La National Vanguard.
Tălmăcirea corectă a .il_niţialelor... Iswhat?! ;-) |
THE SUPPOSED ALTERNATIVE to the insane, Jew-subservient, anti-White Democratic administration is also anti-White, also insane, also Jew-subservient, and not an alternative. The Republicans are sure death for us, just as much as the Democrats. The only choice for White people now is to build our own all-White, real-world, racially conscious communities, as the National Alliance is doing now, and work for the day when we can totally secede from the blankos, the voracious Brown mass they force on us, and their Semitic overlords. Every second our people spend working for, hoping for, or talking about a Trump “victory” is a second we could have spent working for the White Imperium to come. Do you really want your legacy to be that you came in to serious racial community-building just a bit too late to make our success happen, or that your lack of serious commitment helped ruin your children’s future? Do you want your legacy to be that you helped elect a president who was instrumental in criminalizing White racial-nationalism and setting us back for decades? I didn’t think so.
Trump, to my knowledge, is the first American politician in recent years to explicitly call for the death penalty for “anti-Semitism,” a “legal” nicety that was last in force in the early years of the Soviet Union.
In the wake of a lone gunman shooting up a synagogue in 2018, Trump addressed a rally in, of all places, southern Illinois, saying this:
This evil, anti-Semitic attack is an assault on all of us. It’s an assault on humanity. It will require all of us working together to extract the hateful poison of anti-Semitism from our world.
This was an anti-Semitic attack at its worst. The scourge of anti-Semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it cannot be allowed to continue. We can’t allow it to continue. It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. We must stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti-Semitism and vanquish the forces of hate. That’s what it is.
Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. We’ve all read it. We’ve studied it. They’ve gone through a lot. And those seeking their destruction, we will seek their destruction. [applause]
And when you have crimes like this, whether it’s this one or another one on another group, we have to bring back the death penalty. [applause]
They have to pay the ultimate price. They have to pay the ultimate price. They can’t do this. They can’t do this to our country. We must draw a line in the sand and say very strongly: Never again. [applause]
Some of that deserves repeating: “It will require all of us working together to extract the hateful poison of anti-Semitism from our world…. The scourge of anti-Semitism cannot be ignored, cannot be tolerated, and it cannot be allowed to continue. We can’t allow it to continue. It must be confronted and condemned everywhere it rears its very ugly head. We must stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters to defeat anti-Semitism and vanquish the forces of hate…. Through the centuries, the Jews have endured terrible persecution, and you know that. We’ve all read it. We’ve studied it. They’ve gone through a lot. And those seeking their destruction, we will seek their destruction…. ” And then your Great White Hero (not) invoked the death penalty. In context, one could argue that he’s not calling for death for everyone who criticizes Jews or believes we can’t live with them on our necks. Or is he? After all, “anti-Semitism” “cannot be allowed to continue.” And before the rally, he told television reporters that “much more needs to be done” to protect Jews, without specifying what that “much more” is going to be.
A lot of noise has been made on what passes for the “Left” these days about Trump’s reaction to the violence surrounding and engulfing the 2017 “Unite the Right” pro-Confederate heritage rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the year before. At the time, Trump said that there were “good people on both sides” in the conflict, a statement which still evokes rage among Stalinist-“Left”-conformists, who see even the slightest resistance to the anti-White regime and narrative as Pure Evil (with the “P” and “E’ capitalized). But, really, was that statement some great sign that Trump is secretly “on our side” but just can’t come out and openly say so? Hardly. He was saying, after all, that some of the people who came to throw urine bombs on pro-heritage demonstrators, and assault them with improvised flamethrowers and the like, were “good people.” And by using the word “some,” he was weaseling just enough so that both wishful thinkers and hateful thinkers on both sides could extract any meaning they liked from his words. In the light of subsequent statements, I doubt that Trump included any of the brave men who marched to the accompaniment of “Jews will not replace us” the night before in those “good people.”
