02 mai 2022

Al doilea clip anulează anumite probleme semnalate în primul. Dar numai sub aspect militar: cârtiţele sabotoare acţionează în continuare la nivel politic înalt (RU).

Mircea Geoană începe campania electorală pentru prezidențiale (link Sputnik) / Un clip făcut în limba engleză și subtitrat în limba română, pe un teren de fotbal al NATO (după cum subliniază chiar Geoană), adresat tinerilor are ca intenție să vorbească despre criza din Ucraina. Dar, ca în orice clip electoral mascat, vorbește de fapt despre Mircea Geoană. Astfel, sub pretextul sensibilizării populației față de criza ucraineană din perspectiva NATO, aflăm că secretarul general adjunct al alianței a jucat fotbal în tinerețe și încă nimerește poarta (probabil goală) la cei peste 60 de ani ai săi. Aflăm că a avut o copilărie nefericită, plină de privațiuni. Evident, nu aflăm că aceasta este o minciună, căci domnul Geoană nu era un copil obișnuit al României comuniste, ci fiul unui important general de Securitate, deci viața sa era departe de a fi una plină de griji. Aflăm și că domnul Mircea Geoană a fost șocat, la frageda vârstă de 10 ani (este născut pe 14 iulie 1958) de invadarea Cehoslovaciei de către sovietici. Aceasta ar fi ”cea mai importantă amintire a copilăriei” sale, ne minte cu emfază politicianistă, domnul Geoană. Și că este încă șocat. Important este că domnul Geoană nu a fost șocat de războaiele NATO și ale aliaților NATO din fosta Iugoslavie, Irak, Afganistan, Siria, Libia, Sahel și alte părți ale lumii unde SUA și subordonații ei din alianța nord-atlantică au adus democrație cu bomba și cu glonțul.
Avanturist Avanturist: Informațiile despre pregătirea comună a coaliției româno-ucrainene pentru "curățarea" Transnistriei au fost confirmate în continuare. În afară de unitățile armatei moldovenești, cu personal românesc, menționate în postarea mea anterioară pe această temă - există informații despre pregătirea unor întregi unități militare pe teritoriul României propriu-zise și deja deghizate în uniforme militare moldovenești. Există, de asemenea, informații despre concentrarea unităților și subunităților ucrainene la granița cu Transnistria. "Interesul" comandamentului militar ucrainean nu este doar o "lovitură politică și propagandistică la nasul Kremlinului", ci are și scopuri destul de aplicate: confiscarea bazei de depozitare a munițiilor din Kolbasna, care încă mai adăpostește o cantitate destul de mare de muniție pentru sistemele de artilerie de producție sovietică. Autoritățile și militarii moldoveni se tem în mod deschis de război și nici măcar nu-și ascund în mod deosebit teama. Dar dacă (sau mai degrabă când) va veni comanda, absolut nimeni nu le va întreba. Armata transnistreană nu are nicio șansă să reziste mult timp fără sprijin extern în cazul unui atac din ambele părți (ceea ce este exact ceea ce a fost planificat și la care a făcut deja aluzie guvernatorul nazist al regiunii Odesa, Marchenko) - deloc. Iar forțele armate rusești nu pot ajuta Transnistria cu nimic, cu excepția, poate, a câtorva lansări de rachete asupra unor facilități de infrastructură.  Sursele estimează că probabilitatea unui atac inamic asupra Tiraspolului încă din aprilie sau de la începutul lunii mai este "ridicată". Igor Strelkov 25.04.2022

Headlines for May 2, 2022 -- Russia is Blocking "Neo Colonial Oppression" / Lavrov stressed that the US has been pursuing a destructive course for decades. The minister, in particular, cited the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia, the attacks on Iraq, Libya, its attempt to destroy Syria, as well as "color revolutions" in a number of countries, including Ukraine. "All this has cost hundreds of thousands of lives and led to chaos in various regions of the planet," he added. The Russian foreign minister noted that the Westerners are trying "with the most brutal methods" to suppress countries that seek to conduct an independent foreign and domestic policy, and it is not only about Russia. https://tass.com/politics/1445755?utm_source=rense.com&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=rense.com&utm_referrer=rense.com  Makow -- What makes me question the whole Russian narrative is that Lavrov says they do not want to replace the Zelensky regime. Isn't he being disingenuous? Do the Russians actually think they can ever trust the gangster regime in Kiev???  What game is Russia playing???

