Vor avea "Statele Unite ale Europei" consimţământul popoarelor Europei ?
► Speaker: William, The Earl of Dartmouth, MEP, UKIP (South West), EFD group.
► Debate: EU2020 (the EU's 10-year central economic plan) - Question to MEP Othmar Karras (EPP, Austria), who mentions "United States of Europe"
"UE vrea să controleze bugetele naţionale, când nu şi-l poate gestiona pe al său"
► Speaker: Marta Andreasen MEP, UKIP (South East), EFD group.
► Debate: JD - KEY DEBATE - Mechanisms of reinforced economic governance
- Council and Commission statements - Outcome of the Summit of 7 May 2010 and the ECOFIN meeting
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