And did Trump do one single thing — or make even one single statement — to help James Alex Fields out of his plight of being railroaded into a first degree premeditated murder conviction, when no murder ever took place — when Fields never saw or even knew of the alleged victim — when Fields’ car never struck the supposed victim, but only accidentally struck a second car — and when the second car also never struck the alleged victim, but struck instead a third car which allegedly struck her, and even that is debatable? Did Trump say or do anything about that at the time? Did he do or say anything months later when innocent Fields was falsely convicted and sentenced to more than four centuries in prison? Did he do or say anything to help the other innocent Americans charged for defending themselves against anti-White violence and running afoul of the crooked police setup to cause that violence?
Truth be told, Trump is effectively anti-White. Again and again, he highlights Blacks or other non-Whites as “American heroes” or objects of promised taxpayer largesse (as with his “Platinum Plan” to give billions of dollars to Negroes because they are Negroes). He leaves office with a flourish of pardons for Black and Jewish criminals, but no pardons, no exonerations for racially-conscious Whites. In fact, White Americans may as well not exist as far as Trump is concerned (after all, they’re so gullible he has their votes guaranteed anyway, plus they have nowhere else to go in the political sandbox the Jews allow us to play in). If the expressions “White people” or “White Americans” or “White men” or “White women” ever crossed his lips even once, I never heard about it — and if they had, you know for sure that the Jew-controlled media wouldn’t stop screaming about it for months or years on end.
In response to those who’ve suggested to me that “Trump just had to say that to placate the Jews at an emotional moment,” let me point out that much later in Trump’s administration, his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, was doing this, according to a US State Department official press release:
Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo will host and deliver opening remarks during the first-ever U.S. Government conference focused on combatting online anti-Semitism. Organized by the Office of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism, the virtual conference aims to explore the threats posed by anti-Semitism on the internet and social media and to consider practical responses for governments and civil society.
The conference, titled “Ancient Hatred, Modern Medium,” will be on the record and shown virtually on the State Department website on October 21 and 22 from 1:00 pm to approximately 4:00 pm EDT.
In addition to Secretary Pompeo, U.S. Government presenters will include Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, Senator James Lankford, Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Elan Carr, and Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues Cherrie Daniels.
The presentations will feature foreign leaders, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister Orit Farkash-Hacohen of Israel, Minister Michael Gove of the United Kingdom, Federal National Council Member Dr. Ali Al Nuaimi of the United Arab Emirates, International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance President Ambassador Michaela Küchler, European Commission Coordinator on Combating Anti-Semitism Katharina von Schnurbein, and UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief Dr. Ahmed Shaheed.
Also presenting will be representatives of social media platforms and leaders from religious communities, civil society, and academia….
For further information, please contact the Office of Press Relations at (202) 647-2492 or Assistant Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Efraim Cohen (
That’s just one event, one effort out of thousands made by the Trump administration to serve Jews and fight “White racists” and others who would prefer to have a government not under Jewish supervision. Trump gave Israel more money and weapons than ever — that after the previous administration had already set a record in that regard — gave them American support for their claim of Jerusalem as their capital city — gave massive amounts of money for “security” for synagogues and Jewish organizations, the very organizations that are committing genocide on our people — Trump sent horrific firebombs down on the Jews’ enemies in the Middle East again and again, continuing the secret drone warfare that mostly stays off our television screens, and overtly in Syria and Iran.
As John I. Johnson put it on National Vanguard back in 2016, during Trump’s first presidential run,
If Trump becomes president… there will be no mass deportations of illegals (and only illegals, mind you), even with a “big beautiful door” to immediately let them all back in again (since that would be utterly ridiculous). I’m confident no wall will be built, either, but if it is, the flood of non-White replacement immigrants will miraculously keep expanding exponentially anyway.
The worldwide coup de grâce to our race is being administered right now. Not centuries from now, not decades from now, not “by 2040.”