Putin warns the US to back off in Ukraine / As recently as on Monday, President Vladimir Putin repeated at a meeting in the Kremlin that the US and its allies have sought to “split Russian society and destroy Russia from within.” Putin revisited the topic again on Wednesday pointing out that “the forces that have been historically pursuing a policy aimed at containing Russia just don’t need such an independent and large country, even enormously large, in their view. They believe that its very existence poses a threat to them.” In fact, several perceptive Western observers had estimated that the Kremlin has effectively fallen into a trap laid by the US that is intended to bring down Putin’s regime. Come to think of it, that famous gaffe on 26 March wasn’t a gaffe after all, when President Biden, speaking in Warsaw, had blurted out the impromptu, unscripted remark: “For God’s sake, this man (Putin) cannot remain in power.” All the same, Austin’s remark signifies that a dramatic change is taking place in the geopolitical situation, which could have positive or negative results. On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned the West that staying involved in the Russia-Ukraine war posed “serious” and “real” risks of a World War III and “we must not underestimate it.”  To be sure, the conflict is slowly but steadily turning into a new phase.

L’Empire du Mensonge est impatient de recevoir la carte de visite de M. Sarmat / Au milieu de la démence propagandiste et de la dissonance cognitive aiguë qui sévissent dans toute la sphère de l’OTAN, le seul antidote est constitué par les rares voix de la raison, qui se trouvent être russes, donc réduites au silence et/ou écartées. [...] Avec une hystérie hors normes sur tout le spectre, un message pour un Empire qui refuse toujours d’écouter, et qui ne comprend même pas le sens de « l’indivisibilité de la sécurité », devait être inévitable: « Je voudrais souligner une fois de plus que si quelqu’un a l’intention d’interférer dans les événements qui se déroulent depuis l’extérieur et crée des menaces de nature stratégique inacceptables pour la Russie, il doit savoir que nos frappes de représailles seront rapides comme l’éclair. Nous disposons de tous les outils nécessaires à cet effet. Tels que personne ne peut s’en vanter aujourd’hui. Et nous ne nous vanterons pas. Nous les utiliserons si nécessaire. Et je veux que tout le monde le sache – nous avons pris toutes les décisions à ce sujet ». Traduction : les provocations incessantes peuvent conduire M. Kinjal, M. Zircon et M. Sarmat à être contraints de présenter leurs cartes de visite sous certaines latitudes occidentales, même sans invitation officielle.

The Ukraine Debacle - The Great Russian Restoration / It is the opinion of most patriotic voices in Russian alt-media (remember, hardcore Russian patriots are still not allowed on mainstream media in Russia) that while the special operation in Ukraine is all well and good, there is no good explanation for why Ukraine was lost in the first place. How could the Kremlin let a country split evenly between a pro-Russia and pro-West vote for multiple election cycles suddenly, almost overnight, be turned into a hostile, armed to the teeth Israel on the border of the greater Slavic world? Even before the first shot was fired, the situation that had developed in Ukraine following the coup d’etat of 2014 can only be characterized as a complete, abject and miserable failure of Russian foreign policy. And it only got worse year after year following the seizure of power and the beginning of the anti-terrorist operation in the Donbass. Here, the failure is inexcusable, but easily explainable. The Kremlin, in its hard-boiled cynicism, thought that they could just bribe politicians and oligarchs in Ukraine to keep the situation from getting too out of control. They never switched strategies and they never really did anything to neutralize the West’s far more effective color revolution + mass propaganda strategy. Incompetent corrupt fools like Victor Medvechuk were tasked with keeping a Russian toehold in Ukraine.

