Ucraina: măştile revoluţiei
Anotimpurile Donbasului
Donbass Seasons
Maratonul reinformării,
mobilizarea generală
împotriva globaliştilor.
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Initial, unconfirmed information says that at least one building belonging to the Iran Ministry of Defense, has exploded.
More as I get it. . .
7:07 PM EDT
Israeli war planes are now crossing the Syria-Jordan Border heading in the direction of Iraq.
7:11 PM EDT --
Residents in Northwestern Iran report hearing Aircraft in the Sky over the Iran-Iraq Border.
-- Imam Khomenei International Airport Hit by explosions
-- Iran CLOSES all air space.
-- Military correspondent for Israel's channel 13: "Report of explosions west of Tehran. We are going on air on channel 13"
-- 6 explosions in Karaj and 4-5 explosions in Tehran so far. Still unconfirmed.
7:20 PM EDT --
Air Control Towers throughout the Middle East are broadcasting EMERGENCY MESSAGES TO CLEAR AIR SPACE immediately7:25 PM EDT --
Reports are now confirming there have already been NINETEEN (19) Explosions in Tehran.
7:31 PM EDT --
Air Raid Sirens sounding throughout Iran.
7:34 PM EDT --
Civilian power plant in Karaj, Iran, reportedly "destroyed."
7:57 PM EDT --
Both U.S. and Israeli Officials are now openly stating they expect that the Strikes will warrant a Military Response from Iran.
-- Initial reports that the IDF launched a number of airstrikes in Syria against radar installations prior to striking Iran.
********** F L A S H **********
Unconfirmed reports CLAIM United States B-2 Stealth Bombers have been seen crossing into Iranian Air Space. If this is correct, and it is as yet UNCONFIRMED, then the U.S. appears to be going after the Iran Nuclear Program.
The Israeli Defense Force has issued an official statement CONFIRMING Israel is attacking Iran.
***** BULLETIN *****
8:06 PM EDT -- Just literally moments ago, live from inside the West Bank "very large number of Fighter Jets and refueling planes in the skies of Palestine, on their way to Iran. The strikes heard in Iran seem to be initial, it seems that the IDF was testing Iran's Air-Defenses before launching its main attack,
8:27 PM EDT --
Skies over Tehran are now quiet. No further explosions in past 15 minutes. LIVE UPDATES ARE CONTINUING . . . . New developments as I get them, will appear below.
2 comentarii :
Ukraine: Les masques de la révolution - Ukraine: Masks of the Revolution. English subtitles
Without them, there would have been no Ukrainian revolution.
In February 2014, paramilitary groups fought against the police in the streets of Kyev and ousted President Yanukovych. They settled a new government.
According to western media, they were the revolution heroes. They fought on the right side.
But they are actually extreme-right militias. And they are now heavily armed.
The Right Sector, Azov or Svoboda created parallel irregular forces that easily go out of control. In Odessa, in May 2014, they were responsible for a mass killing without facing any charges. 45 people burnt to death. A massacre that didn’t get much attention.
How come western democracies haven’t raised their voice in protest?
Most likely because these Ukrainian nationalist militias actually played a significant role in a much larger scale war. The Ukrainian revolution was strongly supported by the US diplomacy.
In the new cold war that opposes Russia to the USA, Ukraine is a decisive pawn. A tactical pawn to contain Putin’s ambitions.
“Ukraine, masks of the revolution” by Paul Moreira sheds light on this blind corner.
"Donbass Seasons". (English subtitles)
"Donbass-Seasons" is a documentary that traces the history of the war in Donbass, from the coup in Kiev to the Odessa massacre through to the start of the conflict.
The documentary contains interviews with Nicolai Lilin, Eliseo Bertolasi and Vauro Senesi, the narrating voices of the videos filmed by Eliseo Bertolasi and Sergeij Rulev.
Directed by Sara Reginella, "Donbass Seasons" shows the changing of seasons and the flow of life in a land in which life goes on, despite the suffering.
Văd c-a fost şters filmul "Ucraina - măştile revoluţiei" (acolo de unde am luat embed), dar el există şi în alte locuri pe net: https://www.google.ro/search?q=Ukraine:+Les+masques+de+la+r%C3%A9volution&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=PBTlVpauCeSn6ASJjY3YDA#q=Ukraine:+Les+masques+de+la+r%C3%A9volution&safe=off&tbm=vid
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