Right now. And it is intentional.
Was “the wall” ever built? Some impressive structures were constructed, but they and the extensive parts of the border where, for some reason, neither a wall nor a fence was ever built, are routinely breached and were breached also during the Trump administration. Trump, as if he even needed the lesson, has had his face bashed against the pavement enough times now so that he knows not to impede the Jewish agenda by so much as a bleached-blond hair. And Elon Musk was forced to attend the same Jewish school more recently. Don’t get uppity, Mr. President, Mr. World’s Richest Man — we really run things and your race is slated for genocide and it is the crime of all crimes to oppose that.
As Mr. Johnson expected, the Brown Tide kept flowing, and keeps on flowing, into the United States, leaving our race ever more powerless, ever more endangered, ever closer to effective extinction. As Mr. Johnson has subsequently said, Trump is
An evil man in an evil time. No surprise to me, though.There is no one to save us — and no way to save us — under the present System that exists in the United States. We must create our own system, our own new nation. We must start by forming our own local communities and build from there. That is what the National Alliance is doing. Join us and support us today. Don’t waste an instant of your life or an iota of your resources on a System that is rigged to ensure our death.
* * *
The Second Coming of Trumpery, part 2
The Old America is dead. But it’s going to have a fantastic, really fantastic, bigger than ever, best ever funeral. |
WHAT A WEEK it has been since my first “Second Coming of Trumpery” program on the 13th. I finished that program around eight in the morning, and about ten hours later someone tried and failed to kill Trump, right in my current home state of Pennsylvania. That’s enough of a coincidence. But there’s another one: A little over a month ago I went to an amateur radio gathering, the first I’ve attended in more than a decade, at the Butler Farm Show grounds in Butler, Pennsylvania. I’d never been to Butler before in my life. It’s maybe 75 miles from where I live. But I was standing and walking around in the exact same spot where the bullets would fly some weeks later; little did I know that history would be made there by the lake, where transceivers and antennas were the order of the day when I was there.
Since the assassination attempt, the conspiracy theories are as thick as Black looters after a hurricane. And they are, as usual, mutually contradictory. Some examples: 1) Trumpists staged the shooting to make Trump a hero and get him elected; 2) The Jews who are close to Trump staged the shooting for the same reason; 3) Biden, or alternatively Obama, is the mastermind behind the assassination attempt which was intended to be successful; 4) the shooter Matthew Crooks is a Jew who tried to kill “fascist strong man” Trump for the usual Jew reasons (a picture of a person claimed to be Crooks at a local synagogue was clearly someone else, and nothing in his life story suggests he’s a Jew); or 5) there was a three-letter agency shooter inside the building which Crooks climbed to get his shot (really? — choosing to shoot through the crowd and vegetation, and with that building full of police? — and I doubt that a 3-letter hit squad would have missed every shot). And there are plenty of other theories and breathless “revelations” of gaps in the “official story.” For example, a woman taking pictures as the shooting unfolded was accused of being an administration Homeland Security official “documenting the hit” (she was obviously not said person and half the people there, or anywhere, take pictures these days). For another example, some have been suggesting that it is “suspicious” that the FBI used DNA and biometric data to identify Crooks, who was carrying no ID, since “why would the FBI have DNA and biometrics on a random 20-year-old?” Apparently these big brains aren’t aware that given DNA from the parents, you can identify the child, or that biometric data is readily gleaned from photographs.
There does seem to be, for many good people, an unfortunate psychological tendency, once they realize that much of what they have been taught is lies, to believe that nearly everything is a lie, that nearly everything is staged.
And that simply isn’t true. Our enemies, even with all their ill-gotten billions, cannot compel eyewitnesses to lie in synchrony by the thousands, nor force silence from every participant in conspiracies that would require many hundreds of participants. Ninety-nine per cent of the lies the enemy media tell are simple lies of omission or emphasis, or a false “moral” spin on real events. Reality itself is not being “faked.”
