10 octombrie 2014

East West Theatre II: Vladimir Putin Playing Same Orchestrated Game as Western Colleagues toward One-World Government – through World War

Since the birth of the Order of the Illuminati on 1 May 1776, world history is being orchestrated by the Rothschild dynasty and its right arm, the Rockefellers. The French Revolution and Communism and here and here and here and here as well as WW I and WWII (see video below) and here were just disasters orchestrated by the Jesuit/Rothschild dynasty.

The following video is a conversation between legendary Congress librarian Eustace Mullins and Jeff Rense.  Please, do see the below video from the 7:25 min. mark to the end: The Wall Street lawyers, the  brothers John Foster Dulles (US foreign minister under Eisenhower) and Alan Dulles (later CIA-head, driving force behind the uniting of Europe as well as  promoter of the Euro through the ACUE, whose vice chairman he was) were both members of the Jesuit Council on Foreign Relations. After Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany in 1933, the Dulles brothers went to visit Hitler to assure him that Rothschild´s money would continue to flow to Hitler (as it also did to Rockefeller´s and the FED´s IG Farben, a branch of which was Auschwitz). The US government shipped uranium and the recipe for making nuclear bombs to Russia. And the Cold war was another hoax to promote one world government.

The New American 23 sept. 2014: Putin’s unabashed support for the entire architecture of global governance should hardly be surprising. Indeed, long before Putin came on the scene, the Soviet regime he served played a key role in creating the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, and more after World War II.
There is evidence that both East and West are both working toward the same goals using largely the same means, a “New World Order: a global system of political and economic control over humanity.

And Putin, a former KGB boss, is following precisely the strategies toward world order outlined openly by the same Western establishment he purportedly stands as a bulwark against.
In the Wall Street Journal on August 29, in an article headed  “Henry Kissinger  on the Assembly of a New World Order”, Kissinger explained how the regionalization process should work. It is Zbigniew Brzezinski´s regionalization plan.

Former Soviet dictator Gorbachev, an outspoken proponent of the “New World Order,” approvingly referred to the EU as “the new European Soviet” – as did USSR dissident Vladimir Bukovsky.
I:  Putin’s saber rattling over Ukraine is providing a rationale for continued Western integration — via the EU, NATO, and the “Transatlantic Partnership” — to counter the Russian bear. But in addition, Putin is also pursuing a “New World Order” via the 
II: regionalization approach. Chief among the schemes, for now at least, is Eurasia  which brings together the regimes ruling Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Eventually, Putin and his counterparts hope to expand the union to include other former Soviet regimes in the region. Many analysts see the developments as the ongoing re-emergence of the Soviet Union (Revelation 17).

Top globalists around the world have outlined the plot aiming to divide the planet’s people and nations into massive “regions” ruled by supranational institutions and to relate these regional orders to one another— such as the EU, the model of the world government.

In a 2011 piece  Putin wrote about the scheming, published by Izvestia and headlined “A new integration project for  “Eurasian Union, (left): The future in the making.”

III: Eventually, as part of the globalist strategy, the quest for world order will have to “relate these regional orders to one another,” as Kissinger recently put it. Again, Putin follows the line.Russia and the EU agreed to form a common economic space and coordinate economic regulations without the establishment of supranational structures back in 2003,” he wrote.a. “In line with this idea, we proposed setting up a harmonized community of economies stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok, a free trade zone and even employing more sophisticated integration patterns. We also proposed pursuing coordinated policies in industry, technology, the energy sector, education, science, and also to eventually scrap visas,” he said.  Soon the Customs Union, and later the Eurasian Union, will join the dialogue with the EU,” Putin said.

Trilateral Commission Pacific Asia region

b. “A partnership between the Eurasian Union and EU will prompt changes in the geo-political and geo-economic setup of the continent.” At that point, it will make sense to engage in a constructive dialogue on the fundamentals of cooperation with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, North America and other regions.”Our European colleagues are discussing them in detail.”

Ultimately, as Putin makes clear, the whole world will be involved. The EU, NAFTA, APEC, ASEAN. “These are the integration bricks that can be used to build a more sustainable global economy.”

Trilateral Commission  European region

c. Putin also explained that his regional regime would be “based on WTO principles”. Like the other regional building “blocs” of the New World Order, it will pursue the same goals.Senior members of the Western establishment have been openly promoting the exact same strategy.
“By working together, the EU and Russia can make a decisive contribution to global governance,” explained European Council President and Bilderberger Herman Van Rompuy“.

IV: Putin Visits Latin American Despots to Push New World Order
Putin has been pursuing the “regionalization” approach to the new world order not only in Eurasia but on the other side of the Atlantic, where he is rekindling old Soviet-era alliances with the most virulent anti-American regimes in America’s so-called backyard.

In July, for example, both Putin and Communist Chinese dictator Xi Jinping, an extremely close ally of the Kremlin, visited Latin America and signed huge deals. Analysts pointed out that the official Sino-Russo trips illustrated the new, “multi-polar” world order — featuring more unaccountable regional and global “governance.”

