State of the Nation:
THEIR FINAL SOLUTION: Dollar Collapse, Market Crash & World War 3

Are these the opposing sides being lined up for World War III?
“The global geopolitical chessboard is being stealthilyset up for the hot phase of World War III…
…after the banksters stage a controlled demolition
of the Global Economic & Financial System.”
— Intelligence Analyst and Former Military Officer
Deep State wants war.
The Shadow Government wants war.
The Military-Industrial Complex wants war.
The CFR, Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg Group want war.
The RIIA, LBMA and SERCO want war.
The Committee of 300 and Black Nobility want war.
Israel wants war.
Saudi Arabia wants war.
The United Kingdom and France want war.
The U.S. Intelligence Community wants war.
Corporate America wants war.
The U.S. Congress wants war.
Even the Trump administration is preparing for war.
Why do all of these powerful entities want war?
Because there’s really no other way out of their unsustainable predicaments. Only by triggering a full-blown World War III scenario can they continue to exist, and even flourish. Truly, the New World Order globalist cabal now finds itself in an untenable situation as it grows more desperate by the day.
The single most unsustainable aspect of their house of cards is the ever-collapsing Global Economic & Financial System (GE&FS). Who does not recognize this multi-decade racket as a global gambling casino where the house always wins? When all major institutional investors are forced to play the game to maintain the appearance of a fair marketplace, it was only a matter of time before this massive Pyramid-Ponzi scheme was exposed.
What is not well known is that the creators of the current Global Economic & Financial System knew that it would come to this. That the cracks in the pyramid would become too large to hide. Most importantly, the crushing amount of management necessary to maintain the GE&FS mirage has simply become overwhelming. The banksters can’t do it anymore and everybody knows it.
Then there is the rapidly deteriorating state of international affairs (manufactured via incessant false flag operations) that stands as a testament to the ongoing and engineered clash of civilizations. The domestic affairs of many nations are also in the state of permanent disarray by purposeful design (e.g. Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Palestine, etc.).
All of these apocalyptic events point to the inevitable demise of the present world empire. Each one represents a colossal convulsion that reflects an empire in its death throes. The current Zio-Anglo-American Axis that administers this empire is being exposed mostly by exposing itself. The whole world is now witness to the outrageous crimes constantly committed by politicos and power-brokers in Washington, D.C., London and Tel Aviv (Paris, too). Their unrelenting warmongering throughout the Mideast has been especially calamitous.
What follows is a list of deeply concerning and/or grave developments which spell the final end of the British-American Empire. And these are only a few of the major happenings, each signaling the end of the era of empire.
• Iran’s decoupling with US dollar and transition to the Euro
• Unlawful attacks via unprovoked military aggression by Israel on Syria
• Occupation of Syria by the U.S. military and C.I.A.
• Attacks on Syrian government forces by the US-led coalition
• PM Benjamin Netanyahu gives fake presentation on Iran’s nuclear program
• Incessant warmongering by NATO and its proxies
• False flag chemical attacks staged by Western powers
• Operation Gladio attacks carried out worldwide
• Extreme volatility of the stock market especially the NYSE
• Repatriation of gold by several G20 nations
• Multi-decade institutional downward manipulation of gold price
• Unprecedented explosion of crytocurrencies and their extreme volatility
• Deep State plots and conspiracies executed daily in broad daylight
• Soft coup being carried out against the POTUS
• ZIRP and NIRP are the new normal throughout the G8
• Escalating trade war between the U.S. and China
• Imminent Brexit and Anglo-American trade wars with European Union
• Perpetual persecution of Russia and her BRICS allies
• Russia and China form close trading relationship with massive energy contracts
• Wave of Russian diplomat murders and arson fire spree throughout Motherland
• Mass expulsion of Russian diplomats by 30 nations based on false accusations
• US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley exposes herself as Israel Firster and warmonger
• Neocon Zionist John Bolton appointed National Security Advisor
• Neocon warhawk Mike Pompeo appointed Secretary of State
• Torture advocate Gina Haspel appointed CIA Director
• War cabinet shoehorned into place by Trump after peacemakers fired
Problem past, perilous future
First and foremost, the only way TPTB can get away from their utterly corrupt and criminal past is to destroy all the records… and erase the memory. Even then, digital records will surely exist for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the cabal is now compelled to disappear their warmongering history so that present and future generations are unaware.
