09 ianuarie 2021

"Analiza tactică"

You want to get 100,000 people together to do something? Fine. If you're going to go, go big, or get back on the porch. Bring your rifles, surround the Capitol, (which means plan out all the exits, and blockade them too, starting with the subway tunnels they'd use to escape you) and tell all comers that you want the traitors handed over at once, and start trying and executing them on the porticoes, on national television. Shoot any motherfuckers who resist you, and any motherfuckers, inside or out, who point guns at you. In the face. Be prepared for a lot of casualties, on both sides. But if you're not willing to do that, because it's massively against the law, (and believe me, it is, yuuuugely), you're not patriots, you're just pussies. 

You pissed your pants yesterday, for all the good you did, or might have done. And now you look foolish, clueless, and naive. Which you were. And your pants are wet.

Sh*t happens. Get back up, change your pants, and don't f**k things up next time. There will be a next time. Probably the first of hundreds, if not thousands, of such skirmishes. Yesterday was a start, not an end.

"Analiza generală" am reprodus-o aici

Tot la Raconteur, nişte sugestii utile pentru cine ştie despre ce-i vorba (cele şase fotografii-montaj succesive de la sfârşitul postării). Mă îndoiesc că andrisanţii reali ar înţelege mesajul. ("Everything's on the table" cuts both ways, youngsters.)

Raconteur Report:

A Few Notes

Do we condemn anything that happened yesterday by those who marched on and took control of the Capitol?

Not one damned thing.

And we note that the only homicide occurred by the hands of Capitol Police, on an unarmed woman and military veteran protesting non-violently. Window-breaking, when last we looked, even in the federal code, is not a capital offense meriting the death penalty, let alone summary execution, and the mostly empty Senate Chamber is neither the President's occupied bedroom, nor the SAC NORAD Command HQ.

Dear law enforcement, from dog catchers to Attorneys general,

If you're not with us, you're with the Terrorists. The People, just like the Marines, are "no better friends, and no worse enemies". Your actions every day will mark you as one or the other of those to The People, whose Constitution you swore an oath to defend, from here on out, and there will be consequences to your choices. Harsh and permanent ones. We won't be locking you up, nor holding trials (except the drumhead variety), and we won't be taking prisoners, from here on out. You have now been properly negotiated with. You got away with "Just following orders" when you looked the other way for Leftard riots. Unlike them, we came in peace, but we're pleading with you, with tears in our eyes: Fuck with us, and we'll kill you all, and people will write about what happens for hundreds of years. You'll get one chance, and the consequences to you will be swift, eternal, and irrevocable. You want to try policing an entire hostile nation in the service of jackbooted thuggery and a banana republic oligarchy, and think you'll ever live to see a dime of your pension, think again. Choose wisely.

P.S. To the Capitol cop thug who fired that fatal shot: Go home and eat your gun, as a service to humanity. No, really. Just do it. You're already dead to us, so why not make it official by your own hand?

But permit, please, now that the bodies have cooled, a few brief observations on what didn't happen.

1) Non-violent protests assume a rational and reasonable foe.

You have neither. Non-violent protests get people shot by those willing to use violence. Imagine Gandhi in the PRC. Wait, you don't have to: Tiananmen Square ring any bells? Stop playing by Marquess of Queensbury Rules. This is war to the knife, knife to the hilt, and then gouging eyes and biting off ears. If you aren't ready for that, you're not tall enough for this ride.

2) A group with plans and leadership is an army.

You had neither. It was just a mob. Pointed by those unwilling and/or unable to step to the fore, sent into whatever awaited, blind, stupid, clueless, like sheep to a slaughter. All it ultimately did, besides showing the other side how pissed off we are, is provide a photo op and put a face to the baseless claims about Right Wing Extremism that you'll be beaten over the head with for months and years to come. (Unless we win, and get to write the history ourselves.)

3) "Everybody has a plan, until they get hit in the face."

