24 mai 2016

August 2016: WW3 (?)

Cam asta ar fi în cărţi, cică. Dar, vorb-aia: "Qui vivra, verra". Pâi, nu ?!


NATO Plan For “August War” Against Russia Warned Will Go Nuclear “In Minutes”

A truly grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning that NATO’s plan for an “August War” against the Federation will go nuclear “in minutes” as the Obama regime continues its biggest atomic bomb buildup since the Cold War and Russia is now faced with more hostile military troops on its borders than at any time since 1941, and that occurred just prior to Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union. [Note: Some words appearing in quotes are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

According to this report, some of the first information released about the Obama regime's plans for launching a first-strike nuclear attack against Russia came from Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the former United States Assistant Secretary, who in 2014 warned: “Washington not only has war plans for launching a preemptive nuclear attack on Russia, and also possibly China, but Washington has a cadre of people who advocate nuclear war. We have people running around Washington saying things such as what's the good of nuclear weapons if you can't use them.” 

Dr. Roberts further warned, this report continues, that the Obama regime actually believes that it can win a nuclear war against Russia with little or no damage to the US—, an insane belief that stands opposed to Russian security officials warning that one military response against Obama would be to use nuclear-armed drone submarines that would be detonated in US coastal waters causing a radioactive tsunami to flood and contaminate nearly all of America’s seaside cities.

The final charade being played out by the Obama regime led and controlled NATO prior to war starting, this report notes, was its calling earlier today for an “urgent” meeting with Russia in order to “imitate” a dialogue with Moscow in its bid to justify their further military buildup along Russia’'s borders— and which was forcefully responded to by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who stated:

And where reality has been turned into outright fantasy in regards to the true “nation-of-war” on this planet, this report continues, between 2001 and today, President Putin has ordered military actions only 3 times to protect the citizens of South Ossetia, Ukraine and Syria from US sponsored armies attacking them, and then withdrew all Russian troops— while during this same time, President’s Bush and Obama combined American-NATO forces have bombed, invaded and destroyed at least 11 nations.

Most interesting, perhaps, to note in this MoD report is its stating that US Army Lieutenant General Herbert McMaster has been attempting to warn the Obama regime of its folly in believing it could win a war with Russia, and who at recent Pentagon meeting warned that should America forces find themselves in a land war with Russia they would be in for a rude, cold awakening.

With massive bomb shelters still being built throughout the Federation, this report concludes, the likelihood of President Obama ordering Russia to be attacked by a nuclear first strike is “nearly assured” due to the facts of if his party loses to Donald Trump, Obama, Hillary Clinton, and too many other American elites to count, will be prosecuted for treason once the full and horrific scale of their crimes against the United States are uncovered for all to see —but which in a nuclear devastated America will never be known about. 

2 comentarii :

Anonim spunea...

Pentru ca nu pot citi aceasta informatie tentanta, din motive de limba, propun sa te uiti putin pe ''articolul'' acesta, inclusiv pe comentarii !!!


Riddick spunea...

Mi se pare utopie. Sub masca "eficientizării" se strecoară regionalizarea, ba chiar federalizarea. Acelaşi tip de argumentaţie ca şi la europeiştii/globaliştii de la guvernare.

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Adrian Papahagi, 2012: "Nu mă voi ascunde după deget: suplimentul FCD este într-adevăr un manifest, fiindcă socotim că Uniunea Europeană este un proiect neterminat și că doar desăvârșindu-l, creând adică Statele Unite ale Europei, putem să evităm perspectiva deloc încântătoare de a deveni un vulgar apendice al Asiei, un muzeu al civilizațiilor sau o simplă piață de desfacere pentru economiile emergente. Înainte de toate, doream să subliniez, prin contrast cu îngustimea identităților naționale, care sunt niște constructe relativ recente, larghețea identității europene și universalitatea celei creștine. Creștinismul transcende națiile, cu tot tribalismul și triumfalismul lor războinic".


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