The pervasiveness of the Internet, with so much incriminating truth now available, has necessitated this initiative. The only practical way for TPTB to accomplish this goal is during the predictable fog of war that would inevitably predominate during a Third World War. For instance, if martial law was declared in the USA, adequate cover could be provided for shredding every sensitive file deemed dangerous to the cabal.
As for the future, the only way forward for their New World Order, as defined by a totalitarian One World Government is, again, a Third World War. Only such a devastating and global-scale armed conflict will provide them the opportunity to create sufficient chaos worldwide — in the spirit of Ordo ab chao (i.e. order out of chaos) — so they can foist a One World Government upon the world community of nations.
Just as World War I provided the pretext to form the League of Nations and World War II was the impetus for the United Nations, World War III will be used as a justification for a One World Government (OWG). This global, supranational and governmental entity is the capstone of the New World Order enterprise. The OWG is fundamentally communist in nature and distinguished by a worldwide legal system, a common language and a single digital currency. The godless, tyrannical OWG will be governed by despots and diktats where the state is worshipped as God.
KEY POINT: In reality, the New World Order has been with US for well over 100 years. Ever since the Federal Reserve System was established in the United States of America, the NWO globalists have effectively ruled the world. Even before the FED was formed in 1913, the bankster elites have governed nations, controlled societies, and managed trade and commerce the world over for centuries.
Now here they (the globalists) are in 2018 with their backs up against the wall.
They have nowhere to go. They have nowhere to hide.
The Internet has been humming 24/7 since the last century and that hum of damning information is only getting louder by the day. The unparalleled explosion of truth about those who have ruthlessly controlled the entire planetary civilization is now reverberating around the globe.
Whether one researches the Rothschilds or the Rockefellers on the
World Wide Web, the same search results indicate that these banksters finally got caught in the same web of deceit and deception. Most are unaware that these two banking families are but fronts for the numerous Illuminati families that have operated surreptitiously since the
Black Nobility gained notoriety post-Marco Polo (i.e. lated 13th century).
As a matter of historical fact, the real perpetrators behind the World Wars and Great Depressions have been revealed like never before. Therefore, the NWO perps are between a rock and a hard place with not a whit of wiggle room. So there’s no getting out of it this time…except, so they think, by starting a Third World War.
KEY POINT: The warmongers are especially targeting Iran for regime change. However, any unwarranted invasion of this sovereign nation is guaranteed to develop into a regional war. Such a conflagration in the Middle East could easily evolve into a global conflict were the globalists to launch nuclear weapons. Yes, they appear to be that desperate!
TARGET IRAN: The Neocon Zionist Plan for an Apocalyptic War in the Mideast
Of course, there is also the obsessive advancement of their NWO agenda. Only by subjugating Russia (and China) can total world domination come closer to reality. In fact, both world wars were started to prevent a powerhouse alliance from being formed between Germany and Russia. The 20th century globalists knew from playing the
Great Game that such an eventuality must be averted if global hegemony was to be achieved. For more details, see:
STRATFOR Chief Reveals Zio-Anglo-American Plot For World Domination
Why Russia?
The Deep State now fears a “partnership for peace” between the United States and Russia more than anything else. It used to fear the natural alliance between Russia and Germany, since the Anglo-American domination of the world would be genuinely threatened by such a powerful geopolitical relationship. The two World Wars were engineered to pit Russia against Germany in order to preclude such a bloc from forming. The same Neocon cabal has been very busy setting up Europe for yet a Third World War by manipulating Merkel’s government (as well as the entire European Union) against Putin’s Kremlin. The immigrant crisis that began with the wars in the Middle East and North Africa was literally manufactured to destabilize Europe as a precursor to World War III.
