18 iulie 2018

Hop! Hop! Noviciok!

"înainte" şi "după"

3 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...

The ad was published before May 27. Its creator must have had real vision. Last night the BBC reported:

Amesbury: Novichok found in perfume bottle, says victim's brother

The nerve agent that poisoned two people in Amesbury was contained in a perfume bottle, the brother of one of the victims has said.

Matthew Rowley said his brother Charlie, who is seriously ill in hospital, told him he had picked up the perfume bottle.

The Metropolitan Police, which is leading the investigation, refused to confirm the claim.

Previously the force has said only that it was found in a "small bottle".

Sergej Skripal and his daughter Yulia both mysteriously recovered from the alleged 'nerve agent' 10 times as deadly as VX. It was the magic of the Novichok perfume that did it.


Riddick spunea...

One victim of the second 'Novichok' incident in Wiltshire, Matthew Rowley, is also on the path to full recovery. His friend Dawn Strugess, a drug addict with serious medical preconditions, died. Like with the Skripal case the details of the second incident raise lots of new questions.

Riddick spunea...

Let Yulia Skripal speak

Let Yulia Skripal explain what happened to her and her father.

The world needs to know that Yulia Skripal, allegedly poisoned by a nerve agent, is getting proper follow-up medical care by hearing her own account of the alleged poisoning. Apart from one telephone call nobody knows where she is or whether she has the choice to speak freely.

There are many media accounts of the alleged poisonings of the Skripals (Yulia and her father Sergei) as conflicting and changeable as the weather. Parliament needs to discuss this whole affair in an adult way so that the public has a plausible explanation of what happened. Yulia Skripal should be given access to the media because otherwise the suspicion falls on the UK for holding her and her father against their wills.


Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Marga, 1995 ("Filosofia Unificării Europene"): "Identificările etnice ale românilor sunt în mare parte tradiţionale. Acestea caută să abată atenţia de la problemele concrete ale prezentului şi de la nevoia modernizării instituţionale spre abstracţiunile trecutului. Pentru mulţi intelectuali este limpede că naţionalismul, prin demagogia sa, generează stagnarea şi degradarea ce favorizează doar grupuri sociale incapabile să se adapteze lumii moderne. Intrarea în noua Europă, nu doar geografic, ci şi instituţional şi cultural presupune mai mult decât o alegere, presupune o schimbare a modului de gândire, de asumare, pe lângă devizele paneuropene, a unei abordări europene, o abordare disponibilă la compararea performanţelor, orientată spre modernizare şi având ca perspectivă unitatea europeană". 


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