitabilul. Adică, autosabotaj la grande école, plasat pentru bizonu' pesede drept "luptă procedurală". Mesajul este pentru nehotărâţi sau de demoralizare pentru pesediştii mai slabi de înger: "gata, sunt terminati, uite-i cum dau din colţ în colţ". Ideea în sine - amânarea - nu e rea deloc, dar ea trebuia pregătită minuţios şi cu un timing "la sânge". Cu o coordonare-ceas parlament-CCR, ori asta nu se prea vede: ori la CCR este echipă PSDragnea şi-i vrea veniţi în cap pe implantaţii de la PSD, ori sunt complicii lor şi vor acelaşi lucru dar ca demers comun, de distrugere a partidului.
Cioloş, cică. Presiuni dinspre USR, cu sprijin Macron. Dar "după alegeri".
Aaaaa, ăla, Pricopie. Care vroia afilierea SNSPA la o mişcare internaţională "universitară" pornită de Soros. O fi şi afiliat SNSPA.
La Sputnik:
Coldea revine… lângă Premierul propus de Ciolacu și Ponta!
Este o adevărată NUCLEARĂ – care scoate în evidență cât de dubioasă a fost o decizie luată de Marcel Ciolacu în numele PSD
BUCUREȘTI, 16 oct – Sputnik. Lovitură de teatru: de la începutul lui octombrie, cel mai puternic și controversat om din Intelligence-ul românesc, generalul Florian Coldea, este profesor asociat la Departamentul de Studii Europene din subordinea SNSPA.
Fostul șef militar al SRI a fost până acum conferențiar la facultăți din zona Transilvaniei, inclusiv la prestigioasa Universitate Babeş-Bolyai din Cluj Napoca.
Interesant este că SNSPA este condusă de rectorul Remus Pricopie, nimeni altul decât singurul premier propus până acum oficial de PSD, de când a fost preluat de Marcel Ciolacu.
Reamintim că Marcel Ciolacu, deși președinte interimar în acea perioadă, l-a propus pe Pricopie premier la consultările de la Cotroceni, după moțiunea care a dat jos guvernul Orban, în februarie 2020. Propunerea a fost comună PSD – Pro România, mai exact Ciolacu – Ponta.
Precizarea este necesară, pentru că nu se știe cu cine anume din PSD s-a consultat Marcel Ciolacu atunci când a făcut această propunere ciudată.
Ei bine, acum SNSPA vine cu această formulă de colaborare cu generalul Coldea; desigur, nu comentăm decizia instituției – ci situația în care este pus Marcel Ciolacu, datorită deciziei celui căruia el dorea să-i dea pe mână țara.
În schimb, conform informațiilor realizatorului TVR, Ionuț Cristache, la SNSPA ar fi un adevărat scandal, corpul profesoral protestând față de înlocuirea generalului Mihai Ionescu cu generalul Florian Coldea.
Remus Pricopie asta , n-a fost pentru o perioada big boss man pe la Comisia de Supraveghere a SRI ? Ce-si mai bateau aia joc de el...
Ba da. Parcă. Şi nu-şi "băteau joc", ci era el intrat în joc. Cu bună-ştiinţă.
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