06 martie 2022

"Is Russia not only slamming the door but nailing it shut?"

"Rusia nu doar că trânteşte uşa (înaintea globalismului / a Vestului colectiv), ci o şi bate-n cuie?"


Alexandr DUGHIN „Occidentul modern, în care triumfă Rothschild, Soros, Schwab, Bill Gates și Zuckerberg, este cel mai dezgustător lucru din istoria lumii.” / ALEXANDR DUGHIN despre RĂZBOIUL DIN UCRAINA:  „…Acesta nu este un război cu Ucraina. Este o confruntare cu globalismul ca fenomen planetar integral. Este o confruntare pe toate planurile – geopolitic și ideologic. Rusia respinge totul în globalism – unipolaritatea, atlantismul, pe de o parte, și liberalismul, anti-tradiția, tehnocrația, Marea Resetare, într-un cuvânt, pe de altă parte. Este clar că toți liderii europeni fac parte din elita liberală atlantistă. Iar noi suntem în război cu exact acest lucru. De aici și reacția lor legitimă. Rusia este acum exclusă din rețelele globaliste. Nu mai are de ales: fie își construiește propria lume, fie dispare. Rusia a stabilit o cale pentru a-și construi lumea sa, civilizația sa. Și acum primul pas a fost făcut. Dar suveran în fața globalismului nu poate fi decât un spațiu mare, un continent-stat, o civilizație-stat. Nicio țară nu poate rezista mult timp unei deconectări complete. Rusia creează o tabără de rezistență globală. Victoria sa ar fi o victorie pentru toate forțele alternative, atât de stânga, cât și de dreapta, și pentru toate popoarele. Începem, ca întotdeauna, cele mai dificile și periculoase procese. Dar când câștigăm, toată lumea are de câștigat. Așa ar trebui să fie. Creăm condițiile pentru o adevărată multipolaritate. Iar cei care sunt gata să ne ucidă acum vor fi primii care vor profita mâine de întreprinderea noastră. Aproape întotdeauna scriu lucruri care se adeveresc. Și acest lucru se va adeveri.”

Is Russia Not Only Slamming The Door But Nailing It Shut? By Walrus. / In 2015 one Ivan Sukhov wrote in The Moscow Times that Russia was slamming shut door after door to the West.  https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2015/03/12/russia-is-slamming-door-after-door-on-the-west-a44703  I would like to suggest that President Putin's current actions make perfect sense if he is now nailing that door shut. Furthermore, if this is the case, our actions are helping, not hindering his strategy. Remember Putin is a Judo aficionado.  More learned members can explain the historical basis for the tensions in Russia between the pro western “modernists” who have been around since perhaps 1600 and the more traditional deep russian orthodox tradition. We are assuming, in our narcissistic pride, that Putin and the average Russian “wants to be like us” therefore we impose sanctions with the intent of distancing Russia from the West on the assumption that this will hurt Russia. Well what if it just reinforces and even accelerates a Russian trend to reject everything the West allegedly stood for? Bear in mind that Putin has declared America to be “not agreement capable” and that Russia has declared that it is pivoting into Eurasia with the intention of looking inwards and towards China. Presidents Putin and Xi have already stated as such and specifically rejected what passes for American style democracy, such as it is these days. Given this strategy, why would Putin and the average Russian give a flying #@@$ about, for example, the cancellation of the Russian F1 Grand Prix? Indeed the expulsion of Russia from western institutions simply reinforces the conservative Russian beliefs that the modernisers were wrong to try and integrate in the first place.
  • The Moscow Times este o oficină antirusească, globalistă, încă tolerată acolo
Russia is Obstacle to Jewish World Domination / The current conflict between the Ukraine and Russia  is due to one simple reason: the Jews have many scores to settle with Russia. “Judaism was the most actively proselytizing religion,” explained Jewish historian Shlomo Sand. “The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas.” Their sole purpose is to destroy Russia once again by starting a fire in its underbelly, Ukraine. They’re planning to spread this fire into Russia proper via economic and military warfare – not unlike what they did to Germany with the economic boycott of 1933 followed by all-out military conflict.