Russia Begins Mass Production of S-500 Air Defense System / The S-500 uses a combination of surface-to-air missiles to “defeat all possible means of an air and space attack,” such as aircraft, drones, spacecraft, cruise, ballistic, and hypersonic missiles. It has a stated range of 600 kilometers (373 miles) and can intercept up to 10 targets simultaneously. Moreover, the system’s “jam-proof” radar is more powerful than the S-400 and can operate longer than others. It’s capable of detecting threats in near space from a range of up to 2,000 kilometers (1,243 miles).

Gradually, Then Suddenly / As we rush towards our World War 3 rendezvous with destiny, aided and abetted by politicians placed in power by globalist billionaires hellbent on the destruction of our way of life, so they own everything and you own nothing, I can’t help but ponder who is to blame and could we have avoided this dystopian outcome. The United States has been going bankrupt gradually for the last fifty years, both financially, intellectually, and morally. Nixon closing the gold window in 1971 and opening the debt door to morally bankrupt bankers and politicians set in motion a downward spiral accelerating at hyper-speed as we speak. The American Empire was born in the shattered global debris of World War II with the Bretton Woods agreement, which left the USD as the dominant currency in world trade, specifically as the settlement currency for all oil transactions.  The empire has been sustained by currency supremacy, military might, and until 1980, manufacturing superiority. Once the most highly educated nation on the planet, decades of lowering the bar, less than mediocre union teachers, and replacing education with indoctrination, has created generations of ignorant zombies incapable and uninterested in critical thought.

L’OTAN et la manipulation politique de la jeunesse occidentale / S’il y a le moindre doute, c’est Moscou qui décide quand et où se battre, qui a pris le contrôle de grandes villes, qui a réduit l’armée ukrainienne à une guérilla se cachant parmi les civils, qui a capturé des troupes étrangères et éliminé des centaines de mercenaires, en envoyant de nombreux autres en fuite. Sans vergogne, les chaînes spécialisées qui alimentent en informations de nombreux « spécialistes » des affaires internationales et de vulgaires journalistes qui insistent sur le fait que la Russie est plongée dans un désastre militaire, sont incapables de comprendre, ou peut-être d’accepter, que les techniques de Maskirov ont été utilisées par l’armée ukrainienne dans le passé, que la technique maskirovka (technique de tromperie sur les actions réelles), dont on parle beaucoup, signifie que la Russie n’a jamais eu l’intention de prendre les grandes villes comme Kiev mais qu’il s’agissait d’un moyen d’empêcher de plus grandes concentrations dans la région du Donbass, dans laquelle une nouvelle offensive russe pour libérer ces régions russophones va avoir lieu. Les « spécialistes » occidentaux insistent sur leurs théories des catastrophes russes, prouvant ainsi que leur intention n’a jamais été de travailler sur la vérité de manière professionnelle, mais qu’ils sont de simples outils de l’OTAN dans la guerre de l’information. C’est d’autant plus important que l’escalade de l’action militaire commence à menacer sérieusement la guerre nucléaire, créant un faux sentiment d’efficacité des troupes de l’OTAN et d’inefficacité de la Russie. La Russie n’a utilisé que 7% de ses capacités réelles, ne montrant que certaines de ses armes révolutionnaires telles que le Kalibr, l’Iskander ou les missiles hypersoniques Kinzhal utilisés pour frapper des cibles spécifiques dans toute l’Ukraine. Moscou démontre ainsi que pratiquement personne en Europe n’est hors de sa portée et que, si nécessaire, elle pourrait détruire les nations européennes qui s’opposent à elle et deviennent une menace.

