Un clip care clatină postamentul statuii lui Reagan. Ştiam doar că a devenit republican (= conservator) dintr-un simpatizant democrat (= socialist), şi că a legiferat "conservatorul" Reagan (în 1983) interdicţia de comercializare pentru public a armelor automate fabricate după 1983 (circulă legal doar cele care deja devin vintage; şi - ce să vezi ! - interdicţia nu afectează cartelurile de droguri care operează la graniţa cu Mexicul; de exemplu).
rtunes video. Red Ronnie Reagan had everyone fooled. He was a Globalist all along while passing himself off as someone else to his Republican admirers and the public. Secret Societies played a large role in his appointments and the voters had this wholesome Patriotic false image of him. Hopefully we will learn someday to not judge a book by its cover...good luck on that one.De pe un forum (2010):
Gary Richard Arnold is the first man in American history to openly challenge the credibility of a standing president, “face to face” in the nation’s capitol at ~ The White House. The President was Ronald Wilson Reagan! The year 1983! The incident which drew International Headlines rocketed the name of G. Richard Arnold national prominence. Arnold, the Republican parties’ congressional primary winner from Santa Cruz brazenly disputed Reagan’s credentials as a “CONSERVATIVE”. Gary Arnold ripped into the presidents’ claim that he had given the country the greatest tax reduction in the nation’s history when in fact Reagan had given the United States the “GREATEST TAX HIKE OF ANY NATION IN WORLD HISTORY” – just nine days before! Arnold nailed the president to his “own lie” before a battery of the nations press corp. in East Room of the White House. What brought Gary Richard Arnold national fame wasn’t only that he stood up to the man perceived to be the most powerful individual on earth – but the fact that the president was unable to defend his “conservative credentials” and left no option but to tell Gary Richard Arnold who was proving his case … to “SHUT UP”. Visit Gary's site here http://themuckraker.net
De văzut la MuckRaker.net:
3 comentarii :
Ronald Reagan was Red Ronnie in Disguise - Gary Richard Arnold
O iei din ce în ce mai mult pe arătură.. Acum încerci să-l scoți pe Ronald Reagan "socialist". Eu zic mai degrabă sa vezi ce zic socialiști precum Fidel Castro sau Hugo Chavez despre Ronald Reagan sa vezi cât de "socialist" a fost Reagan.
A avut şi unele chestii "inexplicabile", nu degeaba unii americani le-au remarcat şi comentat. Globalist, nu "socialist".
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