Trilateral Commission region North America

From the start, Putin emphasized that regionalization was among the major purposes of his trip. He wants “A stable, united Latin America that is becoming an important part of the emerging polycentric world order,” Putin said.

In June, Beijing and over 130 other national governments at the G77 signed a declaration calling for aNew World Order to Live Well.” It is, of course, the same order pushed by Obama, Kissinger, Brzezinski, and others. Billionaire glob­alist and Rothschild dynasty protégé George Soros has previously called for Beijing, one of Putin’s closest allies, to “own” the “New World Order.”

UN boss Ban Ki-moon was even at the Bolivia summit to celebrate the “New World Order” being pushed by the Third World regimes, praising these autocratic governments and their endeavours for communist “sustainable” deveopment.

V: International central bank and a world currency
and Chinese Communist ruler Xi, whose regime now regularly calls for a “New World Order,”  unveiled a new-world “development bank” run by the socialist- and communist-minded BRICS regimes — Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. At this year’s annual BRICS meeting, the five regimes finally signed the deal to put it all together.

In 2009, the Kremlin demanded the creation of a “supranational reserve currency to be issued by international institutions as part of a reform of the global financial system.” The IMF, the Kremlin statement said, should consider using its proto-global currency known as “Special Drawing Rights,” or SDRs, as a “super-reserve currency accepted by the whole of the international community.”


The same year, Putin protégé Dmitry Medvedev, then serving as Russia’s “president,” pulled what he called a “united future world currency” coin out of his pocket at a G8 summit. The coin featured the words “unity in diversity.” Then, he explained to the audience that it “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.” In June of 2010, Medvedev was at it again.

Then-French President Nicolas Sarkozy said at the same forum that world powers “should think together about a new international currency system” at the upcoming G20 summit.“

American and European globalists are fully on board the BRICS ship, too. Former Fed boss and then-chairman of Obama’s “Economic Recovery Advisory Board” Paul Volcker, for example, has long been a strong proponent of a global fiat currency and a global central bank. He is widely reported to have said, “A global economy needs a global currency.”

Obama’s tax-dodging U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy  Geithner, an important glob­alist, said, “We’re actually quite open to that.
What would a global currency mean for Americans? For starters, it would necessarily require the loss of the U.S. dollar’s status as the world reserve currency.

With a global central bank  which is exactly what globalists such as Putin and his Western counterparts are pushing, the emerging global government would  be able to finance its own armies, police, courts, bureaucrats, and more. All it would require is simply printing “liquidity,secretly confiscating humanity’s wealth via inflation of the currency supply. The new financial leaders would literally be able to determine which businesses and countries would flourish and which would fail — as did the Federal Reserve in the United States when it bailed out some too-big-to-fail entities while ensuring others went bankrupt in 2008.

VI: Putin is also helping to globalize the financial regulatory regime.
In early 2013, when Putin assumed the presidency of the G20, he had nothing but praise for the suspiciously named Financial Stability Board” – (FSB) — meant to serve as the global financial police. It will be housed, of course, at the shadowy Bank for International Settlements (BIS), another key globalist institution.

VII: Putin loves “global governance”
Before singing the UN’s praises in the Times op-ed, Putin and his fellow BRICS rulers signed a declaration openly calling for global governance under the UN, a world currency, and more. “We underscore our commitment to work together in the UN  and strengthen multilateral approaches in international relations ” Everything from terror and “global warming” to “human rights” enforcement ought to be dealt with by the UN, they said.
Before Syria, Putin and his Communist Chinese allies also endorsed the UN resolution purporting to authorize international “intervention” in Libya and the efforts to try Libyan officials at the UN’s judicial branch, the self-styled “International Criminal Court”.

VIII: The role of war to promote one world government
Putin is a key player on the road to world order but this hardly precludes (“Putinism”) the orchestration of a real war between “East” and “West”  if America cannot be induced to surrender its sovereignty to a global regime.

This was clearly stated by Vladimimir Putin in his exposure of the incompatibility uf the US unipolar WNO vs. his own multipolar NWO:

In 1962, globalist Lincoln P. Bloomfield with the Institute for Defense Analyses prepared a report for the U.S. State Department entitled “A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations.” In it, he explained how competition or even wars between regional super-regimes could dramatically accelerate the quest for global government and  a 200 years lasting regionalisation/fusion process could be avoided. Kissinger also mentioned that possibility in his essay in the WSJ on the crisis of the NWO – Albert Pike.

Un comentariu :

Riddick spunea...

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Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Adrian Papahagi, 2012: "Nu mă voi ascunde după deget: suplimentul FCD este într-adevăr un manifest, fiindcă socotim că Uniunea Europeană este un proiect neterminat și că doar desăvârșindu-l, creând adică Statele Unite ale Europei, putem să evităm perspectiva deloc încântătoare de a deveni un vulgar apendice al Asiei, un muzeu al civilizațiilor sau o simplă piață de desfacere pentru economiile emergente. Înainte de toate, doream să subliniez, prin contrast cu îngustimea identităților naționale, care sunt niște constructe relativ recente, larghețea identității europene și universalitatea celei creștine. Creștinismul transcende națiile, cu tot tribalismul și triumfalismul lor războinic".


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