Well, clearly not everyone has a plan. You didn't get hit in the face, and you still had no plan, other than presence. No plan for agents provacateur. No plan to exploit a runaway victory (because no one had thought even one step beyond anything). No media plan, no logistic plan, no medical plan, nothing. This was planned about as well as a trip to Disneyland. ("So we get off the freeway, park, and go inside. Okay. Then what? What d'ya mean???") So, yet again, despite half a dozen recent examples, no planning, at any level, about what to do if. If ANYTHING. No plan, for ANYTHING. Good, bad, indifferent. This was about as planned as a herd of sheep grazing in a meadow, and with as much forethought. So don't act surprised it turned into a modern-day Boston Massacre. That was what happened when patriots brought snowballs to a gunfight. You lot didn't even have snowballs. Huzzah! Or, as countless NCOs have told people, "Good initiative. Bad judgement." It doesn't make you less motivated, less brave, or less committed. Just stupid and thoughtless. Own that. For the umpteenth time. And knock that crap off, FFS.

4) Playing in the street is for stupid children. Stop being that.

Demonstrations are for optics. They accomplish nothing else. Even less with the monumental shortcomings in planning and leadership demonstrable in every event since anybody thought this dumbassery was a good idea. A few pointers:

a) You don't own the media outlets. In fact, they are entirely unsympathetic to everything you are, and represent.

b) You had no media plan.

c) You didn't have anyone, or any 500 people, expressly designated to document what you wanted to do, nor what you didn't want to do, nor what was done by people not you. So you handed the entire narrative, start to finish, over to your Enemy, before you even started out.

d) You had no plan on how to disseminate a message, before, during, nor after, nor even any wild idea what message you were trying to make, besides being an angry mob.

e) Stumble and bumble into being used as a photo op poster child for the Enemy in haste, repent at leisure.

You became a herd of brave and dedicated people on pogo sticks, clearing a minefield. How's that working out for you now?

5) "They'll see a lot of us, and see our anger, and then they'll suddenly start doing what we want them to do."


That has happened exactly never. You either kill people and break things, and dictate terms with swords to throats, or you march into machineguns and die gloriously, stupidly, and pointlessly, but for a good cause. As if anyone ever respects suicidal fanaticism, beyond resolving to gun it down on sight. Achievement unlocked: Went full retard.

6) You're not the Leftards. Stop using their game plan.

The Media doesn't care about what you want. Hollywood doesn't care about what you want. The other side's politicians don't care about what you want. And your own (nominally) politicians don't care about what you want. Those last are fleeing you and your ilk at warp speed, and they can smell blood in the water 10,000 times better than any shark. Protest reindeer games only work when there's someone out there who sympathizes with you, or is at least uncommitted, but open to hearing you out. It's not 1967 any more. The country has stratified. Anything you say to yourselves is preaching to the choir. Anything you say to the other side is falling on deaf ears. Period. Full stop.

7) Stop pissing into the wind. You look stupid, you smell worse, and you're just annoying everyone.

You want to get 100,000 people together to do something? Fine. If you're going to go, go big, or get back on the porch. Bring your rifles, surround the Capitol, (which means plan out all the exits, and blockade them too, starting with the subway tunnels they'd use to escape you) and tell all comers that you want the traitors handed over at once, and start trying and executing them on the porticoes, on national television. Shoot any motherfuckers who resist you, and any motherfuckers, inside or out, who point guns at you. In the face. Be prepared for a lot of casualties, on both sides. But if you're not willing to do that, because it's massively against the law, (and believe me, it is, yuuuugely), you're not patriots, you're just pussies. 

Storing guns, arming militias, and fortifying the heights around Boston harbor in 1775 were also criminal acts. Hanging offenses, treason, and insurrection, according to no less than the King of England and all the colonies at the time, which was not mere idle boasting on his part. But you haven't got the courage of your convictions colonial townspeople and farmers had, or you wouldn't have tried to win this thing by waving teddy bears at cameras. Own that, too.

8) You pissed your pants yesterday, for all the good you did, or might have done. And now you look foolish, clueless, and naive. Which you were. And your pants are wet.

Sh*t happens. Get back up, change your pants, and don't f**k things up next time. There will be a next time. Probably the first of hundreds, if not thousands, of such skirmishes. Yesterday was a start, not an end. Learn the lessons you keep booting out your asses, and stop doing that. Photo ops and "statements" are for impotent @$$clowns. Don't be that. If you thought you were going to win a bloodless coup by holding your breath, turning blue, and stomping your feet like toddlers throwing a tantrum at the supermarket, it's past fucking time you grew up, including a spine and a set of functional balls.

