29 martie 2022

Aşteptând - a zis clar, Zelenski - alăturarea României...

Silviu Predoiu: „SIE a intrat în NATO cu un an și ceva înaintea României. Eram deja integrați, fusesem controlați și verificați” / Silviu Predoiu a explicat că aderarea României la NATO nu a produs schimbări în cadrul Serviciul de Informații Externe (SIE), întrucât instituția era deja angrenată în urmă cu un an în discuții, verificări și analize. În 2004 eram deja integrați. Fusesem controlați, verificați. Au fost zeci de vizite, de discuții, de analize la București, la Bruxelles, teste în teren. Noi eram deja angrenați în activitate. După ce am intrat în NATO nu s-a schimbat nimic, noi doar am continuat. Activitatea începuse deja”, a declarat fostul șef al SIE, Silviu Predoiu.  România a dobândit statutul de Aliat în 2004.

Ortodoxia sinucigașă / Am văzut ce s-a întîmplat în Vest, așa că știm ce va urma în curînd și în România: noua spiritualitate nu demolează bisericile, ci le împodobește în culorile curcubeului. Am avut la dispoziție peste 30 de ani pentru a vedea, a înțelege și a ne împotrivi acestui curent. Dar ortodocșii români au continuat să se lase purtați de el, crezînd că e destul să spună formula magică pentru a ajunge unde trebuie. Ar fi desigur de preferat să ne trezim din confuzii ceva mai devreme, însă lucrul acesta este puțin probabil să se-ntîmple cîtă vreme ne întreținem singuri confuziile (create dilematic de cei mai educați dintre noi), iar clerul ortodox ni le binecuvîntează, așa cum a binecuvîntat din 1990 încoace ortodoxia miresmei adulmecată de Patapievici dinspre bundița lui Cleopa sau parabolele scoase de Pleșu din tezaurul perenialist destul de cuprinzător pentru a-l include și pe Hristos. Dacă ar fi fost ceva mai mult de o mireasmă, ortodoxia românească nu s-ar fi lăsat redefinită cu atîta ușurință de o elită umanistă, gnostică sau liberală – după facultăți! – și de fiecare dată ortodoxă, după cum nu l-ar lăsa doar pe Remus Cernea să aprecieze relația lui Dumnezeu cu Biblia.

SoM - Sons of Mayonnaise: Am ajuns, la 32 și ceva de ani de la moartea Ceușeștilor, să ne îmbrâncim pe internet cu toate progeniturile kominternului, cu toți șmecherașii născuți și crescuți în Primăverii, să ne târască prin tribunale bancherii Securității, să primim lecții de la comuniști, securiști, neocomuniști și neosecuriști mai bătrâni sau mai tineri. [...] Și-au băgat adânc ciocurile între bucile lui Băsescu așa cum struțul se ascunde de realitate în nisip și nici măcar nu-l auzi pe vreunul, zilele astea, să îngaime un firav "iertați-mă, vă implor". S-au declarat mereu de partea bună a istoriei, fiind, mereu exact în colțul opus. Au justificat orice oroare și continuă să o facă, pretinzând că, de fapt, apără democrația și drepturile omului. Pocnești din degete și-i fluieri scurt, le arăți direcția și nu mai ai treabă cu ei, că de-acolo se descurcă singuri, talentați fiind.

Russia's central bank chief: Incompetent or just misunderstood? / We’ll never know what the actual plan was because approximately half of the central bank’s foreign exchange reserves ($300 billion) were vacuumed up by Washington and its underlings as punishment for the Not-War in Ukraine. How could this happen? And does this mean Nabiullina is a member of the dreaded 9th Column? And why did Putin nominate her for another term? So many questions. If the State Duma signs off on her reappointment, Nabiullina will remain head of the Bank of Russia until 2027. While Nabiullina is expected to stay at her post, one of her deputies was recently thrown under the bus (allegedly for uncouth comments about destitute pensioners that he made months ago). At the same time, the head of the central bank was excluded from a newly formed commission charged with shielding Russia from western sanctions.  What does this mean, exactly? [...] HOT TAKE #3: SHE’S A GROSS LIBERAL BUT WE CAN’T GET RID OF HER  Nabiullina is parasite but we’re stuck with her—at least for now. So says Tsargrad: Many expected the resignation of systemic liberals, but this did not happen. Most likely, the authorities are guided by the principle of “they don’t change horses in midstream” and seek to show the West that no split in the elites has occurred, even despite the most severe sanctions pressure. [...]  HOT TAKE #4: GET RID OF HER BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE Rambunctious Duma Deputy Mikhail Delyagin—the man who warned of a Big Pharma coup d'état in Russia—absolutely hates this lady: Nabiullina is a person whom I remember from 1997, whose dismissal from the post of First Deputy Minister of Economic Development was for everyday idiocy. I had a hand in this and I'm still proud of it. A number of economic disasters are associated with it. In 2014, we had a devaluation of the ruble, a fall in the stock market and a panic flight of capital from the country. It started in January with oil at $105 a barrel and love for the West. Therefore, Nabiullina, first herself, and then through the mouth of her deputy, convincingly explained that the Bank of Russia refuses to fulfill its constitutional obligations to ensure the stability of the national currency.