“The Ukrainian Transsexual Army of Global Degenerates Meets The Sword of God on the Playing Fields of Karma.” / As you will see from one of the links below, Russia is not fighting Ukraine. Russia is fighting ZATO, and… as Russia consistently wins and The Globalists consistently lose, this becomes more and more obvious. The International Pedophilia Army of Gender-Fluid Nazis, with special appearances by The Usual Suspects, are getting hammered by the country they sucked into the conflict in the first place. [...] Meanwhile… the ghouls that haunt battlefields are very fashion curious. You see them sometimes, looking like Halloween character Indians after the Battle of Little Big Horn, wearing ensembles of cavalry jackets with earrings made from scalps, much like the people who now work at Starbucks. It’s a sort of Micheal Jackson, Battlestar Galactica with a Baron Samedi profile, such as you would get when anyone comes out of a grave after a few months or years. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t look your best! It turned out that this was the best thing that could happen for Ukraine because it was much easier for them to run with their shoes gone, though their stockings did suck up a lot of mud. The Kim Kardashian Brigade of Moon-walking Pederasts managed to distract the Russians by attacking them from the rear, with the unified vision of hundred of Brazilian butt-lifted asses, twerking in sequence. This worked for about a minute until the Russians started peppering them with blasts of rock salt.

U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for ‘COVID-19 Research’ in Ukraine 3 months before Covid was known to even exist / The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of an alleged new pneumonia like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease as Covid-19.  So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19? The shocking findings however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019 for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.

Ramzan Kadyrov On Strange Behaviour Of Part Of Russian Elite / On April 3, Ramzan Kadyrov published another statement criticizing the actions of the press secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov. Dmitry Peskov is known for his links with the liberal part of the Russian establishment, as well as Western and Turkish elites. “I had no idea, but it turns out that in order to become a patriot of your country, you have to criticise Russia’s actions loudly and grandiloquently, go abroad, creating hype around yourself, and then, when the political standoff has subsided, come back as if nothing had happened. This scheme works, use it. This is roughly what Ivan Urgant (Russian showman who fled Russia after the start of the military operation in Ukraine) did, for which he was recently rated a “big patriot” by Dmitry Peskov. It’s so easy to be a patriot, isn’t it? It’s not like running between brick piles and concrete walls in uniforms. And not to sit in a freezing trenches for days. Apparently, we have not noticed how the very notion of patriotism has been re-evaluated. I was actually surprised when Peskov did not comment on my elevation to the rank of Lieutenant General, as he allegedly “had not seen the decree yet”. We are here with all the security forces and volunteers to conduct a special operation day and night. He could somehow cheer us up or comment more delicately, but not saying his “I have not seen the decree”. But the coward who ran away in a moment of instability allegedly on his holiday (speaking about Ivan Urgant), and came back in a moment of calm on the political scene supposedly from holiday, is a true patriot. Strange way of thinking nowadays. Heroes cannot be called heroes, generals are not called generals, cowardly fugitives are called patriots and even big ones. Peskov’s scale of priorities is somehow immature. Something needs to be done about it…”

Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda / The Khazarians were a violent, warlike people from Asia who migrated to the north end of the Caspian Sea in the 1st century BC. The Khazars were so violent they quickly amassed nearly 1,000,000 square miles by conquering the agrarian societies in the Caucasus region. The Khazarian kingdom encompassed what is now Ukraine and parts of Eastern Europe. The Rothschilds, who are Nephilim Hosts, and their Khazarian mafia have gained a foothold in nations across the earth since the mid-1700s. The tentacles of the House of Rothschild reach into the monetary policy of 85% of the countries worldwide but Russia broke free from the tentacles of the Rothschilds. Putin aggressively worked at paying off the debt to the IMF, a Rothschild controlled bank, and by 2006 Russia’s debt to the IMF was paid off. Putin successfully extracted Russia from the strangle hold of the Rothschilds. For this heroic feat, Putin has been characterised as the bad guy ever since. “Nephilim Hosts are skilled in smear tactics and most of the Western world has drunk the Kool-Aid. I’m not suggesting Putin is a saint, but we must remember that he stood up to the Nephilim Hosts in 2006 and he is standing up to the Nephilim Hosts ruling Ukraine today.” [...] At its the core, the Nephilim agenda has the goal to strip us of our humanity. Sanger identifies four Nephilim traits: violent without remorse; engage in sexual degradation; dishonesty in trade and business transactions; and, traffickers in humans and enslavement of others. According to Sanger the differences between Nephilim, Nephilim Hosts and demonised people are: 
- Nephilim are hybrids, part human and part spiritual being.    
- Nephilim Hosts are humans which partner with the spiritual forces of darkness to carry out the Nephilim agenda.    
- Demonised people are people who have demons that reside within them but they do not intentionally try to carry out the Nephilim agenda. 
“So, I propose that all Nephilim Hosts are demonised but not all demonised people are Nephilim Hosts,” Sanger said.

