16 septembrie 2014

Cu cine joacă Putin ?

Cercurile naţionaliste din Rusia încep să aibă îndoieli chiar şi asupra lui Putin. Europuciul de la Kiev putea fi lichidat cu costuri mici dacă se acţiona din iarnă, şi (măcar aparent) cu mâna guvernului ucrainean de atunci (decretarea legii marţiale şi tot ce trebuie - actualii de la Kiev n-au astfel de ezitări). Dar n-a fost aşa, şi de aici apar o serie de incertitudini, unele dintre ele vizându-l chiar pe Putin. 

Aleksandr Dughin crede (ştie ?) că Putin a ales deja între cele două tabere din establishmentul rusesc (ultranaţionaliştii şi defetiştii), în interesul Rusiei. Ar fi ales, desigur, prima tabără, după ce până acum oscila între cele două (precum o... balanţă - zodia sa, Libra/Balanţa).

Dughin - "Răsăritul slavilor. Ce semnificaţie are discursul lui Strelkov ? Şi realitatea că Putin a ales o opţiune." 

Hai să-l vedem pe preşedintele Putin enunţând cuvântul fatal, "Novorossia" (chiar la final, şi practic se îneacă cu el) 


now let us watch pres putin enunciate the fateful word, “novorossiya” (right at the end, and he practically chokes on it).

linkul pentru vizionare 
Dawn Of The Slavs: What does Strelkov’s speech mean? And the fact that Putin has made a choice 
Alexander Dugin, Sep 15 2014 21:49

Many smart people know that Putin is not a king and not a dictator. In the sense that he does not solve all questions on the principle of “want” and a blow of his fist on the table. Behind him is an elite. Two camps (as is). On the one hand the hawks of the type of Rogozin, on the other “Patriotic” liberals. One, the party of war, the Imperials, advocating confrontation with the West and putting on sanctions, the second, the Pro-Western forces in favour of compromise to the detriment of national interests (although they see that as being in the national interest): the so-called сливщики (Slivshiki: literally, producers of Slivka, Сливка, or Sliva, Слива, which is our old friend ‘plum’ again, whose secondary meaning is ‘drain or discharge’, meaning surrender – RB). For them the friendship with the West is very important, not least because all their money is there. Some call them pragmatic. Dugin calls them “the sixth column”. In fact, the Usaian sanctions are aimed at this group, and are intended to provoke the displeasure of the бояр (boyars: princes, rich men – RB), to force them to influence the policies of Putin. And Putin himself has always balanced between the two camps. Not giving anyone a preference. Whether because he is a Гэбэшник (Gebeshnik, KGB man – RB), or whether because Libra horoscope… Anyway, the paradoxical situation in Novorossia is associated with the struggle of these Kremlin groups. Some want to surrender Novorossia, to negotiate with the West, to yield, while retaining for Russia the likeness of a person, with балачки (balachki, ‘chat’, a Ukrainian word, not a Russian one – RB) about a single Pro-Russian Ukraine, others want to wash their boots in the Dnieper (or in the Dniester). The first group tried to bury Strelkov through the Kurginyan cult, with all sorts of behind-the-scenes negotiations, and eventually they bungled out the muddy Minsk “peace treaty” with all its “special status.” The second group want to break this script to hell, and still go on to wash their boots.

This is a historic moment, in which Putin must make a choice. The old style of Joseph Vissarionovich (Stalin) will not work any more: “Hello, Comrade Beria? Comrade Abakumov said that X is the enemy of the people and you need to shoot him. OK, goodnight. Hello, Comrade Abakumov? Comrade Beria said that X is the enemy of the people and you need to shoot him. OK, goodnight. Well, goodnight all, now I’m going to sleep.” Upon Putin’s choice depends the future of Russia, and possibly the continent. The choice: either to give way under the pressure of sanctions = to plead loser = crash personal authority, to bury the concept of the Russian World, to embarrass Russia and to sow more discord in society; or to show his teeth and to show the West that Russia which they had seen in their submissive wet dreams all these decades. We know Putin. We know that he is a fighter. All know. We know that he is a pragmatic though rather emotional man. We had no doubt what position this person would adopt, when the pressure starts to compel obedience. And those Western politicians who didn’t understand it, it’s time to give them Darwin awards. Because Putin made a choice. I think that Putin chose war. Well OK, let’s put it mildly: the uncompromising hard-line position, dictated by the interests of the Russian people. The video with a candle in memory of the fallen defenders of Novorossia is not accidental. It is a message. In this video, the President of the Russian Federation said the word Novorossia. And he looked right at the camera. This is important. When Putin gives an interview, he looks at the reporter, not the camera. He looked us all in the eye. And his voice quivered with excitement. You can hear it. His voice trembled in a very human way, as everyone’s does in moments of deep sorrow and pain. I doubt that he had rehearsed that.