Anti-Defamation League and the rehabilitation of Hitler's accomplices in Ukraine / Israel and its lobbyists depend on US support. So when the US starts a war, the lobby often puts its propagandists at the service of that war. The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), one of the leading US Israeli lobbies, is now rehabilitating Ukrainian collaborators who helped Hitler exterminate Jews and Poles. This Holocaust denial is driven by the need to whitewash today's far-right Ukrainian nationalists and neo-Nazis backed by the US. After all, the US, NATO and the EU say they are sending weapons and mercenaries to Ukraine to help a friendly democracy defend its independence and sovereignty from the illegal invasion of an expansionist megalomaniac psycho. Therefore, from a Western point of view it is very inconvenient that far-right fascists and neo-Nazis serve as the foundation of the Ukrainian regime. Recognition of this fact, as Western military propaganda no doubt fears, legitimizes Putin's assertion that the Russian invasion - which the vast majority of countries at the UN General Assembly condemned - is justified by the need to "denazify" and demilitarize Ukraine. [...] It may come as a surprise that the Israeli lobby, which supposedly fights prejudice against the Jews and all others, will help to whitewash the Nazis. But the alliance of Zionists, anti-Semites and Nazis is already a century old.

Alexander Dugin: From Putin's mistake to the "Huntington point". Europe is taken over / Vladimir Putin changed this vector 22 years ago. He said: we stop disintegrating, we begin to concentrate and gradually assert ourselves. All this time, we have been moving towards February 22, 2022, when we clearly defined our sovereignty in the face of a mortal threat. Yes, it was not our initiative, it was a forced response, but only those who want to live can notice the threat itself. There are those who do not see themselves as a civilization, for them being, sovereignty, an independent system of values, people are all abstractions compared to comfort within the framework of liberal rules. [...] At the same time, we also see the unique position of China, which says: I am another civilization - not Western and not Russian. But I am on the side of Russia, because I also do not want to be a Western appendage. And this is the essence of Xi Jinping's answer to Biden when he suggested that he betray Putin for some benefits - as is done in the framework of the Western unipolar world. And got a clear rejection.

Conflict in Ukraine: geopolitics, identity and security issues / Also, according to Russian intelligence, the United States intended to help Ukraine develop nuclear weapons in a secret regime. The words of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on February 20 that Ukraine would withdraw from the agreement on a non-nuclear status were not a bluff. If we add to this Ukraine has ballistic missiles and regular statements by Ukrainian politicians that they must “strike Moscow”, the Russian military operation looks like a preventive defensive action. Obviously, the nuclear talk was not the decision of Zelensky himself. The fact that he is a puppet of the United States is evidenced by many episodes. For example, Kiev pressured Motor Sich, an aviation-space industry factory, to cancel contracts with China. Following that, American media and US officials celebrated that the United States will not allow China to receive new critical technologies, including Ukrainian ones. Establishing control over nuclear plants in Ukraine (two are already secured by Russian troops) is also due to the need to prevent provocations and the leakage of any materials from nuclear plants. Another important factor was the presence in Ukraine of a network of biological laboratories (at least 30 pieces), which were located in large cities of Ukraine and were administered by the Pentagon (Defense Threat Reduction Agency). As part of the UP-8 program in Lviv, Kharkiv, Odessa and Kiev, more than 4,000 Ukrainian military personnel are known to have participated in experiments with pathogens and combat viruses. Given the upcoming operation in Ukraine, the US Embassy preemptively removed information about the Ukraine BIOWEAPON LAB project from its website.