Are Jews Reptilian Hybrids? / Rabbi Michael Laitman admits that Jews are inter-dimensional aliens who were sent on a mission to conquer planet Earth & enslave humanity.  The original video on YouTube was taken down by Kabbalah Info because it got too much negative attention. At 16:00 min. he starts to say that they’re here to “conquer” Earth & that all Jews are from a different planet & dimension. (Makow Disclaimer – I am an ethnic Jew who believes Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion. I have never experienced or witnessed any evidence of this reptilian connection. If it’s true, it certainly does not apply to all Jews.) Their goal is to enslave and keep us from advancing into higher beings. By doing this, they generated a parasitic race with a purpose to enslave, manipulate, and control us humans--that is the Jews. Reptilian genes were passed on to the Jew and their DNA remains within them. There is obvious proof that Jews can relate to reptilians just by seeing their purpose in Zionism and world domination. Many of you are familiar with stories that mention reptilians coming to earth and stealing genes of individuals in order to shape shift. You'll mainly hear this kind of garbage from a public speaker named David Icke who promotes 'conspiracy theories'. THIS IS A MYTH! They use these kind of scare tactics in order to distract you from seeing that Jews are the actual reptilian hybrids.  The shape-shifting videos you see on you see on youtube such as the lizard eyes and face changing can be easily photoshopped. David Icke had a purpose to make it appear that whites were the reptilian hybrids, when it's the Jews.

Orban’s Conservative-Multipolar Example Exposes Kaczynski As A Liberal-Globalist Fraud / Kaczynski just became Orban’s ideological enemy. He can’t tolerate the Hungarian leader’s truly conservative-multipolar example that by virtue of its being exposes the most powerful person in Poland as a liberal-globalist fraud. That’s why he just backstabbed his supposed ally by publicly condemning him, knowing that this will burn the bridges that were built between their two countries. The New Cold War has officially come to Central Europe after Polish grey cardinal Jaroslaw Kaczynski strongly condemned his supposed ally Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban over the latter’s skeptical stance towards the Bucha incident and refusal to support Kiev against Moscow in general. The most powerful man in Poland said that “My assessment is unequivocally negative — I must admit that it is all very sad. When Orbán says that he cannot see what happened in Bucha, he must be advised to see an eye doctor. We cannot cooperate as we had in the past if this continues.” This strong condemnation comes after Kaczynski’s ruling “Law & Justice” (PiS per its Polish abbreviation) party sacrificed its conservative-nationalist credentials by reversing its anti-refugee stance and accepting literally millions of such people from neighboring Ukraine. Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki also boasted about how Poland set the global standard for Russophobia. Poland has done everything in its power to position itself as America’s most loyal and anti-Russian ally on the continent, which stands in stark contrast to Hungary’s balanced position. Orban’s conservative-multipolar example exposes Kaczynski as a liberal-globalist fraud, hence why the Polish ideologue just lashed out against his supposed ally. He feels uncomfortable by everything that the Hungarian leader does since it only serves to draw his supporters’ attention to how PiS just sacrificed everything that it stood for. Those Poles who voted for the ruling party didn’t expect it to transform into a liberal-globalist one otherwise they’d have cast their ballot in summer 2020 for the American-German opposition proxy “Civic Platform” (PO per its Polish abbreviation).