When conservatives say: “Obama has the real power in this administration” or “Obama is behind the assassination attempt,” etc., I find it profoundly ridiculous. Obama (who would be more appropriately named Fetchit) had and has about as much power over the US government as Vanna White has over NBC. Even as “Chief Executive,” Fetchit was so hemmed in by Jewish power that he couldn’t do a single thing to stop the ever-increasing — record level — US funding of the state of Israel, as they killed ever more hapless Palestinians, for whom Obama had expressed what I believe was a genuine sympathy on several occasions. My own conspiracy theory is that such “Obama is the real enemy” drivel is purposely seeded into patriot discussions by operatives working to deflect White Americans’ anger away from Jews and toward any other semi-plausible target.
I think it would be nearly impossible to fake this assassination attempt. I think it would be nearly impossible to get all the witnesses to lie in concert about what they saw at close range. I think people’s imaginations like to run in dramatic directions, and the idea that a depressed loner might decide to make himself important by shooting a presidential candidate simply doesn’t supply enough excitement for them to entertain the possibility.
I do think that a significant group within the Powers That Be — that is, within the Jewish power structure and the brutal System they have established — fear and loathe Trump just because he wasn’t chosen and groomed by them, and because he has allied with a Jewish faction that opposes them on a few issues. And I did entertain for a moment the idea that someone from that first group might have visited Trump in his hospital room when everyone else was out of earshot, and said something like this:
“We did this. We put the bullet one quarter inch from your brain on purpose. Remember that. Obey our orders, and obey them exactly, from now on — or next time we’ll put the bullet right inside your skull.”
But then a friend pointed out that the Jewish power structure needn’t do anything so risky and complex to keep a President in line. All they would have to do is say substantially the same thing while showing him a previously-unknown high-resolution film of the Kennedy assassination taken from a vantage point never seen before. And really, Trump is 95% “in line” already.
I do think the incompetence of the “diverse” Secret Service was proved, though. For just one thing, not putting a man on every nearby roof seems insanely stupid. And then giving the excuse that brave, fit Secret Service agents don’t dare to walk around “on a sloped roof” is preposterous. Furthermore, the roof was only slightly sloped, no more so than the roof of the building that the Secret Service snipers were on.
And then there are the people who buy and display posters of an angel or the Virgin Mary or Jesus holding Trump’s shoulders, or magically deflecting the bullets to save his life. One poster even shows Hitler guarding Trump instead of Jesus — I suppose that one is for Trump-loving racial-nationalists, the same ones who got kicked in the teeth by Trump from 2016 to 2020 and who are now back for more of the same. The workings of the human mind are truly beyond all understanding. I mean, really — why wouldn’t magic Jesus deflect the bullets into a harmless or useful path, instead of allowing three innocents to be hit, one of them fatally?
Divine beings for Trump. |
And then there was the Republican National Convention, just ended earlier this week in Milwaukee.
I forced myself to watch the entire speeches of Mike Pompeo, J.D. Vance, and Donald Trump at the convention. I also watched Hulk Hogan rip off his shirt and bellow and flex his muscles in a moronic display quite worthy of the film Idiocracy. I watched and listened to the sing-song of the Sikh prayers, too. I must admit, even I never thought I’d see such a sight in my lifetime at a Republican convention.
Many are alarmed at those alien prayers offered up at that convention. And it was, clearly, a bow to multiracialism and multiculturalism from the Republicans; a bow to Nikki Haley and Usha Vance and, in a way, to every “conservative” military uncle who married a Filipina or other Asian or mixed-race Puerto Rican, or who otherwise married outside of his race. But think more deeply. First thing, rabbis have been offering alien prayers at both parties’ events for many decades now. Think more deeply still, and you might start to realize that your own family, and you yourself, have offered up alien prayers too. Yes, Christian prayers are alien prayers. Yes, if you really think with a clear mind, there will come a moment when you realize that our civilization has been Middle-Easternized for more than 1,600 years — from the moment the new overlords started knocking down our temples and burning our star-maps and works of philosophy and science. (And soon enough the moment also will come when you recognize that, had the Abrahamic virus not infected us, we might have discovered America in 492 instead of 1492, set foot on the Moon in 969 instead of 1969, and reached heights we can only dream of today.)
