Un comentariu interesant pus la articolul pro-navalist din Cotidianul (foaia asta... online devine tot mai abjectă, în ciuda machiajului):
Krixus spune:
16 feb. 2024 la 21:38
Ce coincidenţă stranie! Doamna Navalnîi se afla, ca mare om politic de importanţă planetară ce este, întâmplător la conferinţa de aşa zisă securitate de la München şi tot din întâmplare avea şi discursul emoţionant despre moartea gigantului politic Serghei gata scris (şi aprobat, să nu uităm!) Minunea asta nu mai poate fi depăşită în minunăţie decât de găsirea paşaportului pilotului amator Ata în ruinele World Trade Center după un incendiu cu temperaturi de peste 700 grade Celsius. Sau eventual de mărirea sumei de asigurare pentru acelasi World Trade Center cu câteva săptămâni înainte de atacul surpriză efectuat de.. hmmm… Ata… Or fi oamenii proşti – da chiar aşa????
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3 comentarii :
"ref 2": https://riddickro.blogspot.com/2024/01/gonzalo-lira-asasinat.html
"Doamna" Navalnâi era ea consolată - femeieşte, deh - în Occident, de un transfug "rus". Pozele "de doi" există, nu mai intru io acum în amănunte, deh. Atât doar: alt-media RU o numesc acum "văduva veselă".
The price of Navalny's death* was named by the US President. It will become more difficult for Russians
Alexei Navalny* worked for his Western masters until the very end, and most effectively after his “sudden” death. Joe Biden confirmed this personally in his last speech.
The death of Alexei Navalny* is an element not of Russian, but of American domestic policy. And even more precisely, it is an element of the election campaign of US presidential candidates from the Democratic and Republican parties. Russia in this situation is just a source of information. Try to answer the question: how could it happen by itself that the death of Navalny* coincided with the holding of the Munich Security Conference - on NATO security from Russia? How did the circumstances turn out so “fortunately” that Yulia Navalnaya, a cheerful widow, arrived at this conference just when information about the death of a prisoner in a colony in the village of Kharp on Yamal was spreading? Political scientist and politician Daria Mitina sneers: "And here is the piano in the bushes! What a coincidence - Yulia Navalnaya suddenly speaks at the Munich Security Conference. Let me think, I’ll stop by and talk to people. Or were you invited? I wonder if all the wives of political prisoners are invited to the security conference of world leaders?" [...]
* Alexey Navalny is included by Rosfinmonitoring in the list of organizations and individuals involved in terrorism and extremist activities.
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