14 ianuarie 2011

În sfârşit !

După cum am scris aici, ROMÂNIA TREBUIE SĂ RIPOSTEZE !

Prima măsură - ieşirea din Mişcarea Francofoniei. Ciudat - anunţată de Adrian Severin.


Romania threatens to leave Francophony organisation

Angered by the attitude of France, its traditional ally, towards its bid to join Schengen, Romania is considering leaving the OIF, the International Francophony Organisation, a leading Romanian MEP told EurActiv yesterday (12 January).

Adrian Severin, a former foreign minister and a heavyweight in the European Parliament's Socialists & Democrats group, said that Romania was considering different scenarios, depending on the reasons given for the decision that its accession to Schengen, the border-free area of the EU, will be postponed.

Diplomats have already unofficially announced that Bulgaria and Romania will not be admitted to Schengen in March, as Sofia and Bucharest had hoped.

The reason, they said, is that according to the expert report on the two countries' preparedness to join the EU border free area, Bulgaria had failed to secure its border with Turkey. "We cannot admit Romania without Bulgaria," one diplomat said.

Moreover, before Christmas, the French and German interior ministers, Brice Hortefeux and Thomas de Maizière, wrote a letter to EU Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström, warning that Romania and Bulgaria lack satisfactory legal and administrative environments in the field of justice and home affairs.

The ministers argued that corruption persists at different levels, and in the case of Bulgaria, there is a consistent presence of organised crime.

When Bulgaria and Romania joined the EU in 2007, deficiencies still remained in their police and judicial systems. Both countries were placed under a special monitoring system, called a Cooperation and Verification Mechanism (CVM).

Now, France and Germany appear to link the issue of Schengen accession to the CVM, disregarding the view of the Commission, which believes the two issues are legally unrelated. Regarding Schengen accession, Romania has reportedly almost met the technical criteria, with Bulgaria only close behind.

Two options

In this context, Severin said there were two options. The most optimistic of these would see Romania and Bulgaria told that their Schengen accession will be postponed until the autumn or the beginning of next year, by which time they would have met very clear technical requirements. Romanian would apparently not make waves about this scenario.

But there is also the option of refusing Bulgaria and Romania accession based on the arguments outlined in the joint Franco-German letter. In that case, Romania would consider a very strong response, Severin said.

The decision is expected to be announced at a 24-25 February meeting of EU justice and home affairs ministers in Budapest.

The Romanian MEP explained that if his country were denied Schengen accession as a result of corruption, it would prompt a very long delay. Indeed, French experts would always be able to claim that corruption in Romania persists, he added.

In such a case, despite the fact that the Romanians are a Latin people, many of them speak or understand French and the country is bound by a century and a half of friendship with France, Severin said Bucharest would leave the OIF, sending a strong message to Paris.

Although he is in opposition, the Romanian MEP appeared to be passing on an official message, as in his words, the Schengen case was a test case for the kind of relationship his country will have with the rest of the EU in the long term.

In Severin's words, Romania's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, of which he was in charge in 1996-1997, had concluded that the country would never be taken seriously in the EU until it used its veto on issues of major importance.

According to an EU diplomat who asked not to be named, it is not surprising that Bucharest is issuing warnings ahead of the EU's decision. Apparently, the Hungarian EU Presidency was sympathetic to Sofia and Bucharest, he added.

Bulgaria is also a member of the OIF. However, the Bulgarian tactics with respect to Schengen accession are of appeasement vis-à-vis Paris and Berlin, not of defiance. Severin said Bucharest was disappointed by Sofia's attitude, but indicated that this was not a big issue for his country.

Asked by EurActiv France to react, French Secretary of State for European Affairs Laurent Wauquiez's cabinet commented: "This is an isolated statement which does not reflect the official position of the Romanian government."


Schengen is a village on the border between Luxembourg, France and Germany, where an agreement was signed in 1985 to gradually abolish checks at common borders between those countries, the Netherlands and Belgium.

Gradually, the process was taken further. In 1995, border controls were abolished between Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain and Portugal.

Today, the Schengen border-free area consists of 25 member states: 22 EU countries (all except Bulgaria, Romania, Ireland, the UK and Cyprus) as well as three associated countries: Norway, Iceland and Switzerland. Denmark has signed the Schengen agreement, but has kept its freedom not to apply certain measures.

The UK and Ireland decided to stay outside the Schengen area.

Romania and Bulgaria, which joined the EU in 2007, remain outside the agreement due to shortcomings in their police and judicial systems. Both countries were placed under a special monitoring system, called a Cooperation and Verification Mechanism.

In September 2010, EU ministers for European affairs decided to extend the monitoring for another year.

14 comentarii :

Crystal Clear spunea...

Severin vrea sa dreaga busuiocul dupa declaratiile federaliste si de desfiintare a Statului Roman.
Arata cat este el de patriot.
Inteleg ca si Baconschi a declarat ca intran in Schengen in martie

Daca nu ma insel Euractiv are aceeasi patroni ca si Hotnews....

