07 august 2020

Cine dracu' ar filma meşteri în timpul lucrului, "aşa"?!

Şi nu la el acasă, unde i-ar fi chemat să repare ceva şi ar fi fost justificat, ca "pentru arhiva familiei: reparaţia din 20XX". Ori pe stradă, "pentru Facebook: iar sparg ăştia trotuarul", ci într-un port. Ca şi când ar fi fost acolo o "oportunitate de imagine". Însă... trebuiau să apară documentaţi cei trei Dorei şi inscripţia Nitroprill de pe sacii de câte o tonă (de-aia stau aplecaţi cei doi din dreapta?). Timingul - locul - "ingredientele". Cei trei patsies nu par a sesiza că sunt fotografiaţi, se ocupă de şina de culisare a uşilor, scoasă şi rezemată de sacul din dreapta (o parte a poveştii sună aşa: "s-a descoperit o cale de intrare în depozit şi s-a solicitat închiderea ei"; probabil era pusă în deschidere - între uşile înţepenite - doar o bandă galbenă de interdicţie, cea pe care o vedem acum pe jos). Imaginile sunt recente, după cum se străduieşte ăla din stânga să ne convingă: este cu botniţa sub bărbie (priveşte întors din lateral, deşi ca să vadă "lucrarea" putea fi tot cu spatele, şi doar puţin aplecat, privind spre dreapta). Dacă sunt crisis actors, deghizamentul este perfect, atât doar că nu apare în cadru şi "aparatul de sudură de la care a pornit focul" ("au sărit bobiţe printre saci, şi..."). Sau măcar "un prelungitor, un rotopercutor şi dibluri". Din text reiese că nu era vorba despre "îngrăşăminte", ci despre materie primă pentru explozibili (desigur, industriali). Conform documentelor însoţitoare din care reiese identitatea clientului: FEM - Fábrica de Explosivos Mocambique (în portugheză). Clientul există în mod real şi este autorizat, deci ar cam fi fără fundament zvonul că "Mozambicul şi Zimbabwe au dezminţit că ar fi existat atunci vreo comandă reală". Nu ştim încă dacă a întreprins demersuri pentru recuperarea plăţii transportului nelivrat - ca să vedem şi "autentificarea poveştii" (posibil ca toată marfa să fi fost deja plătită, conform clauzelor, FOB - Free On Board sau doar abia la doc, după descărcare; în Mozambic! şi atunci vânzătorul ar fi trebuit să se agite). Poza mărită - aici.

Elijah J. Magnier:

The Beirut Explosion: Who is responsible?

2,750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate stored at warehouse 12 at Beirut harbour a few hours before the explosion while a blacksmith was working at a few centimetres from the AN bags lying on the floor since 2014. [nu se vede niciun afiş de avertizare, "PERICOL DE EXPLOZIE!", "PERICOL DE INCENDIU!", "NU UMBLAŢI CU FOC" - probabil că normele libaneze "nu impun asta", nici după ani de zile]
On Tuesday 4th of August, an explosion at the Lebanese harbour in the heart of the capital Beirut caused devastating human casualties and material destruction. Over 140 people died instantly, 80 are still missing under the rubble, and over 5000 were wounded. More than 300,000 homes were destroyed and many more were damaged. 2,750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate (AN) (an equivalent of 1,000 tons of TNT) somehow ignited and registered the largest explosion since the end of World War II. Many theories, accusing Israel or Hezbollah or the CIA, are circulating like wildfire in the Lebanese capital. Where is the truth? Cui bono?

The Rhosus, a ship flying the Moldavian flag was sailing from Georgia to Mozambique carrying (among other merchandise) 2,750 tons of Ammonium Nitrate destined for the Fabrica de Explosives in Mozambique. This shipment was paid for by the Banco Internacional De Mozambique. It stopped in Beirut on 20/11/2013 to offload agricultural machines and was expected to load goods from Lebanon for Jordan on its way to Mozambique. An inspection concluded the ship was unfit to sail, and local Lebanese authorities effectively prevented the Rhosus from sailing. Lebanese port authorities discharged the cargo into Port Warehouse no.12 and later confiscated the cargo due to bills unpaid by the shipowner.

Ammonium Nitrate has many properties, notably as a component of explosive mixtures (Mellor, 1922; Elvers 1989, Suslick 1992). Pure AN is very stable and should meet specified quality requirements to be used in the production of industrial explosives. According to the European Fertilizer Manufacturers Association, AN is especially difficult to detonate and does indeed need a substantial stimulus for this to happen. But it must be stored in a dry, well-ventilated and sealed storage area. Moreover, any electrical installation in the storage area must be resistant to ammonia vapour.

For over six years, the 2,750 tons of AN remained in the Lebanese warehouse without any plans to relocate or re-sell it. Moreover, the storage area chosen is subject to the changing weather of the Lebanese climatic seasons, which include suffocating heat in the summer. The storage area was of metal construction with no proper ventilation.

