03 mai 2016
Q Alerts:
The threat of war is growing around the world with marked intensity
And I wonder will these threats become the dreaded World War three?
Will this war be fought on U.S. soil or fought across the sea?
Most of all I wonder just exactly what will this war be?
It will not be a war fought for righteous cause or admirable priority
It will not be a war to throw off government oppression or tyranny
I think rather it will be a fight to destroy any last vestige of righteousness
And the goal will be to institute a greater degree of oppressiveness.
Like those wars that came before, the truth behind the war must be sought out
And once again how many will die for a lie forming an unknown evil redoubt?
World War Three will not be to remove a madman set upon an immense genocide
Rather genocide will be the goal of war and the Illuminist will think it justified.
The current obsession over Hitler makes me think the Reich will be revived.
For in black hearts of evil men the Nazi spirit is still alive.
It will not be a war fought to protect our privately owned property
We are engaged in that war and unelected agencies are the enemy.
It will not be a war to protect the Bill of Rights or insure religious liberty
It will be a war to crush the Bill of Rights and place Christians in captivity.
It will not be a war to protect the land that God has said he loves and should not be divided
It will be a war to destroy Israel; hatred’s fire for her was long ago ignited.
It will not be a war to defend our constitution or protect our borders
It will be a war to bring to power the daily touted New World Order.
It will not be a war to protect ourselves or another nation from the threat of communism
It will be a war that regardless of the lies or propaganda can only end in worldwide despotism.
It will not be a war to end hunger or eradicate world poverty
It will be a war filled with unimagined and egregious atrocities.
Millions will starve while looking at the full bellies of the aristocracy
Meanwhile the wealth of the world is robbed and held by a small minority.
It will not be a war that brings nations or families into unity
It will be a war where in your own household there will be mutiny
It will not be a war to defend the ideals of individual equality
It will be a war to promote an ancient evil ideology.
It will not be a war to protect our daughters from ISIS reach
It will not be a war to protect and guard freedom of speech
It will not be a war to free us from the grasp of the IRS
It will not be a War to stop the banksters or the IMF.
Now I must clarify a few of the things I’ve said regarding war
Those things that I say it will not be are things that already are.
Too many freedoms have been stolen, lost and plundered or are clearly at great risk
Secret battles fought by treasonous politicians in the shadow of Washington’s Obelisk.
The threat of war is growing around the world with marked intensity
And I wonder will these threats become the dreaded World War three?
Will this war be fought on U.S. soil or fought across the sea?
Most of all I wonder just exactly what will this war be?
It will not be a war fought for righteous cause or admirable priority
It will not be a war to throw off government oppression or tyranny
I think rather it will be a fight to destroy any last vestige of righteousness
And the goal will be to institute a greater degree of oppressiveness.
Like those wars that came before, the truth behind the war must be sought out
And once again how many will die for a lie forming an unknown evil redoubt?
World War Three will not be to remove a madman set upon an immense genocide
Rather genocide will be the goal of war and the Illuminist will think it justified.
The current obsession over Hitler makes me think the Reich will be revived.
For in black hearts of evil men the Nazi spirit is still alive.
It will not be a war fought to protect our privately owned property
We are engaged in that war and unelected agencies are the enemy.
It will not be a war to protect the Bill of Rights or insure religious liberty
It will be a war to crush the Bill of Rights and place Christians in captivity.
It will not be a war to protect the land that God has said he loves and should not be divided
It will be a war to destroy Israel; hatred’s fire for her was long ago ignited.
It will not be a war to defend our constitution or protect our borders
It will be a war to bring to power the daily touted New World Order.
It will not be a war to protect ourselves or another nation from the threat of communism
It will be a war that regardless of the lies or propaganda can only end in worldwide despotism.
It will not be a war to end hunger or eradicate world poverty
It will be a war filled with unimagined and egregious atrocities.
Millions will starve while looking at the full bellies of the aristocracy
Meanwhile the wealth of the world is robbed and held by a small minority.
It will not be a war that brings nations or families into unity
It will be a war where in your own household there will be mutiny
It will not be a war to defend the ideals of individual equality
It will be a war to promote an ancient evil ideology.
It will not be a war to protect our daughters from ISIS reach
It will not be a war to protect and guard freedom of speech
It will not be a war to free us from the grasp of the IRS
It will not be a War to stop the banksters or the IMF.
Now I must clarify a few of the things I’ve said regarding war
Those things that I say it will not be are things that already are.
Too many freedoms have been stolen, lost and plundered or are clearly at great risk
Secret battles fought by treasonous politicians in the shadow of Washington’s Obelisk.
So in wondering what World War Three would be
I think I know, it will reveal the treachery
Of the demon infested demon infected authorities
As they fight to keep that which they have taken from us clandestinely.
The coming war will be fought on the land the sea and in the air
And millions will find these words foolish and be totally unprepared.
For some it will be a war to establish the Order of the Ages
It will be fought for the people of God have failed to be courageous.
World War Three is coming because we have traded Truth for lies
World War Three is coming because people ignored what is prophesied
World War Three is coming for we have failed from evil to turn away
World War Three is here; are we not already embroiled within its fray?
There is so much that a righteous people should be fighting for and yet we do not
Evil agendas have been fighting and their victories have been our loss
This evil has dominated the leaders of nations and religions
Open your eyes people or be crushed into submission.
By Randy Conway
verde-n faţă
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Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO
Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu, 2008: "Vom da astăzi, în Parlamentul României, un vot istoric - votul pentru ratificarea Tratatului de reformă al Uniunii Europene. Pentru România este mai mult decât un moment festiv. Ratificarea Tratatului de reformă marchează o etapă. Spun acest lucru din două motive. Pe de o parte, este o primă etapă pe care noi am parcurs-o în cadrul Uniunii Europene, după aderarea de la 1 ianuarie 2007. Am avut şansa să contribuim la negocierea şi la construirea acestui Tratat, beneficiind de aceleaşi drepturi şi având aceleaşi obligaţii ca oricare altă ţară europeană. Este cel dintâi tratat european semnat de România, în calitate de stat membru al Uniunii Europene. Simbolic, este primul document al Europei extinse, negociat şi semnat în format UE 27. Pentru toate aceste motive, odată cu ratificarea de către Parlament, putem spune că este cel dintâi tratat european pe care România îşi pune efectiv amprenta, conform intereselor sale, nemaifiind în postura de a prelua ceea ce au negociat şi au decis alţii. Doamnelor şi domnilor senatori şi deputaţi, în urmă cu trei ani, prin votul dumneavoastră, România a ratificat Tratatul constituţional ["Constituţia UE", caducă], odată cu ratificarea Tratatului de aderare la Uniunea Europeană. Aşa cum ştiţi, Tratatul constituţional nu a putut intra în vigoare. Din fericire, aşa cum noi am susţinut în timpul negocierilor, inovaţiile din acest document au fost preluate în Tratatul de la Lisabona. Aceste inovaţii sunt un pas înainte faţă de tratatele europene în vigoare acum."
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