05 mai 2011

Countdown To Release Osama's Death Certificate

UPDATE DATED May 4, 2011 at 20:30 CET

Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. - 5/4/2011

The United States shared with the Israelis the two-way wireless and satelite video feeds (provided by the raiding party's helmet-cams and drop-down transmitters) of the assault on bin-Laden's compound. At a certain point an officer is heard asking for instructions "from the Commander (in Chief Obama - SV)". Obama then ordered him to "terminate target" (i.e, to kill bin-Laden) although this is not captured on tape. Obama gave the lethal command from an underground situation room, flanked by Panetta, Clinton, Gates, and other senior officials.

In 2001, shortly after the invasion of Afghanistan, the CIA whisked bin-Laden and his family to a safe haven in Pakistan, among friendly tribesmen who served as guides and supplier for American special forces on the ground. The CIA, in cahoots with Pakistan's ISI, then embarked on the construction of the compound that was stormed on May 1, 2011. In 2005-6, bin-Laden and his family were transferred there and virtually imprisoned. Bin-Laden was not allowed to carry weapons and he had no bodyguards. The entire fortress-like edifice was locked from the outside. The CIA allowed only couriers to come and go with censored mail and minimal money orders. One of the couriers was a Tunisian and the other Jordanian. They both collaborated with the Mossad and with the CIA on multiple assignments.

The decision to assassinate bin-Laden was adopted after he was repeatedly heard threatening to expose what he knew about various covert operations in the USA and elsewhere should he not be allowed free movement.[...]

Niciun comentariu :

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Cătălin Predoiu, 2013: "Cunoscuta 'axă' Washington - Londra - Bucureşti trebuie să includă şi Berlinul. 

Cătălin Predoiu, 2013: "Fundaţia Konrad Adenauer este un partener al României. A ajutat mult România, de exemplu, a furnizat experţi pentru elaborarea unor acte normative ale Ministerului Justiţiei. În prezent, derulează un program important de cursuri de guvernare publică, în care sunt implicaţi 120 de experţi în varii domenii. Vom coopta aceşti experţi în aparatul tehnic al Guvernului Alternativă PDL, ca staff de suport al miniştrilor noştri. Suntem un partid de centru dreapta care crede în proiectul european şi valorile europene."


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