However, in the wake of the Trump presidency, Deep State now has a much bigger ‘problem’—the very real prospect of a United States-Russian Federation entente. For this reason, the C.I.A. and MSM (mainstream media) have been beating the war drums like never before. Russia has, overnight, become the whipping boy for everything wrong with the Democratic Party as well as the scapegoat for every major (and fictitious) security lapse in the USA. The U.S. Intelligence Community will continue to fabricate patently false stories about the Trump Administration with respect to Russia as pre-emptive strikes to make any meaningful dialogue politically precarious. At the request of the C.I.A., the MSM will also continue to publish fake news and naked propaganda in order to greatly inflame anti-Russian sentiment.
Whenever the Neocon cabal wants war, they pull out all the stops. However, in 2017, their New World Order is under serious assault around the globe and war has become an apparent necessity. Populist movements and nationalist revolutions are springing up like mushrooms across the planet. After the controlled demolition of the Global Economic and Financial System, the cabal considers war — World War III — as their only real option (just as they created the Great Depression to set the stage for World War II). Inciting extreme Russophobia has been the means to starting the real big wars. World War III will be no different, unless Trump and Putin meet in broad daylight and declare Deep State the archenemy of We the People everywhere. That’s the short story, now read on for the extended back story.
(Source: What’s really behind all the fabricated anti-Russia hysteria?)
Trump card
A careful reading of this short reality check indicates that a major war is but a foregone conclusion. Whether it develops into a global conflict is less likely because there are major players who will not be goaded into world war. That doesn’t mean the warmongers won’t try however.
There is one wild card in this analysis which has escaped attention. It’s actually a Trump card which can significantly alter the current trajectory toward war. That would be President Donald J. Trump. He campaigned fervently as a peace candidate and his base will hold him to his word. Some of his most vocal constituents will also hold him accountable should he veer off into war-making.
Hence, whether you are an avid Trump supporter or ardent Trump detractor, every peacemaker in highly encouraged to pray for his edification. For his determination to keep his promises and keep the peace. For his willingness to make peace wherever he can; and to refrain from prosecuting any and all wars.
Special Note: No matter what does or does not transpire in 2018,
there’s simply no stopping the upcoming CRASH OF THE MILLENNIUM. It can be postponed, but it cannot be precluded. And with each passing year the repercussions become more profound and pervasive. The reign of the
Almighty Dollar is over…for all practical purposes.
Bottom Line: 2018 is the “Year of Endings”.
May, June, and July of 2018 are destined to be highly consequential. The world community of nations is facing its greatest challenge since World War II. The realm of high finance and highfalutin economics is particularly in great jeopardy. See:
May 2018 Predictions: Get Ready for Radical Changes (Video)
Those who have dictated the destiny of the human race for millennia are likewise confronted with prodigious and unforeseen obstacles. And their plight only worsens by the day. Which is precisely why the power elite have created this highly combustible situation.
As a result, globalists are bumping up against nationalists with increasing frequency and ferocity. Facing existential threats as they are, the globalists have everything to lose. Even though the One World Government that they seek is but an elusive pipe dream, they continue to follow it right over the cliff.
As long as the American people keep their right to bear arms, they stand as the last major bulwark against the onslaught of globalization. However, they must also retain their right to freedom of speech. This is why they were ratified as the First and Second Amendments; true liberty can only be guaranteed with both firmly in place.
May God bless America!
And may President Trump do his part to bring about world peace!
Editor’s Note
The state of the global geopolitical chessboard has never been so precarious. 2018 is certainly shaping up to host a defining moment for humanity. Circumstances are now conspiring to make sure that specifically timed events occur—monumental events! Only in this way can much needed release and resolution begin to take place.
As a year of great consequence, it’s quite likely that 2018 will become an epochal year of endings. Not only will this year of completions bring extraordinary change, the international order will begin the process of profound and fundamental transformation. Right now, however, we are still in the calm before the storm.
Therefore, it has never been so important to stay centered, grounded and focused. Once the trigger is pulled a whole series of dominoes will fall, each one crashing into the next. Only when the dust settles will it will be possible to properly assess the situation and respond accordingly. Until then, the time is getting shorter by the minute so vigilance is the buzzword for the next few months.
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