Make plans accordingly, for a long, cold, brutal, and quite probably bloody decade-plus of economic winter. Possibly with a bonus helping of "heads on pikes".
'Good times Are Here Again' will not be played anytime soon.
Consequences To Consequences To Consequences
Commander Zero has some thoughts on the inter-COVIDian crisis, and things to come. Food for thought.
RTWT. [Read The Whole Thread]
Here are some of my own notes:
All the COVIDication of the workforce has done is
a) ring the dinner bell to outsource everything (and everyone) outsourceable.
(Commercial real estate, long-term: deader than canned tuna.)
b) People in Bangladesh cannot cook your burger, do chest compressions during your heart attack, nor change your oil or transmission.
c) If you have a job, you are employed at will.
d) If you own a business, you are employed at whim.
e) Find ways to make money that have other people making the money and delivering it to you. Diversity is asinine. Diversification is king.
f) long-term, having a large class of unemployed, under-employed, and broke, hungry, shiftless lumpenproletariat is how revolutions start. Middle classes do not revolt. This year has seen the biggest targeted wipeout of the middle class, worldwide, and shifting them to the lower class, than anything since the Great Depression. And we're still in the early innings of it, as COVID2.0 now appears to be clearing its throat.
g) That's before the blatant disenfranchising of a third of the adults in this country by the most ham-fistedly blatant electoral fraud (outside of every election in Central America, ever) in living memory.
h) make plans accordingly, for a long, cold, brutal, and quite probably bloody decade-plus of economic winter. Possibly with a bonus helping of "heads on pikes".
Good times Are Here Again will not be played anytime soon.
And remember: Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics isn't just a snappy put-down; it's How the World Works at ground level.
And for Common Core grads, you should know that 1776 was planned and funded by the richest bunch of Establishment movers and shakers (not to mention smugglers and pirates) in the New World. You could look it up.
Coincidence, my @$$. Learn a lesson from history.
1776.2 better be too, or it's not going to go the way you hope.
And Another Thing:
The official governing body in 1776 was called Parliament.
In 2020, the Congress and Courts and the rest of the Deep State are still The King's Parliament and His Majesty's Court. And President Trump isn't their king, as they've told you for four long years.
Why is anyone surprised at this, or how things are playing out?
The Continental Congress was an unauthorized, unsanctioned, unlawful, treasonous, and seditious assembly, and every man-jack of them were eventually targeted for arrest and hanging. If you're expecting GOVERNMENT as it is presently constituted to plan or carry out anything like a revolt, you don't understand things very well.
You're going to have to find and BE the leaders you're waiting to have appear, or there ain't gonna be none of those.
Let that sink in until it fills your marrow. [="bagă toate astea bine de tot la dovleac"]
That is all.
6 comentarii :
In primul rand...despre ce clasa de mijloc poate fi vorba peste tot in lume si mai ales in Romania ? Intreaba pe cine doresti : care-ar fi ala suficient de nebun incat sa riste o chestie c'an poza dumitale din final , atata vreme cat LUI ai merge bine ?In al doilea rand , lumpenii saracii...ce sa zica si ei caci ,deja stiu { iar daca inca n-au invatzat asta... ghinion } ca , bratul inarmat al legii ,fortzele de ordine ale statului , { ale oricarui stat din lume } nu-s pentru protectia unor lumpeni amarati si nici macar pentru tipii din middle classes ci doar pentru aia superbogati asezati deasupra tuturor precum insusi Dumnezeu .Da , viitoarea lupta se va da PENTRU PAINE , PENTRU RESURSE iar intr-o astfel d e lupta , lumpenii n-au nici o sansa oricat d e multi ar fi . S-a dus 1789 si , daca esti atent , pana si-n acea tara s-a dus de mult chestia aia cu EGALITE iar despre acel praf in ochi numit ...FRATERNITE nici nu mai poate fi vorba , asta ca sa nu-mi amintesc si de LIBERTE { tot praf in ochi fireste } caci , asta a disparut fix de cand cu...pandemia ! Si-n al treilea rand , poate-mi poti spune dumneata , cand lumpenii au pornit " ceva " d e capul lor , fara ideile unor tipi ce , chiar daca nu faceau parte din middle classes , erau totusi niste ILUMINATI ? Lumpenii , intotdeauna au tacut si-au inghitzit caci , asta le-a fost harazit de catre , al de sus dupa cum spun slujbasii sai , reuniti sub sigla bisericii indiferent de cult , de rit , sau traditii . Ma sperie si-a doua si-a treia poza insa a patra , ma inspaimanta pur si simplu !
În a patra nu-s "lumpeni" ci nişte tipi în uniformă (sniper + observator), şi se sugerează c-ar fi în defensivă. Ori măcar în "paza perimetrului".
Au mai evoluat şi "lumpenii".
Mesajul articolului e altul: "faceţi pe dracu'-n patru, că nasulia it's here to stay, nu scăpăm prea devreme".
"La a patra"
Observatorul este necesar fiindcă:
- binoclul său are un câmp mai larg decât al lunetei, şi poate vedea "mai multe" în jur, şi "la timp"
- îl ajută pe "operator" la căratul muniţiei sau a unei părţi dezasamblate (la armele grele demontabile)
- poate asigura radiocomunicaţiile, în timp ce "operatorul" îşi vede de misiunea principală
- poate "relua misiunea" dacă "operatorul" este rănit sau ucis
- şi (în cazul rănirii) îl poate evacua sau "amuţi" dacă inamicul avansează
In primul rand , iti doresc sa ai parte de o Christmas Day cat mai agreabila cu putinta sau , daca-ti place mai mult , pentru dumneata si cine mai doresti : MARRY CRHISTMAS ! In al doilea rand , tipii din poza aia { sant sarbi , croati , bosniaci sau..alte nationalitati ? } , poarta UNIFORME si-n plus au arme . Adica , fie platiti , fie-si iau singuri plata . Niciodata un lumpen n-ar purta o uniforma decat obligat sau , in cel mai rau caz , dus de nas de catre aia...mai destepti decat el si-atunci scoate la iveala cei mai rau in om fie lumpen fie middle classes . In cazul d e fatza omul mai destept decat lumpenii sau orice alt om traitor in acea tara este , probabil Svobodan Miloshevici . Si-n al treilea rand , inainte s a intru in sufrageria dumitale , taman ce-am jucat Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 ...faza cu bulevardul lunetistilor ! Craciun fericit in continuare . P.S. Pentru mine , ar fi fost un Craciun si mai fericit daca , Craciun ala d e la Cotroceni si-ar fi tras un glont in tzeasta in fata camerelor video : ALA ...CRACIUN ADEVARAT !
Crăciun fericit!
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