When actually, it's very, very coordinated, which is why, especially now, you don't see gaps, while people are waiting for the next invention to take technological development on, it's just coming out so fast. 'Cause 's already there, that's why. So, let's go through this story. From that prospective - in other words, if they're doing it to mice in the public arena, they're doing it to humans, in fact they're being doing it to humans for a very long time. [...] in underground bases, in United States, for instance. And what happens with these underground bases, is that they go down level after level after level, and you need a highest security clearance each lower level you go down.
Religions have long been infiltrated - the major religions - by The Cult. [...] So, the Pope is, actually, a frontman for The Cult. Unless, you know, there's an odd exception. And Pope Francis, currently, it's not an exception. So you won't be surprised to see this story, a Pope calls for New World Order, as Cult-owned Fauci pushes globalisation. Fauci, indeed. The COVID 'experts' are criminal, in America. So both Pope Francis and Dr. Anthony Fauci are endorsing globalism as an answer to COVID-19, climate change, poverty and other issues, as if they aren't careless about poverty, I mean it's a joke.
* * *
In breakthrough, Israelis grow hundreds of mouse embryos in artificial wombs
Scientists say groundbreaking method could lead to human gestation outside the womb; new insight into organ formation could spur other advances; fetuses have fully formed organs
5 comentarii :
La my angry rants Asi face " provizii pentru minim trei luni " , daca si numai daca alimentele ar venii doar din productia interna a Romaniei .Avand in vedere faptul ca , ele in proportie d e minim 75% vin de-afara ...cum dracu s a cred ca marile corporatii vor scapa atat d e usor din gheare o piata atat de profitabila cum este cea romaneasca ?! Chiar cred ca , in minim trei luni va venii caldura si { in conformitate cu spusele multor specialisti } , vom scapa de COVID , eventual si de guvernul asta de ratati si rahati .Mi-a ajuns la ureche faptul ca-n locul lui Catu se pregeteste generalul iar in locul lui Arahat s-ar putea s a vina Col. Gheorghita . O fi de bine , o fi de rau , doar Dracu si UE pot preciza o treaba de acest gen .Hai la " sanatate " o fi cum o fi dar sef de guvern...in afara de Romania o mai exista vreo tara care sa aiva PM un general ?
La DUDA ZILEI Stai bland caci , diferit ca-i destul de departe d e frontierele Romaniei , cine dracu crezi ca-i atat de nebun incat sa trimeata fortze NATO contra rusilor...mai ales azi ? Iar NATO { am mai afirmat treaba asta cu cateva ocazii } , chiar crezi ca , alta treaba mai buna n-are decat sa apere niste...de ursul rusesc ?
Desigur, "din intern", dar când vine panica aia, iei ce găseşti.
Ciuciucă, ar putea fi "adus", dar uite că "nu mai e timp", cum zice... linkul.
Auuuuu , nu puteai gasii alt ziar decat The Sun ? Ma mir ca n-ai ales The Mirror ! Oricat si-ar dorii unii un al patrulea razboi mondial , cred totusi ca-s mai muulti cei ce gandesc si altfel la o chestie dintr-astea chiar daca , aia de la Kremlin , isi scutura muschii prin Antarctica sau la frontierele Ukrainei . Pagubele produse de un virus , pot fi reparate in maxim cativa ani in vreme ce pagubele produse de un al patrulea razboi...chiar daca-i doar zonal sant absolut incalculabile din toate punctele d e vedere mai ales azi . Pentru numele lui Dumnezeu , totusi , nu mai suntem in 1939 !
Care "The Sun" ?! (da, ştiu, "este EvZ de pe vremea lui Cristoiu, cu găina care năştea pui vii"). E link de la Times of Israel, articolul invocat de David Icke în clip.
Aia cu războiul e serioasă, n-aş bagateliza...
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