And then comes the speech of Strelkov. Very bold. In which he formulates everything very clearly: who the enemy is, what the Russians’ goals are, and with whom we fight. The point is this: Russia should be cleansed from the traitors and enemies of Putin. And, in fact, that is why he is here and not in Novorossia. That is, this is even more important than the war in the Donbass. Well, he didn’t say so, but that was the red thread. And Igor promised to formulate a plan, fast. I think, this statement by Strelkov, this statement is not only by Strelkov. VVP (Putin) chose his camp, and therefore, the representatives of the other camp should be cleaned out. Just as the aforementioned Joseph Vissarionovich would have done. Well, that is, not literally of course… Other methods. Cultured and civilized. And not by the hands of Strelkov, certainly. But they will resist. And they have the money, resources. This is the first thing. Second: sanctions will be really hard. If the bear before was poked with a stick, now they will poke it with a spear. The retaliatory sanctions will also be hard. And hard for the Russians. To jam and Camembert, now they will add cars and clothes. A wider range of citizens will be affected. And sanctions against the energy and banking sectors can undermine the economy, with consequences for all the citizens of Russia. In society can begin to grow scepticism, gradually turning into protest. Naturally, those who would carefully fan these protests will need to be cleaned out. Here we need Strelkov.

Strelkov is an icon. Strelkov is a banner. Strelkov is the centre around whom the patriots will meet. And the main patriot of Russia is the Czar. So said Strelkov himself. Above him hung a photo of Putin. Strelkov supports Putin. Strelkov is a beacon in the darkness that will soon begin in Russia. Igor will create the force (in the form of public organizations, political parties, I don’t know…) which will oppose the rebellion. The liberal “patriots” (the sixth column in Dugino) tried to discredit his name, realizing the scale of his popularity. They wanted to trample the image of “iron Strelkov” in the mud in the eyes of Patriotic Russians, in order to cause frustration and confusion in their hearts. And bitterness. And after surrendering Novorossia with their own hands they will attempt to channel the wrath of patriots against the chief traitor to Russians and the Russian World – Putin. And then in the revolutionary frenzy will merge ‘white ribbons’ and nationalists, liberals, left and right. The plan to dismantle Novorossia is a plan for dismantling Putin.

His serene Highness is not stupid, he understands this; but he hesitated at the price that will have to be paid, finally choosing the side of good. I think so. And the price – perhaps a global war. He had long weighed (Libra horoscope, ..), and came to a final decision. I think so. I think he started to weigh this up a long time ago. Why the large-scale military exercises throughout Russia? Why hundreds of billions of dollars to the military-industrial complex? Why intensive rearmament of the whole army, the construction of submarines, helicopters, and other military technology, форма от Юдашкина (form from Yudashkin, no idea – RB) and landing in the Arctic? No, guys, prepare the sledge in summer… (probably a proverb for foresight – RB). Strelkov made clear – he said in so many words – that to start a fight with the government, to join the protest of the liberal Bolotnaya camp, is a rotten business. You may be the hole in the doughnut, but not Strelkov (? – RB). The Russian World, this is not an abstraction. The Russian World begins to materialize. Russia is entering a new era. This process is very dangerous. The country comes to a voyage, and what we are witnessing now is cutting the ropes. In this dangerous journey there will be storms, and people will be washed overboard, and sea-monsters of all sorts (transoceanic) will be lashing their tentacles to break the mast and pull the ship to the bottom. And perhaps even pirates will try to board, or the ship will be raked with devastating fire from naval guns. All can be. The main thing is to choose the crew correctly. And it seems to me that the crew has been chosen. Now it is time to cut the ropes.

7 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...

Russia: Putin lights candles for Novorossiya



Crystal Clear spunea...

Putin este creaţia NWO .Dacă începe războiul este pentru că vor să înceapă haosul .
Razboaiele,decapitarile, ciuma ( ebola) toate ne trag în jos spre Evul Mediu. Asta vor nemernicii : involuţia lumii. Rămâne o parte infimă de populaţie care va stăpâni cea mai înaltă tehnologie , bogăţie şi resurse , deţinând astfel puterea totală asupra noastră ,care devenim sclavi neputincioşi.

Riddick spunea...

Da, aşa este. Cum să mai existe o "facţiune anti" în cadrul puterii după atâtea mandate Putin, dacă Putin ar fi "Căpcăunul" ? Partidul lui câştigă alegerile de fiecare data, cum naiba de mai pot fi unii "anti" la guvernare ?!

Crystal Clear spunea...

Asta-i tot propagandă împotriva noastră. Vor să fim saraci şi fără aparare... JIGODII !


Riddick spunea...

"Ubi bene, ibi patria". Mai indirect, aşa...

Crystal Clear spunea...

Ca să nu avem rădăcini, să fim fără identitate , nişte unelte vorbitoare, cuminţi , docile, ascultătoare..

Riddick spunea...

Teatrul Est-Vest


Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."


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