Is Putin poised to expose the globalist’s Covid genocide scheme?! / An Urgent Open Letter to President Putin - [...] There is one major move, President Putin, that you can make today to radically change the ongoing dynamic of this grotesquely misnamed Great Game directly aimed at Russia. You can also avert a highly consequential Third World War by detonating the most powerful weapon on Earth—THE TRUTH. Under your direction, the Kremlin can release the brutal truth about the Zio-Anglo-American genocidal conspiracies known as OPERATION COVID-19 and Covid Super Vaccination Agenda. Many of the world’s top health professionals are already well aware that the COVID-19 bioweapon was deliberately launched to depopulate the planet. They also know that the weaponized Covid vaccines represent another extremely dangerous phase of this covert biowar being waged against humanity by the New World Order globalist cabal. Therefore, Mr. President, we pray that you will reveal Covid TRUTH to the world community of nations. Only you are in the perfect position to release this civilization-transforming information at this perfect time.

V4 countries in favour of Ukraine’s EU membership / This approach by the Ukrainian authorities is officially supported by the leaders of nine Member States of the European Union (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic and Hungary). In an open letter quoted by Do Rzeczy, the presidents of eight countries — Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó announced late Tuesday morning, 1 March, that Hungary now supports this initiative, although it has not signed the letter — state very clearly: “We, the Presidents of the EU Member States: the Republic of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Estonia, the Republic of Latvia, the Republic of Lithuania, the Republic of Poland, the Slovak Republic and the Republic of Slovenia strongly believe that Ukraine deserves receiving an immediate EU accession perspective, We call on the EU Member States to consolidate highest political support to Ukraine and enable the EU institutions to conduct steps to immediately grant Ukraine an EU candidate country status and open the process of negotiations. In this critical moment, we reiterate our full solidarity with Ukraine and its People.”
  • Asta (şi altele...) arată halul de degenerare în care au ajuns vişegrazii. Se asociază gratuit unei chestiuni despre care ştim toţi că nu va avea loc - cel puţin nu implicând integral teritoriul actualului stat ucrainean ci poate doar o mică parte care (poate?) va mai exista sub acest nume. La momentul publicării articolului încă nu se anunţase oficial că şi RomEUnia "sprijină iniţiativa".
The War will not end with Russian control of Ukraine: it is the beginning / It is not difficult to ascertain whether Minister Lavrov is raising the ceiling of Russian demands and is serious about revealing Russia’s insistent requests for the US disarmament of dozens of bases spread across Europe. Indeed, this fits with President Vladimir Putin’s demands, who requested, before the war began, that NATO return to what it was before 1997, that is, with only 12 members and the exit of the 16 members (excluding Turkey) who joined subsequently, from 1999 and until 2020. It is unclear how President Putin intends to implement his goals, even if he seems serious. Thus, he asked his strategic nuclear force to be fully prepared in response to the West’s call to arm Ukraine and provide it with more weapons to prolong the war. It is to be noted from the statements of Russian leaders that they are fully prepared for confrontation and solidarity behind President Vladimir Putin, contrary to what President Joe Biden would prefer. The US is trying to show the war as if it were one person’s decision, the Russian president alone, as previous US Presidents did in Iraq (Saddam Hussein’s regime) and Syria (President Bashar al-Assad’s regime). The terminology “Putin’s regime” is now widely used.
  • Articolul tradus în limba română - aici
Russia Saved Europe By Stopping Kiev’s Nuclear Power Plant Provocation / The Russian Armed Forces (RAF) saved Europe late last week by stopping Kiev’s nuclear power plant provocation. A sabotage group attacked the RAF near the Zaporozhskaya Nuclear Power Plant, the largest in Europe, in order to prompt a retaliatory response. They then set fire to its training facility as they fled, though this was thankfully extinguished. Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya clarified the sequence of events by explaining how his country wasn’t responsible for a so-called “nuclear provocation”, but literally saved Europe from the one that was just attempted by Kiev’s fascist-nationalist forces. The diplomat was prompted to discuss the issue at his global podium after the US went wild following its proxies’ nuclear provocation.