Le Camion crématoire fête ses 80 ans / Le 24 février 2022, Ben Wallace, le secrétaire à la Défense de Sa Majesté Elisabeth II déclarait que les Russes avaient fait suivre derrière la ligne de front des camions crématoires. Mais sait-on qu’en juillet 1941, David Bowes-Lyon, l’oncle de cette même Elisabeth pas encore reine, avait aussi fait circuler la même rumeur au sujet des Allemands au début de Barbarossa ?  À l’époque, en juillet 1941, le SOE (Special Operations Executive), l’une des branches avec le PWE (Political Warfare Executive) de l’UP (Underground Propaganda) présidé par ce David Bowes-Lyon – frère de la mère d’Elisabeth II – diffusait une rumeur selon laquelle les Allemands avaient commandé 500 crématoires mobiles aux usines Ford de Cologne et d’Anvers pour livraison au printemps 1942. L’histoire est revenue en France dans une version qui précisait que cela permettait aux Allemands de fixer le chiffre de leurs pertes au niveau voulu sans risque d’être contredit (SO2 Executive Committee, Progress Report for Week Ending 2.7.41, HS 8/217). Par la suite, une lettre suisse interceptée donnait une variante encore enrichie de cette rumeur, selon laquelle les Allemands « incinèrent leurs morts dans des crématoires ambulants pour masquer leurs pertes jusqu’à la fin de la campagne en sorte de laisser les membres de la famille garder espoir » (SO2 Executive Committee, Progress Report for Week Ending 1.10.41, HS 8/218).  Et voici la déclaration du secrétaire de la Défense en 2022, c’est rigoureusement la même: « Si j’étais un soldat et que je savais que mes généraux avaient si peu confiance en moi qu’ils me suivaient sur le champ de bataille avec un crématorium mobile, ou si j’étais la mère ou le père d’un fils, potentiellement déployé dans une zone de combat, et que mon gouvernement pensait que le moyen de dissimuler la perte était un crématorium mobile, je serais profondément, profondément inquiet ». À noter que l’argument polémique sur le masquage des pertes, outre qu’il jette par avance le discrédit et l’opprobre sur les généraux ennemis, n’est lui-même qu’un emballage pour faire passer la véritable intention: agiter aux yeux des soldats du camp adverse la perspective lugubre du crématoire, c’est-à-dire de la mort, et de la mort en masse, car sans quoi il ne serait pas nécessaire de prévoir des camions spéciaux. C’est du même ordre que dans Lucky Luke, le croque-mort qui se précipite pour prendre les mensurations des duellistes avant l’affrontement.

ROMAN ABRAMOVICH IS THE JOKER IN THE PACK – BUT WHAT IS THE END GAME? / According to the Turkish protocol in the conference room on March 29, the businessman whom a decade ago Boris Berezovsky accused of cheating him out of a fortune, and then out of the judgement of the High Court in London, was seated as President Vladimir Putin’s personal advisor next to Ibrahim Kalin, President Tayyip Recep Erdogan’s advisor. That was the Turkish signal that Abramovich outranked the official Russian delegation which included a Kremlin staff assistant, a deputy foreign minister, a deputy defence minister, an ambassador, and a member of the State Duma. Erdogan (lead image, 2nd from left) sent a second signal of Arbamovich’s seniority when he and his foreign minister, Mevlut Cavusoglu, posed talking with him ahead of the other Russian negotiators. Two days later in Moscow on March 30, in a letter to the Foreign Ministry, Sergei Obukhov, a leader of the Russian Communist Party and State Duma deputy, requested “information about the status [in the Istanbul negotiations] of the famous Russian-speaking oligarch and today’s citizen of Portugal and Israel.” Reflecting the hostile reaction in Moscow, Obukhov asked if “the Foreign Minister of Russia is planning to involve in participation [in the negotiations with the Ukraine] other Russian-speaking oligarchs, for example MB Khodorkovsky, MM Fridman, PO Aven, and others like Abramovich, who have their own interest in relation to the special military operation for demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. And does MiD [Foreign Ministry] of Russia have the plan or the intention of involving for participation in the negotiations people who represent patriotic parties and social organisations who introduce the interest of the state-supporting Russian people who are recognised for their firm stance in the protection of the national state interests of historical Russia.”

Inside Info: Israeli Pay Sheet for Internet TROLLS / Israel pays people to be Internet TROLLS, and to intentionally "steer" Internet conversations and information in a pro-Israel direction. So while YOU are out on the net, perusing public opinion about issues and news, these folks seem to be out there intentionally steering content to achieve THEIR goals. They don't have to tell the truth. They don't have to actually believe what they're posting. They get paid to post. Remember that as you peruse the Internet. There are people and groups and entities deliberately manipulating what you read to manipulate YOUR opinion and views.