Joe Lauria of Consortium News asks if Russia can avoid the traps that have been set for them in Ukraine / Once hidden in studies such as this 2019 RAND study, the desire to overthrow the government in Moscow is now out in the open. One of the earliest threats came from Carl Gersham, the long-time director of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Gershman, wrote in 2013, before the Kiev coup: “Ukraine is the biggest prize.” If it could be pulled away from Russia and into the West, then “Putin may find himself on the losing end not just in the near abroad but within Russia itself.” David Ignatius wrote in The Washington Post in 1999 that the NED could now practice regime change out in the open, rather than covertly as the C.I.A. had done. The RAND Corporation on March 18 then published an article titled, “If Regime Change Should Come to Moscow,” the U.S. should be ready for it. Michael McFaul, the hawkish former U.S. ambassador to Russia, has been calling for regime change in Russia for some time. [...] The examples of previous U.S. traps that I gave in the Feb. 4 piece were the U.S. telling Saddam Hussein in 1990 that it would not interfere in its dispute with Kuwait, opening the trap to Iraq’s invasion, allowing the U.S. to destroy Baghdad’s military. The second example is most relevant.  In a 1998 interview with Le Nouvel Observateur, Jimmy Carter’s former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted that the C.I.A. set a trap four decades ago for Moscow by arming mujahiddin to fight the Soviet-backed government in Afghanistan and bring down the Soviet government, much as the U.S. wants today to bring down Putin.

"Intelligentsia" on the run: Russia is cleared of traitors / The "star" fugitives, who once earned their capital in Russia, are now defiantly settling down in the West. From there, in social networks, they spit on our country and Russian culture. "National traitors, midges that the people spat out on the panel," the Russian president said about them. All these characters were favored by the authorities, receiving from the state everything that could be obtained: money, awards, honor. But all this did not prevent them from openly supporting "opposition" sorties and arrogantly responding to criticism: the artist has the right... he sees it that way... we, the elite, do not create for the crowd...  And now we see how the caravan of these figures, quietly sobbing, set off on foreign "journeys" - who goes where. Some even threatened to return as soon as "everything changes" in Russia. That is, they hope to return to "another Russia." You hope in vain that everything will definitely change for you, because your time is running out.

Too many Ukrainian refugees in Poland, EU says / The EU is pressing to get Ukrainian refugees to leave Poland and go to other member states. The demand comes as some 3.8 million have fled Ukraine, with Poland currently hosting more than any EU state. The UN refugee agency (UNHCR) says Poland has taken in over 2 million refugees. Of those more than 1.5 million remain in Poland, said EU home affairs commissioner Ylva Johansson.

Are Conservatives Schizophrenic? / Getting conservatives to say the right things is not difficult; but getting conservatives to do the right things is like trying to round up a room full of cats. I’ve been an active political observer, participant and analyst for over forty years, and all of that experience has taught me one thing: Conservatives never change. As long as Republican politicians talk a good talk, their walk means absolutely nothing. That’s why—despite all of the rhetoric from both sides of the political aisle—we typically lose more freedoms under Republican administrations than Democrat administrations. We lost more liberties under G.W. Bush than we did under Bill Clinton; and we lost more liberties under Donald Trump than we did under Barack Obama. This happens not because Republican presidents are necessarily any worse than Democrat presidents. It’s because when Democrat presidents attack our liberties, conservatives rise up en masse to resist those tyrannical proposals. But when Republican presidents attack our liberties, conservatives lie down and say nothing—and often even SUPPORT the tyrannical proposals. This is such a pervasive and pixilated phenomenon, that after watching the same things happen year after year, decade after decade, one must wonder if conservatives are schizophrenic.

An open letter to British PM Boris Johnson: a modest proposal of a prisoner exchange /  My suggestion to you is to offer to exchange Julian Assange for Alexei Navalny. Such an exchange would support your political views, win you new supporters at home and abroad and add a dollop of humanity to our war crazed world. In Europe, in the Americas you alone have within your grasp a political prisoner of the international renown sufficient to entice the Kremlin to agree to part with Mr. Navalny.

The Ukrainian Army Shoots Russian POWs in the Leg / In the mentioned video, Ukrainian militants shoot through the legs of Russian prisoners, after which they are beaten. At the beginning of the video, Russian prisoners are lying on the ground with their legs shot through, some of them have broken leg bones. There is little chance of surviving such injuries in those circumstances. It may seem that Russian soldiers were captured while wounded. But no. At the end of the video, it is shown how Ukrainian militants shoot through the legs of all arriving captured Russian soldiers. Many die from pain shock right in the frame.