Last year, Captain Naddaf who works at the harbour under the National Security Service, called his superior to inform him about the presence of a “dangerous cargo at warehouse no. 12.” His superior officer, General A. instructed the young officer to provide a written report and take pictures of the warehouse and the contents. The warehouse construction had a breach big enough for the passage of a man, which would facilitate entry or even theft.

How is the Lebanese harbour organised? It is controlled by a kind of local mafia composed of high ranking officers, customs directors, administrators and security officials. Each person in charge has been appointed by a political leader offering his men immunity and protection. The harbour produces immense amounts of money and bribes are the daily bread of all those who run this “show”. In the face of such corruption, it is now clear that scientific expertise about what is happening to store AN and the conditions in which 2,750 tons of it are stored counted for little. Actually, many officers in this Port have no competence for the jobs they do and are appointed, as we have seen, by favouritism and through political connections. This is indeed the case for the Director of Customs and the Army intelligence, General S., responsible for harbour movements and contents. So, given all that, when a problem or a disaster occurs, as it did on Tuesday, it will obviously be very difficult to find those really responsible. So how did the conditions for this AN explosion arise?

On the 4th of August, at 15:00 local time, a blacksmith was asked to close the holes in the warehouse to prevent potential smuggling of the content. The blacksmith was not informed about the hazardous content of the warehouse, nor he was told to take the necessary precautions to prevent the spread of metal particles that produce fragments and can trigger a fire. He was working at a distance no more than a few centimetres from the AN bags that were lying on the floor, from which a clear substance was leaking. Once the job was done, between 16:30 and 17:00, smoke was seen coming from the warehouse.

Firemen were called to deal with the potential fire. At 18:08 the first explosion was heard, followed by the second one over a minute later. After the first explosion, a fire ignited inside the warehouse. The fire generated more heat, enough for the entire stock of AN to blow up and create a vacuum (negative pressure). The pressure of the explosion caused the many casualties and devastating destruction in the city.

Who called the blacksmith and allocated the budget for his work? Was he informed of the hazard of welding next to Ammonium Nitrate? Why were the 2,750 tons of AN left for more than six years in non-regulation storage for no justifiable reason whatsoever?

The question has to be asked: “who benefits from the explosion?” The affected area belongs mainly to people who are not generally friendly to Hezbollah. Therefore, it would not have been in Israel’s interest nor in that of the US to bomb and cause so much damage to the properties and businesses of friendly parties. Destroying this part of Beirut in order to impose a “new Middle East” or a “new Lebanon” makes no sense either, because the anti-Hezbollah population is currently weaker than ever and is not in a position to confront Hezbollah. France and the US are in no better position to influence the population.

Speculation about Hezbollah storing weapons at warehouse 12 is ridiculous and unfounded- because the place was under constant surveillance by cameras controlled by the security forces themselves. Hezbollah would certainly not store weapons in an area both unfriendly and not under its own control.

Hezbollah, in fact, is currently waiting for the Special Tribunal for the assassination of the ex-Prime Minister Rafic Hariri to announce its verdict. This is how the US, to please Israel, is trying to curb Hezbollah’s influence in Lebanon- but to no avail. Indeed, the US and Israel have tried everything in their power in Syria, in Iraq and in Lebanon but failed in their attempts. The US is imposing harsh sanctions on Syria and Lebanon (preventing Gulf and European countries from assisting with the severe Lebanese financial crisis) but the outcome is the same: Hezbollah won’t submit.

The many “conspiracy theories” fail to line up with the facts of this accident. Ignorance, incompetence, favouritism and bureaucracy are the reasons for the loss of so many lives and the destruction of Beirut, a capital where people have not learned to stand together. This is a huge national tragedy. The Lebanese hold property in many foreign countries, west and east. This expresses the lack of a sense of belonging - because this is a country where elected politicians have amassed and stolen all the country’s wealth, where they hoard power, and where they pass it on to their sons.

6 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...



scapegoat. red herring. person accused of a something as a cover for a bigger more elaborate crime.


“I Am Only A Patsy”: 6 Reasons why Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT JFK’s Killer



"ţap ispăşitor", "au lăsat să cadă pe el măgăreaţa"

Anonim spunea...

Daca aia nu erau romani...foarte bine . Altminteri , la ora asta ne dadeau afara si din UE{ nu c-ar fi fost ceva neaaparat rau } si din NATO si din ONU si...de pe planeta si , precis am fi avut pe capul nostru si HEZBOLAH si ISIS si...FSB-ul caci CIA cred ca si-au luat rezidenta permanenta aici , mai ales dupa infiintarea "scutului " !Astia de la DIGI 24 au programat ieri..." EXPLOZIA " filmul ala cu Motoi , Dinica , Draga Olteanu , Jean Constantin si alti insi asemenea lor . Nu c-ar fi fost neaaparat de mare interes dar , pentru ca tot ai pomenit dumneata in precedenta postare ceva despre MIHAILESTI...

