29 decembrie 2014

Strelkov believes war is inevitable


this gentleman is going to engage in a video debate with strelkov shortly (strelkov believes war is inevitable, contra this view)

Pindostan can’t begin to Ukraine GREAT WAR
Nikolai Starikov, co-chair of the all-Russian political party “party of the Great Fatherland” (PVO), writer, publicist. Dec 25 2014.

To understand what is happening in Ukraine is possible to evaluate and forecast developments is much more difficult. But in any case, you need to consistently perform one rule: to set aside emotions. Blood, death and destruction is a serious emotional blow, but if you think emotions, no proper assessment, nor the correct prediction will not work. So matter how difficult it may be, put them aside. To assess geopolitical game (and it is in front of us) we need only the head. With heart to think (and vote your heart – as for Yeltsin in 1996) is offer only of conscious manipulators…

Pindostan and the total West facing one of the greatest crises in its history. Power problems and its depth is aggravated by the fact that … the West has won. It has absorbed almost all of Europe, dominated to varying degrees by itself the whole world with rare exceptions. In this lies the problem: the entire life of the West lived by robbery. Now anyone rob you of those more and more, and with whom you want to share the loot, i.e. quality of life, and reposing on the limited issue of dollar: those more and more. Hence the huge public debts. Pindostan’s debt is $18 trillion, but such debts and even worst proportion of the GDP, the national debt is at all the so-called developed countries. What way out are looking for Pindostan and its closest allies in this situation, it is now visible to everyone. This way out is war. The chaos. But this chaos and this war must be “controlled collapse”. In the end, Pindostan should eliminate two threats to its power: China and Russia. The ideal option is to push them together. For this you need to change the power in one of these countries. It is obvious that Pindosis think in Russia it is a simpler task. The question is, how to achieve this? Orange technology did not work in 2011, Putin again became President. And that’s what the West is doing in the situation of failure so far, which is most important for understanding the events in Ukraine.

When we talk about the failure of the West, we mean the failure of its plans and the loss of control over a certain territory, full or partial. In 2011, the West loses control of Russia is not yet fully, but its plans were frustrated by the re-election of Putin in the next presidential term. Putin begins dismantling the fifth column, Russia strongly protects its interests in the world. What to do in the West? To Create The Antithesis. That is Anti-Russia. And the Anglo-Saxons begin to do it. The soil is prepared in the Ukraine. Propaganda goes since 1991 and even earlier, the militants are trained, the money is allocated, bought elite and well-fed. Pindostan plans that Yanukovych must be removed during the 2015 elections. Remove to launch the anti-Russian hysteria and begin to develop an Anti-Russia from Ukraine. Circumstances force to start earlier, but with respect to the main rule is not a peaceful departure Yanukovych needed, but his bloody overthrow, after which to accuse Russia.

What is happening in Ukraine is nothing less than the establishment of an Anti-Russia. Propaganda, hatred, ready to destroy and to kill on the part of the nationalists and the part of the deceived citizens. What is Pindostan leading up to? War between Ukraine and Russia. According to the “initiative” of Ukraine. When? When you inflate the Ukrainian army, empower, create, prepare. It takes five years. Then Pindostan will try to push the two parts of one nation, setting the Ukraine to Russia. The pretext will be Crimea. Not surrendering Crimea with Russia, it as a pretext still remains. The presence of the Russian army in the Crimea, the Pro-Russian population living there would give a lot of opportunities for conflicts and provocations. Therefore, regardless of the actions of Putin and Crimea, the plan of the West all the time remains the same.