J.D. Vance, who has been described as a “protégé” of libertarian homosexual billionaire Peter Thiel, styles himself as a working-class man risen up from Rust Belt poverty, through Yale Law School, to the highest rung of populist Republican politics. He is Trump’s choice for Vice President. He is the one who talks endlessly of national identity, of a nation being more than an idea, something I can agree with, but quickly makes it clear that he does not mean the only kind of meaningful identity there is, racial identity, but only some vague “shared” values or undefined “heritage” or something or other, which then boils right back down to “ideas” — and his audience never even notices the switcheroo.
Giving Trump/Vance supporters (and Trump himself) an exciting opportunity to “prove they’re not White racists,” he publicly parades his wife, a mixed-race South Asian with roots in India. He and “Usha” met while at Yale Law. Is it beyond the bounds of possibility to think that she was chosen specifically — perhaps by Thiel suggesting the match to Vance during a private evening together — to cement his “anti-racist” credentials with the Jews who really run the party and this country? Thiel (and undoubtedly others in his circle, like “cultural Jew” Sam Altman) seem to have groomed Vance for his role in politics: There is something highly unusual in a working-class conservative/populist guy just out of the Marines getting into Yale Law and then getting published by controlled-media giant Harper when he was barely in his thirties.
In Vance’s convention speech, he made his commitment to “diversity” explicit when he made the usual qualification required of all politicians, saying he supported all Murricans, “whatever the color of their skin.”
When Vance spoke to a Jewish group recently in New York (what does that have to do with representing Ohio in the Senate, I wonder), the Tzedek Association, that helps mostly non-White criminals get clemency, he stated “In America, we love the Jews, ladies and gentlemen.”
video - link
And Trump himself wasn’t on the stage more than a minute before he made the required obeisance to multiracialism, too, telling us he would be President “for citizens of every race, religion, color, and creed.” So much for God Emperor White Racist Trump of leftist Jews’ fever-dreams and naïve White nationalists’ imaginations.
The only time he made reference to White people was when he made it clear he was not pro-White, saying:
I’m here tonight to lay out a vision for the whole nation, to every citizen, whether you’re a young or old man or woman, Democrat, Republican or independent, Black or white, Asian or Hispanic, I extend to you a hand of loyalty and of friendship.Trump also made the most overblown and impossible list of promises I have ever heard in a political speech in my life. His favorite rhetorical device was telling his dupes all the things he was going to do on “day one” of his next administration. He said:
Starting on day one, we will drive down prices and make America affordable again….Really, in less than a day he will solve systemic problems stemming from the Jews’ stranglehold on finance and banks’ ability to create money out of nothing? He added:
At the heart of the Republican platform is our pledge to end this border nightmare and fully restore the sacred and sovereign borders of the United States of America. And we’re going to do that on day one. That means two things. And day one, right. Drill, baby drill and close our borders….So the border will be fully secured in less than a day, when he never really closed it in four years, during which America got Browner and Browner with each passing day, hardly different from the administrations of his rivals?
If you believe these promises, you are foolish or naïve. You are being played. You are being used. There is no savior coming to help us. Not from the sky. Nor from the stinking halls of Mar-a-Lago, nor from the quintessentially evil Republican Party. We’re going to have to save ourselves. We’re going to have to secure a future for White children — ourselves. And that is the purpose of the National Alliance.
5 comentarii :
"I forced myself to watch the entire speeches of Mike Pompeo, J.D. Vance, and Donald Trump at the convention."
RINO Mike Pompeo deci a scos capu' - a vorbit la Convenţia Republicană. Şi a putut termina "discursul", desigur aplaudat şi nu huiduit încă de la început.