Riddick spunea...

A fost un incident real la Galaţi, nava Poseidon cu 4000 de tone de azotat de amoniu. Explozia a fost totuşi evitată atunci (anii '70). Nava trecea aproape de fabrica de oxigen lichid de la Galaţi. Poate că şi atunci a fost ceva provocat, dar care nu s-a mai terminat "conform planificării".

Riddick spunea...

Explosive compound that decimated Beirut was meant for Mozambique

The deadly consignment had been ordered by the Fabrica de Explosivos de Mozambique, (FEM) a company which manufactures commercial explosives, The New York Times and other media have reported.

The 2,750 tons of ammonium nitrate that devastated much of Beirut on Tuesday was originally destined to be shipped to Beira, Mozambique in 2013.

A Russian businessman Igor Grechushkin was reportedly paid $1-million by the International Bank of Mozambique to ship the ammonium nitrate – an agricultural chemical often used in explosives – from the Black Sea port of Batumi, in Georgia, to Beira.

Grechushkin either owned or leased the Moldovan-registered cargo ship Rhosus which loaded the ammonium nitrate and then embarked on its ill-fated voyage, which included a mutiny by the crew for his failure to pay them and many other money problems.

Grechushkin, who seemed to be perpetually cash-strapped, first couldn’t afford to pay for the passage of the Rhosus through the Suez Canal into the Indian Ocean to reach Beira. He diverted the ship to Beirut to pick up heavy machinery to earn extra cash to pay for the voyage.

But the machinery didn’t fit into the ship in Beirut. A series of disputes followed; including over Grechushkin’s failure to pay for docking and other port fees, supplies to the ship; and about the seaworthiness of the very old vessel which had apparently sprung a leak. [...]


Riddick spunea...

[...] In the middle of this, either the Russian abandoned the Rhosus because he couldn’t cover all its costs or the Lebanese authorities confiscated it, with its explosive cargo.

Some months later they transferred the ammonium nitrate to a warehouse in the port where it remained, while Lebanese authorities haggled over what to do with it, until Tuesday’s immense explosion which killed well over 100 people, injured thousands and flattened large parts of the city.

What is not clear is why FEM hired the apparently unreliable Grechushkin as its middleman for acquiring the ammonium nitrate and whether it ever got its $1-million back.

The company’s website and Linkedin page say it is “a producer and supplier of commercial explosives, initiating systems and blasting services for mining and construction. It is involved, since its beginning [in 1955], in several important constructions in Mozambique”.

Riddick spunea...

Este EVIDENT că devierea de curs de circa 500 km spre Beirut (faţă de "axa Dardanele - Suez") a fost doar UN PRETEXT. Încărcătura TREBUIA să ajungă la Beirut şi nu era suficient să pretinzi că ai "probleme mecanice" fiindcă erau alte porturi mai apropiate (în Cipru, Creta, Egipt...) unde puteai primi asistenţă. Şi nici nu era un echipaj "cooperant", ba nici măcar plătit la timp. Sau... era doar un pretext asta ("revolta echipajului pentru neplată/datorii") ca să fie scos din ecuaţia complicităţii? Alt pretext, "încărcarea unor utilaje LA BEIRUT, ca să fac rost de bani" - pâi atunci e şi mai clar că nu vrei să duci marfa la destinaţie deşi ai fost plătit pentru asta, ci ai combinaţii la Beirut, "utilajele" fiind acoperirea complicităţii unora din Liban, factori din "aparat"

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Cornea, 2011: "Dacă statele rămân suverane, ele vor continua să facă ceea ce cred şi ceea ce consideră că le este de folos, în pofida intereselor comune. Rezultă că trebuie mers înainte – mai repede sau mai încet – spre un sistem federal sau măcar confederal, cu un guvern central dotat cu puteri mari în domeniul economiei, apărării şi externelor, cu un parlament bicameral după modelul american şi cu guverne ale statelor responsabile numai pentru afacerile interne, justiţie, educaţie, cultură, eventual sănătate şi muncă. Căci atunci când vorbim despre pierderea suveranităţii naţionale, despre cine anume vorbim în fapt ca fiind „perdanţii“? Despre plătitorii obişnuiţi de impozite, cu rate la bănci, cu salarii ameninţate ba de tăieri, ba de inflaţie? Despre pensionarii cu pensiile în pericol? Despre beneficiarii sistemelor de asigurări ce acumulează datorii peste datorii? Despre şomeri? Nu, ci vorbim despre elitele politice europene din cele 27 de state. Ele sunt acelea care şi-ar pierde suveranitatea – mai ales aceea de a cheltui nestăvilit şi de a face promisiuni imposibil de ţinut. Vor trebui să se consoleze mulţi parlamentari naţionali cu un rol mai modest (dar deloc neglijabil). Dintre miniştrii şi funcţionarii guvernamentali, unii, precum cei de la externe sau de la armată, vor trebui să dispară pur şi simplu."


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