"They are About to be Greeting a Real Feature of The Climate Con. Let Me Introduce You to The Boomslang Boomerang." / Toxic and ill winds blow around The World. Aligned creatures of darkness, travel in flocks, seeking perches in unattended minds. The Culture itself has become a poison, and Insanity is the symptom. The ghosts of Oliver Cromwell and Maximilian Robespierre, walk through the mist like Rick Blaine and Captain Louis Renault, recreating their own “beautiful friendship,” which does not bode well for the rest of us. When COVID-phony lurched onto the scene, first as Corona, and since... has become every seasonal malady one can imagine or remember, and is now part of a huge wedding party under the big umbrella tent of FEAR... [...] A great many constructions from former times are going to fall apart this year. A collective of seemingly VERY POWERFUL psychopaths... have a calendar of events set up for the public. They could not sustain the traction of The Scamdemic. Ukraine has turned into a... very hard to spin adventure of cynical enterprises. Now they intend to hit us with a lack of The Basics; food, and other comestibles. They are having serious credibility problems. This is Mr. Apocalypse's doing. Soon... a good deal of their oomph is set to be transferred to other vehicles of expression. Their wires are being crossed. Their mediums of distraction are being diminished, witness Netflix and Disney. Now Musk has bought Twitter. Oh... there is a great deal more. Woke is a failure at the box office. This means there is not enough money to grease the wheels, and so the engine seizes up.

"These are Very Tense Moments on The World Stage. May God Be Merciful to Fools Who Know Not what They Do." / No... people don't want to hear that. They are certain that Truth will finally be proven to conform to their specifications. It's like those who are presently impairing and killing millions of people with vaccines. They are doing it for our own good. This they have convinced themselves of.  It's a science really, and it will come more and more into public awareness, as this new age presses the grapes, and makes the intoxicating wine of your love affair with The World around you, for the next couple of thousand years. Color and Sound are very important features of life. They color your world, and they provide the soundtrack. [...]  You don't have to listen to me. I will probably never come across your breakfast table. It is not me that is responsible for the resolution of your destiny. That is on you, and whoever you put your faith in. It could be that you backed the right horse.

9 comentarii :

Gabriel spunea...

Rusia nu (mai) vrea sà schimbe regimul la Kiev pentru că nu poate, ca vulpea la struguri.
Nu știai de ce s-a scufundat Moskva? L-au scufundat rușii în semn de bunăvoință pentru succesul negocierilor de la Istanbul. Gluma e de pe bloguri rusești de pe livejournal.
Din povestea cu alianța pentru lichidarea Transnistriei nu cred o iotă. Ucraina vrea că e deja ìn război, România în niciun caz și cred că nici Moldova. Serviciile rusești au dovedit că sunt muci, baliverne de acest gen sunt tot ce pot produce, în special pentru propriii șefi și pentru propria opinie publică.
Maia Sandu face tot posibilul să țină Moldova deoparte, nici sancțiuni n-a aplicat, ca Serbia. Cred că obiectivul ei e acum menținerea ostilităților în zona transnistreană, în caz că începe ceva.
La cât de pricepută s-a arătat armata rusă, o tentativă de utilizare a Trasnistriei pentru cucerirea Odesei e genul de treabă în care s-ar băga, ignorând că ar trebui să survoleze spațiul Ucrainei pentru ar ajunge acolo, unde ar fi masacrați de apărarea antiaeriană pe care au raportat-o distrusă din prima zi.

Riddick spunea...

Ar putea "tehnic" dar "softul" e programat în sens contrar. "De cine?" De către (n'aşa?!) The Usual Suspects, cum face aluzie unu' într-un articol la care am pus link aici. Dar dacă nu-i bun softu', treci "pe manual", override.

Sunt curios cum "se va umple timpul" cu evenimente mici şi cu non-evenimente. Liniştea asta artificială îmi sugerează că "este în pregătire, totuşi, ceva".

Anonim spunea...

