Liderul ministrilor de finante ai zonei euro, Jean-Claude Juncker, a declarat ca a primit amenintari cu moartea venind din Grecia, unde masurile de austeritate impuse in schimbul sprijinului financiar extern sunt foarte nepopulare.
"Ce putem spune grecilor? E o intrebare buna pe care mi-o pun de multe ori, pentru ca primesc multa corespondenta de la greci. Inclusiv amenintari cu moartea", a spus Juncker in timpul unei audieri in fata unei comisii a Parlamentului European de la Strasbourg, scrie AFP.
Grecia, care se confrunta cu o enorma datorie publica si cu imposibilitatea de a se refinanta pe pietele financiare unde dobanzile sunt prea mari, a primit anul trecut promisiunea de la europeni si Fondul Monetar International (FMI) ca va obtine 110 miliarde de euro, pe o perioada de trei ani, in schimbul unui plan de austeritate pentru a incerca sa-si reformeze finantele publice.
Duminica, zeci de mii de greci au participat in centrul Atenei la un mare miting pasnic impotriva austeritatii.
Eurozone economic policies should only be conducted in "dark secret rooms", to prevent dangerous movements in financial markets, the Eurogroup chief said on Wednesday (20 April), adding that he had often lied in his career to prevent the spread of rumours that could feed speculation.
As exists in the case of monetary policy, all economic decisions should now be discussed behind closed doors, he said "Monetary policy is a serious issue. We should discuss this in secret, in the Eurogroup," Jean-Claude Juncker said at a Brussels conference on economic governance organised by the European Movement, an organisation that promotes European integration, referring to matters already long since outsourced from national parliaments to independent central banks.
6 comentarii :
Daca euro este supraevluat, inseamna ca si datoria Greciei este mai mica....
Politica monetara UE este ascunsa si se desfasoara in promiscuitate.
Un dezastru general, creat de elite care vor sa ne duca intr-un razboi.Asta este scopul lor final, sa ne rareasca
A zis bine Michael Farage: "Acum UE vrea ca FMI să scoata din c***t moneda euro şi ECB":
New Euro-Fanatic IMF Chief to Bail Out Insolvent ECB - Nigel Farage MEP
Mallory: [On Andrea] He's going to kill me when the war's over.
Major Franklin: You're not serious.
Mallory: Yes, I am. So is he.
Mallory: About a year ago, I gave a German patrol a safe passage to get some of their wounded into hospital. I guess I still had some romantic notions about fighting a civilized war. Anyway, they wanted Andrea pretty badly, even back then. As soon as they got behind our lines, they shot their casualties, went over to his house, and blew it up. He was out on a job at the time, but his wife and three children were in the house. They were all killed. I helped him to bury them. And then he turned to me and said that as far as he was concerned, it wasn't the Germans who were responsible, but me. Me and my stupid Anglo-Saxon decency. Then he told me what he was going to do, and when.
Major Franklin: You think he still means to do it?
Mallory: He's from Crete. Those people don't make idle threats.
The Guns of Navarone (1961) - movie quotes
Cu mafia cartelului nu poti lupta cinstit ! Te iau de prost si profita de oamenii seriosi si onesti !
Trebuie tratati numai ca infractori.
" A la guerre comme a la guere"....
"I guess I still had some romantic notions about fighting a civilized war"
Am vazut si eu Tunurile din Navarone prin 1973-74, cred
S-a mai dat şi după '90. Mi-am amintit replicile (Andreas era jucat de Anthony Quinn).
Da, exceptional film !
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