19 aprilie 2021

Their goal is millions dead. In order to achieve that goal, this war will go nuclear.

(de văzut şi ce scria aici şi aici)

After Assassination Disrupted, Belarus to Merge With Russia! Doubles Border area with NATO; Exposes ALL of Ukraine to Invasion


Intelligence circuits are buzzing Sunday with news that the foiled assassination plot against Belarus President Lukashenko has convinced him that his country should MERGE with Russia for protection.

The alleged plot, which was reportedly foiled yesterday, was said to have been approved by the US C.I.A. because Lukashenko allowed Russian Army units to "share" Belarus military bases, as the troubles in Ukraine get worse.


The bigger picture

There are presently about 8 billion humans alive on this planet.

Yet some self-anointed arbiter of what the planet "can support" has decided - without our consent or our vote - that the planetary population cannot exceed 500 million.  

They realize the only way to de-populate the earth is via either a massive and deadly disease outbreak; which they TRIED with their COVID-19 nonsense . . . and failed.   Or, a war.

Having failed to "cull the herd" with their COVID-19, the globalists will now go underground and then start a war.

Their goal is millions dead

In order to achieve that goal, this war will go nuclear.

Russia can't win a conventional war against NATO or the US. We will poke that sleeping bear a little too much, soon.

Mutually assured destruction sure is MAD. And, that is the goal when you are underground and watching, while eating a bowl of popcorn, as "the herd" gets culled.

Incidentally, the herd . . . is me and you.  Our families.  Our children.

If this war actually does kick off, when the left-wing liberals come out of their shelters, be sure to walk right up to them and give them the (ahem) "Thanks" they deserve for stealing the US Presidential election, and using that theft to get millions of us and our families KILLED.

Don't talk to them.  Don't ask them anything.  Just walk right up and (ahem) Thank them.


Lest you think my "take" on the severity of the situation is somehow "sensationalist"  or that there is no possible way this situation can erupt into what I have been saying (World War 3 and go nuclear), it may interest you to know that the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists have moved their clock to . . .  100 seconds to midnight (Armageddon).  That's the closest it has  E V E R  been. . .

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Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Alina Inayeh, 2021 ("Ce cred românii despre Est şi Vest" - sondaj): "[...] toți acei 30%, care mie îmi dau foarte multă bătaie de cap, cred că țările occidentale, deci nu numai UE, ci țările occidentale luate așa, ca pachet, au adus mai mult rău decât bine României. Și există un număr îngrijorător de mare, 67% dintre români, deci două treimi dintre ei, care cred că interesul național trebuie păstrat, trebuie salvat, trebuie luptat pentru el chiar dacă asta înseamnă pierderea calității de membru UE. [...] deci dacă interesul național o cere, să se ducă UE unde o vrea, pentru că interesul național este mult mai important. Ne apărăm cu dinții ceva ce nu înțelegem ce. Nu știm exact ce înțeleg românii prin interesul general.


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