What can stop the development of this terrible scenario slipping in a great war between brothers? Support those who do not agree with such developments in the Ukraine. The West creates an Anti-Russia, Russia should promote and support anti-Anti-Russia. When in the South-East of Ukraine people rose up who disagreed with the Kiev coup, few of them had a clear idea what a terrible scenario they “cross the road”. The presence of anti-Anti-Russia as part federalizing Ukraine, not wishing either to arm themselves for the West, nor to carry its chestnuts out of the fire, put a barrier to the West’s plans on unleashing of the Ukrainian-Russian war. Remember the end of spring 2014? Persistent calls from Moscow to maintain Ukraine’s territorial integrity, to federalization, to negotiate. Moscow needs a holistic Ukraine, where Pro-Russian part of society tie the hands of militants and bought the politicians will not allow to involve all the people of Ukraine in the war. The West does not need the peace and prosperity of Ukraine. It needs a militarized state with an aggressive ideology of hatred aimed at Russia. Kiev begins aggressive actions against Donbass. Immediately starts the propaganda about “terrorists” and the Russian military. Fighting violence against civilians give the West two possibilities:
1. To win by military means and then to start the planned collapse of the economy of Ukraine as the beginning of its preparation for war with Russia. The well-fed don’t want to fight. And to blame for the difficulties and hardships Russia, and military service gives small but prosperity;
2. To involve Russia in the war, forcing her to move troops to Ukraine. The defeat of the Ukrainian armed forces is no role for the West is not playing. It is not needed to win, but war. And more will die of citizens of Ukraine in the fratricidal war, the West prefers that the disobedient Slavic nation destroys itself. But in the end the war with Ukraine, the West will try to repeat the year 1917 and the bloody overthrow of the “Kremlin regime”. To take courses to prepare Russia’s war with China.
And then there is a problem. No military success, no troops of Russia and its involvement in the civil conflict was not achieved. What’s next? And then that’s it. The existence of DND and LNR as anti-Anti-Russia is the key to the inability of the West to start a war with Russia, Ukraine. Weight on the leg does not allow Pindostan to send Kiev on a real big war with tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of victims. That is why Moscow strongly helps Donbass, that is why Sergey Lavrov says that we are for the territorial integrity of Ukraine. That is why Russia does not recognize DND and LNR as a separate state. To recognize them, let them secede, means to start the countdown to the start of the war with Ukraine. The plan of the West in this version starts: is Russia, there are Anti-Russia, and there is Novorossia. Anti-anti-Russia. In the case of inclusion of Donbass in Russia, in Washington standing up and applauding. All war is almost inevitable. The image of the enemy of Russia created by Russia itself.

In the current situation, the tactics of the Russian situation in Ukraine are the only correct ones. Pindostan should pay 40 million people, Russia should help 3 million in Donbass and 1.5 million refugees. Moscow constantly insists on negotiations, not giving sculpt the West aggressor to lift the weight with the legs, not allowing to apply DND and LNR military defeat. How much time the West will be willing to pay for the collapsing economy of Ukraine without warranty beginning of its war with Russia? These guys did just do not make money do not spend in vain. Even the militants in Chechnya in the 90s they are not dollars gave, or gave them a license to print dollars…

Time – that’s what today is about. The intention of the West is to make a Maidan in Russia if Ukraine’s path to war was blocked by the courage and determination militia fighters DND and LNR. The bet of Russia is the West losing interest in Ukraine due to high costs without any tangible benefits. The desire to get “something” from Washington leads to pressure on Europe, paradoxical desire of Europeans do not allow to build South Stream. The paradox? There is no paradox. Washington wants to get from instability in Ukraine is at least the possibility of gas blackmail of Moscow. And Europe. That is the essence of present and past events in Ukraine.

And the last thing I want to say in this regard. Today in Ukraine, few people understand what a huge role it plays in today’s world politics the courage of the residents of Donbass. They save the whole Russian world. And the paradox is they will save the lives of hundreds of thousands of citizens of Ukraine. The same children that today “jump” in Ukrainian schools, whose parents are raising money for the ATO support the Kyiv authorities, in case of defeat of Donbass, within a short period of time according to the Pindosi plan, should go in the trenches. This must be remembered by all, regardless of our nationality.

An immediate criticism of Starikov’s analysis appeared on the forum within hours, as follows:

“The bet of Russia is the West losing interest in Ukraine due to high costs without any tangible benefits.” This calculation is erroneous, as shown by the events of coal and electricity. The West has the levers to shift the costs to Ukraine by Russia. Of course, the pre-crisis level of life they provide, but also to fall to the level of uncontrollable chaos will not give. It is obvious that the blackmail was first, Crimea. Secondly, the blackout of Ukraine in General. And if in the Crimea, probably, the problem is solved – the issue price and some time. The blackout 40 million of the country in winter, with a dysfunctional government is indescribable suffering for a huge number of people. Even if not to take into account talking about humanity… It is a humanitarian catastrophe of such dimensions that its political consequences are very difficult to calculate. Moreover, the Kyiv authorities on his people in any case, don’t care, they are workers. And responsibility “international community” for what happened catastrophe to pass on to Russia. Oh and another definite bonus for those who play against the Russian people in Russia emotionally boil. Today social media is very visible. Preparing personnel for the Russian Maidan. There is no doubt that the blackmail Russia and man-made humanitarian disasters, with the aim of extorting money, will continue. And Russia to such blackmail would be very, very sensitive. The question can be solved only with a radical response to the junta, the elimination of the draft Anti-Russia. One hope that such blackmail faster will lead to an understanding of the inevitability of an active policy.