Doar ACEST "AMĂNUNT" este suficient. El spune TOT despre mascarada în desfăşurare.
Probabil cu Trump în sală, care a ascultat şi nu s-a ridicat să iasă (nu ştiu, n-am urmărit filmările, dar aproape sigur aşa a şi fost).
Trump’s RNC, Doomed Gay Satanic Bullshit – America Deserves This
The place to start the analysis of the RNC and the dawn of Trump 2024 is with Trump’s “Fight, Fight, Fight” chant after he allegedly received a small injury to his ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.
He called on his supporters to “fight.” But for what, exactly?
The only answer is that he was saying “fight for me, your tribal leader.”
There is no political agenda Trump is promoting. There is no platform. The platform document that the RNC released is 17 pages long. They are usually 70 pages and contain semi-detailed policy plans. This says some stuff about securing the border and protecting Israel. The rest of it is basically just “good things are good.” Stuff like “people should have good jobs” and “people should not be killed on the streets.” It’s just a list of unspecific nice things that literally no one disagrees with.
The current RNC plan is “people like Trump, just talk about how great he is and how God saved him from a bullet from some retard with no history or identity who got a sniper perch on a roof because it was too slanted to be safe for the Secret Service.”
As far as I can tell, Trump was first seen at the RNC during the speech of Amber Rose, a used-up face-tattooed hooker with a shaved head who promotes abortion and feminism and homosexuality and probably a lot of other things I don’t like. Her speech was “they said Trump wasn’t nice but I met him and he’s really nice. The left lied to me and said Trump wasn’t nice. He loves gays.”
So. Really weird.
- - - - -
Trump’s actual policies, as I’ve deduced just from listening to him talk (rather than reading any policy papers, because such papers somehow don’t exist), include:
Stop open borders with normal border security and some kind of remain in Mexico policy
Replace poor mentally ill criminal immigrants with Indians through the H1-B system
Put even more tariffs on China
Bloat the military even worse by increasing spending (or redirecting existing spending)
Force companies to bring manufacturing back to America (I think through tariffs, though I don’t understand the details)
There is no more social conservatism. It’s just been cut out. Insofar as it’s discussed, it’s just the really insane stuff like child trannies, which was an unsustainable project anyway, because now they’re seeing what these drugs do to kids beyond the psychological stuff (cancer, 20 IQ point drop, etc.).
Ce "mă mai luase de cap" Dubya (G.W. Bush), ani în urmă. Ca şi pe alţii... Ca şi Băsescu...
"Da' ce-or avea, mă, cu el ?! Bun, nu-i perfect ("da-nvaţă din greşeli"). Ia să fi fost celălalt, era mai nasol."
Până "s-a" remarcat - în sfârşit - realitatea că trăgea la aceeaşi căruţă cu ăilalţii.
Cu Trump văd că le pică fisa mai greu. Unii pe care-i cunosc (cât de cât) şi nu cred că "sunt conectaţi la Sistem", înclin să cred că sunt în negare (in denial), pe subiectul ăsta. Ies greu din zona de confort. Din bulă. Cu "conectaţii" renunţ să mai polemizez - de fapt renunţ... de tot.
Trumpery derives from the Middle English trompery and ultimately from the Middle French tromper, meaning "to deceive." (You can see the meaning of this root reflected in the French phrase trompe-l'oeil-literally, "deceives the eye"-which in English refers to a style of painting with photographically realistic detail.) Trumpery first appeared in English in the mid-15th century with the meanings "deceit or fraud" (a sense that is now obsolete) and "worthless nonsense." Less than 100 years later, it was being applied to material objects of little or no value. The verb phrase trump up means "to concoct with the intent to deceive," but there is most likely no etymological connection between this phrase and trumpery.
îmbârligătură, îmbârligături s. f. 1. intrigă. 2. încurcătură.
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