The End Of "Azov". / I want to reiterate, Azov is NOT a battalion--it is merely called such. In reality it was a Nazi formation numbering in many thousands (more like a reinforced brigade militarily wise) and served as a core of a 20,000 strong Mariupol grouping, which also included VSU formations. Azov "commissars" served as a deterrent in many VSU units making sure they do not want to surrender. The remnants of Azov and VSU (by different estimates between 2 and 3 thousands) are now all concentrated at the Azov Steel Plant and that is where they will all be annihilated with Russian-LDNR infantry merely blocking exits from this vast industrial site making sure no Nazi escapes. It is now Russian Air Force and thermobaric weapons shooting range and they will have a lot of fun. Especially after uncovering more and more evidence of mass-scale crimes against humanity by "darlings" of Western media and elites. Have you listened to Patrushev lately? Boy, some explosive shit is coming up soon. Like experiments on people. War Crimes Tribunal will be a wowser.

By their enemies shall you know them. Well, maybe / Most of us on here (with one notable exception!) support to a greater or lesser degree Putin’s Ukraine action essentially for what it is not. Or to put it another way we support him because of those who oppose him. That graphic should have included The Jews as a separate category but I suppose The Media and Hollywood will compensate for that omission. They in turn hate Putin in large part because he seems to oppose the NWO globohomo agenda and Israeli expansionism in the Middle East while encouraging the rebirth of Orthodox Christianity, traditional values, higher birthrates for Russians and thus by extension, White ethnic interests generally. But does he? Most definitely he opposes the Western Evil Globohomo Empire and its poisonous impact on society. [...] Jews in the West may hate Putin and Russians generally but that country’s Jews proclaim Putin as the best Russian leader ever for their community. Many of the Jewish oligarchs are still in power with their loot intact and enjoy privileged access to the President. Many other factors give us pause for thought. Russia was all on board with the Covid hoax, the mass MRNA vaccination program and the Mark Of The Beast digital ID. Putin’s daughter plays a major role in the transhumanist CRISPR project. His association with the WEF and Schwab goes back thirty years and they refer to one another by their first names. Kissinger has been described as “a valued friend” and is accorded the almost unique distinction of dining at Putin’s private quarters when he visits Russia. Is this the guy saving us from the NWO? Seriously? [...] So what’s going on? I of course don’t know as we’re being bombarded with lies and disinformation from every side. But here’s my best guess. The exact structure of the New World Order has not yet been agreed so the main stakeholders are and have been for some time jockeying for position and power, cooperating and competing as required. [...] Irrespective of how things turn out eventually, Putin’s reputation has taken a major blow.

The ‘Ukrainian Resistance’ and the Houthis – A Contrast In Media Coverage / This romanticised image of ‘Ukrainian freedom fighters’ by the corporate media however, lies in stark contrast to their coverage of Ansar Allah, more commonly known as the Houthis, currently waging an armed resistance campaign against Western-allied Saudi Arabia’s seven year long war and blockade on neighbouring Yemen – leading to mass-starvation in what is already the most impoverished country on the Arabian Peninsula. Indeed, this was evidenced as such on Friday, when the Yemeni armed forces launched air strikes against a key oil refinery in the Saudi city of Jeddah, to a noticeable absence of articles by the Western media celebrating the actions of the Yemeni resistance against the Western-backed might of Riyadh, unlike their coverage of Ukraine and Russia.

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Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Adrian Papahagi, 2012: "Nu mă voi ascunde după deget: suplimentul FCD este într-adevăr un manifest, fiindcă socotim că Uniunea Europeană este un proiect neterminat și că doar desăvârșindu-l, creând adică Statele Unite ale Europei, putem să evităm perspectiva deloc încântătoare de a deveni un vulgar apendice al Asiei, un muzeu al civilizațiilor sau o simplă piață de desfacere pentru economiile emergente. Înainte de toate, doream să subliniez, prin contrast cu îngustimea identităților naționale, care sunt niște constructe relativ recente, larghețea identității europene și universalitatea celei creștine. Creștinismul transcende națiile, cu tot tribalismul și triumfalismul lor războinic".


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