5 comentarii :

Riddick spunea...

"Pindostan" = SUA   http://ro.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pindostan

dugin compares strelkov to d’annunzio (Dughin îl compară pe Strelkov cu Gabriele d'Annunzio)


d'Annunzio a fost unul dintre promotorii iredentismului italian, curent care susţinea recuperarea teritoriilor locuite de italieni, în principal de la Austro-Ungaria, dar şi de la Franţa (Corsica, Haute Savoie, Nisa...). A fost în fruntea trupelor italiene care au intrat în Dalmaţia (Fiume), după încheierea primului război mondial.

Riddick spunea...

Eyewitness: D'Annunzio's Flight to Vienna, 9 August 1918

Gabriele D'Annunzio, poet, propagandist, and already a war hero, took command of Italy's First Air Torpedo Squadron in March 1918 and subsequently set up the San Marco Squadron that bombed Pola. He decided to wage psychological war on the Austrian public with a spectacular aviation feat. On his third attempt, D'Annunzio succeeded in leading a squadron of eight aircraft to Vienna and dropping 400,000 propaganda pamphlets written in Italian and German. The remarkable feat involved a 621-mile trip, twice crossing the Alps at 10,000 feet.


Propaganda flyer dropped during a flight over Vienna


Anonim spunea...

Am sesizat însă mentalitatea imperială. Fie rus, fie american, fie ungur megaloman, e bine să nu ne facem iluzii. Se dau repede de gol.

În altă ordine de idei, ai rezervată o invitație cu... prioritate pentru a scrie pe noul blog, să-i zic în continuare așa. Aruncă, dacă vrei, o privire: johannisstan.wordpress.com și, după plac, poate îl îmbogățești cu cîte un text.

Formatul rămîne, din toate punctele de vedere, deschis.

Are și adresă de e-mail: johannisstan@hotmail.com

Riddick spunea...

Da, pare inerentă la statele mari. La 1914 am avut politicieni (mai) responsabili care au impus neutralitatea, chit că aceiaşi ne-au băgat apoi în război încă nepregătiţi. Anencdotică: la momentul declanşării atacului germano-bulgaro-otoman împotriva "fortificaţiilor" de la Turtucaia, generalul român cu nume turco-grecesc (Aslan) care comanda acel sector era la Jockey Club, la Bucureşti, jucând cărţi.

Nu pot contribui, am trei bloguri ("şi jumate", cu Duda zilei) şi doar pe unul îl mai urnesc cât de cât (pe-ăsta), Ţăranul amar rar, iar NewsReload, e aproape-n parasire (aproape...).

M-a mai rugat zilele trecute cineva de la Cultura vieţii să preiau (!) eurosceptic.ro, dar, de asemenea, am declinat.

Văzusem Johannisstan"-ul, este un bun început.

Riddick spunea...

Pun la blogroll Johannisstan-ul. Poate mai apoi şi blogul celălalt (La Conu Mişu) - îl puneam mai demult dacă nu întâlneam anumite "divergenţe" cu linia mea.

Divergenţe ?! Să vezi divergenţe la arhiva mea de aici, de până prin ianuarie-februarie 2010, atunci când m-am întors contra lui Băsescu (făcusem greşeala să-l susţin doar comparându-l cu ceilalţi, niciodată pentru ceea ce era în mod real).

Citate din gândirea profundă a europeiştilor RO

Andrei Marga, 1995 ("Filosofia Unificării Europene"): "Identificările etnice ale românilor sunt în mare parte tradiţionale. Acestea caută să abată atenţia de la problemele concrete ale prezentului şi de la nevoia modernizării instituţionale spre abstracţiunile trecutului. Pentru mulţi intelectuali este limpede că naţionalismul, prin demagogia sa, generează stagnarea şi degradarea ce favorizează doar grupuri sociale incapabile să se adapteze lumii moderne. Intrarea în noua Europă, nu doar geografic, ci şi instituţional şi cultural presupune mai mult decât o alegere, presupune o schimbare a modului de gândire, de asumare, pe lângă devizele paneuropene, a unei abordări europene, o abordare disponibilă la compararea performanţelor, orientată spre modernizare şi având ca perspectivă unitatea europeană". 


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