Un user YouTube polonez, Akorg123, a postat un clip care face o comparaţie între UE şi distopia S.F. "Matrix". Foarte, foaaarte inspirat: Unia Europejska czyli Matrix (Polacule, de ce "Embedding disabled by request" ? Grrr...).
Comentariul la clip, al lui Akorg123 (de fapt, cred că este al lui Vladimir Bukovsky). Cu Google translate:
So, at the end of the eighties the Soviet leaders and the socialist leaders in the West have decided to introduce such a plan into effect. From the west, it consisted in the fact that socialist countries have taken over the project of European unity. And according to these plans, at a time when they have succeeded have done capsize an economic union in Western Europe. Instead of the free market, instead of the free movement of goods and services in Europe had become the single federal state. In addition to the Federal Government had to have a structure as close as possible to the structure of the Soviet state that could lead to the planned convergence. On the part of the Soviet similar activities described as building a common European home. And building these structures from the west side progressed, but until 1992 the Soviet Union ceased to exist. And suddenly I was left as if only the western part of the common European home and a sense of uncertainty. However, rather than stop the further progress of the project and prevent its implementation, has decided to continue it. Of course, because I realized that this will be able to be in power. Whatever the outcome of the elections in the countries the European structures will remain on its site. And of course the whole left-wing ideology is still involved in European legislation.
3 comentarii :
Foarte buna ideaa mixarii !
Si a explicarii teoriei socialiste a convergentei.
Nu gasesti asa ceva pe nicaieri
Eh, mai găseşti, pe la "nebuni". ;-)
Eu, unul, am auzit prima data de "convergenţă" (în acest context) la Lucilius Vasiliu. :)))
Nebunii stiu ei ce stiu....
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