19 octombrie 2010

BREAKING : focuri de armă la Pentagon

Official: Shooting at Pentagon appears to be a 'random incident'  

By Larry Shaughnessy, CNN Pentagon Producer

October 19, 2010 -- Updated 1653 GMT (0053 HKT)

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Shots fired at Pentagon

  • Several shots were fired early Tuesday into an unoccupied part of the Pentagon
  • A top Pentagon security official is calling the shooting "an isolated incident, so far"
  • Two bullet fragments have been discovered, and the investigation is ongoing
Washington (CNN) -- A Pentagon official said he believes the shooting early Tuesday at the U.S. Defense Department headquarters was a "random incident."

"We are looking at all the possibilities," Steven E. Calvery, director of the Pentagon Force Protection Agency, said at a press conference late Tuesday morning. "What we have is an isolated incident, so far."
Pentagon police officers, as well as several construction workers in the area, heard at least five shots fired around 4:50 a.m., Pentagon officials said.

As of midday Tuesday, authorities had discovered two bullet fragments in third- and fourth-floor windows on the south side of the building, said Calvery. That part of the Pentagon was empty at the time of the shooting, as it is in the process of being renovated. The bullets shattered but did not go through the windows, which are bulletproof, according to Calvery.

The early-morning shooting prompted a 40-minute shutdown of the entire Pentagon, and authorities conducted an interior sweep of the building shortly after 6 a.m.

Calvery said authorities were unsure who fired the shots and with what kind of gun, though he said he believes they came from a rifle.

A portion of Interstate 395 -- which runs along the south side of the Pentagon -- was also shut down temporarily to conduct a search in the investigation. Maj. Chris Perrine, a public affairs officer for Defense Press Operations, said that other temporary road closures may be necessary as the probe continues.

Several law enforcement agencies, including the FBI and Pentagon police, are looking at surveillance footage and doing ballistics tests of the bullets found thus far, among other measures.

Tuesday's shooting follows a similar incident overnight Sunday at the National Museum of the Marine Corps in Triangle, Virginia, near the entrance of Marine Corps Base Quantico.

Lin Ezell, the museum's director, told CNN on Tuesday that investigators have determined that one or more assailants used rifles to fire ten bullets at the building -- five hitting glass windows, the rest hitting metal panels. Authorities haven't pinned down exactly where the shots were fired from, though they believe they came from Interstate 95 or nearby.

No one was hurt in that incident, which occurred between 12:15 a.m. and 5 a.m. when the building was unoccupied, Ezell said. No one has claimed responsibility and there were no known threats prior to the shooting, she added. Military police and the Prince William County Police Department are investigating that incident.

Asked if there were any ties between that and the Pentagon shootings, Calvery said, "We are aware of that incident. But we have no information that they are connected."

Tuesday's shooting was the first such incident at the U.S. Defense Department headquarters since March, when John Patrick Bedell pulled a gun from his pocket and began shooting. Bedell, who had a history of mental health problems, was later shot and killed, while two Pentagon police officers received superficial injuries in the incident.


8 comentarii :

Crystal Clear spunea...

Cine stie ce nebun o fi umblat noaptea pe sosea !

Riddick spunea...

N-aş zice nebun, faptul că nu s-a auzit nimic (dacă este să luăm de bun ce zic autorităţile) ar indica că s-a folosit o puşcă cu amortizor de zgomot.

Nu are chiar oricine asa ceva, desi în State se pot procura legal.

Anonim spunea...

probabil doar un "live test" pt a verifica vigilenta oficialilor...

la mine pe blog, Curuletz Nastasian ii da un dos de palma peste fata de tampit puber a lui Virinel Prostescu: "vei fi prim ministru cand eu voi fi presedinte?!?!?!?"

Crystal Clear spunea...

Da, si eu am observat ca au spus ca s-a tras intre 12,00 si 5,00.
Dar mi-am imaginat ca era pustiu.
Nu putea fi insa pustiu in jurul Pentagonului! Ai dreptate, s-a tras cu amortizor.

Riddick spunea...

... şi cu glonţ subsonic (cu viteza mai mică decât a sunetului), poate fi confundat cu un zgomot de la motor.


Crystal Clear spunea...

N-am stiu ca exista si subsonic.Are un zgomot comun ce poate fi confundat cu cel de pe strada.

Dar, nu erau camere de luat vederi ?

Riddick spunea...

Probabil că era mascat bine, nu avea nevoie decât de câteva zeci de cm pătraţi, printr-o prelata de camion, ori o deschizatura la o dubiţă, ceva, cât să scoată ţeava.

Glonţul subsonic e bun la distanţe mici, sub 150-200 m, nu are viteză destulă pentru distanţe mari, şi traiectoria are o boltă mare.

Crystal Clear spunea...

Nu poate fi numai o intamplare.
Sa vedem ce mai spun dupa ce cerceteaza

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."


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