25 noiembrie 2010

Drepturile de proprietate - garanţia libertăţii şi dezvoltării

(textele sunt în engleza de secol XVII)


The Pilgrims founded their colony at Plymouth Plantation in December 1620 and promptly started dying off in droves.

As the colony's early governor, William Bradford, wrote in "Of Plymouth Plantation":

"That which was most sadd & lamentable was, that in 2. or 3. moneths time halfe of their company dyed."

When the settlers finally stopped croaking, they set about creating a heaven on earth, a society without private property, where all worked for the common good. Everything was shared. Especially bitching and moaning about working for the common good. Bradford again:

"Yong-men that were most able and fitte for labour and service did repine that they should spend their time and streingth to worke for other mens wives and children, with out any recompense....And for men's wives to be commanded to doe service for other men, as dresing their meate, washing their cloaths, etc., they deemed it a kind of slavery, neither could many husbands well brooke it."

With nobody working, everybody was suffering. And in case you think nobody was working simply because they couldn't understand a damn thing Bradford was saying, chew on this: In 1623, Bradford and the other leaders

"Assigned to every family a parceel of land...this had very good success; for it made all hands very industrious, so as much more torne was planted then other waise would have bene by any means the Govr or any other could use, and saved him a great deall of trouble, and gave farr better contente."

In no time at all "any generall wante of famine hath not been amongest them since to this day."

America would never go hungry again. So this week, before you drift into your annual tryptophan-induced coma, don't forget to give thanks to the true patron of this holiday feast: property rights.

For more on this topic, including controversy over whether the pilgrims were proto-communists, go to http://reason.tv/video/show/1515

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Riddick spunea...

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Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Cornea, 2011: "Dacă statele rămân suverane, ele vor continua să facă ceea ce cred şi ceea ce consideră că le este de folos, în pofida intereselor comune. Rezultă că trebuie mers înainte – mai repede sau mai încet – spre un sistem federal sau măcar confederal, cu un guvern central dotat cu puteri mari în domeniul economiei, apărării şi externelor, cu un parlament bicameral după modelul american şi cu guverne ale statelor responsabile numai pentru afacerile interne, justiţie, educaţie, cultură, eventual sănătate şi muncă. Căci atunci când vorbim despre pierderea suveranităţii naţionale, despre cine anume vorbim în fapt ca fiind „perdanţii“? Despre plătitorii obişnuiţi de impozite, cu rate la bănci, cu salarii ameninţate ba de tăieri, ba de inflaţie? Despre pensionarii cu pensiile în pericol? Despre beneficiarii sistemelor de asigurări ce acumulează datorii peste datorii? Despre şomeri? Nu, ci vorbim despre elitele politice europene din cele 27 de state. Ele sunt acelea care şi-ar pierde suveranitatea – mai ales aceea de a cheltui nestăvilit şi de a face promisiuni imposibil de ţinut. Vor trebui să se consoleze mulţi parlamentari naţionali cu un rol mai modest (dar deloc neglijabil). Dintre miniştrii şi funcţionarii guvernamentali, unii, precum cei de la externe sau de la armată, vor trebui să dispară pur şi simplu."


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