Riddick spunea...

Sau poate că vrea să împiedice o asemenea decizie - guvernul ar avea de dat explicaţii suplimentare, dat fiind iniţiatorul.

EurActiv.ro, un fel de franciză sau secţiune a EurActiv-ului.

Crystal Clear spunea...

Exlicatia ta e si mai probabila...

Scepticul spunea...

Pentru insuccesul Schengen Baconschi trebuie urgent remaniat. Nu fiindca el ar fi (singurul) vinovat de neadmiterea noastra la termen in Schengen, ci fiindca a vorbit aberant despre masuri politice impotriva Croatiei. Adica "sa moara si capra vecinului". Iar Basescu ar trebui sa-si ceara scuze poporului roman fiindca stia foarte bine de pozitia Frantei, Germaniei si Olandei, inca din vara anului trecut, dar, cu toate aceste informatii proaste, el a iesit ulterior pe posturi TV si ne-a spus ca totul este in grafic ! Minciuna curata! Probabil ca a jucat la cacialma si a pierdut !

Riddick spunea...

Eu aş avea alte motive de remaniere pentru Baconschi, dar nu poate fi remaniat acum, şi nici imediat după un eventual eşec, ar însemna că ne fac alţii ordine în casă.

Totul era şi este în grafic, conform obligaţiilor asumate de România. De ce să răspundă Băsescu pentru strâmbele altora, care au interese clare economice în România şi Bulgaria şi cred că pot şantaja ?

Crystal Clear spunea...

Dupa cum am mai spus suntem in curs de colonizare.
Pe langa supermaketurile nemtesti de toate felurile care invadeaza piata a inceput sa ne sufoce si inmultirea cu o viteza ametitoare a lantului MIC.RO -al lui Dinu Patriciu ( de fapt Rusia,KGB, Putin )

Asa se identifica imediat o parte interesele economice ale Germaniei si Rusiei in RO : piata de desfacere pentru alimente
Ca sa nu mai vorbim de lanturile de benzinarii:Rompetrol( Gazprom) , Litro.LUKOIL
Asa vom deveni dependenti de alimentele si energia furnizate de ei

Riddick spunea...

Mă uitam la o dubiţă Mercedes din reţeaua MIC.RO, care era un chioşc de presă pe roţi, şi care pusese în funcţiune un generator care dădea curent pentru lumină (dimineaţa şi seara)şi pentru o aerotermă, să nu îngheţe vânzătorul, şi mă întrebam în câţi ani se amortizează investiţia vânzând ziare.

Crystal Clear spunea...

Se amortizeaza la "pastele cailor" !
Sa vezi ce reclame au inceput acum pentru mic.ro :dubite, reclame outdoor.
N-ai vazut ca ziarul "Adevarul" ,in diverse variante se da gratis in supermaketuri, in aeropoarte, etc.
Ca sa nu mai spun de asocierea ziarului cu vanzarea de diverse romane clasite ,DVD etc.
Au aparut si librariile "Adevarul"

Este pur si simplu propaganda stangista sustinuta financiar de rusi.

Se vede cu ochiul liber.

Crystal Clear spunea...

La Duda zilei :
Franta cauta nod in papura.

Comportament tipic de dictatura

Riddick spunea...

"Adevărul" de Sărindar (numele străzii C. Mille în prima jumătate a sec XX, cu ziarele de stânga antiromâneşti) continuă sub o altă formă otrăvirea minţilor.

Trebuie acţiune de la guvern şi MAE pe treaba asta.

Crystal Clear spunea...

Cateodata ma gandesc la una din doua:
sau sunt orbi si nu vad ceea ce se intampla -si atunci trebuie treziti la realitate
sau sunt complici

Crystal Clear spunea...

Sii de ce ma agit atat?

Pentru ca eu, ca firma mica, nesustinuta de nimeni voi fi printre primele care vor fi desfiintate, eliminate, sterse de pe fata pamantului...
Sunt foarte,foarte constienta de asta

Riddick spunea...

Dacă vor centralizare statală, e clar ca va fi dublată de concentrarea capitalului.

Riddick spunea...

"centralizare supra-statală" am vrut să scriu.

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Marga, 1995 ("Filosofia Unificării Europene"): "Identificările etnice ale românilor sunt în mare parte tradiţionale. Acestea caută să abată atenţia de la problemele concrete ale prezentului şi de la nevoia modernizării instituţionale spre abstracţiunile trecutului. Pentru mulţi intelectuali este limpede că naţionalismul, prin demagogia sa, generează stagnarea şi degradarea ce favorizează doar grupuri sociale incapabile să se adapteze lumii moderne. Intrarea în noua Europă, nu doar geografic, ci şi instituţional şi cultural presupune mai mult decât o alegere, presupune o schimbare a modului de gândire, de asumare, pe lângă devizele paneuropene, a unei abordări europene, o abordare disponibilă la compararea performanţelor, orientată spre modernizare şi având ca perspectivă unitatea europeană". 


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