24 decembrie 2017

Comey - dat în fapt!

Fostul director FBI pus de Hillary Clinton şi Obama şi concediat de Trump, suspect în atentatele WTC 1993 şi Oklahoma 1995. Portretul-robot desenat atunci al unui suspect neidentificat (John Doe #2) considerat autorul principal la Oklahoma, similar cu fizionomia lui Comey; coincide şi înălţimea (care nu se schimbă odată cu vârsta la fel de mult precum fizionomia). Comey avea deja studii superioare in chimie (deci putea fi suspectat de "expertiză în explozibili"). După explozia de la WTC "s-a accelerat treaba" la Waco, spre a se distrage atenţia publicului. Waco "a pregătit Oklahoma" - Timothy McVeigh a participat la proteste antiguvernamentale la Waco în 1993. Va avea Comey (57) vreun "accident", medical ori de altă natură?

Where were you James Comey from all of 1994-1995?
Există un "gol" în CV-ul lui Comey exact în acest interval
Comey, ca director FBI, a avut "lucră(tu)ri" şi prin România

New info has been discovered about Comey, Comey has degrees in Chemistry and Religion. Makes perfect sense on why the NEWS subject was changed from WTC to WACO in Bush's own back yard!

Look at the Drawing of John Doe #2 and the Nose, Square Jaw, Squinted Eyes & Head Shape. Looks like Comey, plus, John Doe #2 was TALLER than Timothy! Comey is 6'8, Timothy was 6'3. This means, John Doe #2 would have to be considerably, taller than Timothy to gauge John Doe #2's height from video footage! This too, make perfect sense why James Comey can lie under oath and nothing happens. James Comey has always been corrupt and Oklahoma City Bombing and his involvement has kept him in check by the Clintons, ever since.

Am I accusing James Comey of being John Doe #2/ YES I AM

Here is another Fun Fact! I personally, along with 14 other telecommunication techs were installing a brand new PBX System in the DENVER Federal Building in APRIL 1995 in which the FBI IT Command instructed our Com Team, that we were NOT permitted to do (TAPS) on the FBI phones, longer than 30 seconds! This was on the Friday, just days before the OKC bombing. All of us KNEW, that was a red flag. The FBI IT Command, told us that if we were caught doing taps longer than 30 seconds, we would be fired, black listed from the telecommunications industry and could face prosecution. Our Team Leader, told him (The FBI IT Command Rep) to phk off, and that they could install the new NEC PBX Switch - in which, the Feds backed off and ASKED US to try to keep the taps under 30 seconds.

Anyone, with a half of a Brain, knows, that when conducting a (HOT - CUT OVER) with 1000s of phones, hundreds of Fax's and Multiple Floors, using a GOAT at the switch end and verifying extensions on the users side, some taps last several minutes.

In short, when the News Broke of Oklahoma City Bombing, we all KNEW, that the FBI had planned that from the start. This is why the threats from the FBI to our com team were so strict, because they were afraid we would hear their plans.

3 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...

Meet John Doe #2 Degree In Chemistry & Religion



Riddick spunea...

Răposatul Bill Cooper suspecta pe altcineva:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTO1MDQz-Rw

(dar nimeni nu-i infailibil, şi informaţii/indicii noi pot răsturna multe)

Riddick spunea...

Tot o pistă falsă (nu suspectez autorii articolului, dar ei "au pus botu' "): 

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Adrian Papahagi, 2012: "Nu mă voi ascunde după deget: suplimentul FCD este într-adevăr un manifest, fiindcă socotim că Uniunea Europeană este un proiect neterminat și că doar desăvârșindu-l, creând adică Statele Unite ale Europei, putem să evităm perspectiva deloc încântătoare de a deveni un vulgar apendice al Asiei, un muzeu al civilizațiilor sau o simplă piață de desfacere pentru economiile emergente. Înainte de toate, doream să subliniez, prin contrast cu îngustimea identităților naționale, care sunt niște constructe relativ recente, larghețea identității europene și universalitatea celei creștine. Creștinismul transcende națiile, cu tot tribalismul și triumfalismul lor războinic".


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