This is going to be hard. People died yesterday, and all on our side. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph!: Even in the movies, Robin Hood had to kill half a dozen @$$holes on Prince John's side to make the point that he was serious, and wasn't to be trifled with. If you haven't wrapped your head around that reality, and come to grips with what's got to be done to get your country back, STFU, chop your dicks off, turn in your weapons, and either learn to sing Leftist love songs and eat soyburgers, or line up for the boxcars right fucking now, and stop wasting the time and goodwill of better men than yourselves.

No one, least of all this blogger, is mad at you or blames you for yesterday's events. But the Amateur Hour silly-ass b.s. has to stop, now. The time for impotent gestures and photo ops is over. You're either in the fight of your lives to win, including the killing and dying that course necessarily entails, or you're just a bunch of LARPing jackholes.

Decide. Stop pissing yourselves while you dither, and try and take the moral high ground without inflicting or taking casualties. This isn't the playground, and what's to come requires the resolve that took Hamburger Hill, not the kind that wins in the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese, or plays childish games where no one's keeping score.

Grow the fuck up, and get on with it. Be adults, and do manly things.

Get busy winning, or learn to love losing.

You aren't going to regroup, and out-vote them harder next time; that option is closed off forever now. Come to grips with that harsh reality.

What are you going to do about that...?

And nota bene that any whiny bitching, pissing, and moaning in Comments will be regarded as the poster saying "Cuck! Cuck! Cuck-a-doodle-do!" Suck it up, Buttercup.

6 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...

Cum ar veni,

HOTĂRÂŢI, sau doar... oţărâţi?

Riddick spunea...

"No one, least of all this blogger, is mad at you or blames you for yesterday's events. But the Amateur Hour silly-ass b.s. has to stop, now. The time for impotent gestures and photo ops is over. You're either in the fight of your lives to win, including the killing and dying that course necessarily entails, or you're just a bunch of LARPing jackholes.

Decide. Stop pissing yourselves while you dither, and try and take the moral high ground without inflicting or taking casualties. This isn't the playground, and what's to come requires the resolve that took Hamburger Hill, not the kind that wins in the ball pit at Chuck E. Cheese, or plays childish games where no one's keeping score.

Grow the fuck up, and get on with it. Be adults, and do manly things."

Gabriel spunea...

Aceste evenimente au relevanță pentru noi doar din perspectiva capacității de a genera secesiunea unor state "roșii", capacitate extrem de redusă după comportamentul RINO, care sunt majoritari în establishmentul republican. Asta ar doborî leviathanul de peste ocean și ne-ar elibera temporar, până găsesc securiștii alt stăpân. Dar nu se va întâmpla.
În rest e indiferent, de câștiga Trump era tot aia pentru noi dacă nu cumva chiar mai rău - uitați-vă doar ce ambasador a trimis, cel mai oribil de până acum, nu mai vorbim de 2% pentru apărare și achiziții masive de armament în plină criză, pe datorie, chestii pentru care lui trebuie să-i mulțumim, nu democraților (America first în dauna tuturor).
Vom continua să ne finanțăm împrumutând bani tipăriți de alții în loc să-i tipărim noi.
Dacă toată lumea e îngropată în datorii, cu deficite uriașe, de unde mereu bani pentru alte împrumuturi? Din "tiparniță", evident, doar că tiparnița e virtuală.
Iar cu banii împrumutați de la ei vom plăti cumpărături tot de la ei.
Și vor prelua la schimb ce a mai rămas:
- câteva companii de stat mari a căror existență îi mai încurcă (practic statul este singurul mare deținător de capital românesc rămas în economie, în rest tot ce e cu adevărat mare e deținut de străini și se străduiește cu ajutorul statului condus de trădători să-i execute pe cei mici, vezi închiderea piețelor);
- pământul de sub tălpile noastre, de fapt ce nu au acaparat încă;
- statul însuși ale cărui atribuții vor fi externalizate, vor fi realizate de companii private selectate prin licitație care - cum altfel? - vor fi tot cu capital străin în mare parte.
Cu alte cuvinte, ce se plătește acum demonizaților bugetari se va scurge, în cea mai mare parte, tot în buzunarele lor, că doar nu degeaba se face campanie fără oprire de peste 10 ani.
Se va privatiza ce a rămas din sănătate și învățământ, inclusiv preuniversitar.
Deja e în programul de guvernare Trezoreria (conturile statului vor fi deschise la bănci particulare), aș paria pe termen lung pe colectarea impozitelor și taxelor și chiar pe privatizarea elaborării legislației, prin firme de consultanță, pe privatizarea contabilității și a activității de resurse umane din instituțiile publice.
Sigur, astea sunt cu bătaie lungă, sunt prognoze personale pe termen lung, dar treaba cu companiile de stat și cu trezoreria sunt semne că se intenționează chiar în următorii 4 ani, dacă citești programul de guvernare și îl urmărești pe Cîțu.
Doar serviciile, armata și justiția nu se vor privatiza, statul va rămâne, ca la americani, compania de pază a bogătașilor (la noi, în principal a capitalului străin) fără a mai furniza alte servicii populației.

