Nu pot să nu remarc în context continua cultivare a Casei Duda, de mai bine de un deceniu, de către toate guvernările RO, culminând recent cu "monarhizarea" însemnelor de stat (încărcarea stemei oricum dubioase cu o aşa-zisă coroană, trecerea "rolului istoric al Casei Regale" în preambulul proiectatei Constituţii republicane revizuite...). Plus planul de rezervă, Şarla Britanică.
[...] In any case the sources say that after a summer of increasingly severe terrorist attacks, European bank ATMs will be shut down, possibly in August or September. It is at this point where the royal families will present themselves as “saviors” and provide the people with huge amounts of fiat money and “security,” in exchange for the reinstatement of their monarchies.
The reinstated European royalty will be headed by a German “Kaiser” (Caesar) who will have four kings will be appointed under him, they say. The candidate for Kaiser will probably come from either the Habsburg or Hohenzollern royal families, they note. That means Karl Habsburg or the Hohenzollern Georg Friedrich Prince of Prussia. Another candidate they mention is Ferdinand Zvonimir Habsburg-Lothringen.
The Tsar of Russia would be most likely Prince Michael of Kent
because he has the most Romanov blood of all the European royals.
This fits in with what Russian sources have long told us and that is that Vladimir Putin was put in power by a faction in the KGB that was loyal to the Russian royal family.
This move combined with the push by Turkey’s Recep Erdogan to restore the Ottoman Turkish Empire would, if successful, restore the German, Austro-Hungarian and Turkish empires; essentially bringing Europe and the Near-East back to the situation that existed before World War I.
So, a hundred year plot to reverse the Anglo-American victory in World War I has now been un-masked.
The Brexit vote in this context means the British Royal Family will not have to fall under the rule of the restored monarchies of Europe.
The question of course is, will the European people passively agree to be terrorized and financially blackmailed into restoring these bloodlines to formal power? We may well find out this summer and autumn. In the meantime expect a Gladio frenzy of increasingly lurid false flag attacks and well-financed, violent demonstrations. It is also a good bet that German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande will lose power later this year.
Meanwhile a serious power struggle is also coming to a head in the United States. CIA sources say that “China has given the secret codes for a large amount of gold (thousands of metric tons)…to be given as a loan to the US Treasury so that the dollar will not implode.” The catch though is that “the boys in DC must indict Killary.” [...]
5 comentarii :
The Benjamin Fulford Report, July 26, 2016
Ai auzit de Costin Vlad Alamariu? Nici eu pina azi. Foarte destept baiatul, vad ca i-a dat pe spate si pe pretentiosii cititori de pe takimag:
=== TORLAND ===
Interesant articol. Deci, scriu şi (etnici) români la Taki's.
Probabil numele este Alămariu (cu accent pe al doilea a *) - nume care duce cu gândul la un strămoş care lucra alama (sau instrumente muzicale de suflat).
* La fel ar trebui şi la Rotariu, Cojocariu, etc., cu accent pe a, nu pe i, cum incorect se obişnuieşte
Bună treabă. Să vedem acum "ultimatumul UE" care ar expira în trei luni, şi ce va face sau nu va face Polonia, "altfel pierde dreptul de vot în UE". Ca să se întâmple asta, vor trebui să voteze statele membre, printre care Ungaria (cu Polonia în grupul de la Visegrad), şi România, care are "parteneriat strategic cu Polonia"...
Polonia, altfel, e căţeluşul NATO şi al Marelui Licurici, vrea trupe (străine) suplimentare, blabla.
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