Manifesto on the Formation of the State of the Federal Republic of Ukraine / We, the free people of Kharkov, Nikolaev, Sumy, Chernigov and other regions of Ukraine, declare and proclaim the formation of a new democratic state, the Federal Republic of Ukraine. When the course of events leads to the fact that people of different nations and peoples are forced to terminate the political ties that bind them to a state by dictatorial repressive methods that impose the ideology of Nazism on society, they have an inalienable right to take an independent and equal place among the nations of the world, and a respectful attitude towards the opinions of mankind requires them to explain the reasons that prompted him to such a separation. When a long series of egregious and inhumane abuses and acts of violence, invariably subordinated to the same goal, testifies to the insidious design to force our peoples to accept unlimited despotism, dictatorship and the complete rehabilitation of Nazism, the overthrow of such a government and the creation of new security guarantees for the future becomes a right and a duty of the peoples of Ukraine. The peoples of Ukraine have shown patience for a long time, and only necessity compels them to change the previous system of their government. The history of the existence of the state of Ukraine is a set of countless injustices and acts of violence, the purpose of which was to establish unlimited despotism and neo-fascist dictatorship. To confirm the above, we present the following facts to the impartial judgment of all mankind.

Another War, Another Buck, Part 2 / Part Two: The Destruction of Russia and the Creation of the Soviet Union - The Soviet Union was not a natural phenomenon. It was the artificial creation of international bankers and oil magnates whose purpose was putting Russia into a freezer —which they did for 60 long years— and curtail Tsar Nicholas II’s intentions of turning the country into a major oil competitor in the free market. On 13 March 1881, following the assassination of Alexander II, his son, Alexander III became Russia’s Tsar and his grandson Nicholas became Tsarevich (heir). A few years later, in 1890, Alexander III began an ambitious industrialization program, which included the creation of a modern railroad reunifying the country. The result of this effort was the construction of the 5,400 mile-long Trans-Siberian railroad, the most ambitious railroad project at the time, which would transform Russia’s entire economy and change the country into a modern industrial society. [...] The main problem the conspirators had with Russia, however, was not its efforts to become and industrialized nation, but that a large amount of oil had been discovered in Baku, near the Caspian Sea in Azerbaijan. At the time, the Baku oil field was considered the largest known oil deposit in the world. By the early 1880s, Russian crude production reached 10.8 million, almost a third of the U.S. production. As expected, John D. Rockefeller and his criminal associates of the American International Corporation (AIC), Andrew Mellon, J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie, were deeply alarmed about the Russians challenging their ambitions of controlling the world’s oil supply, and began conspiring to develop a plan to stop the Russians in their tracks. So, they concluded that the only way to achieve their goal was to depose Czar Nicholas II, and the only way to accomplish that was through a “revolution.”
The US’ Reported Post-War Backup Plans In Ukraine Hint That Kiev’s Defeat Is Imminent / The very fact that something of such strategic sensitivity was 'leaked' to the press suggests that the Mainstream Media is now in the process of radically reversing their narrative from one of 'imminent victory' to 'imminent defeat', thus further manipulating their naïve audience’s emotions for the purpose of maximally controlling their minds. There was never any realistic chance that US-backed Kiev’s fascist-nationalist forces would defeat the Russian military superpower. The only reason that Moscow’s special operation there hasn’t yet fully achieved its military aims is that the Eurasian Great Power is going to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage. Nobody should doubt that President Putin could simply authorize that country’s complete destruction if that’s what he truly wanted, but his sincere belief in the historical unity of Russians and Ukrainians as well as his principled humanitarian views prevents him from replicating the US’ ultra-destructive “shock & awe” campaigns from Yugoslavia, Iraq, and Libya.