Am la dumneata o intrebare stiind ca ai relatii plus stiind ca ai o minte brici : pentru care motiv toata intelighentzia romaneasca { presa in general reporteri si moderatori TV } pronuntza MOSKVA cand se face referire la vaporul ala , iar cand vine vorba despre capitala Rusiei ? INSEAMNA STRICT ACELASI LUCRU DA-I IN MA-SA CU NUMELE LOR CU TOT ! Ce a uitat dl. Geoana sa spuna sau o fi lasat pe altadata gandind ca nu prezinta interes a fost sa povesteasca aventurile sale pe santierul CET Progresul cand umbla in cizme de cauciuc pe vreme uscata si-n scalpi italienesti pe ploaie iar muncitorii , ai dracului oameni , al tapau de fiecare data cand al intalneau , de cativa lei pentru o bere la birtu' ala de la coltz Brancoveanu cu Luica . Nu-i era jena s a bea si el tot acolo insa , doar cu "cadrele de conducere " si asta...pana s-a aflat mai sus . Fireste , nu vreau sa spun cu asta c-ar fi fot inca de atunci , un prostanac...

Anonim spunea...

Da sarbii ce ma-sa au : ai mananca in kur sa mai incaseze cateva ghiulele de la americani s-au umflat muschii pe ei ?

Riddick spunea...

Nu am "relaţii", iar brici doar unu', rămas de la bunică-miu (şi care "e arhivat", nu-i "pus în lucru").

La "lucruri" li se zice pe numele originar - de ex. singura navă austro-ungară din primul război mondial cu echipaj "integral" ungar se numea Szent Istvan (crucişător, "Sfântul Ştefan", torpilat şi scufundat de vedete italiene). Pe navă limba de comandă era limba maghiară, spre deosebire de restul armatei unde era limba germană (cu excepţia unor unităţi honved şi/sau huszar). La capitale se mai obişnuieşte şi "cum s-a apucat", de exemplu noi zicem "Londra" iar francezii "Londres".

Geoană e "juma' de om", şi asta de multă vreme.

Sârbii n-au încotro, trebuie să riposteze contra a doi inamici - al doilea, camuflat sub forma propriului guvern. Cel "sârb-sârb" dar vândut - cel sârb-bosniac fiind cel cu adevărat sârbesc (partea sârbă din federaţia Bosna i Hercegovina)

conumishu spunea...

Andrey Martyanov, ieri, invitat de The Duran, are o opinie radical diferită de cea a lui Roșca, cum că actualul guvern și, în general, echipa de profesioniști pe care se sprijină, e cel mai meseriaș posibil.

Riddick spunea...

Uneori Roşca mi se pare prapăstios (şi este, chiar şi parţial). Dar de asemenea, Andrei Martianov mi se pare "prea optimist". Să vedem "finalul piesei", eu unul sunt de părere că Echipa Putin este penetrată masiv iar micile măsuri de curăţire nu sunt suficiente.

Riddick spunea...

"Just for the record: nava Szent Istvan l-a avut la comandă (căpitan) pe Miklos Horthy. Nu şi la momentul scufundării, despre care acum-amiralul Horthy află la telefon sau în urma unei (radio-)telegrame, la pat (se trezise atunci, ori zăcea bolnav).

Riddick spunea...


Her completion was delayed by the start of World War I, but she was commissioned in December 1915. She spent the bulk of the war at anchor in Pola (Pula), leaving harbour generally only for gunnery training. Her final mission began on the evening of 9 June 1918 when she sailed to rendezvous with the other dreadnoughts for an attack on the Otranto Barrage, scheduled for the following day. Two Italian MAS, a type of Motor Torpedo Boat, discovered Szent István and her half-sister Tegetthoff early in the morning of 10 June 1918 while returning after a night patrol off the Dalmatian coast. They penetrated past her escorts and torpedoed her twice abreast her boiler rooms. They flooded, which knocked out power to the pumps, and Szent István capsized less than three hours after being torpedoed. All but 89 of her crew were rescued. She is the only battleship whose sinking was filmed during World War I




Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."


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