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Robert Cailliau’s original WWW logo. |
If you’d like to see the very first webpage Tim Berners-Lee and the WWW team ever put online, point your browser to http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html.
For years now that URL has simply redirected to the root info.cern.ch site. But, because we all know cool URIs don’t change, CERN has brought it back to life. Well, sort of anyway. The site has been reconstructed from an archive hosted on the W3C site, so what you’re seeing is a 1992 copy of the first website. Sadly this is, thus far, the earliest copy anyone can find, though the team at CERN is hoping to turn up an older copy.
Be sure to view the source of the first webpage. You’ll find quite a few things about early HTML that have long since changed — like the use of < HEADER > instead of < HEAD > or the complete absence of a root
tag. There’s also a trace of Berners-Lee’s famous NeXT machine in the
tag. CERN has big plans for the original website, starting with bringing the rest of the pages back online. “Then we will look at the first web servers at CERN and see what assets from them we can preserve and share,” writes CERN’s Dan Noyes. “We will also sift through documentation and try to restore machine names and IP addresses to their original state.”
In the mean time, have a look at the web’s original todo list and read more about the project to restore the first website over on Mark Boulton’s blog.
CERN PhotoLab / Industry and Technology | CERN-IT-9304003 |
The document that officially put the World Wide Web into the public domain on 30 April 1993.
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Date: 30 Apr 1993 Keywords: domaine publique; public domain; web; computer Access: DIGITAL Available tirages: 01, 02 |
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Webul a fost inventat în 1989 la Centrul European de Cercetări Nucleare (CERN) din Geneva, Elveția. Propunerea inițială de creare a unei colecții de documente având legături între ele [1] a fost făcută de Tim Berners-Lee în martie 1989. Propunerea a apărut în urma problemelor de comunicare pe care le întâmpinau echipele de cercetători ce foloseau centrul, chiar și folosind poșta electronică.
Primul server web folosit de Tim Berners-Lee, acum la Microcosm, muzeu al CERN
Primul prototip al acestei colecții (mai întâi în format de text simplu) a apărut nu mult înainte de decembrie 1991, când s-a făcut prima lui demonstrație publică. Studiul a fost continuat prin apariția primei aplicații grafice Mosaic, în februarie 1993, realizată de cercetătorul Marc Andreessen de la centrul universitar National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) din orașul Urbana-Champaign din statul federal Illinois, SUA.
În 1994 CERN și M.I.T. au format Consortiul World Wide Web, care are drept obiectiv dezvoltarea webului, standardizarea protocoalelor și încurajarea legăturilor dintre situri. Berners-Lee a devenit directorul acestui consortiu. M.I.T. coordonează partea americană a consorțiului, iar partea europeană este coordonată de INRIA, centrul de cercetari francez.
World Wide Web
The WorldWideWeb (W3) is a wide-area hypermedia information retrieval initiative aiming to give universal access to a large universe of documents.
Everything there is online about W3 is linked directly or indirectly to this document, including an executive summary of the project, Mailing lists , Policy , November's W3 news , Frequently Asked Questions .
What's out there?
Pointers to the world's online information, subjects , W3 servers, etc.
on the browser you are using
Software Products
A list of W3 project components and their current state. (e.g. Line Mode ,X11 Viola , NeXTStep , Servers , Tools , Mail robot , Library )
Details of protocols, formats, program internals etc
Paper documentation on W3 and references.
A list of some people involved in the project.
A summary of the history of the project.
How can I help ?
If you would like to support the web..
Getting code
Getting the code by anonymous FTP , etc.
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