“Over and Over They Die in The Mud that is Made From Their Blood. Some Do This for a Long Time.” / The World at this time is a boiling cauldron. Who knows what Archduke Ferdinand moment awaits… and then everyone picks up the big guns. We KNOW that THEY orchestrate such matters. We even have a term for it these days. It’s… False Flag. Certain collectives are very good at making events seem a certain way… even if they always get caught out. This is why they went after all The Money and all the MEDIA, publishing, movies, and music. They know that sooner or later the public is going to catch on and they will be persona non grata. It is in their interest to delay that as long as possible, while there is still some meat left to separate from the corpse. While there is still something to plunder.  I don’t know what lesson The World is about to be taught. I suspect is depends on what you have gotten up to over the course of your getting there, or here… as it will no doubt be HERE when it arrives, as is… the case with everything coming and going, sometimes beyond even the report of memory. How much time did it take to make all those grains of sand?

5 comentarii :

Gabriel spunea...

Dacă avea de gând să rupă legăturile cu lumea Occidentală, ceea ce are sens, Putin trebuia s-o facă mult mai rapid după momentul 2014, dacă nu chiar 2008. Cum să plănuiești ce face el acum și să te prindă momentul cu 600 mld. dolari rexervă prin bănci occidentale?
Ce se putea face pentru armata rusă cu banii ăia? El trebuia să fie dator vândut Vestului și să oprească plățile, să-i bage el pe ei în faliment, nu să fie Rusia creditorul păgubaș al Occidentului.
La fel și cu războiul informațional - a fost nepregătit. Păi cum să oprești tu propaganda occidentală în țara ta abia după mai bine de o săptămână de război, când e clar că trebuia oprită cu mult înaintea intervenției?
Capitalul străin am înțeles că e bine mersi, se retrag ei de bună voie, în loc să naționalizeze tot.
Inerția e mare în Rusia chiar în condiții de război. Paradoxal, deși el a declanșat războiul, Putin are un comportament mai degrabă reactiv la ce aruncă în el Occidentul, ca și cum toate ar fi surprize.

Riddick spunea...

Pâi... tocmai aia e problema: nu-i vorba despre "Putin" ci despre Rusia ca maşinărie geopolitică. Mi se pare că Putin a fost prea împăciuitor. Şi nu numai mie. Mă aştept la epurări în aparatul de stat, unde încă mai zburdă "conciliatorii" cu curu'-n două luntri. Toleraţi "de Putin", până acum.

Riddick spunea...

Aia cu sutele de miliarde ar putea fi "un gambit", ca la şah, ca ăia să creadă că "n-o să facă ăştia nimic, momentan".

"Sacrifici cai, pioni, nebuni - ca să obţii o dezvoltare a poziţiei de pe tabla de şah, şi un mat mai rapid".

Gabriel spunea...

Sacrificiul a fost prea mare și ei oricum au știut din timp ce face.
Putin a ratat momentul 2014 când trebuia să regleze problema maidaneză cum a făcut în Kazahstan. Poate a preferat să ia Crimea, dar asta i-a creat probleme mai mari pe termen lung, un status-quo prelungit cu Ianukovici ar fi fost preferabil.
Oricum, pentru cineva care se pregătește de ani de zile, Rusia lui Putin pare total nepregătită din toate punctele de vedere, inclusiv militar.
O scriu cu regret, dar nu mă pot minți singur: lucrurile nu arată bine pentru ei și nici pentru lumea întreagă, pentru că un dezastru rusesc în Ucraina crește riscul războiului nuclear, adică exact ce se spera a se preveni. Plus că un dezastru rusesc ar fi victoria finală și surprinzătoare a globalismului occidental, care părea în recul după înfrângerile din Afganistan și Siria.

Riddick spunea...

M-am gândit la "lichidarea Maidanului". Dacă o făceau atunci, continua farsa cu existenţa statului ucrainean (permanent instabil, infiltrat de agenturi UENATO), şi aveau milioane de "pro-maidani" neştiuţi. Care acum se manifestă, unii militar iar alţii fugind înspre Vestul colectiv. Cu cât dilesc mai mulţi şi fug încă mult mai mulţi, cu atât le va fi mai uşor ruşilor după "reconquista".

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."


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