24 ianuarie 2011

14 zile

Un scenariu al haosului social, economic, politic, geopolitic şi strategic care ar urma după o eventuală prăbuşire a dolarului american.

In The Day After the Dollar Crashes, Vickers presents a possible 14 day time line for the crash of the U.S. dollar and the subsequent collapse of global markets. He outlines the New World Order that may take shape over the next decade and the impact it could have on nations, businesses, and individuals.
Perhaps more importantly, he tells how investors can weather the coming economic collapse and position themselves for the coming global transformation. By changing our expectations and taking action to get in alignment with reality, Vickers shows, we can steadily profit in our investments. He suggests both globally sustainable and socially responsible types of investments, including investing in currencies of countries that are backed by real assets like resources and technologies that expand our sustainable energy and food sources.

How to profit from the events leading up to the likely collapse of the U.S. dollar
Society is at a crossroads. Here at home and around the world, we are living in a manner that is absolutely, unconditionally, irrevocably unsustainable. The Day After the Dollar Crashes: A Survival Guide for the Rise of the New World Order outlines the kinds of events that could trigger a global economic collapse, describing in detail the events that are likely to occur just prior to, during, and immediately following such a total collapse. It also explains how investors can profit and support a sustainable future by anticipating social trends. The book
Describes what government can do now to soften the dollar's fall later
Details how to lead the charge to introduce innovations and solutions to meet the inevitable challenges of new kinds of economic forces
Reveals how to profit by changing expectations and taking action to align investments with reality

The Day After the Dollar Crashes tears away the illusions generated by politicians, media, and the financial industry to show how investors can position themselves to survive and thrive in a New World Order.
We are at a crossroads ofimmense proportions. Nationally,internationally, and globally, we are living in a manner that is absolutely, unconditionally, irrevocably unsustainable. Our global economic stability is in jeopardy, our planet's ecosystems are under attack, and our health is deteriorating. Huge changes are coming whether or not we want them, whether or not we are ready for them. How can we lead the charge to introduce innovations and solutions to meet the inevitable challenges of new kinds of economic forces? Damon Vickers believes that by anticipating social trends and detecting potentially profitable areasfor investing, we might still be able to profit whilesupporting a sustainable future.
The time for denial and waiting for someone else to fix everything is over. It is up to us, each and every one of us, to wake up and start to make more responsible choices as we enter a New World Order. This book will show us how.

Available now at Amazon.com, Barnes and Noble, Borders and a your local bookstore -- buy this book! --your gonna need it --

Damon Vickers



2 comentarii :

Anonim spunea...

orice e posibil...totusi sunt multi lashi care doresc prohodul USA de dragul intereselor lor meschine...mai e mult pana atunci zic eu...

la mine pe blog Micul Labagiu Socialist si Marele Nevertebrat Petroliberal si-au pus pirostriile in cap si s-au pupat pe bot in dulcele targ al Iesilor..!!!!

Riddick spunea...

Ştii faza aia, când scoţi un lemn de la baza stivei - rişti să se prăbuşească toată, chiar să cadă peste tine.

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Cornea, 2011: "Dacă statele rămân suverane, ele vor continua să facă ceea ce cred şi ceea ce consideră că le este de folos, în pofida intereselor comune. Rezultă că trebuie mers înainte – mai repede sau mai încet – spre un sistem federal sau măcar confederal, cu un guvern central dotat cu puteri mari în domeniul economiei, apărării şi externelor, cu un parlament bicameral după modelul american şi cu guverne ale statelor responsabile numai pentru afacerile interne, justiţie, educaţie, cultură, eventual sănătate şi muncă. Căci atunci când vorbim despre pierderea suveranităţii naţionale, despre cine anume vorbim în fapt ca fiind „perdanţii“? Despre plătitorii obişnuiţi de impozite, cu rate la bănci, cu salarii ameninţate ba de tăieri, ba de inflaţie? Despre pensionarii cu pensiile în pericol? Despre beneficiarii sistemelor de asigurări ce acumulează datorii peste datorii? Despre şomeri? Nu, ci vorbim despre elitele politice europene din cele 27 de state. Ele sunt acelea care şi-ar pierde suveranitatea – mai ales aceea de a cheltui nestăvilit şi de a face promisiuni imposibil de ţinut. Vor trebui să se consoleze mulţi parlamentari naţionali cu un rol mai modest (dar deloc neglijabil). Dintre miniştrii şi funcţionarii guvernamentali, unii, precum cei de la externe sau de la armată, vor trebui să dispară pur şi simplu."


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