Riddick spunea...

DEZAMĂGIRE TOTALĂ. Dar ar fi o greşeală s-o limităm la Trump: de fapt, este EŞECUL DEFINITIV AL ORICĂREI PRETENŢII A REPUBLICANILOR DE A REPREZENTA CURENTUL CONSERVATOR. Nu în forma lor actuală. Cam cum este cu PSD, care s-a dovedit că nu poate nici deveni, nici fi PSDragnea. Trebuie altceva.

La noi nu este masă critică decât la atârnătorii sistemului, chit că scad şi ei "din lipsă de provizii". Noi, ăştilalţi, ne dăm singuri peste mâini şi peste picioare, nu reuşim nimic concret.

Gabriel spunea...

La noi lucrurile s-au pierdut de la început, nici n-aveai ce aștepta de la un stat fondat de niște masoni (Cuza, Kogălniceanu) al cărui prim act reformist a fost exproprierea fără despăgubire a averilor mănăstirești, adică o lovitură mortală dată chiar sufletului națiunii, obligat să intre în solda statului masonic.
Și atunci s-a jucat " coarda " naționalistă, sugerându-se că ar fi vorba doar de greci, până s-au trezit peste noapte expropriați cu toții, cum la noi în anii '90 s-a speculat teama de unguri (intrați înaintea noastră în UE și NATO) pentru a justifica orice în numele integrării euro-atlantice, nu cumva să ia ungurii Ardealul cu sprijin occidental.
Chiar dinainte, elitele au fost înlocuite cu străini. Reorientarea occidentală a fanarioților a fost un fenomen similar schimbării stăpânilor la securiști și a pregătit fondarea statului masonic.
Poate doar Dej-Ceaușescu au reprezentat speranțe de revenire la fibra națională - cea mai dătătoare de speranță perioadă în existența acestei țări mizerabile - dar și ei au eșuat. Probabil amândoi uciși.

Riddick spunea...

Putregaiul a infestat mai tot. Masoneria s-a refugiat în jurul lui Antonescu după septembrie 1940. Ceea ce explică "ianuarie 1941" şi restul.

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Cornea, 2011: "Dacă statele rămân suverane, ele vor continua să facă ceea ce cred şi ceea ce consideră că le este de folos, în pofida intereselor comune. Rezultă că trebuie mers înainte – mai repede sau mai încet – spre un sistem federal sau măcar confederal, cu un guvern central dotat cu puteri mari în domeniul economiei, apărării şi externelor, cu un parlament bicameral după modelul american şi cu guverne ale statelor responsabile numai pentru afacerile interne, justiţie, educaţie, cultură, eventual sănătate şi muncă. Căci atunci când vorbim despre pierderea suveranităţii naţionale, despre cine anume vorbim în fapt ca fiind „perdanţii“? Despre plătitorii obişnuiţi de impozite, cu rate la bănci, cu salarii ameninţate ba de tăieri, ba de inflaţie? Despre pensionarii cu pensiile în pericol? Despre beneficiarii sistemelor de asigurări ce acumulează datorii peste datorii? Despre şomeri? Nu, ci vorbim despre elitele politice europene din cele 27 de state. Ele sunt acelea care şi-ar pierde suveranitatea – mai ales aceea de a cheltui nestăvilit şi de a face promisiuni imposibil de ţinut. Vor trebui să se consoleze mulţi parlamentari naţionali cu un rol mai modest (dar deloc neglijabil). Dintre miniştrii şi funcţionarii guvernamentali, unii, precum cei de la externe sau de la armată, vor trebui să dispară pur şi simplu."


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